The Oisoon Daily saxept Oct. 30; Dec. 5 liter May 24, with isues oo nuv. ■» auu **. ^ •« «*—■—■ --r.— _ ef Or^m. Entered as second class matter at the poatofficc, Eugene, Oregon. Sebscription rates: $5 per school year; $2 twr term. Opinions expressed ott the editorial pare are those cf the writer and do not pretend to represent fte opinions of the ASUO ?r of the Unirersity. Initialed editorials are written by the associate editors. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor.____ NO CANNED,CORRESPONDENTS, PLEASE It's reprint time at Oregon. Every spring we run the famous old Emerald editorial beg ging Jupe Pluvius to keep Oregon dry during Junior Weekend. The tradition is that the plea brings good luck and sunny skies to the Oregon campus. , Every spring we talk about “The Bible, the Flag, and Mom,” an equally famous and much more controversial editorial which sprouted on this page four years ago this week. I'oday we’ll run parts of this piece by “Beaver" Wright, not for good luck and sunny skies, but for entertainment and a chuckle at these words which smack of the type of brashness college stu dents love: “Nationally, a holiday is set aside to honor morn, the Univer sity designates a weekend as Mom’s Weekend, and even the Oregon Daily Emerald joins the momworshippers by dedicat ing to the moms this issue which dutiful sons and daughters are urged to send home by dutiful committee chairmen. And traditionally this would be the place to publish a sentimental tribute to all women who have gone through the supposedly deifying experience of reproduction. However, without seem ing inconclastic, let us consider mom, and let the moms con sider themselves. “Hitherto, mom has been so busy changing diapers, pushing a broom, tending gardens and making quilts that she was rare ly a problem to her family or to her friends and certainly not to herself. Nowadays, with time on her hands, mom has heaved her size 40 charm into hundreds of organizations, bridge clubs, daughters of some-war-or-other clans, auxiliaries, etc. She smokes thirty cigarettes a day, chews gum, and has two cock tails before lunch. “She reads the tacky romantic fiction in all the slick women s magazines, occasionally glances at an article which she could not possibly diScuss rationally with her bored-to-numbness husband, and she spends three nights a week at the local flick er follies with “the girls” from the bridge club. “She practices all the wiles to keep her pap-fed sons adoring herself, and shrewdly brings up her daughters to become "help less’ rock-eyed mantraps whose crimson lips are riveted into steel. 4 “No, not all of them. There are thousands of American mothers whose integrity cannot be questioned, whose souls are serene, whose children are well-adjusted, whose husbands are happy. There are thousands of mothers, like the Oregon moms who provide scholarships, who serve usefully and well. “While all the husbands, sons and daughters are bringing booty to mom and polishing the halo around her silvery- hair, let mom do a little straight thinking about her worthiness of the pedestal we’ve planed under her.” Whew, the University administration shuddered and the Mother’s Day committee cancelled its order for Emeralds to send home. And we want to use “Beaver” Wright’s famous editorial for a message by indirection. Don’t send it home. Don t clip out any printed letter or invitation containing a canned message asking mom down for Oregon’s Junior Weekend. Write it yourself. And mail it today. No Kistie/Just mrstie The “kistie” is no longer a “mistie.” It’s a caramel apple—and that’s no “kistie.” The enterprising Phi Thetas publicized their annual spring sale with “Don’t Mistie a Kistie.” In the past they’ve used “twisty” and “mystie” and “mystick.” But nothing like “kis tie.” This sounded like a real bargain. Well—we shook 10 cents out of our piggy bank and ex changed it for their product. Admittedly—10 cents doesn’t sound like too stiff a price for such an offering (though it may depend on whom the salesman is). A “kistie” is not a “kistie” at all. In fact—it doesn’t even come close to being one. Arise you men of good American stock and let the Phi Thetas know your grievance at their misrepre sentation. You have nothing to lose but a caramel apple. We still “mistie” our “kistie.”—T. K._ THE DAILY To all the new student body and class officers, whose spare time now becomes student government. THE OREGON LEMON ... To all students who didn’t vote in Wednesday’s elections. -Letters The Campus Answers Disciplinary Action Kmc raid Editor: It seems to me that there is a very important question behind this recent furor regarding ex pulsion on morals charges. Name ly: why, and to whom, is the Uni versity responsible for the mor ality of the students ? Possibly when a student is un der the age of legal responsibili ty, (18 for women and 21 for men) someone mast accept this obligation in lieu of direct paren tal control. But when the student is of legal agr he is directly re sponsible to specific governmen tal agencies whose duty it is to protect and enforce social mores and morality. The University may be inter ested (as a state institution) in attempting to show the student certain facts and beliefs about morality so that he may be bet ter equipped to live a more use ful life, but it