Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1951, Page Four, Image 4

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    Warren Quits Hoop Job
Out Lightly
The Oregon Ducks concentrated
upon fundamentals, conditioning,
and strategy in a light workout
Monday afternoon.
After some sprinting' exercises
and work at blocking and tackling.
Coach Len Casanova's gridders
spent some time attempting to
correct mistakes which were cost
iy in Saturday's Stanford game.
Pass defense and pass offense
were stressed.
The practice closed with a light
*;crinimage. Halfback Bob Ash
worth. Fullback Ron Lyman, and
Halfback Dennis Sullivan did not
participate. Ashworth has a slight
ly-injured leg. and Sullivan a minor
dhoulder injury.
Lyman might remain out of ac
tion for three or four days, but
Ashworth and Sullivan are ex
pected to recover rapidly.
Guard Howard Allman and Full
back Tom Novikoff have sprained
thumbs. Oregon meets Arizona at
1:30 Saturday on Hayward Field.
Managers Wanted
Duck Varsity Football Man
ager Stan Goodell announced
Monday that he needs several
assistants to help manage the
varsity or junior varsity games.
He can be contacted at 5-9120.
Served U of O 16 Years
Genuine Horsehide
Shell Cordovan
Of Course-They're At
997 Willamette
Honest John Cites
Pressure of Postf
Enters Business
(Continued from page or j)
nnil Warren's Astoria grldders I
were undefeated in 1928, 1929, ami
When the htghly-suceessful
prep mentor hwame Oregon
Frosh football and basketball
couch in 193."), he had amassed a
prep coaching record of 3<Mi lias
kethall wins against SB losses
and 5B grid triumphs against 14
Warren’s seven Frosh basket- ,
ball squads won 108 games while
losing only 12, and his Yearling
football elevens won 18 and lost 10.
Warren bossed the draft-rid
dled varsity football squad In
1942. Although his pigskin-pack
ers won only two of eight games,
one of the wins was a 14-7 upset
of the I't’LA eleven which later
went to the Hose Howl.
Oregon then discontinued foot
ball, and Warren was placed in
charge* of the A.S.T.P. program, a
military venture on the campus.
When Basketball Coach Howard
Hobson left the campus In 1945
for a year of military service, War
ren became head basketball coach.
Frosh I .end
I-ed by three talented freshmen,
Dick Wilkins, Jim Bartelt, and
Reedy Berg, Warren's Ducks (rap
tured the Northern Division title
and went to the Western NCAA
playoffs at Kansas City, where
they placed fifth in the national
The Ducks started slowly In the
Kansas City tournament, and they
soon found their first-round oppo
nents, the Arkansas Kazorbacksf
leading by 20 points. Oregon then
rallied and tied the score at 70-70,
but the Razorbaeks, scored three
in the final minute to win 79-70.
Oregon dropped Utah G9-66 In the
second game.
Text of Warren Letter
Following is the full text of Warren’s letter of resignation to
Athletic Director Leo Harris.
Dear Sir:
Because I am going into business in Eugene, I tender my
resignation as basketball coach at the University of Oregon as
of October 1, 1951
Having graduated from the University and having been here
as a coach for 16 years, I naturally have a deep afftection for
the University of Oregon and I will miss the boys and my
basketball team. -However, because of the uncertainty and
pressure on a coach and his family, I feet it is advisable to go
into something more secure.
I realize this is late in the year to resign but I have an oppor
tunity now to go into a business. I feel sure you will be able to
hire a satisfactory basketball coach before the season starts, but
in case fo some unforseen difficulties I will continue coaching
to November 1, 1951 rather than leave without u coach the boys
I regard so highly and am so fond of.
Yours Truly,
John A. Warren
J.C. Tennis Star
Enrolls atU of O
Paul Willey, National Junior Col
lege singles finalist and a member
of tlie championship doubles team
last season, enrolled at Oregon
Monday to add further strength to
the Duck tennis squad for next
spring’s campaign.
V/illey, a transfer from Modes
to JC, will be a junior. In other net
tournaments last season he won
the Northern California title in
the doubles and was a finalist in
the singles.
The new Duck is a resident of
Vancouver, British Columbia, and
in 1949 won the Canadian Junior
singles title.
IM Entries Due
Assistant Intramural Sports
Director Everett I). Peery an
nounced Monday that fall term
intramural sports entry blanks
are due at 3 p.m. today.
The blanks can be turned in at
the IM office or the Physical
Education office. Both offices
are in the Physical Education
building. If an Organization has
lost its blanks, they can be
picked up in either office.
Peery also asked that students
interested in becoming Intra
mural touch football and volley
ball officials contact, him at the
Intramural office, Room I OB in
the Physical Education building.
Standard U Of O wages will be
Five Game
JV Slate
The Oregon Duck .Junior Var
sity grid squad, coached by Bill
Bowerman, will open the 1951
season with an October 6 clash at
Eugene with the Portland Air
Force Base squad.
This Saturday game will bo
played on the same day that Coach
Len Casanova’s Oregon varsity
meets the College of Pacific Tigers
at Stockton.
The Jayvecs will not see action
on the following weekend, when
the Duck varsity will be battling
with Washington at Portland, but
the Oregon juniors will meet the
Oregon State Jayvecs six days
later, on October 19, at Eugene.
The fourth Jayvee game will bo
a November 9 clash with the Will
amette University Junior Varsity
at Salem. The Webfoot varsity will
be away from home on that week
end, since they meet Boston U. at
Boston on November 10.
The final Duck Jayvee encounter
will be a Coivallis meeting with
the OSC juniors on November 17,
the second battle between the two
clubs. Oregon’s varsity will meet
the California Bears at Berkeley^
on the same day. >