Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1951, Image 1

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    Weather . . .
. . . will bo fo{ tbl» morning, be
coming fair this afternoon and
partly cloudy Tiu-Mlay. High ex
pected today 88 degree*, low to
night, 38 degree*. Low luxt night
wa* 84 degree*.
w Daily
Fifly- first year of Publication
Masters Degree...
... In three year* I* being carnc<Je
by Bill Lee* ... for how he Ao>-\
It ace page 7.
Body Identified
As Portland Man,
Francis Gutchow
University authorities spent a
troubled half-day Saturday at
tempting to identify a body sus
pected to be that of an Oregon
The youth, who died in Fugenc
Saturday morning after being
found on Highway 68 five miles
west of Oakridge at 4 :30 a.m., was
identified late Saturday night as
Francis Gutchow, 2322 N. Ross at.,
Portland. His sister, Monica Gut
chow, is a senior in health and
physical education here.
Gutchow was an employee of the
Hines Lumber Co. in Wostfir. He
was identified by friends and ac
quaintances from the area.
Wore Oregon-type Jacket
Springfield police notified Ray
Hawk, director of men’s affairs, of
discovery of the body. They re
ported it was neatly clothed ami
wearing a green and yelow jacket
of the type worn by Oregon stu
dents. A physical description was
No identification was found, po
lice stated, and labels had been re
moved from clothing. The only clue
was a pocket watch containing the
name plate of a Portland Jeweler.
An immediate check with all
fraternities was made by Hawk.
"The lack of personal identification
and the type of clothing described
to me suggested the possibility of
a senior ride," Hawk said. The fra
ternities reported none of their
members were missing.
Men View Body
Fraternity men. dormitory coun
selors, and administrators viewed
the body Saturday afternoon in
Springfield but were unable to
Identify it as a University student.
Identification followed later in the
Lane County Coroner Fred Buell
said that an investigation to de
termine whether the youth wan the
victim of a hit-run driver or of foul
play, is being carried on. The cor
oner estimated his age at between
19 and 24.
Autopsy revealed that Gutchow
died of a brain injury, not a skull
fracture as was first believed. He
was discovered by two drivers of
a Los Angeles-Seattle motor ex
press as he lay in the middle of
the road. He died in Sacred Heart
Hospital about 6:30 a.m.
Oregana Sales
Will Continue
Until November
The Ore^»na late sales cam
paign will continue through
Monday, Nov. 6, It hM been an
nounced by Chuck Isaak, Ore
gana business manager.
"This Mill lie the I ant chance
to Kct 1952 books," Itittak said,
“unless students Halt until the
»prlnj distribution and take a
chance on obtaining an annual."
Ycarbookii Mill lie nold in liv
ing organization!! by house rep
resentatives under the supervi
sion of District Kepresentatl\en
Mary Ann Moore, Kay Wriggles
Mortli and Bohettc Gilmore.
Free Oregunas Mill be given to
the top salesmen and to any liv
ing group which has 95 per cent
participation In yearbook pur
2 a.m. Closing Time
Given Nov. 23, 24
Special 2 a.m. closing hours have
been grunted women for the nights
of Nov. 22 and 23, Thursday and
Friday of Thanksgiving, it has
been announced by the office of
student affairs.
Decision to giant the special
closing hours for those nights was
made Friday by a student affairs
subcommittee, composed of Donald
DuShane, director of student af
fairs: Gnlda Wickham, director of
women’s affairs; and Ray Hawk,
director of men's affairs.
Alumnus Donates
Scholarship Cup
An award for the fraternity
maintaining the highest scholar
ship standing for the year has been
donated to the University by John
MacGregor, alumnus of 1923 and
former Oregon student body presi
The MacGregor award will be
given first to F’hf Delta Theta for
grade standing last year. The
award will rotate until it is re
tired by the house which wins it
three times.
A similar scholarship cup, the
Dahlberg award, was retired last
year by Tau Kappa Epsilon.
MacGregor was one of the stu
dents who began the drive for a
•student union building at Oregon
He has been national president of
Alpha Tau Omega and is now an
attorney in New York city.
Tribe, Hankinson Winners
At Sophomore Whiskerina
A1 Donahue and his orchestra
played to an estimated 650 couples i
Saturday night at the annual'
Sophomore Whiskerino held in the
Student Union ballroom.
