Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1951, Page Four, Image 4

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Bill Gurney
Jim Mendenhall
Don Dewey
Phil JohnsoO
Coach John Warren's Astoria
jasketball squads won 304 games
md lost only 3G. His Fighting Fish
ermen gridders won 30 and lost 14.
His hoop artists won the state title
four times in eight years.
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A Corsage by EDDIE did the trick
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Oregon Golfers
Head for Seattle
And Links Finals
Conch Sid Milligan's Oregon Golf
Team will compete for the North
ern Division Crown in that sprat
Saturday or. the jnglewood Course
in Seattle. The umks are already
winners in the ND Dual Meet
Crown, with four straight decisions
in conference play.
Each school will enter a four man
team, and the aggregate ilti hole
medal play scores will determine
the winning team. Last season, the
YVebfoots lost by one stroke to OSC
at Corvallis, !>H1 to 392. Coach Mil
ligan thinks the winning score will
be ubout 002 on the long 73-par
The Oregon team consists of
Captain Ron Clark, who shot an
eight-under par nine holes in the
WSC meet. Bob Atkinson, Fred
Mueller, and Fred Strebel.
The team left for Seattle Wed
nesday noon, anil Coach Milligan
will fly to the Puget Sound city to
day. The athletes have toured the
Inglewood course several times to
accustom themselves to it.
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“Where Your Dollar
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“Now that Junior Weekend is over, dear, you’ll soon
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• • • §
Student fyniou
Webfoot Cindermen
Enter Seattle Meet
Duck Netmen
Enter ND Meet
The Oregon Duck tennis squad
will participate in the Northern Di
| vision Meet today and Saturday at
I Seattle.
Coach Cameron Thom's netters
I completed the season with a 0-6
I win-loss record, finishing their NT),
dual meet competition with u 2-3
conference record.
During the regular season, the
Wcbfcots defeated \\ illamette Uni
versity twice and also outscored the
Eugene Tennis Club, the Oregon
Faculty All-Stars, Idaho, and Ore
gon State.
The Ducks suffered three set
backs to the Beavers and also lost
to the Eugene Tennis Club, Wash
ington, and Washington State.
The 4-3 victory over Oregon State
last week was Oregon's outstand
ing net upset of the season. The Ag
gies retaliated Wednesday with a
t>-l triumph over Oregon.
Coach Thom and his squad left
Thursday morning for Seattle.
Members of the team include Tom
Macdonald, Neil George, Dan Cud
ahy. and Don Neraas.
Macdonald was the 1918 Oregon
state high school champion, and he
reached the N.D. semi-finals last
spnng. losing to Husky Tom Grant,
who later won the championship.
Macdonald captured 10 wins dur
ing his 12 singles matches last year.
Beaver Series
Starts Saturday
The Oregon Ducks will battle the
Oregon State Beavers at 2 p in. Sat
urday on Howe Field. The game
will be the first of four Northern
* Division clashes between the two
Oregon State defeated the Ducks
i in two non-conference games earli
er in the season, taking one-sided
1 10-1 and 18-8 decisions.
The only remaining games on the
Duck schedule are the four encoun
ters with the Staters Saturday's
game, a Monday clash at Corvallis,
a game next Friday at Eugene, and
a season-ending skirmish May 2(1
i at Corvallis.
The Ducks dropped the Linfleld
j Wildcats 7-4 at McMinnville Wed
nesday afternoon, avenging a sea
son-opening 10-6 loss to the Wild
1 cats early in April.
The Wildcats, Northwest Confer
ence champions, collected six hits
from five Duck hurlers — Stan
Aune, Jack Pyle, Mel Krause, Jim
Hanns, and Lee Alvord.
Oregon scored one run in the first
frame and two apiece in the fourth,
fifth, and sixth. The Ducks collect
ed 10 hits during the contest.
Jinx Remains,
Frosh Beaten
The Oregon frosh baseball team,
still smarting from its fifth straight
loss to the OSC Rooks by a 10-7
count Wednesday, prepared to meet
the Rooks again on Howe Field at
3:00 today.
