Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1951, Page Two, Image 2

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    Urmon Uculif
THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD i» published Monday through Friday during the
college rear except Oct. 29; Nov. 22, 23, 26; Dec. 5 through Jan. 3 ; Mar. 4 through April I ;
and after May 29; with i-surs on N.v. 24 and May 10. by the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon. Entered it eecond class matter at the post oi.icc, Eugene, Oregon.
Subscription rates: $5 per school year, $2 per term.
Opinions expressed on the editorial -r ige are those of the writer and do not pretend to
represent the opinions of the ASl'O or of the University. Initialed editorials are written by
the associate editors. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor.
Lorn a Larson, Editor Abbott Paine, Business Manager
Gretchen Grondahl. Bill Clothier, Don Dewey, Associate Editors
Gretchen Grefe, Advertising Manager _
Fhil Bettens, Managing Editor
News Editor: Larry Hobart
Assistant Managing Editor: Bill Frye
Sports Editor: Phil Johnson
Feature Editor: Ward Lindbeck
Ass’t. News Editors: A1 Karr, Kathleen
Fraser, Boh Ford.
Night Editor: Sarah Turnbull
Wire Editor: Tom Jaques
Let's Decide Who'sjn Charge
~ 4
To join or not to join. That seems to be the eurrent general question
among ASUO senate members concerning NS A (National Students
But we see another question which the senate may bo overlooking.
That’s the question of continuity of action from one school year to the
Last May the Executive Council (the ASUO governing body at that ,
time) voted unanimously to join NSA for the remainder of the year
and send in half-year dues to the national office. They also voted to
send a four-student delegation to the national congress in Minneapolis
last August.
Neither was done this summer. The reason given by ASUO President
Bill Carey revolves around two points: (1) he doesn’t feel he should
have to sacrifice a major portion of his 1951-52 budget on a decision
made by the 1950-51 ASUO council and (2) he doesn't think NSA offers
enough to the individual student to warrant the expenditure for dues.
Here’s the problem: Should the new ASUO governing body each
fall abide by the decisions made by the previous year’s group? And
should the new student body president be required to carry out orders
issued by the old, and now defunct, regime?
Or. . . can each new governing body start out unbound by a feeling
of obligation to carry through on former decisions? If this is so, then
there’s little sense in making decisions during spring term that pertain
to the coming year.
The NSA situation is a good example of what can happen.
We feel the senate should iron out this more fundamental question of
continuity before deciding, again, on membership for the University
in NSA* .
Who Are They Trying to Kid?
Footnote on the pay telephone controversy . . .
When pay telephones were installed in all university living
organizations this fall, students were told—apparently to
soften the blow—that the same step had been taken at Oregon
State college.
Just to make sure, we checked again yesterday. Sure enough,
says the phone company, pay telephones were installed in OSC .
living organizations last year.
So far, so good—but how does one explain the following •
item appearing in a column of the OSC Daily Barometer, dated
Sept. 28, 1951:
“...heard that Willamette and U. of O. frats and sororities
have pay phones now-a-days ... is OSC next?’’
Hmmmmmmmmmm.—G. G.
Lonesomeness and rootball
Traditionalists were in sway at Corvallis last Friday when
the fussing (translated, pigging) revolt failed.
The furor began at the first of this school year when the
powers on the country campus decided that it just wasn’t nice
for boys and girls to sit in the same sections at athletic events.
This was the beginning of the end of a two-year experiment
at Oregon State.
A group of nonconformists decided that they didn’t rqind
combining sex with their sports, so they attempted to main
tain the status quo.
‘ Needless to say, this revolution was squelched. But the
down-trodden peasants showed signs of life. They forced the
matter to a run-off vote before losing by only 26 votes in a
school-wide election. The non-fussers garnered 547 votes, as
compared with the 521 of the would-be revolutionists. :
The Daily Barometer, student voice of Oregon State college, '
kept to a middle course. Speaking editorially, the Barometer
held out for a bleacher section reserved for married students.
Even this mild solution was downed in the student election. J
Thus ended Oregon State’s brief experiment with Sections
tor both males and females at athletic events.-—D. D, - •
Guest editorial
Why Give Blood?
Each year when a fresh, eager
chariman takes over the Ameri
can Heel Cross campus blood
drive an old dad will come up to
him or her and say "What you
need is a novel selling point.
You’ve used the dying men rou
tine; the war news isn't particu
larly bad now, so that's out. The
contest routine didn't go over
either. What you need is some
new angles maybe blood as
semblies. Or you could play up
the free coffee and donuts.”
Maybe I’m getting romantic in
my old age, but it seems that
the "dying men" routine is quite
enough to promote a donor pro
gram. There is nothing that does
more to sell itself, yet takes more
selling than a blood drive.
I've heard this from more than
one campus "wheel" "We’re go
ing to be over there soon enough
and we’ll need all the blood we
have." I’m sure everyone appre
ciates that fact. However, the
Red Cross is equipped to store
extra pints for a fighting man
where he is not. I’m positive that
when he g;ets on the other side of
the wall; when he changes from
a giver to a receiver that his at
titude will alter completely.
All anyone can ask is a con
sidered response from each indi
vidual. Sign a pledge card, show'
up for your appointment and
TRY to give blood. Blood does
not come from big words, post
ers, or sickly editorials. The best
and final promotion comes from
within yourself.
