Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1951, Image 1

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    OREGON’S 75th YEAR
w daily
Fifty-first year of Publication
ASUO Cabinet Discusses
Honor System, 1951 Budget
Following report* by athletic,
nodal an<l publicity chairmen, the
A8UO cabinet discussed the Hallo
ween Dance, the budget, all-Ore
gon day. a California party, and
the honor system were discussed
Smith and MrCalltim Dinner t
Cabinet members, including Ath
letic Chairman Jack Smith and
Public Relation* Chairman Stew
art McCollum, thought_^an honor
system would not work. They cited
, a different academic atmosphere
* et college* where auch a Hy*tcm
Was u*ed.
President Bill Carey, who listcn
* ed to discussion both for and
again*t an honor *y*tem, indicated
he would appoint a committee to
investigate A proposal to that ef
fect was made in Senate meeting
last week.
"We shouldn't nay this won't
work until we try," Carey said.
"Any step in the right direction is
Publicity director McCallum pro
posed an "all-Oregon day” for the
campus. The idea, he said, was to
send students from the university
to take over city and county gov
ernment and business establish
ments In Eugene. He Indicated the
plan had the approval of business
men he had contacted.
Carey reported the budget re
quest letter, read and approved in
last week's Senate meeting. lj,ad
been returned to him for "rephras
ing”. He said a new letter would
contain itemized accounts of
money requested.
CaJ-Oregnn Party Discussed
A party of Oregon students at
the California game, perhaps a
Homecoming Queen
Candidates Chosen
First wave of nominations for
the 1951 Homecoming queen were
received Monday night, according
to Neil Chase. Homecoming queen
selection committee chairman. The 1
complete list of names will not be
available until Tuesday at 5 p.m. 4
Living organizations which did j
not turn in names Monday night
may do so today from 1 to 5 p.m. 1
in 303 Student Union (extension i
3971, Chase said.
The title of Homecoming queen
is a change from the traditional
term "hostess". This year women's
living organizations selected can
didates from their respective
British Columbia
College Prexy
To Speak Here
N. A. M. MacKenzie, president
of the University of British Colum
bia, vyjll be a guest of the Univer
sity of Oregon during the 75th an
niversary celebration this week.
President MacKenzie will ad
dreas an assembly for students,
faculty members and guests at
10:00 a.m. Friday. Classes will be
dismissed for the address which is
entitled “The Contributions of So
cial Sciences to our Contemporary
Born in Pugawash, Nova Scotia
in 1894, President MacKenzie re
ceived his education at Pictou
Academy, Dalhousie University,
Hai-vard, St. John College (Cam
bridge) and Gray’s Inn (London).
He entered the education field
in 1927 at Toronto University,
where he was associate professor
of law from 1927 to 1933. In 1933
he became professor of public and
private international law at Tor
onto University and served in that
caapcity until 1940.
He was elected president of the
University of New Brunswick in
1940 where he remained until his
appointment as president of the
University of British Columbia in
His long list of public services
includes vice president of the Na
tional Council of Canadian Y.M.
C.A.’s, advisory committee on uni
versity training for veterans, and
-•member of the Royal Commission
on National Development in the
Arts, Letters and Sciences.
groups, ami men's houses and halls
picked candidates from the camp
us at large. Previously only women
selected nominees.
♦ ♦ ♦
Button Sales Petitions
Deadline for turning in petitions
for Homecoming button sale chair
manships is 4 p.m. today, Bob
Metz,- Homecoming finance chair
man, announced. Petitions should
be- turned into room 303, Student
Chairmanships for the campus,
public school, and downtown sales
are available, Metz said. The sales
campaign in Eugene schools will
be handled through school officials
and high school service clubs.
Promotion Committee
Members of the Homecofning
promotion committee have been
They are:
Joan Walker, chairman; Barbara
Swanson, assistant chairman:
Mary Waddel, flying speeches
men's houses; Jackie Steuart and
Carol Wenner, flying speeches
Jane Slocum and Jean Maur, co
chairmen—posters; Mary Jo Carl
son and Ray Wrigglesworth, signs;
Janet Bell, window display; Billie
Harnden, Eugene promotion; Sally
Haseltine, contact; Bud Elliot,
Gerry Pearson, and Walt Staub,
stunt promotion; Norma Heyser,
alumni pamphlets chairman; and
Diane David, alumni pamphlets as
sistant chairman.
