'Old Men' Club Forming Here "Old Men" at Oregon — here’s an opportunity. A new club is being established on the campus — “the Old Men’s Club.” If you are 25 and a male student, you are eligible for mem bership. Anyone interested in the club is asked to contact Lloyd Lease, Del ta Tau Delta, or Tom Barry, Sig ma Phi Epsilon. The purpose of the club, Barry said, is one of harmony and social endeavor. Proffesor to Leave For Federal Job Homer Barnett, professor of an thropology, has been granted a year's leave with pay from the Uni versity to accept a position as staff anthropologist in the Pacific division of the Office of Trust Ter ritories. Barnett will take over the new position on July 1. As part of the higher staff, he will help administer the trust territories in the Pacific which were formerly ■ under the Navy department's control. The islands involved are the Marshalls, Carolines. Marianas, and Palaus. German Honorary Pledges Members Delta Phi Alpha, German honor ary, elected 18 new members at a recent meeting. Qualifications for membership Include 18 hours of German or the equivalent of spring term stand ing in second year German, and a 3.00 average in all German courses. Members are as follows: Joanne Wilcox, Carolyn Petersen, Pat Ward, Jackie Wilkes, and Virginia Vincent, sophomores in liberal arts; Carl Winklebleck, sophomore in music; Harold Wolf and Richard Lynch, juniors in economics; Catherine Black, junior in foreign languages; Walter Martin, junior in music; Max Stephenson, junior in biology; Adeline Garbarino, junior in journalism; Dorothy Christiansen, senior in mathemat ics; Peter Wright and David Lan ning, seniofk in physics; David Brown, graduate student in art; Walter Freauff, graduate student in history; and Jan Quickenden, graduate student in English. Crossing between intersections resulted in 39.8 per cent of traffic deaths caused by actions of pedes trians in 1950. and in 26.1 per cent of injuries. This act was respon sible for 3,740 fatalities and 78,170 traffic injuries. Committee Explains Report to Groups (Conlinued from page one) group over the rushing program now in effect. “The fall term hands-off policy makes freshmen feel that they are not wanted,” Dick McLaughlin, IFC president said. "By this system (the deferred rushing program sub mitted by the ASTTO committee) a larger group of men will pledge.” McLaughlin explained that the greater pledge rate would exist be cause freshmen would be separated from older confirmed independents. The IFC did not vote on the re port. Some Opposition Discussion on the deferred rush ing plan among members of Heads of Houses revealed some opposition to the proposed program. Norma Beetem, Alpha Omicron Pi president, didn't quarrel with the principle, but as a practical prob lem couldn't see how a rush week could be worked out winter term. Donna Buse, Delta Zelta, de scribed the deferred rushing prin ciple as an unnatural division be tween sorority women and fresh man girls during fall term. She said the plan would tend to isolate fresh men from the rest of the campus. Few questions or disagreements were raised by Heads of Houses in regard to the freshman consolidat- | ed unit plan or the counseling pro gram. The group was unwilling to take a straw vote upon the dormi tory committee report until the in dividual members had consulted their living organizations. All wo men’s houses will discuss the report at house meetings this evening. IIM Favors Report IDC expressed a majority opinion in favor of the committe proposals. No vote was taken and members re ceived copies of the report to study. A meeting will be held at a later date where the report will be dis cussed further. Donald DuShane, director of stu dent affairs, said of the dormitory committee’s work, “We are deeply appreciative of the time and thought spent on this report and for the evidence it gives that stu dents and University authorities can approach mutual problems with the same objectives in mind—that what is best for the students is best for the University. DuShane Makes Statement “I am sure that the University will make every effort to utilize the eommittee’s recommendations In further improving our program for next year.” President Newburn was out of town and not available for com ment Sunday. Director of Men’s Affairs Ray Hawk termed the committee’s re port “a job well done.’.’ Hawk com plimented the group upon its achievement and its thoroughness. He said that he had no immediate abjection to the proposals but eautioned that the plan “must be thought out to see if it is econom ically feasible.” U.S. Must Aid World Unity, Says Speaker (Continued from page one1 gathering. Hence, in accordance with this policy, study of the national lang uage has been greatly encouraged and made compulsory in some in stances. During the years 1938 and 1940 many of the systems of al phabets which had been drawn up for small minority groups as a part of a previous program for the building of individual cultures were replaced with the Russian alphabet: The former plan, which saw the | promotion of sectional dialects and linguistic differences to the ex- j tent that courts were required to j use the language of the locale in which they were located in legal proceedings, is now being replaced with the one-language program. Soviet patriotism has been stimu lated by the plan, aiding in unify ing the people and making pos sible common praise of a single language. Russians Wish Universal Language Russia's nationality policy plan for the future, as seen by Towster, is the eventual creation of a single world language — the Russian language. According to Towster, the Russians do not believe that the idea will unfold at once, but will be a gradual process resulting from the formation of a lone, world socialist state. Out of the socialist state will emerge several zonal international languages. As the zonal centers merge, a common language will be accepted. And that common language will be the Russian lang uage as the language of socialism. "In the Russian use of psycho logical politics, words are wea pons,” Towster said. “Concepts are symbols. Symbols are used to spread the message of nationalism among the people. Repression of the use of ‘local' words and the introduction of ‘out side’ words is effected by the Rus sian policy makers as a portion of the nationality program,” Towster informed his audience. No War, Samson Stage Now Towster said that he did not anticipate a war between the Unit ed States and Russia unless there is an immediate military emer gency. The world will move in a “Samson”-like stage, he said, each nation afraid to wage war, but building its armament in prepared ness. Eventually something out side of war will be used to settle the ideological struggle, he inti mated. “The Soviet Union is attempt ing to win converts to its side by building a model state, a living example of how many nations may live to gether side-by-side," he explained. CONFERENCE ON NATIONS STARTS HERE ' (Continued from Pape one) World Crisis” for selected faculty and graduate students will com plete Tuesday’s schedule. Towster and \an Moo'k will be speakers. "Japanese Pence Treaty" will be the topic discussed at 9 a m. Wed nesday by’lke, who will speak be fore the Far Fast and modern times class. A faculty luncheon for Ike will be held at noon at the Faculty Club, under the sponsor Ship of the Far Eastern Studies committee. Wednesday's schedule will be completed with a tulk'by Ike on "Problems of Democratization of Japan," to he held at 8 p.m. In .! Fenton. A 10 n.m. speech In !> Oregon on "Beginnings of Political Democ racy in Japan" will open Thurs day’s schedule. The speech will be presented by Ike before (he his lory of Japan duns. A profosiiion •il seminar on "Nationalism in Japan" will bo hold at u p.n, jn 206 Oregon for selected faculty and Kiuduatc students. Iko will ho the spcnker. North will bo the speaker for tho 11 am. University assembly in tho SU ballroom Friday. Clausen will be shortened. Ilia topic will be "The Forces of Nationalism In China." Speeding drivers involved in 1 out of 3 fatal traffic accidents Watch out—the time you save by speeding may be spent in the cemetery. According to offi cial traffic records, speed is the most frequently reported violation in fatal traffic accidents. So exercise your foot someplace else than on the accelerator. Remember that a speeding car is harder to handle, takes longer to stop, does more damage. Make it a point to drive at safe speed . . . always. When driving conditions are bad, safe speed is often much lower than the legal, posted limit. Be sure to slow down when weather or visibility is poor. It may take a little longer— but chances are you’ll live a lot longer. Lights out for another speed merchant. Somebody tried to outguess a traffic light and now somebody is dead. Don’t let this happen to you. Slow down at intersections. Remember — when you step on the ga3 instead of the brakes, ij: may be your last step. Too lata for tho doctor. This driver couldn't wiiit. He speeded past another car on a hill, and look what happened! Remember this and be extra careful. Don’t pass on hills or curves. Don’t weave in and out of traffic. Always drive at a safe speed. BE CAREFUL -foe life you save may be your own! by The Advertising Council in cooperation with the National Safety Council. I. /i l THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED IN THE INTEREST OP YOUR SAFETY BY