Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1951, Page Six, Image 6

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    All makes of
New Typewriters
Robert Brooks—Owner
30 11th Ave E Ph.4-8035
Campus YW, Y A4 CA Heads
Win Regional Presidencies
The University of Oregon YW
and YUCA's have the distinct
honor of having two of their mem
bers as regional "V" presidents for
the coming year.
Jackie Wilkes and Pave Hobbs
were elected as the regional presi
dents of their respective organiza
tions ut the annual regional stu
dent-faculty Y conference at Sea
beck. Wash., last summer.
They are chairmen of the re
gional council which serves as the
basic policy making and planning
group for all the Y's in the Pacific ,
Northwest, including the states of ;
Idaho. Montana. Washington and i
Oregon. The council also plans and
directs the program emphasis for
the Y's in the region.
This past weekend, Miss Wilkes
and Hobbs attended a Seabed;
planning committee in Portland, j
the planning of this annual confer- i
ence being part of their responsi- j
bility. They reported that the
planning committee was working ,
very enthusiastically on a program j
which they thought should be of |
interest to all students who attend, i
As part of the program which j
will affect all the regional Y's. ;
including those at Oregon, Miss |
Wilkes said that they were setting |
up committees on effective citi- j
zenship in the colleges in the re- |
gion nearest the state capitals.
These committees will channel
news of political importance from
the state legislatures to the Y's
throughout the states.
Th<- regional council will also
work on promotion of the World
Student Christian Federation and
help the various Y’s promote, en
courage. and carry out the World
Student Service Fund drives.
During the past sum me it Miss
Wilkes and Hobbs attended the
National Student council of the
YM-YWCA conference in Rich
mond, Ind„ along with Mrs. Gladys
Lawther and Paul Keyser, the re
gional Y directors. Ttiis conference
formulated plans to he recommend
ed to the regional anil local Y's.
Science Honorary
Te Sponsor Talk
A. H. Kunz. head of the depart
ment of chemistry, will deliver a
public lecture on"Chemical Micro
scopy” Monday at 8 p.m. in the
Student Union. The lecture will be
sponsored by Sigma Xi, science
A business meeting of the Uni
versity chapter of Sigma Xi will
be held at 7:15 p.m. New Univer
sity faculty members who are
members of Sigma Xi are invited
to attend the meeting Ivan Niven,
secretary of the campus chapter,
Parents' Release for Blood Donors
(For donors under ‘21 yours of age. This should l>o
clipped out and mailed to parents for signature)
This is lo certify that my son (daughter) has my permission to
give blood to the A merles*' Ked Cross for military use.
" . ' 1 i
Architecture School Enrollment
Shows Unexpected Increase
uegisirauon in mu otuwi ui
Architecture shows a slight in
crease over last spring, according
to Dean Sidney W. Little. This
comes as a surprise. Little stated,
in view of the fact that a consider
able drop was feared.
The number of students in the
entire School of Archiccture and
Allied Arts is less than a year ago,
but the decrease is substantially
less than estimated.
Several factors have operated to
hold up the registration. Little ex
plained. Five-year course, of which
there are many in the school, are
more stable thun four-yeur courses.
Also, fewer Oregon students arc
going out of state for instruction.
At the same time, more out-of
No tricks! No gimmicks! Takes no time-no special talent! You can make $25.
Just write a simple four-line jingle based on the fact that
_ (or other qualities of Luckies such as those listed below.)-—
Write a Lucky Strike jingle, like those
you see on this page, based on the
fact that Luckies taste better than any
other cigarette, or other qualities of
Luckies such as those listed below. If
your jingle is selected for possible use
in Lucky Strike advertising, we will
pay you $25 for the right to use it and
your name in our advertising. Lucky
Strike jingles will soon be 'running in
your paper. Start today—send in as
many jingles as you like. Be the first
to write a jingle in your school!
and aft*
Dt ^ V- <**
I. Write your Lucky Strike four-line jingle
on a plain piece of paper or postcard and send
it to Happy-Go-Lucky, P. O. Box 67, New
York 46, N. Y. Be sure that your name,
address, college and class are included—and
that they are legible.
2* Base your jingle on the fact that Luckies
taste better than any other cigarette—or
on any of the alternate themes below.
3. Every student of any college, university or
post-graduate school may submit jingles.
To make money writing jingles, it is not
essential to base your jingle on "Luckies taste
better than any other cigarette.” You may
base a jingle on other outstanding qualities of
Luckies such as the following:
Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco
Be Happy—Go Lucky!
So round, so firm, so fully packed
So free and easy on the draw
Buy Luckies by the carton
Luckies give you deep-down smoking enjoyment
Luckies are the world’s best-made cigarette.
LS./M FT- lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco
state students are applying for ad
mission here. The number admit
ted ia vigorously controlled in or
der not to crowd facilities for
Oregon students who come first.
The number of students in land
scape archiecture has increased
also. The department Is headed hy
Frederick A. Cuthbert and is the
only one in the Northwest accred
ited by the American Society of
Landscape Architects. The deojf d
for graduates continues to exceed
the supply.
Another increase in students oc
curred in teacher training in art'
education for elementary schools.
This work is under the direction of
assistant professor of nrt educa
tion Jean K. Glazcr. To take caic
of these unanticipated increases,
Little Is requesting additional,
Little returned from a three-day,
meeting of architects of the North
west region, members of the Amer
ican Institute of Architects, held in
Hood River Sept. 28-30.
The meetings were attended by
one hundred and sixty architects
who came from Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho, and represented
chapters of the American Institute
of Architects in those areas.
fcrar v* ** KV C * «1 *? 9
Theater Ticket
Sellers Named i
One Wiley, business manager j
of the University tiieuter released "
the names of a few of the living I
organization season ticket repre- i
They are: Alpha Phi, Shirley |
Boner; Carson hall, Joanne Forbes; 1
Hendricks hall, Harriett Oliver; Pi '
Beta Phi, Mimi Jones; Sigma Kap- j
pa, Gail Savage; University House,
Helen May; Alpha Gamma Delta. ,
Donna Knoll; Ann Judson, Melissa
Millam; and Alpha Chi Omega,
Jeanette Morris.
^>vrj ,
Deadline Friday
Additional applications to ad
vanced air force KOTC will be
taken until 5 p.m. Friday in the
office of the military department .
on campus.
All students who arc interested
in malting applications and who
have had two years of basic
courses, or 12 months of armed
forces service are eligible to apply
under conditional enrollment over
and above the initial quota that
has been allotted to the University
of Oregon AFROTC, according to
Maj. N. N. Mihailov, public infor
mation officer for the military de
There are now four different op
tions in the advanced course, Major
Mihailov said — administrations
and logistics, comptrollership,
flight operations and general tech
Opera 'Golden Slippers'
Scheduled for Screen
“Golden Slippers”, an opera by
Tschaikowsky, will be presented on
the screen for a first showing on
the campus at 11 a.m. Friday in
the audio-visual department of the
library. The Russian movie will be
shown again at 11 a.m. next Mon
day. Dialogue is in Russian with
English subtitles.