Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 11, 1951, Page Seven, Image 7

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    r ,
Flare your ad nt tlio Student
■ Union, main dr«k or nt the
Hlmrk, In prnMin or phono ext.
k 2 111, hot wren 2 end 1 pm
Monday Wt tjr,
Itaton: Plrat I ear "Ten Jr. per
word; nubet j nt loacrtlons 2o
per word.
LFOR SALE 1937 Chryaler Imprr
\ ial, with ''17 motor, good trann
ml.HHion. |M5. Phono 4-3557. 18
t'OR SALE '37 Pontiac foi $100.
Good motor, pffonc 4-1892. 18
n ______
ROOM * BOARD For men: 234
► Eu«t 11th. Phone 5-9800. 18
TUTOR French language; call
and arrange iioura: evrnlngx pre
ferred. Phone 4-4481. Paulette I
• Beal, 1351 Tyler. 19
t'OR SALE Automatic used Ron
dlx wanking machine. Call Tom
1 White. Ph. 5-9350
►'OR SALE 1930 Packard, 5 pas
senger coupe. $100. Phone 7^7187.
> 17
TOR SALE '41 Willy# 4 door se
d®e. Radio, clean al Inround.
$150. Phone 5-4580. 17
FIOOM Clean Room for 1 or 2
College or young working men.
: Kit. privileges. Plume 5-6222. 17
LOST Condon Hall, green wallet,!
' return cards to 406 A Carson. 18 i
SALE 1949 Ford Custom Tudor,
Radio, heater, etc. Reasonably
! priced. Cary Plankett, 5-9220. 18
IFOR SALE Sewing Talent! Stu
dent's wife. Formals only "The
Economical Way to get the For- ,
mal You Want!" Free estimatea
Work Guranteed. 1681'2 East
13th. 181
I-OST Reward for return of wal- j
let lost neAr the Library. Call
Stan Stratton at 5-6829. 17
VACANCY one room in Straub
Hall. See Leo Nuttman, Sherry |
Ross Hall. 17 i
FOR SALE '39 Studebaker 4
door Sedan. '47 motor, Heater
* and overdrive. 19
In Peter Pan, if the crocodile
Who bit off the captain's missing
hand had not swallowed an eight
day alarm clock which ticks a loud
warning at his approach, he would
probably have succeeded in mak
ing away with the rest of the cap
Library Display Cases Exhibit
Work of Island, Malay Natives
Interior Designers
Schedule Meeting
The Interior Designer's club will
meet ut 7:110 p.m. today in the
Htudcnt Union. Plans for an in
terior decoration exhibit in the
Little Art gallery, field trips and
visiting speakers will be discussed
according to president BUI Milli
The club Is open to all interior
design students. Interior design
students with upper division stand
ing are eligible for registration
with the American Institute of
Officers of the club are Millikan,
Barbara Bates, secretary and
Thomas Moss, treasurer.
Marching Band
Needs 20 Women
Twenty more women are-needed
to complete the newly-formed
women's marching band, Robert
Vagner, band director, said.
Next event for the women's band
is the Oregon-Washington football
game in Portland Saturday. The
Joint men and women’s band is
working on a circus skit for half
time ceremonies.
The women's group was formed
partly on the request of women
members of last year's band who
were denied the chance to partici
pate in the men's marching band,
and partly because of the shortage
of men caused by the draft.
THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1951
11:00 mil. Blood Bunk
2nd Floor SU
Neon Yeomen
.Men’s Lounge Ger
Spanish Table 110 HU
Speech Dept 111 Sli
12 :S0 p.m. Oregon Mothers
112 SU
3:45 p.m. Marine Band Social
Commuters Lunchroom SU
7:00 p.m. ASUO Senate 334 SU
1FC 110SU
7:30 p.m. Chess Club
Commuters Lunchroom SU
Int Des Students
112 SU
Phi Kta Sigma 315 SU
Oregon Club
Dads Room Sli
A1A 213 Si
Delta Theta Phi
3rd Floor Ger
J. Paul Sheedy* Switched lo Wiidrool Cream-Oil
— and Wade Big Saving on 2-in-l Sale
> SHEEPY*er-Sheedy, was in ba-a-ad shape- -everybody lamb-basted him about
his messy hair! "You’ll get no sheepskin,** the Dean said. Somebody?
pulled the wool over your eyes. Better comb it ba-a-ack with Wildroot
Cream-Oil!” Then Paul herd about a special Wildroot 2-in-l bargain: 2
regular 29* bottles, a 58* value, for only 39* — the sheepest price ever
\iMon-aicoliolic \\ ildroot contains Lanolin.
, Relieves dryness. Removes loose dandruff.
Helps you pass the finger-nail test.) Now
Sheedy has more g.'rls than the Sheep of Arahy!
• Cet this ba-a-argain at any drug or toilet goods
• counter today! You won't get fleeced.
q£.?27 Burroughs Dr., Snyder, N, Y.
Wildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo 11, N. Y.
By Ward I.indheck
For the first time “in about
three years” the display cases in
the circulation room of the Uni
versity library are exhibiting some
thing besides books and manu
scripts, Robert Cryder, assistant
administrator of the library, said
Tuesday. Each case is filled with
work done by the natives of the
Indonesian Islands and the Malay
Head-hunters' swords and hats
are exhibited in the case closest
to the new book shelf. The Dyaks,
the head-hunters of Bornca, also
made the baskets on the bottom
shelf. Very ornate sterling silver
spoons are located on the second
shelf, and these were also made by
the natives.
In the second case is a light pas
tel two-piece dress, given to Mrs.
Paul Means, wife of Dr. Paul
Means, head of the department of
Religion, by a Malayan woman.
The dress is used for very dressy
occasions in its native country.
Other materials in the case, all
hand-woven and designed, are
tablecloths and other household lin
Sarongs fill the third case. All
sizes and many colors. Kach one is
batik, which is a process of hand
dying cloth.
A painting of a rice paddy with
palms and mountains in the back
ground tops the last case. On the
second shelf is more silver work,
intricately designed and fashioned.
The bottom shelf holds statuary
The display was loaned to the
Library by Mrs. Means. Much of
the display was brought back from
the Means' latest trip to Borneo
and Java, where Dr. Means was
studying the Islam religion.
U of 0 Employee
Assaults Boy
University Grounds Keeper Mike
j .Stcddom was charged with assault
and battery of a 15-year-old boy in
district court Tuesday.
Stcddom allegedly beat the boy
about the head and shoulders with
a length of chain according to the
complaint signed by the boy's
mother, Mrs. Pearl Stott.
Steddom's attorney, William
Bartie, entered a plea of not guilty
in his behalf. The trial date has not
been set.
The boy was one of a group at
tempting to climb the fence into
Hayward field Saturday to see the
J Oregon Jayvee-Portiand air base
game. Steddom discoverer! the
boys, yelled at them to come down
and a scuffle followed.
Mrs. Scott reported the boy's in
juries included a gash in the head
requiring two stitches to close up.
In April of 1917 875,000 tons of
shipping were destroyed by subma
rine warfare, more than half of it
Phobia, meaning “fear", is de
rived from Phoboa, the Greek god
dess of panic fear.
Just brush it on •
Through This Week
Books of All Kinds
Bargain Prices
art- here, gay colors to match -or coii
tra>t the new fall shades of coats and
Made by KNOX
See them Today
feo-nnet A/ooJt
921 Willamette
open friday evenings
That new and ever
Popular Mocc Toe-Brute
Soled-Easy Going Shoe
in the newest Cordovan