Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1951, Page Three, Image 3

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    World News Capsules—
Minor Refinement' Acceptable;
Bargaining Over Area Rejected
Compiled by Theda Jack
(From the Wire* of Associated Press and United Pres*)
I he 1 fitted Nations truce negotiators were ready Monday
to consider “minor refinements" in their proposed Korean
cease-fire line but stood firm in rejecting Communist efforts
to bargain over the area.
Delegates said the minor changes would leave the way open
for restricted concessions but an official added :
"\\ e are not interested in trading real estate. We are working
for a military armistice and must havev militarily defcndablc
The U.N. rejected a Communist offer Monday to trade two
swampy peninsulas in western Korea for central and eastern
mountains captured by the Allies.
The rejection came during a "completely inconclusive" meeting of a
subcommittee set up by the U.N. and Red armistice teams to find a
mutually agreeable cease-fire line across Korea.
The U.N. has proposed a two-and-one-haif-mile-wide buffer zone
across Korea generally following the present battle line, but offered
to trade the Reds about 200 square miles of territory on the east
coast for a similar chunk of Communist-held land in the west, in
cluding Kaesong, site of the present Communist truce camp.
Chinese Communists rushed ...
... a fresh division into the Kumsong area Monday as United Nations
troops won a series of sharp engagements along the 70-milc Korean
A new Chinese division was shifted from eastern Korea to bolster
badly mauled Red troops around Kumsong. The location of the front
lines In the Kumsong areu is one of the points at issue in the cease
fire talks at Panmunjom.
Communist Jets apparently gave up, at least temporarily, their at
tempts to break Allied air superiority over North Korea. No air
battles had been reported up to mid-day Monday. The Reds lost 51
MIG-15 Jets destroyed or damaged in dogfights the previous eight days.
Winston Churchill will fight. . .
... to the last British tommy to hold the Suez Canal, if fight he must.
However, Churchill hopes for compromise and a sharing of responsi
bility for canal operation. The United States, France, middle eastern
nations and the members of the British commonwealth would comprise
the canal guardianship.
That would give Egypt a share in canal control but the Egyptians
have rejected the idea. It also would further commit the United States
to a prime point of British empire policy.
In the latest violence ...
... a woman was killed and a man wounded by British troops Sun
day night at a road block at Tel El Kebir, 30 miles west of Ismailia,
in the canal zone.
British military authorities blamed the incident on the failure of
Egyptian police to cooperate in maintaining road blocks in the area,
now controlled by British forces.
f-Kypt prepared Monday to set up a supreme war council and regis
ter all men between the ages of 18 and 50 for a mobilization draft as
violence again flared in the tense Suez Canal zone.
The government's universal military training ...
... planners said Monday they hope to start a six-months UMT pro
gram for 18-year-olds on a limited scale next summer.
Dr. Karl T. Compton, a member of the National Security Training
Commission, charged by congress with drawing up plans for UMT,
said the armed services have advised the commission about 60,000
young men can be spared from the draft at that time for training in
the new UMT program.
The object of the UMT program is to take all young men between
high school and college—or between high school and the start of a
career for six months’ training which is expected to fit them for sub
sequent reserve calls, if and when they are needed.
Police locked arms ...
. . . and held back an angry, yelling picket line at the Queen Eliza
beth's pier today while 150 “loyalist” longshoremen passed through.
It was the first major break in the 15-day-old walkout paralyzing the
nation's largest port.
The back-to-work stevedores were loyal to International Longshore
men’s Association (AFL) President Joseph Ryan, The pickets belonged
to dissident union faction.
Meanwhile, Governor Dewey ordered the New York state mediation
board to “undertake all possible efforts to end the New York City
dock strike.” Dewey added that it was “intolerable that the port of
New York should be paralyzed by an intra-union dispute.”
Few top celebrities will be ...
... missing from the all-star lineup that will greet Princess Eliza
beth and the Duke of Edinburgh when they arrive Wednesday for a
three-day visit in Washington, D.C.
The capital is prepared to give its royal visitors the blue ribbon
special in hospitality. A jam-packed schedule of glittering festivities
awaits Elizabeth and Philip from the moment President Truman meets
their plane at National Airport until he says goodbye at the White
House Friday afternoon.
