Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 19, 1951, Page 7, Image 7

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    New Buildings to Modernize Campus
Science Structure
Nears Completion
The new Helena- building. Htlll
'* under canHtruction, will not be
reudy for use until winter term,
* according to I. I. Wright, phyidca)
plant superintendent. Although It
■ hud been originally scheduled to
open In time for use during the
- Initial term, 11 strike In the sheet
metal Industry and other procure
* meat difficulties have caused the
date to be moved to about Jan. 1.
The new building will be shared
by three science departments;
physics, chemistry and biology.
Dr. R. T. Rlllekson, head of the
physics department, said that tin
new building will have many more
rooms for individual use than any
of the old accommodations. Biology
. will receive additional laboratory
space, although the other two dep
artments will have no appreciable
. Among the Important new fac
•* flUles which will be found in the
new structure ure a central elect*
‘ rlcal switchboard, a 200-seat lec
ture and movie room, two separate
machine shops, (one for students
use, the other for staff machinists)
* and a place to mount the Univer
sity’s 15-Inch telescope. Distilled
. water, compressed air, and hydro
gen-sulfide outlets will be located
in every room.
New Research Projects
These new advantages will mean
" a large number of new research
projects. Many fields of study,
. such as nst ronomy, were greatly
curtailed by not having the nec
essary equipment But the plan
“ ning steps of the projects are
complete, and the work is waiting
- only for the new building
In connection with the construc
tion of the science building, a
loading dock has been built be
tween the journalism school and
- the new science building, and part
of a new street along University
street north of 13th Ave. has been
Soon after chemistry moves from
McClure hall. School of Journalism
will take over the building with the
exception of a few classrooms re
served for general use. However,
before journalism can take posses
sion chemistry lab equipment will
have to be moved and some re
modelling done. The work will
probably not be finished until
spring term.
Take Over Heating 1’Iant
About that time the school of
Architecture and Allied Arts will
take over the old heating plant
building, located at the north end
of University Street. Equipment
is now being moved from the plant
as rapidly as possible but exten
sive remodeling is necessary be
fore the structure will be ready for
the architects. The largest item
in the remodelling program is the
construction of a second floor in
what is now the boiler room.
Another addition to the campus
is the penthouse atop the Student
Health Service, built to be the
home of Dr. Fred N. Miller, direc
tor of the Health Service, thus en
abling him to be available for em
ergency service. This is the first
time that such a system has ex
isted on the Oregon campus.
New bleachers, now under con
struction at the north end of Hay
ward field, should be ready by the
first home game, Wright reported.
The new stands will be very
similar in construction and appear
ance to those that are located at
the south end of the field.
28,100 Total Capacity
The new bleachers will seat
4,000 persons, bringing the stadi
um’s total capacity to 28,100 and
completely surrounding Hayward
field with grandstands and bleach
During the summer the complete
block between 13th and 14th ave
nues and between the Student
Union and Carson hall was cleared,
houses razed, and the area pre
pared for landscaping. Gone are
Highland holme, and the old PI
Kappa Phi house, the latter re
placed by the one acroHH the high
way, next to the physical plant
shops. The cleared block has been
sown with grass which should be
gin to grow soon.
Also razed during the summer
to make way for landscaping was
the Falcon, campus restaurant
formerly behind the KU. The area
is now cleared, ready for prepara
tion for the grass. The Anchorage,
across the highway from Villard
hall, closed during the summer,
and is now in the process of being
razed. That area will also be land
Another Campus Change
Another change is in progress
north 13th ave. between Oregon
hall and Commerce hall. There
workmen have completed excava
tion and have constructed part of
the forms for the service tunnel of
the new business administration
social sciences addition. This is the
beginning of work on the $700,000
wing which was approved by the
.state legislature in its last session
in the spring.
THE NEW science building located on University st., will be completed in a few months.
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