Butane, Eagle Pleased by New Frosh TWO UNIVERSITY fveahmen get the “wortl" from faculty atlvlaora. At loft in Ronald Butane, happy over the fine prospects, and Bo* Eagle, (right) expreMea hla approval._ Students Charge Prexy Has Failed To Fulfill Pledges (CoiiliitucJ from huif nnr) is it would be taking the root 'rom over his own head. Ghosts of the USA condemned Carry for making them Ghosts ,f the USA. All three factions stamped out of Carry's piesence. claiming they would give him no support at all text year in the. Senate. Miss House, said she was with drawing her plans to make Greek dress the campus fashion, and in stead was planning a display in her fashion magazine of barbaric (synonymous with Independent) dress. -SDX- -- Director Injured Quick Millions, director of the ERP (Eugene Recreation Palace) was injured this morning when he fell down the recently waxed stairs of his building. He will be unable to return to work for several months. There will be a rally at 4 in the Krp bar room. - SDX Not responsible for reputations spoiled, feelings hurt, or sides iplit with laughter due to ttiis issue. Wachum Says Morals Have Gone to the Dogs Campus morals have “gone to the dogs" reported I Due Wachum, caretaker of the I.O.O.F. grave yard, in an interview today. • In my twenty years of digging up dirt in the graveyard I nave seen lots of student activities," Mr. Wachum began. "Morals of univer sity students have grown progres sively worse," he said. Wachum, a combination ditch digger and gardener, has diligently] done his duty to keep the grave yard n*-at and well-kept during his many years of employment here The cemetery, as students well know, is a never-ending source of enchantment, arid it has i ridition ally been the focal-point o; many extra-curricular activities. A spry gentelemau, for his HO years, Wachum leleased the results of a survey he made "just out of curiosity" on the sexual life of stu dents, as seen from his observations in the cemetery. The patrol results of Wachum's survey on the sexual activity of U. i of O. students is as follows: The numer of students doing the 1 following on the night af May 11: Looking into each other’s eyes, 126: Whispering sweet nothings, 103; Hugging, 225; Holding hands, 231; and kissing, 377. Further infornla ' tion was unavailable, due to censor ship by the O.S.S A. (Office of .‘Ha dent's Sexual Affairsi. SDX New Library Plan To Make Big Mess •'First come, first served in our new, plan of giving away books,” Marl I’. Wince, University librari an. explained after hints that one Eugene stor«- had started a price war on used copies of "Up From the Ape." “We are determined to meet all competition head-on," he asserted, "ev< n if we must give away every book on the campus. Mince noted that not enough books hail been stolen up to this time. "Students will have to get on the bell,' he snorted, "It they don't speed things up well have some volumes left over at the end of the : term." In vi- of this, the library has been instructed to help rny stu dent desiiing use of the “take home" policy. This policy. Mince explained, permits the student to back his car onto the sidewalk at the side door, and to take anything he can get nit. hands on. “I don't know that we will have any takers," Mince rasped, "but we expect it to be a hellofa mess.” - -1 HAVE YOU READ The S.D.X. CLASSIFIEDS? Classifieds may be placed any evening at the Side, Tay lors, or Max's Place, under the table in the last booth.