Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1951, Image 1

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    n Daily
Council Approves
Frosh Orientation,
Summer Picnic
Mir ASl (> hxecutive Council Monday evening agreed upon a
T nivcr.Mty of (Oregon summer picnic and voted to step into a new
area of student responsibility by cooperating with the Office of
Student Affairs in the presentation of extensive freshmen orienta
tion program.
I he council also accepted the recommendation of the Publica
tions Hoard for the appointment of Hob Ford, freshman in pre
journalism, as editor of the Ore-N’ter, orientation booklet, and
heard a discussion of the National Students Association by Al
Loienstein, national president.
\ prograin ot orientation for
freshman, a portion of tin- plan
submitted by tbc ASl ’() dormi
tory committee which visited
Stanford, was approved by the
executive council and petitions
for the jKixition of orientation
chairman were called for by
Mountain. Applications should
lie turned in to the ASLT( > office
Jtot later than 12 noon Friday.
A screening committee will in
terview candidates at 4 p.m.
Friday. Those passing the com
mittee successfully will meet
with the council at its regular
Monday evening session.
To Revive Spirit
Anderson, speaking to the coun
cil on the orientation proposal,
said that the plan presented a way
in which to revive class spirit with
in the University and to stimulate
alumni interest.
Donald DuShane, director of stu
dent affairs, expressed hope that
the orientation plan could be placed
in operation in the fall "substan
tially as proposed." "I welcome a
working partnership with a Joint
program and increasing control
by students," he said.
The duties of the chairman, as
outlined by Mountain, would be to
work rloscly with the Office of
Student Affairs and to select a
committee from members of class
honorarios to run the orientation
program. The chairman would be
responsible to the Office of Student
Affairs but would also be guided
in his actions by student govern
AHI’O (’resident Barry Moun
tain Monday evening railed for
the appearance of the chairman
of the Student Discipline Com
mittee, J. M. Foskett, and several
members of the committee be
fore the Executive Council to ex
plain their procedure In handling
discipline cases.
Mis. Ernest McKccne. president
if the Oregon Mother's Club, and
Lea Anderson, alumni secretary,
acquainted the council with details
j( former picnics held for the Uni
versity family. The executive group
igreed unanimously to hold the
aicnic at Jatzen Paik in Portland
luring the summer months.
Mrs. McKeene explained to the
^roup that the cost of food for rc
:ent picnics, the last of which was i
icld two years ago, had been split j
between the State Board of the;
Dragon Mothers, the Portland unit!
>f the Mother's Club, and the Ore- ]
?on Dad's Club, with each paying j
me third. She said that an esti
mated 2,000 students and alumni I
ittended the last picnic.
Picnic Expenses Cut
Expenses in addition to food
Election of Officersin Low School
Quite Unique but Interesting
Hollis (Special) - Law books are
closed. Law School Weekend and
royal court hullabaloo, usually at
a high pitch about this time of
year, is at low ebb.
The attention of the 90 inhabit
ants of Fenton Hall is focused on
the selection of a new president
for the realm. And election day is
Outgoing President Jim Hafey,
in his last official act before step
ping down, has proclaimed that
Fenton, too, will operate on "day
li^n time.” There was some con
troversy over whether the govern
or of Oregon's proclamation had
any effect within Fenton, but
Hafey decided that the interest of
Fenton's farmers, fishermen, and
golfers all were benefitted by the
"fast time.’’
So. the election will be held from
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. daylight time, with
an hour off for lunch from 12 to 1.
Three candidates—all claiming
"grass roots” origin, and to be re
presenting “all of the peons of
Fenton" and not any special class,
interest group, or Greek affilia
tion, are vying for the lucrative
position. However, there is a rum
or that the feminine members have
decided to consolidate, and may
throw a ringer into the pre-elec
tion dopesters by running a write
in candidate of their own.
Proper authorized candidates are
Dnlo Pederson, Ed O'Reilly, and
Ken Poole.
Pederson is promising the con
stituents more and larger "par
ades," with proper weather condi
O'Reilly is running on a plank
to restore control of Fenton to the
honest people, and away from the
gamblers who have taken control,
and operate the "pepper games,”
the most important single activity
within the realm.
Poole, the only present member
ever to come out with a “four
point," is appealing to the intelli
gentsia in an attempt to wiggle
control away from the ignorant
Hafey reports that plans are
all set for the election. His only
problem now—and it is one that
arises each year at this time in
Fcnton-is to devise some way of
making the total number of votes
equal the number of eligible vot
ers. The philosophy of "vote early,
and vote often" is the perennial
by word in Fenton elections.