The Ducklings outhit the Rooks
12 to 8 in Wednesday’s contest,
played at Corvallis, but six costly
errors spelled their defeat.
A seven-run sixth inning was the
big factor in the Reek win. They
acquired the counters on four hits
and two frosh errors, including a
double by Duane Helbig, who also
tagged Duckling hurler Don Hull
for a three-run homer in the third.
A hitting star for the frosh was
outfielder Don Siegmund, who had
three for five, all good solid blows,
including a home run, a double, and
a Single. Left fielder Bill Bottler
also had a big day at the plate with
two homers and a single. Second
Baseman Vince Tadei collected
three singles.
Bottler sprained a foot in the con
test and will not see action today,
(Please turn to page five)
Oregon's varsity track squad will
leave Saturday morainic tor the
Northern Division cinder meet at
The addition of sprinter Jerry
Mock to the Webfoot roster give*
the Oregon title chances a boost.
Mock was undefeated until he ln«
j jured his leg several weeks ago.
In addition to the sprints, Ore
gon should pick up valuable points
in the ahotput, Mile, 2-Mile, Jave
lin, and Broad Jump.
Turner I.uokH Good
The top 2-Mtler for the Ducks this
season Is Fred Turner. Turner has
shown definite progress throughout
the season and ran the circuit
against Oregon State this week In
tin1 creditable time of 0:42.5.
Javelin-thrower Chuck Mtssfetdt
has been defeated once this season
in the Idaho meet. However, this
loss was considered by many track
experts to be accidental and he has
muny supporters to gain a first on
McClure Improves
Don McClure has also shn^K
much Improvement in the Broad
Jump. Like Turner his best perfor
mance of the present campaign oc
curred in the Oregon State meet
when he Jumped 23 feet 71 - inches
Other probable point-winners are
Al Bullier, 440, Jack Loftus. hho.
Jack Hutchins, Mile, and Bob An
derson, Discus.
The complete traveling squad
i consists of Sprinters Jack Smith,
Jerry Mock and Mitch Cleary, 440
Bullier, Countryman and Sorsby,
HSO I-oftus and McClure. Distance
men Turner and Hutchins, Hurdlers
Sullivan and Blunt, Javelin Mlss
feldt, Shotput Chet Noe, Discus Bob
Anderson. Polevault Robison, and
Broad-jump Don McClure.
By Dick Thompson
Anyone who is interested in
learning about pocket billiards
should ask at the recreation desk
for a copy of Brunswick's booklet
on the subject. The booklet gives
the fundamentals of play and help
ful hints which are fully illustrated.
Dave Sarazin, co-winner of lea
gue two in mixed doubles bowled a
24.r> Wednesday night. It's too bad
he didn't do it in league play. This
is one of the highest games rolled
on the SU alleys to date.
Final standings in league four of
the mixed doubles are as follows:
1. Virginia W'rlulit and ^
Hank Panian 20 8
2. Mary Myers and Dave
Straus1; 16 12
2. Mind (ioddard and Carroll
Heckman 15 IS
I. Daveon Parker and Dick
R remind 14 14
5. Betty Towata and Boh
Baker H it
6. .lane Hande and John
Eckstein 12 IB
7. (Seta Anderson and (illes
Godfrey 12 10
8. Rose Mary Burton and
Bob Gordon ...9 19
In league one the final stand
ini's are as follows:
1. Mots YVada and Ned
Taka gum! .20 8
2. Nancy Huddleston and
Jack Heading 1!) W
8. Evoii and Pete Darling
ton. 17 I I
4. Connie Lowery and Bol»
llanlierg . 14 It
5. Jean Cave and Cameron
Thom . 14 11
(i. Nancy O’Connor and
Clarence Naapi .11 17
7. Nekla Vogel and Warren
Woodruff . !l ■
8. Zoe Hager and LaVerne
Thompson . 8 2(1
League three ended up in a t
way tie between Darlene Swanson
and Leo Naapi; Jill Chisholm and
Dick Graham; and Janice McEwen
and Bruce Koppc. The final round
to determine the championship
team will be played next Tuesday
night. . ._j