Cathy Tribe, Alpha Phi, and
Marty Hankinson, Alpha Tau
Omega, were announced as Ore
gon's 1951 Betty Coed and Joe
College winners following voting
at the dance.
Roger Klahn. Sigma Phi Epsi
lon, was declared winner of the
beard-growing contest on the basis
of audience applause.
Pep Band OK'ed
By Committee
Decision to form an all-student
pep band to perform at rallies was
made by a special music planning
committee meeting Thursday.
Members of the University band
will form the nucleus of the pep
band, the committee decided, but
all interested students who can
play an instrument are urged to
leave their name, phone number
and type of instrument they play
in room 309 of the Student Union,
the rally board office. If no one
there, they are to slip the infor
mation under the door on a piece
of paper.
The committee was composed of
Rill Carey. ASUO president: Ray
Hawk, director of men's affairs;
Howard Lemons, athletic business
manager: Theodore Kratt, head of
the music department; Robert
Vagner, associate professor of mu
sic; Col. E. L. Bruns, head of the
military and air science depart
ment: and Ron Symons, rally
board chairman.
Their discussion centered around
the problem of a band for rallies.
It was agreed that it was too hard
for the regular band to play for
such affairs and so the pep band
was decided upon.
According to Symons, the band
will be on a strictly volunteer
basis. A list of available players
will be made and they will be
called on before each rally. The j
emphasis will be on spirit, instead
of perfection in performance, Sym
ons said.
Persons interested in the pep
rally band are requested by the
lally board to leave their name,
address ar.d type of instrument
played at room 309 Student Union
or notify Bob Glasson. band chair
man. at 5-9120 or 5-9521.
'Amazing Objects in Returned Books'
Says University Library Assistant
By Donna IJndbeek
“It's amazing the things we find
in returned books,” says Dorothy
Itandall, library assistant at the
circulation desk of the University
“Recently a woman, who was a
town patron, called early in the
morning to report the loss of a five
dollar bill. The money and some
books she was returning to the
library were lying on her desk.
After she returned the books, she
noticed that the money was gone.
We looked through the books and
found the bill,” Miss Randall re
On another occasion, Miss Ran
dall found several note cards in a
book being returned by a graduate
student. Later when she saw the
boy she asked him if he had missed
[ the cards. Indeed he had, he was
looking everywhere for them, since
they were necessary for his work.
letter Found
One student reported that he
had lost a letter containing a check
made out to his insurance com
pany. After a sthort search through
the books he had returned earlier,
the letter was found.
Citing the above instances, Miss
Randall cautioned students to leaf
through a book before returning it.
Student body cards, checks, small
bills, letters, and valuable papers
are frequently left in books. An
effort is made to look through each
book before it is returned to the
shelves, but due to the large
amount of books handled at the
circulation desk, this is not always
1 possible.
Every effort is made to return
such objects to their rightful own
ers. If the letters that are found
are stamped they are mailed. If !
they have a return address on the ;
outside, but no stamp they are rc- i
turned to their owners.
Unapproved Objects I'sed
Various unapproved objects are
used as bookmarks. Miss Randall
laughed as she said, "Sometimes
I think the students use bacon
rinds for bookmarks. Actually we
find pencils, matches, toothpicks,
gum and cigarettes."
"It's always a good practice to
write your name in your own
books," Miss Randall advises stu
dents. "Often personal copies of
books are returned to the circula
tion desk with no name in them.”
Theme for the dance was “Ra
zor Rollick. ” The ballroom was
decorated with barber poles, pic
tures of animated razors, shaving
mugs and shaving brushes.
During intermission Skull and
Dagger, sophomore men's honor
ary, tapped Karl Harshbargcr,
speech major, for membership.
Phi Kta Sigma, freshman men's
scholastic honorary, presented a
plaque to Ron Lowell, sophomore
in liberal arts, for outstanding
grades achieved during his fresh
man year.
Intermission entertainment was
provided by musical numbers pre
sented by a group consisting of
Larry Smith. Bud Oringdolp, Hack
Sharer and Nancy Byran. "Car
toon Sketches," an illustrated
monologue, was delivered by Karl
Miss Tribe received an individual
trophy and a trophy for her living
| organization in addition to a cash-,
i mere sweater from Kaufman's.
| Hankinson was given the two tro-.