Should the election be contested
Hafey has announced that the pre
sidency will be determined by the
only other equitable means known
a "pepper game" with unmarked
cards (if any can be found that
have not been tampered with). To
the winner will go the spoils of this
! great political office.
Wiggens Speaks
At SU Luncheon
A luncheon featuring a discus
sion with J. Russell Wiggens, man
aging edTOr of the Washington
Djiily Post, will be held at noon
today in the SU for all persons
interested in journalism. The Emer
ald is sponsoring the luncheon.
Wiggins, who is on campus for
four days, will answer questions of
the luncheon guests.
ROTC Students;
No Complaints?
ROTC students have apparent
ly found a "home in the service."
An inspection party visiting Ore
gon's military department schedul
ed two hours to hear student
"gripes." Only one person ap
The inspection group, which is
composed of officers of titli Army
and 4th Air Force, will review
Air Force and Army ROTC de
tachments today.
Committee Suspends
Barclay, Loscutoff
( urt Ha relay and Jim Loscutoft, stars of this year’s Wehfoot basketball team, were suspended
lor one year from the l Diversity of Oregon Monday night by the student discipline committee.
Lyle Xelson. director of public service, said that this is‘all the information that would be re
leased. lie said this is the practice of the committee in discipline cases. Ray Hawk, director of
men s altairs, stated the reason for the suspension could not be disclosed because it was a
"touchy" matter.
All members of the Student Discipline Committee were instructed not to release the informa->
tion by chairman J. M. boskett, ' Hawk said, Eoskett is an associate professor of sociology.
\\ hen basketball coach John Warren was informed of the suspension by the Emerald, he said
that the news took him ’‘completely by surprise.”
It s a disciplinary matter -not in mv department." he said. He added that it was too soon to
tel! how the suspension of the two athletes would affect next year's basketball team.
1 hat s too far away to think about. 1 his whole thing is kind of a surprise; but that's that, I
guess.” Warren stated.
Group Supports
Giles for Senate
Formation of a non-partisan
committee to elect Arlo W. Giles,
non-partisan candidate for senator
at-large, was announced on Mon
Co-chairmen of the committee
are Tom White. Delta Upailon; Bill
Taylor, Phi Sigma Kappa: and
Douglas Ambers, president of Yeo
Other announced members of the
committee include Walter Probert
(USA i, Michael Murphy (AGSl,
Patricia Young (Ind), Kay Saito
(USA), Don Dewey (USA), Joe
French (AGSl, and William Klein
' i.o.scutou. calk'd at tin* riii
| Delta The ta house Monday
■ nipht for a statement, said that
he had been suspended.
"I haven’t much to say," he
stated, “We just broke one of
I the school codes, that's all."
Barclay is a sophomore business
administration major from Miss
oula, Montana. He starred on the
Fresh and varsity Oregon basket
; ball and baseball squads and was
j placed on the 1951 All-Northern
i Division basketball second team.
Possible replacements for Bar
clay. a forward, include Don Hoy.
a sophomore who was held out of
competition last winter in order to
preserve his eligibility, and Keith
Farnam, also a sophomore, who
; outscored Barclay while playing
for the Oregon Ducklings in 1950.
Loscutoff, a junior transfer from
Grant Tech of Sacramento, is a
six-foot, five-inch All Northern
Division second team center. A
liberal arts major, his home town
is Palo Alto, California.
Students Urged to Vote
At Elections Wednesday
Wednesday is election day — the
day when University of Oregon
students will choose ASUO and
class officers for the 1951-1952
school year.
Election officials have urged
everyone to vote. Last year, with
a larger enrollment, some 2.300
ballots were cast. However, with
increased interest in the races this
year, that total may be exceeded.
The candidates arc:
ASUO President: Bill Carey,
AGS: Merv Hampton, USA.
Senior Class President: Cece
Daniel, USA; Dave Rodway, AGS.
Junior Class President: Mike
Lally, AGS; Don Paillette, USA;
Herb Cook, Independent.
Sophomore Class President: Bob
Brittain, AGS; Judy McLoughlin,
Senior Representative: Jeanne
Hoffman. AGS; Jack Smith, USA.
Junior Representative: Don Col
lin, USA; Jane Simpson, AGS.
