daily EMERALD The Ok soon Dailt F.muald published Monday through Friday during the col'*f! ^Tj0. Dec 5 through Jan. 3; Mar 6 through -8; May 7; Nov. 22 through 27; and IfterMayl*24. with isues on !5ov. « and May 12. by the Associated Students of 'he •f Oregon- Entered as second class matter at the posloihce, Eugene. Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per school year; $2 per ‘ero* Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not P'"'"* <° represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Initialed editorials ara written by Ike associate editors. Unsip*>ed editorials are written by the editor._____ A Day for Diplomacy Oregon students now have a chance to prove ourselves some thing more than the immature kids which events of recent years have tabbed us. Diplomacy will have its day if we 11 give it the opportunity. This “chance” is a 20-page report which has been tabbed the “Oregon report.” It comes from a committee of nine students appointed by the ASUO president to investigate dormitory conditions. In a nutshell, the report suggests separate living units for freshmen, pledging deferred until winter term for men and wo men, a counseling and sponsoring program under the Office of Student Affairs and the ASUO Cabinet, and some new twists in freshman orientation. Controversy over the committee and its report has been most heated on this page. Much less bitter was the receipt of the report by at least one all-campus group, Heads of Houses. These presidents of women’s living organizations discussed the suggestions in a very fair and rational manner, bringing up questions pertinent to the program. Similar reaction has been reported from Interfraternity Council and Interdormitory Council, men’s house presidents. Now, if alumni, especially those eternal sophomores, will just look before they leap into this report and its suggestions ... if students will continue to do themselves proud . . , and if administration leaders will join in as they have been doing ... this dormitory report will serve as a foundation upon which all groups concerned can biuld a satisfactory freshman living program-. Permit us to reprint part of the introduction to the report: “The committee does not at this time pretend to have solved all the difficulties involved in starting such a plan as is here recommended at Oregon. But it does believe that the sugges tions in this report have merit and are worthy of the deepest possible consideration by the student body and the administra tion, with action toward establishing such a program the con templated.end,” Put Up or Shut Up Today both AGS and USA will elect a slate of candidates for student body and class offices. The people elected by these par ties will vie for the administration of Student Government next year. It’s not new—it’s done every year, but How is it done every year? Some say it’s done by relatively few members in each part}'—the politicians—the wheels. Others are more generous—they say it’s done by the few really interested students. The out and out optimistic ones say it’s done by the student body out of interest for the promotion of better student government on the campus. Today we find out. AGS representatives will elect the final members for the party slate at 4 p.m. today. Tomorrow by noon persons rec commended by the party will be known by members of all AGS houses. If the optimist is right, the majority opinion of each house concerning preference of candidates will be revealed by the election. And whose responsibility is that? The responsibility of each member of each house to make his opinions known to his rep resentative—or the optimist is lost in the shuffle—again. USA will have the huge and necessarily slow process of electing a slate at 4 p.m. According to the optimist, every mem ber interested in the welfare of student government should at tend that meeting and indicate his preference by ballot. A bet ter opportunity couldn’t be provided. If students don’t respond —the pessamist is right—again. Every year we hear complaints about imbecility, juvenile nature, lack of ability, and so on, shown by students connect ed with student government. Actually students are griping about their own mistakes— either in judgment or participation. It isn’t necessary at all. Maybe we need more interested optimists.—J.P._ THE DAILY *%’... To the ingenious islanders of Minturn Hall and their method for keeping things cool. How about a method for treating campus atmosphere these days? THE OREGON LEMON... to those students who trample the new grass around the | Student Union. - Judge and be Judged THE FACULTY HAS GPA TOO Grades are not for students alone your University faculty gets them, too. Each year administrative of fl eers submit staff grades or rat ings to the president along with recommendations for promotions, changes in rank, termination of services, and static, service. As compared to students who are rated A to F, the professorial staff is judged on a numerical ba sis, from 1 to 5. Grades of 1 are tantamount to A, with the rat ings continuing on a graduated scale. Salary, length of service, ago, and present tenure have no part in determining these ratings. In stead, they are based on three distinct lines of activity: The Inside Story Your I'nlverslty fneulty mnit h(TH spend many of their unking hours Issuing term grade re ports on their students. But how atwoit the grades they receive themselves? The Dally Kmeruld set out to find the "Inside" of how the faculty family Is rated on this