' phies end a sport shirt from Fen
Klahn was presented with a tro
phy and a free shave by Charlie
Elliot of Elliot's campus ba.rber
Finalists in the Betty Coed-Joe
College contest in addition to Miss*
Tribe and Hankinson were Shirley
Olson, John Ackers, Sue Madsen,
Libby Briscoe, Mary Louise John
son, Don Almy, Clyde Diller, Kail
Harsh barger and Don Parr.
Beard-growing finalists were
Bob Scott, George Estey, Jack
Sharer, Dick Lozo and Jerry
Freidman. Applause for the con
test was judged by Bob Brittain,
president of the sophomore clas:*
and master of ceremonies for the
j evening, Joanne Abel, Bob White
and Sunny Allen.
Delegates Represent
Nation's Universities
At 75th Anniversary
Colleges and uni v e r s i t i e s
throughout the nation are sending
representatives to the University
of Oregon campus this weekend to
participate in a celebration of the
university's 75th anniversary year.
Three prominent speakers will
be brought to the campus for the
two-day event Thursday and Fri
day. They are President James B.
Conant of Harvard university;
President X. A. M. MacKenzie of
the University of British Colum
bia; and Clarence Faust of the
Ford Foundation and Stanford uni
More than 150 delegates have
been designated by institutions of
higher learning to attend the dia
mond anniversary celebration, and
r.re expected to arrive in Eugene
Thursday afternoon.
Response to Celebration ‘Good’
Response to anniversary celebra
tion has been very good. L. M. Nel
son, director of public services,
said. "Seventy-five delegates was
the most we dared hope could at
tend, so we are very pleased that
150 have indicated they can be
present," Nelson stated. He said
cooperation of student organiza
tions in planning and staging the
celebration has been gratifying.
Delegates will register from 3 to
5 p.m. Thursday in the Dad's room
of Erb Memorial Union. Mortar
Board, senior women's honorary,
will assist the delegates in regis
A concert by the University
Symphony orchestra Thursday at
8 p.m. in McArthur Court will be
gin the series of special events.
Edmund Cykler will direct the or
chestra in Brahms' Symphony No.
2, and Exine Anderson, soprano,
and George Hopkins, pianist, will
be featured soloists. Miss Ander
son is the holder of a Metropolitan
Opera Award.
MacKenzie Speaks Friday
"The Contribution of Social Sci
ences to our Contemporary So
ciety” will be the topic of an ad
dress by MacKenzie at 10 a.m. Fri
day’ at an assembly for students,
faculty members and guests. H. K.
Ncwburn, University president,
will introduce MacKenzie.
Delegates will be guests of Uni
versity departments at a luncheon
Friday noon in the Student Union
and, with faculty members, will
' assemble for the convocation pro
cessional at 1:15 p.m. in Vi 11ai >!
The academic procession will
march from Villard to University
st. and then south on University
st. to McArthur Court, where it
will enter court to music played
by the University concei t band, di
rected by Ira D. Lee.
The Rev. George Herbert Swift,
rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
church in Salem, will give the in
vention, after which greetings
and messages of congratulation
will be delivered.
Paul L. Patterson, president of
the Oregon state senate, will ex
tend congratulations to the Uni
versity on behalf of the state of
Oregon; R. Kleinsorge, vice-presi
dent of the state board of higher
education, will give greetings from
the bciard; colleges of Oregon will
be represented by President Mor
(Please turn to page eight)
Tickets Offered
For Best Entries
In Slogan Race
The Homecoming slogan con
test will begin Tuesday, according
to Joan Cartozian and Norma
Hultgren. slogan conrtnittee co
Boxes for entries will be placed,
in the Co-op at the right of the
main entrance and in the lobby
of the Student Union. They also
may be turned in at Room 303 of
the Student Union.
Each entry should include, in ad
dition to the slogan, the name, ad
dress and phone number of tho
contestant. Winner of the contest
will receive two free Homecoming
dance tickets. The contest is lim
ited to students of the University,
but there is no limit on the num
ber of slogans each student may
Slogans will be accepted through
Tuesday, Nov. 6. Interested stu
dents may use ideas based upon
the University's 75th anniversary,
but this is not a requirement.