I/O Chemistry Department Announces Grants The following research grants have been announced by the chemistfy department for the current year: Robert B. Dean, assistant professor, appointed—Ph. D. 1938, Univer sity of Cambridge (England). Previous experience: research associ ate, Stanford University; assistant professor, University of Hawaii. Research grant from National Institute of Health. Dean is directing a research project supported by the Public Health Service to study the behavior of anesthetic gases on surface films. For some years one theory of anesthetic has held that these materials act by being absorbed on nerve membranes. This study will make use of special techniques developed by Dr. Dean and his students to measure the absorption of vapors on surface films of fatty materials and proteins. Surface Films Studied The University of Oregon is perhaps the only University in the coun try where surface films are being actively studied. As a result student assistants have been recruited from distant parts of the world to work on this problem. The first one came from China and there are r.ow two Englishmen working here who came from the laboratory of N. K. Adam in Southampton. Professor Adam is considered to be a world authority on the Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces. In parrallel study Bradley T. Scheer will investigate the conduc tance of nerve impulses in the presence of the same anesthetic vapors. They hope that results on surface films and on nerve can be corre lated leading a better understanding of the nature of anesthetic and nerve conduction. V. R. Gaertner, assistant professor, appointed 1949—Ph. D. 1949, University of Illinois. Previous experience: post-doctoral fellow, Ohio State University; research grant from Research Corporation. New Tetracyclic Structure Grant by Research Corporation: With the assistance of C. W. "Xoung, a study entitled "Synthesis of Fused Strained Aromatic Hyro carbons” is being made. The objective is the preparation of com pounds containing a new tetracyclic structure, partially or competely aromatic, of theoretical interest. Grant by the Graduate School: A new class of organometallie rea gents. which undergo extensive rearrangements under mild conditions, is being investigated. The results appear to bear upon. the intimate structural nature of the attached heteroaromatic nuclei. F. J. Reithel, associate professor, appointed 1946—Ph. D. 1942, University of Oregon Medical School. Previous experience: Lalor fellowship, St. Louis University; instructor, St. Louis University; instructor, Washington University School of Medicine; and research fellow, California Institute of Technology. Research grants from ONR and National Institute of Health. Study Of Gland Biochemistry of the mammary gland: A study of the synthetic and metabolic activities of lactating mammary gland. Of chief intrest is the exact mechanism involved in the synthesis of lactose or milk sugar. Other aspects of mammary metabolism are being studied to provide information for those interested in the problem of breast cancer. Various portions of this problem are being studied with recent ad vanced techniques such as enzyme assays, radioactive tracers, chro matography, and differential centrifugation. This project is now in its fourth year and has been supported by the Office of Naval Research. Synthetic biochemical mechanisms: To be undertaken by Dr. M. C. Horowitz working on a postdoctoral research fellowship awarded by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis under supervision of Dr. F. J. Reithel. Sugar Phosphate Separation Chromatographic separation of sugar phosphates: An attempt will be made to develop new techniques for sepaarting and analyzing im portant constituents of tissues. This is an attempt to furnish an an alytical tool for use in studying carbohydrate metabolism. Supported by grant from Graduate Council, University of Oregon. Study of the intestinal enzyme lactase: The intestinal enzyme involved in the digestion of milk sugar has been isolated during a study under written by the U. S. Public Health Service. Further studies of this en zyme are contemplated. D. F. Swinehart, assistant professor, appointed 1946—Ph.D. 1943, Ohio State University. Previous experience: research chemist, Eastman Kodak Company; research, Atomic Energy Commission, Los Alamos. Research grant from A.E.C. Solution Chemistry Problems For several years Swinehart has been engaged in a series of research problems dealing with solution chemistry, specifically in the thermo dynamics of dilute electrolytic solutions. Some of these were financed with funds from the Research Council of the University of Oregon in amounts of several hundred dollars per year. Two of the problems were supported by a grant of $1800 from the Research Corporation (New York) as indicated in the description. Part of the work was done by Swinehart personally. Part has been done by graduate students under his direction. Pierre Van Rysselberghe, professor, appointed 1941—Engineer, Uni versity of Brussels, 1927; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1929. Previous