is not the interest of the University to force him to lead the kind of life its adminis tration feels is best, anymore than it would be obliged to force every student to believe in Dar winian evolution. A University has one function; to provide the student with I ho opportunity to acquire an educa tion. It would seem that this limita tion of purpose should restrict the University disciplinary action to those cases In which students educational rights are being in fringed upon, such as cheating or flagt»nt disruptions of lectures, and leave the enforcement of laws and morality to those agen cies that are legally responsible for social control. W. K. Smith It Has Happened Emerald Editor: Now it has happened! Action taken by the University disci pline committee has condemned two Webfoot athletes to shame and disgrace because of the spiteful action of several indi viduals. Wherever these men now go the stigiiui of this treatment by an aihitrary university commit tee will hang over tlielr heads. Were the actions of these men of an uncommon nature there would be little reason to question the decision. However their ac tions should certainly be of no concern to the University. Up to now the University has regulated how the student may live, where he might eat, how and when he must sleep, and when he must study. Where 1m the Justification that Miiy* the school has the right to regiment the live* of the Individ mils who are a part of It? Indi vidual freedom and the private lives of any person should be his own business. What right does the University have to heap condemnation upon these men for action which in no way has hurt the University. IVrhops we stand for the right of a person to conduct his private life along the dictates of his own desires as long ns It causes no harm to society. The loss of per sonal freedom and the arbitrary rule* established by the Univer sity have progressed to the |mlnt thut all we can do Is shake our heads and vvondef wliat will Imp pen when our ow n children reach college age. From where we stand the ad ministration has lost sight of its ^ true objectives, the fostering of the pursuit of a greater knowl edge of humanities, sciences, arts and languages. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan I.lston Mr. und Mrs. Walt McKinney « In A Sniof! Day-to-Day Events, Pessimism Seem Universal Rule of Action = with Norm Anderson There are times when it be comes apparent that wo live in a world where thoughts are center ed around the day-to-day events, and pessimism is the rule of ac tion. At the moment, the “end of the world," in the form of an all out war, precedes every one's en joyment of life, and guides every one's manipulation of his own des tiny. Perhaps there's no solution. But recall the oft-repeated say ing that “history repeats itself," and look back over the years. There you’ll find parallels to the present day. One decade ago, in May of 1941, the world was shuddering under the blitzkrieg of the Nazis and France was to be swept into ob livion by the German invasion of May 10. England stood alone against the world, much as the U.S. does now. Everywhere in this country men were figuring their chances of escaping the draft, and failing to do that, their chances of coming back alive. Washington and Tokyo were the scenes of tense behind-the scenes maneuvering for a balance of power in the Pacific, just as Washington and Moscow com prise the scenes for similar action today. Two decades ago, in 1931, the tenseness was economic. The world lay prostrate under a de pression and there were few who doubted that it would ever rise again to an enjoyable height. In 1911, the world again was tense. In this country the end of a social structure—big business in all its glory—was in sight and many in that day thought that spelled the end of America’s greatness which wasn’t even accomplished until four decades later. And 100 years ago. Read an ed itorial on the world order of that period, place England in Ameri ca’s shoes and there is the same pessimism, frustration and hope lessness that permeates the pres ent-day atmosphere. Perhaps such thinking will go on forever. Maybe there’s no way to eliminate it, for each decade sees a new group of individuals shaping the fortunes of destiny, and those individuals find no consolation in personal participa tion in the troubles of the past. We, here at Oregon, find only our troubles as having any real significance. Ours are unsolved, whereas those of a decade ago, if not solved, at least became re solved, and the problem no longer exists. Somehow we can't grasp the fact that a world not created by man cannot be destroyed by man. The process of living will go on for many years, beyond the life time of all of us. While we cling eagerly to those things we love ami cherish, we fail to realize that the entire world about us is doing the same thing. No one in tentionally and methodically guides the dagger to his own heart. No one can escape the world he lives in, but one can make the best of it. At birth there are few parents who pessimistically fore see death for their child. For that child great plans are made. And who overcomes the optimism of the parents? The child. We still guide the fortunes of our own life, despite the bumbling and fumb ling in government centers. It Could Be Oregon