Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1951, Page Two, Image 2

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    l*e O..OOM Da.lt Kmk*al® published Mo?d»y tbrougb, Fridw during the
rates: %S per school year; $2 per ♦erm
«P3. pLl XUWt 7t4»» , f b K*" ?
S&- b,
the associate editor*. Unsi***il editorials are written by the editor. --
Anita Holwii, Editor
Motel Scwxxsin, Business Manager
Lorna Larson, Mansging Editor t _
Tom Kino. Ken Mitiur, Jackie Pritzen, Associate Editors
Fran Neel, Advertising Manager _
The General Takes His Stand
"Truman would never draw crowds like this.
That’s what onlookers were saying in San Francisco this,
week when Gen. Douglas MacArthur arrived attei his 14 ) eats
absence from his fatherland.
“General MacArthur delivered an exceedingly able address.
However, it definitely proved President 1 ruman s case that
(the general) so thoroughly disagreed with the foreign policy
of the United States that his dismissal as commander in field
was necessary.”
That’s what Oregon Senator \\ ayne Morse said after listen
ing to MacArthur’s address before a joint session of Congress
Morse’s keen observation summarizes in a nutshell what
MacArthur said and did in his key speech. It was a sound pre
sentation of the 71-vear-old soldies-statesman s viewpoint on
the situation in the Far East; he wants aggressive strategy. It
pulled a few punches; the administration came in for its shaie
of criticism. It gave conclusive evidence that the general and
president were so far apart in their views that they would
never be reconciled.
MacArthur’s appeal to sentimentalism with his references
to the “Old Soldier” ballad will probably capture the imagina
tions of the masses. But it is an appeal to sentimentalism,
The reaction of the San Francisco crowds was an expression
—not of sentimentalism—but instead of plain enthusiasm.
The welcome extended him was colored little by political
stripes. San Francisco felt it owed the soldier-statesman a real,
full-blown greeting-. Feelings concerning the Truman-ijacAr
thur differences were somewhat secondary—one of the na
tion’s greatest military geniuses had finally come back, the last
World War JI top-brass to make his return.
The president’s name was frequently uttered in vain—again:
“Truman would never draw crowds like this. Partly this was
political by-play; mostly it was contagious enthusiasm for Mac
Arthur, which found its sacrificial lamb in the chief executive.
VVe Want Blood, Not Competition
The second Red Cross blood drive will be on the campus
April 24 and 25. Campus response was good during the pre
vious drive, but what about this time?
At the Northern Branch they are stirring incentive by pro
posing, “One Thousand Donors, Beat Oregon. Maybe some
eager Beaver who would remain disinterested otherwise would
be persuaded to give a pint (of blood) in the competitive spirit.
But such an incentive is somewhat petty and a bit juvenile, we
The blood donated will go to Korea, where it will mean life
to American soldiers. All right, so bring out the violins, but
that’s what it amounts to. There should be rtt> necessity for con
juring pseudo-enthusiasm. The degree of its value and its need
should be enough for students to respond without question.
Rumors fly constantly about organizations such as the Red
Cross—like the perennial claim that it sells blood donated by
such drives as these. To curb these rumors, the Lane County
division checked such claims with the Korean section.
Such unusual cases have not occurred since the last war when
black market activities cropped up, but were quickly elimi
nated by Active Red Cross units in Europe.
The Red Cross has many purposes. One of them is to solicit
blood, whole and plasma, for troops in Korea. The average
body contains between four and five quarts of blood, and biol
ogists tell us that you can live a while without part of it, and
it doesn’t hurt a bit.
Unless your four or five quarts are polluted, you can donate
it to the Red Cross.
So why not? If we’re looking for incentive, we can have our
donation buttons mounted.—J.P.
to Director Robinson and the cast of “Finian’s Rainbow”
for deciding to give an extra performance of their most
outstanding musical comedy. Those who missed tickets
for the regular performances will be able to go 'i uesday
—Campus Critic
At End of the Rainbow
A Beautiful Pot of Gold
By Don Smith
This evening in the fjtudent
Union "Our Town" will be shown;
the film version of the Thornton
Wilder Broadway success of 1938
has Martha Scott as one of the
notables in the cast. This film was
made when Miss Scott was a tal
ented young actress; and her
performance in the unusual
drama of small-town life is very
creditable The picture will also
be shown Sunday afternoon.
On the screens downtown to
day there is nothing of particu
lar interest. (Xrniing Sunday to
Tell Me, Unc Dudley
Emerald Editor:
Gosh, Uncle Dudley sure did
get a cute letter from little Jim
my. It was awful good.
But I'm so dumb I can’t fig
ure out whether maybe the gen
eral didn't really lick all the Japs
by himself, or whether the presi
dent shouldn’t have fired him, be
cause he’s right, because lots of
folks—the ones who always talk
the most—just know he’s right,
and besides, they love him an
awful lot.
Maybe Jimmy would have been
real puzzled if he’d been in Ber
lin back when millions of people
were real excited and having pa
rades for a man who had a mus
tache on his face.