experience: instructor, Stanford University. Van Rysselberghe is now on sabbatical leave with Fulbright Fellow ship in Milan, Italy. Research grant from Office of Naval Reserve. UO Placement Service, Federal Council Co-Sponsor Conference An informal conference on uni versity level occupations in the fcd*>al service in the Pacific Northwest will be held Thursday. Sponsors arc the Federal Person nel council of Portland and the uni versity's graduate placement serv ice with the help of teaching de partments. Sessions will be open to persons from 18 to 35 years of age who have graduated or expect to gradu ate from college by June. Faculty members have also been invited. Speakers from outside the uni versity will include J. Lyle Cun ningham, assistant regional direc tor of the Bureau of Reclamation; Ben Hundley, president of the Portland Federal Council; F. S. I Creager, assistant chief of the re gional personnel management di vision of soil conservation service. Joseph J. Pachot, Bonneville j Power administration; R. C. Fury, Soil Conservation Service; Sam Hutchinson, Fish and Wild Life service; Robert Hooper, Atomic Energy commission from Hanford. Wash.; Frank Cole. Corps of Engi neers. Mrs. Dolores Y. Miller, Corps of Engineers; Miss Ruth Carr, BPA; Roscoe Day, BPA; J. Lyle Cun ningham, Bureau of Reclamation; Bernard Goldhammer, BPA; Ar thur Atkisson, BPA, nnd Dr. Wil liam K. Van Deraell, Soil Conserve* tion service. Further information concerning the conference may be obtained by contacting the teacher placement office. Oct. II, 11)11—I'rcH. Willing* J Howard TafI nililrcNHCN I nlvcrJ alty of Oregon ntudciitM from hlifl private railway car. Veil Ia-adcM "Hindicr” Itrown greet* him with! fumed “0*key Wow Wow." Sophomore* challenge freah incn to u foothul game Saturday ut Klnrnld field. Grover Cleveland wim born In Caldwell, N, J„ Mnrch 18. 1837, and died In Princeton, N. J., June 24, 1908. Look out-here comes 3 shortstop! Each year many children ara killed became they thought lessly follow bouncing ball* into streets. So watch out for a bouncing ball —a young shortstop may be racing after it. Slow down near schools, playgrounds, and in residen tial area*. Be careful—Ih* child you »av# may ba your own! S^ooiorvd In tho inf«r«it of child lofotf Vy Oregon daily d&EMERAl.D fAked.. “Oil Progress? Should that mean something to me?” The oil companies of America are now observing Oil Progress Week. Some people outside the industry have asked, “Oil Progress? Should that mean some thing to mel” The answer is “Yes, indeed!”—for oil progress directly affects the lives of all Americana, and the rest of the civilized world as well. One indication of the strides the industry has made is a count of its products. Fifty years ago, we were getting only about a dozen different products out of crude oil. Now Standard produces more than 1100. What we ourselves produce, plus what’s made with the help of products we provide, adds up to a seemingly endless list of things that make your life better. ''/ '-'■''-::■' •■■A' natural gac ■ >-?rf ruu'j i c. a ah ci o©r>< tihid Your car can be “like new" longer with a motor oil developed by Standard’s scientists using atomic energy. It cuts engine wear as much as one-half, com pared with conventional oils. storm oil absorption oil aiiiera' concrete pip* form oil soap wrsipf runt preventative dyr.&mito Stic* automobile aaablng aoapoawt* p4i>t marine insect spray ' surface coat}: . textile din caulking compound* | part tog fmpli ground rubber boat* j aviation gasoline- heavy duty fool araysme 11 gua/tea pa* rot sum gas I '■r "ttftiKt eojfev'*' ' 10e **i;h ins' j a 0*0tar machine oil ■'floor carbon paper roof coating it cloawcrfl paraffin wax My latfPWOnt oil wood prenervatV^ roleum .lolly watd'rprpef canva or oil cold cream leu ere cprayo j^u/n wrappers paper oJT adhoaivo tape naptha 'ftc ; aluminum ttobaotoo coating photograph i n fi lm a up \r\ la n ,•' ■*—water sf % Your cleaning cHor£<> are easier thanks to today's new detergents. Standard pio neered their development, nciw~ supplies a large por tion of the nation's "needs. ■ax . plaatic ami&i printing nX*. ■tataritantx lythnr til ejgg-oll noma ijiwno Your country's military strength is increased by jet f fighters. Standard developed £ the first jet fuels used by the ‘ U. S. Our fuel progress contin ues with today's super-jets. L ... on kx n c 4U .«£• mill and roller grotten woolena waterproofing oeeipound oil t-.A fire fighting equipment aoape pyestuffa .gas colorants onto polish hsformere irfigstlpn aitoh lining ; fluid button cartons valve oil feticides fluuhlsg nil gear oil p nleanor dehydrated .food puo.imv.ao irtor otl paper. h&Vtle topo foil. i The growth of the industry over the years has meant the development of thousands of oil com panies, large and small. All are needed—to serve you better, and keep the nation strong. As the 'i industry progresses, the gain is yours... for your J progress and oil progress go hand in hand. \ I UIJ progress week...October 14 to 20 STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA • plans ahead to serve you better