* Queen Candidates... ...— four of them — are pic tured uml Interviewed on Pa^e ft. VOLUME MI n daily EMERALD I MVKK.SITV OK OKKOON, KI'OKNK, MONDAV, APRIL 23, 1951 Minturn Hall... ...has somo unusual residents. And they have some unusual ways to keep refreshments cool. S»e. Pajce 5. NtMBKK 112 Committee Explains Its Report Members of tin- AS!'() < 1.• t mitory committee on freshman living met Friday with three eani|>ns organizations to ore sent findings of the committee's trip to Stanford for the purpose of studying first hand that school's deferred living pro gram. Waste features Included in the dormitory committee’s report are ffle establishment of freshman liv ing units, deferred rushing for both men and women until the be ginning of winter term, an intensi fied counseling program, and a comprehensive freshman orienta tion period at ,the beginning of fall term. Group* which heard the commit tee'* pro|K)HRi» were Head* of Houh«\s, the Inter-Dormitory (Coun cil, anti the Inter-Fraternity Coun cil. The 20-page report has also been aubmlttcd to the Office of Student Affairs and University President Harry K, Ncwburn. Panhcllenlc will meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday to review the report. The ICC In open discussion fol lowing presentation of the report expressed general approval of the provisions included in the commit tee's suggested living program. The deferred rushing plan drawn up by the dormitory committee seemed to be favored by the fraternity < t'lcase turn lo {>wis said. Rushing is optional for each sorority, but Miss Ia-w is said that all houses would probably participate. Ridding and pledging will be bandied through the office of the director of women's affairs. U.S. MUST AID WORLD UNITY, SAYS SPEAKER By lj»rry Holttirt The cnix of world troubles is | the lark of international unity I unity which walks hand and hand j with liberty. It is up to the United i States to bring about such unity ami to defeat the program of so-' cialized oneness sought hy the ] Union of Soviet Socialist Repub lics. Thus Julian Towster of the Uni versity of California, an expert upon Soviet Russia, summed up his remarks upon "The Present USSR Nationality Rohry" Sunday morning before an audience of j political science instructors from! throughout the Northwest. Tows ter, who has held posts ir. the Department of State and Jus tice and served with the Office of: Strategic Services during World War II. outlined briefly the evolu tion of the Soviet nationality pol-: icy and the theory lying behind the political decisions which put it into effect. "The problem facing Russia.' with its polyglot of nations, is one i of building a unified whole fr.im j varied and geographically extend ed peoples," Towster said. Among the some 175 different national groups found under the control of Soviet Russia, 125 lang-1 uages and dialects are spoken. ; Basically then, Towster pointed out, the problem is one of linguis tics and of culture. The solution to the Soviet dilem ma has been the effort to pro mote a national language — the Russian language — and to at tempt to establish a national cul ture through group expression '( ading to a fusion of central ideas,1 Towster told the political science ' Phase turn to pane eight) Campus Politicians Busy as Election Day Draws Near * CAMPUS POLITICIANS have been busy these past weeks Retting ready for the AS CO elections, May 2. At left, members of the As sociated Greek Students policy committee discuss candidates who have filed to run on their party's ticket. At right, part of the steer ing committee ol the t'nited Students Association is busy at the same task—trying to select potential candidates for their ticket. AGS to Hold Primary Elections;! 