Eugene Police
Seek Burglar
Two visiting students. Dudley
Roberts from Linfield and John M.
Shea from Oregon Technical Insti
tute, were robbed of an estimated
$150 worth of clothing early last
Friday evening.
The two had their car parked in
front of Phi Sigma Kappa house
between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. while
they were inside having dinner.
When they returned to unlock the
car, they discovered the clothing
had been stolen.
Eugene police were investigating
the larceny but reported Monday
night that nothing had been found.
Joint Cal-Orcgon rally and mixer,
was enthusiastically discussed.
Carey said he and McCailum would
contact California student leaders.
The affair would probably take
place Friday night in Berkeley.
Reports of the social and athletic
chairmen will be repeated in the
Renate meeting Nov. 8. The two
chairmen will also submit pro
posals to redefine their duties, j
Carey said, which will entail '
amendment of the constitution by j
laws. j
Board Interviews!
Lone Petitioner
A joint Student Union board- j
ASUO Senate committee inter- !
viewed Gretchen Grondahi, sole i
petitioner from the school of jour- !
nalism, for the vacant senior posi
tion on the board Monday night,
but announcement of the decision |
acceptance or rejection will
have to come from University !
President H. K Newburn. accord
ing to the SU perpetuation plan.
Miss Grondahl's petition was rc
i reived by the board after that
| group, failing to receive applicant.*
j from the journalism school and the
school of health and physical edu
cation for the two senior positions
open, asked the dears of those two
schools to recommend qualified
The petition of Miss Grondahi
was the only one received from
cither school, since four men rec
ommended by Ralph Leighton,
dean of the school of health and
physical education, wore unable to
petition because of participation in
varsity sports.
The board decided last week to
conduct a study of problems con
cerning selecting board members.
Sock Dance Set
To Follow Party
Children’s Halloween parties, followed by an all-camp
dance from 10 p.m. to midnight, may 'tart a new tradition at
f Oregon \\ ednesday night. 'I he party, to be held for more than
2.000 children, is likely the biggest "trick-or-treat” night in the.
University’s history.
(.losing hours have been set at 12:30 a.m. for the evening.
Present at the Mac Court party and dance will be representa
iivc-H irom me ttregoman, ine Jour-1
nal and the Register-Guard. Movie
equipment from_ the “This js Eu
gene" group, currently shooting on
the campus for Republic Studios,
will also be present.
Sponsored by Greek Group
Both dance and children's par
ties are sponsored by the fraterni
ties and sororities on the campus.
The idea grew from a Halloween
party given last year by Alpha Phi
and Sigma Nu.
The evening will get under way
at 7 when the children arrive for
their first parties. Fraternities di
vided into sections of three each
are Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tau
Delta, and Theta Chi; Tau Kappa
Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, and
Phi Delta Theta; Pi Kappa Alpha,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Phi
Gamma Delta; and Sigma Chi,
Acts for the fraternity-soror
ity Halloween party are needed,
Gerry Pearson, campus enter
tainment board chairman, an
Interested entertainers may
contact Miss Pearson at Kappa
Alpha Theta.
Delta Upsilon, and Sigma Phi Ep
silon. Respective party times for
the children at those houses arc
7:40, 8:20, and 8:50 p.m.
One Group of Four Houses
One group of four houses Beta
Theta Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma
Nu, and Kappa Sigma has been
formed because of short walking
distances for the youngsters. Rota
tion times for them are 7:30, 8,
8:30, and 8:50.
At 8:50 children will return to
starting house in their group, and
will be escorted to McArthur
Court. There finals for apple bob
bing and dunking, pin-the-tail-on
Lhe-donkey, ar.d costume contests
will be held.
Costume judges are University
President H. K. Newburn. Mrs.
Leonard Casanova, wife of the
football coach. Basketball Coach
Bill Borcher, and Eugene's Mayor
V. Edwin Johnson. Kwama and
Skull and Dagger will handle the
other contests.
Entertainment for the children
will include a Ragedy Ann ar.d
Andy number, monologues, tram
poline acts, a German band, magie
shows, and singing.
Parents to Claim Kids
At JO p.m. the parents will
,lined up by the Order of "O to
claim their youngsters. Mother :+»
and fathers are invited to view alte
the proceedings, according to StJ.
McCollom, promotion chairman.
