f J. Paul Sheedy* Switched lo Wildrool Cream-Oil Because He Flupked The Finger-Nail Test DON'T let those stripes fool yon. J. Paul was no prisoner of love! His hair looked like a tiger rag. and he was feline mighty low. But did Sheedy buy a wig? No! He's not a cheetah! “I -y-'w . '. )! < Co-op Cashes Many Checks; Loses Little Kvery fiscal year the University Co-op cashes about one and onc hnlf million dollars worth of checks ns a service to students, yet last year the Co-op lost only $63 In bad checks, according to Infor mfttlon by Gerda Brown, co-op office manager. Of the $03, Mrs. Brown said, about $35 was lost as the result of intentional bad checks, written by a professional bad check writer. Yes Students. .. AUTO SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS! Going to School is YOURS — so Why Worry about both? GET COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE WHERE YOU CAN BUY FOR LESS! at : U " Pride of Oregon Broadway and Alder Ph. 5-9020 WELCOME.... DUCKS! Make Your First Stop .... €.1* Erb Memorial Student Union the "CENTER" of Campus Activities^ i SODA BAR Serving ail types of Fountain Specialties RECREATION PING POXG bowling • Billiards • If- IKS --At fhe Main Desk, You'll Find- ", • Candy, Tobacco Supplies • Newspapers & Magazines Jtm "±2P T. JT • Campus Information & Complete telephone facilities. • Special S. U. Playing Cards. Jt -Relax... in the. . . • Taylor Lounge on the main floor • Browsing Room... containing thous • Dads' Room — Second Floor _ A Mm, sands of Books & Magazines. ^ 1952 Oregana Reservations On Sale at SU1 Reservations for coplc-B of tho 19D2 Oregana will be on Hali' be- * winning Wednesday in the Student Union ballroom, Chuck Isaak, busi ness manager, announced Satin- . day. The Oregana salesmen will be stationed near the registration . lines. ' I Major changes in the format of the yearbook are being content- _ plated, according to Editor Bob Kunk. The theme of the book will correspond with tin* University s seventy-fifth anniversary this year, and special attention will be given to University of Oregon history. The upper editorial und business staffs of the Oregana are not yet complete; however, a number of appointments have been made, some of them subject to tho ap proval of the Student Publications Board. Editorial appointments are Bon nie Blrkemeier, layout editor; Pat Mullin, associate editor In change of living groups; Sarah Turnbull, associate editor, copy; and Kay Keller, art editor. Appointments to the business staff are Ron Kovar, advertising manager; Dolores Parrish, assis tant business manager; .Pm Ere. meef, assistant advertlMi^^fK,,.(_ agei; and Alan Oppliger, organiV^ lions manager. Jody Greer will be in charge of publicity and promotion for the yearbook. Jim Goldralner will assist Miss Greer. Two open houses have been planned one by the editor and one by the business manager. Persons interested in working on tho book have been requested to attend either or both. The first will be Thursday and will be held in con junction with the Student Union open house. At that time the Ore gana offices will be open, rooms 307-308, third floor, Student Union. The regular annual Oregana open house will be held from 7:15 to 9:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 27, at the Oregana offices. University Orchestra Needs Musicians Any student Interested In join ing the University orchestra should sign up at the Music school, K. A. Cykler, orchestra director an nounced. Rehearsals will he held Monday and Friday afternoons from 4 to 5 p.m. and Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. First rehearsal will be held Sept. 24. Since the first program is sched uled for the evening of Nov. 1 in conjunction with the formal open ing of the 70th anniversary jubilee, it is necessary that all students, music majors and others, indicate their interest immediately, Cykler said. An object is opaque when light j cannot pass through it. ri i WELCOME STUDENTS See Our • School Supplies • Fountain Service • Magazines THE LEMON O' ‘DOC’ IRELAND, Prop 13th and Alder