23 ,Candidates Seek Nomination Twenty-three candidates were selected for the Associated Greek Students primary election ballot, after petitions were screened Fri day afternoon by the party's policy committee. Final selection of can didates will be made by AGS dele gates at Monday and Tuesday meetings. The policy committee announced that anyone who is defeated for nomination for office in the prim ary may petiiton AGS to run for I Benator-at-large. These petitions ! will be screened by the policy committee Tuesday afternoon. Bill Carey, AGS president, said nearly 100 petitions were turned in. Candidates for student body of fices on the AGS ticket arc: ASUO president: Tom fairy. Bill Carey, Steve Church, and Dave Rod way. Senior class president: none. Junior class president: Jack eBeycrs, Herb Ct>ok, Mike LaUy. Sophomore class president: John Akers, Wayne Carothers, Jim Magnuson, Bob White. Senior class representative: Bar bara Clerin, Shirley Hillard, Jeanne Hoffman, Karla Van Loan. Junior class representative: Jody Greer, Jane Simpson, Marion Smith, Donna Pastrouich. Sophomore class representative: Rosamond Fraser, Sally Hazelton, Joan Miller, Pat Smith. USA Slates Tuesday Assembly For Final Selection of Candidates The steering committee of the. United Students Association met Sunday night to interview peti tioners for office on the party’s ticket. Final selection of the party's candidates will be made at a gen- • eral assembly of all USA members, i p.m. Tuesday in Mac Court. USA members may pick up mem bership cards at Mac Court Tues-, day. Those approved by the commit tee arc: ASUO president: Merv Hampton, Bill Clothier Senior class president: Bill Lees, Ccce Daniels Junior class president: Don Pail lette, Bob Metz, Dick Davis Sophomwre class president: Ben Schmidt, Bob Simpson Senior representative: Pat Mul Iin Junior representative: Don Col lin, Pat Choat, George Boehnke Sophomore representative: Jack Cardinale, Karl Harshbarger, A1 Karr Senate-at-large: Paul Lasker, Maggie Powne, Helen Jackson, Don Zavin, Phil Johnson, Virginia Wright, Doug Ambers, Ed Peter son, Bruce Wallace Conference On Nations Starts Here A speech on "Nationalism in Indonesia" at 10 a.m. today in the Student Union ballroom, for selected classes, w ill open this week - conference on “Rus sia, the bar least, and the United States—Nationalism." The speech, to be presented by. H. J. van Mook. is the first in a series to be presented today through Friday for select ed classes, the public, ar.d selected, faculty and graduate students. Van Mook was appointed lieuten ant governor of the Netherlands East Indies in December, 194.’, and served in this position ur.t.1 May, 1942. when he became Nethei lands Minister of Colonies. i op >peak^rs Other top speakers who w. .J participate in the conference are Julian Towster of the University of California, and Nobutaka. Iko and Robert C. North of the Hoov>: r Institute and Library, Stanford University. Other events on today's agenda include a invitational facult y luncheon for H. J. van Mook anil Julian Towster at noon in th*' Faculty Club: a 4 p.m. coffee hour for van Mook and Towster in th^ SU Dads’ Lounge under the spon sorship of the SU Board: and an S p.m. speech by Towster on "R:.* sian Nationalism in Europe. ’ which will be held in the SU Ball room and will be open to the pub lic. Tuesday’s Schedule Tuesdays schedule will open with a symposium on "Forces of Nationalism in Southeast Asia' at 10 a.m. m 5 Oregon. The sym posium, to be presented by van Mook and Towster, will be for selected classes. A *hoon luncheon for van Mook and Towster at the Faculty Club will be held for the political science department facul ty. At 2 p.m. professional seminar on "Forces of Nationalism in the ' F hast' turn to fa or cioht) Men Slow to Apply For Draft Test Cards University students liable fox service have been slow to pick up their application cards for the Selective Service Qualification Test, according to Local Board No. 13. The double-postals (Selective Service System Forms 106 ami 107) should be picked up and sent, in immediately so that the appli cation may be processed, officials said. Failure to send in the applica tion might result in drafting of a deferrable student, the board said. The results of the test will be weighed with other factors in de termining draft status of students. The forms may be had upon re quest from the local draft boaicl at 127 Seventh Ave. E. J. S. Carlson, director of the counseling center, who will admin ister the tests on the campus, pointed out that his staff has been asked to handle only 500 appli cants on each of the three dates — May 26, June 16, and June 30. Con sequently. those who apply early will get the first chance to tak the test. Those who are unable to take the tests here will have an oppor tunity at one of the other .13 test ing centers throughout the state. All units of the State System of Higher Education except Vanport College have been selected to ad minister the test.