Gerry Pearson
President, Red Cross
Internationally Speaking
Armed United States of Europe
Might Halt Communism's Spread
-By Pat Dignan
A long-range plan of global
thinkers Is the formation of an
European army and a United
States of Europe. Now, when the
fear of commu- .
nism is so great, j
such a plan is'
Raining more*
Many can see
t h a t o n ! y
through unifica
tion of Kui ope
can communism
be stopped. With
this in mind the
United States
has Increased its
national defense
program to include millions of
dollars to aid the countries fight
ing communism.
The creation of an European
army would have Insured that one
aggressor would not have free
dom of movement rnd control
over many countries. Kusslu
would net he spreading her iron
eurtain over the smaller nations.
If she did, she would have to
fight the combined strength of
There was one central fear that
prevented the creation of an Eu
ropean army. It was felt that the
turmoil caused by reconstruction
would produce what is known as
the “'strong man."
The army of Europe would de
pend for tls leadership on such
countries us were loyul to the
Allied rause during the war. The
candidate whom the state de
partment liad In mind, and who
was a leader Of such a country,
was Charles de Gaulle.
He was a ‘‘strong man" and for
that reason he was quietly Ig
nored. After several years of the
cold shoulder, De Gaulle Is still
one *of the number one men In
There nre others In Europe
who are strong men and leaders
of their country. The recent
Greek election has turned up
Marshal Papngos, leader of the
Greek Rally. It is Interesting to
note that three other countries of
Europe are governed by stnfhg
men Spain, Portugal and Yugo
slavia and these countries nre
internally bothered very little by
We Know that De Gaulle Is :i
hitter opponent to communism.
We know that men like Marshal
I’agagos, und Marshal Tito are
also enemies of the Kremlin. Why
then, doesn’t the I'nlted States
gl\r men such as these an oppor
tunity to fight communism in
their own way?
Maybe all these millions for
national defense are not needed.
We wonder what would happen If
we withdrew economic aid from
Europe. Would Europe take des
tiny into its own hands and op
pose communism with authori
tarianism ?
Maybe this would fail, and
maybe it would bn a workable
solution, but It is an alternative
to the proposed plan of a United
States of Europe. We are real
izing more and more each day
that we cannot depend upon al
lies and we realize that we can
not carry Europe forever. There
must be some end to this cold
war that is costing us billions.
SltaSupA, and "j-latl
By John Roaney
Taking a quick poll (two dogs
and the scrub women at the Stu
dent Union) shows that the gem
of the ocean (Columbia, you
peasants) didn't do enough pub
licity on one of the best albums
they've turned out in the past
few months: The Carnegie Hall
session of Benny Goodman, way
back in '38.
Members of the group were
either stars at the time or went
out and did their daddy proud.
Alumni include Gene Krupa, Har
*y James, Teddy Wilson, Lionel
Hampton, Lester Young, Count
Basie, Johnny Hodges—name
someone; he probably was there
if he was old enough to toot.
Anyone to toot. Anywey I'd hate
to pay today’s union fee for the
crew that recorded these num
These were the times when
Goodman was riding high, James
hadn’t gone overboard on style,
and Les Young hadn’t gone too
boppish yet. Martha Tilton, the
only thrush giving out, shifted
into second and roared off into
"Loch Lomond,” followed closely
in the curves (how'd this hap
pen) by Harry James.
Goodman trio played its old
standbys, "Body and Soul," "The
Man I Love,” and the big band
took over on "Swingtime in the
Rockies," and "Bei Mir Bist Du
Shoen." “Shoen,” an old Jewish
Day of the Arizona Game
“It’s hard to believe that in one week finals will make this
place so busy students will come early just to get a seat.”
Wedding song, starlightod by
Goodman, shows wonderful team
work existing in the band, espe
cially between hornman Ziggy
Klman and one Gene Krupa. Kv
eryone blowing concertwlse hops
into "Honeysuckle Rose” for a
marvelous jum. started off by the
Count of Basle. Includes some of
the Basic band as well as some
Ellington men.
Whole album includes many
songs issued later as singles by
the various Goodman combo's
and bands. Stuff like "Sing, Sing,
Sing." This is jazz. Even includes
Krupa playing dixie (or at least
an attempt at iti and a satirical
take off on Ted Lewis and his
"When My Baby Smiles at . . .
ugh! Well worth adding to any ^
collection. All pressed on Lip
recording was terriffic.
Back to the races and (it’s
raining outside but the street
isn't the only thing that’s wet)
records. Decca has reissued on
LP some old torch songs by Lady
Day. One of the greatest of all
torch singers, and judging from
noospaprus reports, one that
really lives all her songs. Any
way now that the two local bis
tros are about to give in to the
WCTU, Oregon Mothers, and the
Eugsne Police department, here
is an album that can be weeped
James uses “When the Sun
Comes Out," and "Tango Blues”
as showcoses for his trumpet. If
you like the 1951 edition of "Mr.
Grable” you'll go for these Co
lumbia platters.
Thanks to the efforts and hard
work of Larry Davidson, top ten
at the Student Union will hence
forth be issued weekly.
.Jukebox, Student Union
Most-played rerords.
1. "Because of You”- Tony Ben
2. “Undecided”—Ames Brothers.
3. "My Truly, Truly Fair”—Guy
4. "Shanghai”—Doris Day.
5. "The World Is Waiting for the
Sunrise"—Les Paul & Mary
6. “Vanity”- Sarah Vaughn.
7. "Deep Purple”- Sarah Vaughn
8. "The Saints Go Marchin’ In —
The Weavers.
fl. "I Get Ideas”—Tony Martin.
10. "Too Young" — Nat Cole.