Sophomore Representative: Ros
amond Fraser, AGS; A1 Karr,
Senate - at - large:- Joan Abel,
AGS; Mary Alice Baker, AGS;
Tom Barry, AGS; Jack Beyers,
AGS; Wayne Carothers, AGS:
Marge Elliott, Independent; Bill
Frye, AGS; Arlo W. Giles, Inde
pendent; Jody Greer, AGS: Nancy
Hart, Independent; Shirley Hillard,
AGS; Helen Jackson, USA; Phil
Johnson, USA; Marleen Norquist,
Independent: Maggie Pownc, USA;
Jackie Pritzen, USA; Jackie
Wilkes, AGS; Virginia Wright,
USA; Tom Wrightson, AGS.
Donald M. DuShane, director of
student affairs, announced that the,
following regulations apply to cam
paign posters and leaflets:
1. If posters are attached to
trees, they must be put up with
tape; no nails or tacks are to be
used. DuShane explained that ham
mering nails or tacks into trees
may injure them.
2. The rule about placing all
posters on bulletin boards is relax
ed for the political campaign.
3. Each party and candidate is
responsible for seeing that all
campaign material is removed and
cleaned off the campus after Wed
The polls will be open from 8
a.m. to 6 p.m. Voting booths will
be located near the library, the
co-op, the. Student Union, Fenton
Hall, and the renter of the cam
pus quadrangle.
Trio to Entertain
For Banquet
! The Delt Trio Plus One and a
; short play by members of the
; speech department will comprise
j the entertainment at the Matrix
Table-Gndiron Banquet tonight.
The banquet is sponsored by the
men's and women's journalism fra
ternities, Sigma Delta Chi and
Theta Sigma Phi.
Guest speaker at the banquet
will be J. Pvuss^ll Wiggins, manag
ing editor of the Washington Post,
Washington, D. C. He is on the?
campus as a visiting lecturer in
the School of Journalism. His topic
will be "Is There A Free Press in
Our Future?”
The play. “Grammatical Amour,”
was presented on the special tele
vision show in Portland last Fri
day. Written by Robert Montgom
ery, instructor in speech, the play
is the story of a triangular love
affair of- three parts of speech:
Proper Noun, played by Don Doak.
Object Noun, Martha Stapleton and
Lois Williams; and the hero, Isa.
Verb, played by Bob Chambers:
Pronoun is enacted by Phil Barter.
The Delt Trio Plus One is com
posed of three Delta Tau Delta's—
Fred Schneiter, Paul Barrow, and
Jim Bradford- the “plus one” is*
John “Billy” Eckstein. They re
cently entertained at the All-Cam
pus Vodvil.
The two journalism fraternities*
will present awards to outstand
ing students in the journalism
school. In addition, four senior
girls from Eugene high schools will
! be guests at the banquet. The four,
' named by their high school news
paper advisors as outstanding sen
ior girls interested in journalism,
are Eilene Harris, Eugene High;
Mary Jean Heidenreich, St. Fran
cis; Carolyn Keith, University
High; and Beth Miller, Willamette
Bob Frazier. Register-Guard re
porter and U. O. Journalism
School Graduate, will be master of
Eliminations Begin for Sing
Eliminations for men’s groups in
ttie All-Campus Sing will begin at
6:45 p.m. today in McArthur Court.
All groups in the first half of the
eliminations are requested to be
there at that time: those in the
second half at 8:15 p.m. Groups
are requested to leave immediately
following their performance, ac
cording to Marilyn Thompson, co
Groups in the first half are Tan
Kappa Epsilon. "Night and Day;’’
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, "Black is
the Color of My True Love’s Hair;’’
Phi Kappa Sigma, “Whiffenpoof
Song;’’ Pi Kappa Alpha, "Desert
Song;” Beta Theta Pi, "Battle
Hymn of the Republic;” Phi Gam
ma Delta. "This Nearly Was
Mine;" Alpha Tan Omega. "La
Mer;” Kappa Sigma. "The Halls
3f Ivy;'’ Delta Upsilon, "I Ain't.
Senna Grieve My Lord No More;”
Theta Chi, "In the Still of the
Second half, Sigma Chi, "Steal
Away;” Delta Tan Delta, “When
the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob,
Bob, Bobbin’ Along;'' Sigma Phi
Epsilon, "Rodger Young;" Lambda
Shi Alpha, "There’s Nothing Like
a Dame,” Sigma Nu, "Invictus;”
Omega Hall. "Green Sleaves;”
Gamma Hall, "Mood Indigo;”
Campbell Club, "The Scissor’s
Grinder.” ,