campus. Among the faculty, these rat ings may he just as important as grades are to students. The answers are provided In the accompany!:1? article, bused on an Interview a 1th President II. K. Newborn by Associate I alitor Tom King. The faculty la rated entirely on the basts of merit, without re gUld for the position hold or 1 ho stipend drawn. Under Ibid wy:.1. m the only monibera of the st.iff who do not receive grnd< , i>. graduate and research u.shini . ■,tn. In uddltloii to the grade, Infor mation 11ml dupportlng data are Ml|i|illed hy the dean. \ professor, then. In graded—and this is sup. (demented by materlnl telling why and how the grade lias Isvii arrived at. A special advisory courieil ■«• lected by the faculty also mulo-H available ratings and information for tlie president. Tins coiiik d graded those members of tin- fac ulty about whom there Id sulTi eient information available t>> (I) Productive scholarship (such as research, authorship of hooks, talks tiefdrc educators, etc.) (2 i Teaching ability (including methodology of examinations, classroom work, preparation, and any advisory activities in which the instructor may participate as part of his regular assignment. Service Hating Included (3) General service to the University and state (embracing contributions other than those in the area of instruction, such as activities in connec tion with national organizations and committees, i Of the three categories, the first two are con sidered the most important, according to President New burn. Composite, ratings are given to include all three of the categories, A rating of 1 indicates outstanding performance in the given lines of activity. Since it is the highest possible grade that may be achieved, few are given; in certain schools and departments there may be no academic staff member who attains this standard of competence. A 2 denotes performance "clearly above aver age”; 3 is “above average”; 4 is "definitely below average”; and 5 is “definitely poor.” make a Judgment. In the event that there are lat . scale discrepancies between the ratings given 1 a dean and by the council, NVwburn will arrang a special meeting to attempt to consolidate the t-.e,, viewpoints. The council also makes advisory mi>> gostion.s for tenure, promotions, and other staff changes. liutliigs are distinguished from promotions, si^V.. ary adjustment*. and other such lutru-rtilversiti matters. The dears sulmilt ratings concurrently with their recommendations for promotions anil other changes. Annual Basis at First As the University presently operates, profo ,ors are at first employed on an annual basis. After a three-year period the University is obligated to make a review to determine whether or not a mem ber of the faculty should be recommended for in definite tenure. Seven tear Maximum Yearly reappointment* may in- made for a maxi mum number of seven tears. At that time, the pro fessor must either In- put on tenure or dropped from the staff. In this connection, the normal retirement age for professors is fixed at 65 by the state. Jletter* 4 Corsage to Counselors Emerald Editor: It seems possible that the now living and counseling program suggested by the Stanford Com mittee has, by implication, cast a few adverse reflections on the present counseling group. This group certainly deserves no such criticism. The committee did not mean to make any such implication but perhaps it has been done. I would like to dear the atmos phere a little on this point. One of the counselors was heard to remark bitterly: "It looks like they consider our whole program a flop.” No, Mr. Counselor, those of us who have been closely associat ed with this year's counseling program can nominate much more worthy candidates for a ‘flop’ title. We might mention the higher echelon of the administration and suggest they could do with a better structured organization —where lines of au^iority were more clearly drawn in the Office of Student Affairs in respect to a counselor’s duties. We might nominate Interfra temity Council because many houses in IFC have tended to re gard the counseling group as a deadly foe. This attitude has leaked over onto a number of the freshmen pledges, we might add. Or we might nominate Inter dormitory Council as the group who allowed a somewhat shaky first-year situation to become even more shaky as the bars to contain group living were torn down and thrown away. We could even nominate a number of upper class dorm men who have resented any attempt to become ‘assistant sponsors’, and help the counselor in a job that was practically a full-time occupation. And if we wanted to drop down to the personality level, we might even point a finger art the writer of this letter, one Bill Clothier. I feel that one of the biggest mistakes made by any group was the IDC-IFC compromise last year. I was Instrumental in obtaining this 'gentleman's agreement'. This pleee of paper served as the first gun In an opening bar rage that practically shot the counselor’* xhlp right out from under him. The- amnctng thing is thnt any sort of mmee** «us scored at all. AmI that it uii scored Is iiuul* manifest In tin* Mtrpmrly high grades attained by the university as u whole. If there are any bouquets to be handed out, Mr. Kline and his rounselors should get the first one. There are a lot of other places where the brick-bats are more justified. Hill Clothier It Could Be Oregon ’foMORtfZOlV mate • - / t\ //' “Oh! I don’t mind not having paper—It help* my memory it I J11^ write on anything.”