Following the claiming of off
springs the mats on the basketbatte
floor will be rolled away and a
stocking dance will begin. EacV
fraternity and sorority will place
its shoes in a box, which it write,
provide. A judging committee, the
ASUO cabrnet, will decide on tb'**
basis of number of shoes present
which groups have the biggest a^'h
smallest attendance.
Two Winners to Get Prizes
The two winners, one fraternity
and one sorority, will be awardci*
prizes by President Bill Carey. Tb<?
four with the lowest membership
present will be designated th“
clean-up committee.
Regular Classes
Changed to Effect
Today's Schedule
All classes which regulariy
meet at 10 a.m. Friday w ill meet
| at 1 p.m. today.
The time-day change is for the
purpose of clearing the Friday
morning hour for a speech by N.
A. M. McKenzie, president of
the Fniversify of British Colum
bia, part of the 75th anniversary
Friday afternoon classes will
be camelled to enable students
and -University staff members to
attend the convocation celebrat
ing Oregon’s 75th anniversary,
•lames B. Conant, president of
Harvard University, will speak
at the convocation.
University workers employed
under civil service may be ex
cused from their duties if they
desire, and the Student Union
and library will be closed at 1:30
IFC Votes to Support Homecoming,
Noise Parade Receives Criticisms
Inter-Fraternity Council decided
last week to support the proposed
abbreviated Homecoming schedule,
except a full-scale noise parade.
This decision followed a talk by
Homecoming Chairman Francis
A "snowball rally" was suggest
ed in place of the usual type noise
parade, including the traditional
i event without the time-consuming
inter-house competition. A com
petitive parade was criticized as
"requiring considerable organiza
tion for a successful result" con
! sidering that homecoming immodi
I ately follows Thanksgiving this
Miss Gilmore scented to favor
the suggestion, observing it would
"get the week-end off to a big
start." Other ideas for an abbrevi
ated parade this year included
using dishpans and similar objects
for noise instead of compressors,
eliminating the bonfire rally on
I Friday night, and eliminating the
noise parade completely.
Hand Vote Taken
' When a hand vote was taken to
determine how many fraternity
i houses were expecting most of
their members back before the
[ vacation is over, only a few presi
j dents voted in the affirmative. Rut
I one president observed that his
! fraternity brothers would all be
1 back on the campus by Friday
noon; others cited Thanksgiving
vacation as destroying homecom
ing interest this year.
An amendment to the IFC con
stitution which would raise the
grade requiremnt for fraternity
initiation was read aloud and will
be voted upon in the next meeting.
It stated that a man must have an
accumulative 2. GPA in addition to
the new-required 2. of the preced
ing term before he is eligible for
fraternity initiation.
Hallowen Parly Work Progressing
Work on the Halloween Party,
to be sponsored by the fraternities
and sororities was reported pro
gressing rapidly. To protect the
fraternity houses from vandalism
during the McArthur Court dance,
it was decided to erect a series of
road blocks.
President Dick McLaughlin re
vealed the Oregon State IFC presi
dent had recently called him t"o
solicit the support of Oregon's fra
ternities in fighting the installa
tion of pay telephones. The Ore
gon group went on record as op
posing pay telephones, but didn't
promise to actively enter the fight
for two reasons. ,
First, since pay phones have al
ready been installed cn this camp
us, the expense in removing them
would run very high, IFC said.
Second, two members stated that
the official Public Utilities Com
mission ruling specifics that any
residence containing over 12 resi
dents must have pay telephones,
and Director of Men's Affairs Ray
Hawk verified the assertion.
■IIFt' Brings Problem
A representative from the JIFO
presented his group's problem
trying to justify existence. He
pointed out that the JIFC, though
not active in the immediate past,
could "handle small jobs for the
IFC" such as cleaning up tho
Several suggestions were mad®
for projects for the group, such a-*
sponsoring a pledge dance, co
ordinating pledges, working with,
the Red Cross, and generally build
ing good will for the Oregon fra
, ternities.
Motion to Back JIFC
A motion for IFC to back ar>+
give advisory help to JIFC wa«*
tabled until a committee conlcfc
look into possible additional activ
ties for the group.
Since there is already a trophy
in circulation for the fraternity
having the highest GPA. it was de
cided that the new Sigma Chi
scholarship trophy would be
awarded to the house presenting
the best improvement over the
past year's grades.
A committee of three house
presidents was appointed to "an
ticipate th« problems, dates, etc.,
i of the coming rush season.'’