But then maybe Uncle Dudley -
would have written back and ex
plained to little Jimmy that all
people over here are plumb dif
ferent from those people. Why,
those were the childish kind of
people that just went around let
ting their feelings tell them what
to do and think.
Why, they thought their whole
race was smarter and nicer than
all the other races. And then may
be Jimmy would see things in the
same light as his Uncle Dudley.
‘Course, maybe Uncle Dudley
wouldn’t write that kind of let
ter at all. I just don’t know; like
I say, I’m awful dumb about
reading things.
Paul A. Norris
• • •
Our Fault, Not Yours
Emerald Editor:
We would like to put in a pro
test on our receiving the Ore
gon Lemon Monday, April 16.
First of all, tickets were on
sale in living organizations the
week preceding the Vodvil. The
sales were so poor that some
houses that bothered to pick up
their tickets, returned them in
Secondly there was a booth in
the Co-op and Student Union
Wednesday through Friday and
another booth downtown at Mil
ler's. The students could have
purchased tickets, but t^ey did
n’t. So actually they deserved to
Also there has never been any
more than two ticket windows
open at the Vodvil and like all
good Oregon students we just
followed tradition and opened
two. A third one was set up when
the people started coming thick
and fast. You seem to have over
looked that fact.
Vodvil Ticket Committee
the silver screens arc »'**"te filin'*
which have ha«l a *<••**• quantity
of advance publicity. “I p
Front," bused on Bill Mauldin’**
lilting cartoon humor < f the war,
will come forward at the llclllg
Sunday. Major criticism of thin
film ha* followed the line—Maul
din's humor depended on sharp
ness and th<> film lia*t leveled too
much. David Wayne, usually Rood
for laughs, Is Involved.
"The Mudlark," with Irene
Dunne as Queen Victoria, flies in
to the McDonald Sunday. Praise
for this film has been generally
high, commenting on the quality
of the film, and the quality of
Miss Dunne's performance.
Turning from the flickers to
the stage—the University The
ater has found a pot of gold In
“Finian's Itainliow” which will
break theater attendance records
by the end of Its run Tuesday. It
appears, also, that many students
have been plunking down their $2
for tiekets reluctantly, and won
dering why the theater doesn't
have a student rate.
First, let me explain that a ma
jor portion of Finian's is done by
solo and choral singing and danc
ing, all accompanied by an or
The $2 rate is, as you may know
twice the cost of regular theater
productions; that’s because a
musical ia much more costly to
put on, royalty being three times
that of a regular play. However,
if you had purchased a season
ticket for Jf> at the beginning of
the year, you'd be paying no more
for this production than for any
other. In fact, it costs you and
your date $4 to see “Finian's.''
For another $1 you could have
bought a season ticket and been
entitled to six admissions (to any
of the plays, or all for one play).
This may seem rather confusing
to you, but if you finally figure
it out you’ll decide to reserve a
season ticket for next year when
they go on sale later this term;
that is, of course, if you're going
to be here next year.
f Hv:
I Hatth
Hi B f Bob Funk
Following Ih a lint of days hi
tlir week. It Im for thoac who have
always wondered which day any
particular day wan, and have
never known anyone who knew.
Sailer day. I fatter round all
day, und then went on a plelno
(Isn’t this horrible!).
Hun duy. Sun day 1 am gome to
have to Htudy, hut this Ian", the
Monday. Thin isn't the day
rouge liny. I in- ua\ i.eslle
Too/.e duel something thill in
written up on tlw front page «if
th«' F.ineruld. Komi' Hfrloi sue
docs something on Ptomr other
days. In this rase, however, all
the now* Ih Ik'IiI until Toon- Uaj.
Wens day. You'll h«*ar
raying "wen's the day i this u i
full we .have our mid-term, %
"wen's the day we're goin' to liio
show." or "wen's the day I pay
my house bill.” This is the day.
Fry day. This Is the day the
1*1 Phi's Hint the Carson girls ex
pose themselves to the sun. A
good place to view fry da\ is
front ts-hliid the third floor of the
Student I'nhin. It’s harder to see
the 1*1 Phi's.
Yesterday. The day before to
day. which is the day you put off
doing everything until today.
You'd bi tter postpone everything
until tomorrow, which isn't a day
of the week at all. Not during
spring term, anyway.
I Author’s note: If you liked
this column, maybe you'll fed
more like yourself tomorrow, i
The Second Cup
A dedicatory word to that lit
tle known sun dial which stands
near Johnson Hall:
• • •
Let others tell of storms and
I'll only mark your sunny
hours, ion sun dial at Pittsfield,
Mass, i
• • *
The sun, oentre alre of light,
The keystone of the world
built arch of heaven. liaih-v.
• • * *
Let not the sun go down upon
your wrath. Ephesians
It Could Be Oregon
“Your hair smells so lovely tonijjht. Flossy. I’ll bet you just washed It,