Query Shows
Men Approve !
OSC Burning
By Sue Lichty
Women and rnen on campus dif
fer in their opinions concerning
the recent rash of painting, burn
ing, and wrecking which has been
done on the Oregon State campus
and which has been attributed to
Oregon students by some.
Men laughed it off. They seemed
to think that OSC deserved what
it got. According to the women,
the activities have been carried to
extremes and relations between the
two schools have been damaged.
Nancy Morse junior in liberal
art»—"Inexcusable! They showed
childish immaturity, and it was not
a question of school spirit. It cer
tainly in no way has helped any
good relations with Oregon State.”
Jim Barfield - freshman in busi
ness administration — "The only
thing we did to them was square
up on account for painting our O.”
Susan Bennett—freshman in lib
eral arts- “The burning of the
bonfire is part of a friendly com
petition, but other burnings and
wreckings were carried too far."
Dick Anderson — sophomore in
allied arts—“Why stop with the
bonfire? The school would have
made bigger flames!"
Kthel Beeves - freshman in pre
nursing — "Friendly rivalry be
tween the two schools should not
be carried to extremes.”
Hap Taylor—freshman in pre
law—"It was a lot of fun, but I
can't stand the hours."
Karla Van Loan -senior in psy
chology—"The situation is rather
humorous. However, the idea of ex
changing malice in regards to
property is inexcusable.”
Tom Harrison — freshman in
journalism—“It is a good idea as
long as they don't blow up the Old !
Ladies home or something like j
Summer Project
Discussions Set
Wilton Hartzler, college secre
tary for the American Society of
Friends Service committee, will
arrive on campus Wednesday to
confer with University officials
and faculty members about the
service committee's program for
summer projects for students.
Several Oregon students take
part in the projects every year.
The projects include institutional
service units, work camps and in
ternational service seminars.
Three years ago the committee
sponsored a seminar at Northwest
Christian College, and students
came from all over the world to
discuss economic and social prob
lems, according to Jack Memer,
excutive secretary for the YMCA,
who is handling the details of
Hartzler's visit.
Any student who is interested in I
talking to Hartzler may contact \
Merner in the YMCA offices some
time today, Merner said.
— ■
Confusion Caused by Misunderstanding
Of U. of 0. Social Events Requirements
Misunderstanding of university
requirements concerning social
events has caused much confusion
in the office of student affairs,
Mrs. E. Ft. Jacobs, counselor for
women, said Friday.
Whenever women are in men's
houses there must be an accept
able chaperone present. An accept
able chaperone is either a faeulty
married couple or a housemother.
All social events must be listed in
the office of student affairs by 5
p.m. Monday of the week of the
event. All social chairmen are re
quired to register the names of
their chaperones or the event may
not take place.
If a dance is scheduled, a $5 fee
must also be paid and a petition
must be filed. No fee or petition is
necessary for desserts or dinners.
Student Trainee
Program Offered
Civil Service announces a stu
dent aid trainee exam for sopho
mores and Juniors, to be given Dec.
4, Karl W. Onthank, scholarship
chairman, announced.
The training program offers spe
cial training, both during school
vacation and part time jobs, for
students interested in chemistry,
physics, mathematics, metallurgy’
and engineering.
Eligibilitiy for these positions is
restricted to students who com
plete the required amount of edu
cation by June 30, 1952, and who
intend to return to school to con
tinue their training.
More detailed information may
be obtained in the office of gradu
ate placement, Emerald Hall.
To Hear Wattles
In Lecture Today
Freshman air force ROTC stu
dents will hear M. D. Wattles,
assistant professor of economics,
discuss “Geographic and Political
Factors of International Economic
Relations” at 1 p.m. today in the
Dad’s Lounge of the Student
Wattles’ talk is being presented
in conjunction with the freshman
air force ROTC course in world
political geography.
UO-WSC Movie Set
Movies of the Oregon-WSC
game of last weekend will be
shown Tuesday evening at 6:30 in
the Student Union. Gene Harlow,
line coach, will narrate the film.
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