Daily EMERALD VOLI'MKIJI 1'NIV K1CSITV OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, ABRIL 20, 1051 NUMBER 111 Committee Reports on Living-in Plan Four Far East Experts To Come for Meeting Four expert* on Far Eastern affairs will take part in session* of the conference on "Russia, Far’ Fast, and the United Staten Nationalism,” to b«' held Monday1 through Friday on the campus. Visiting lecturers include H. J. van Mook and Julian Towster, >j§lh of the University af Callfor-j nla; and Nobulaka Ik'- and Robert C. North, tsith of the Hoover In*ti- i tute and Library, Stanford Uni-1 varsity. Van Mook will open the session on Monday with a speech on na tionalism in Indonesia He is a former lieutenant governoi -general of the Netherlands Fast Indies. He I was born of Dutch parents in the Fast Indies, and spent most of hi. life there until World War II. Asia Expert The 19.10 Lucknow, India, eon-j ference on Far Eastern affairs was attended by North who aW' travel ed througti six Asiatic countries! before returning to the United \ Stater. He is the author of var ious articles on Soviet-Chinese re-1 lations, and hts novel, "Revolt in i San Marcos," won the Wallace i Stegner puze at Stanford in 1948. \ Towster, an authority on Rus- \ sian affairs, has held posts in the! Departments of States and Justice, and during the war with the Of fice of Ktrateglc Services. "Rus sian Nationalism in Europe" will be the topic of his discussion at a public lecture Monday night. Selected University classes and faculty groups will hear Towstcr and van Mook on Tuesday in a symposium seminar. Knows Japan ike Is an expert on Japanese affairs and will be featured in Wednesday and Thursday sessions. He is currently engaged in a study! of Marxism and Japanese intellect uals. He will give a public address Wednesday evening on 'Problems of Democratization in Japan." Paul S. Dull, associate profes sor of political science and history, is handling arrangements for the institute. MacArthur on Page 7 A description of the rolorful events surrounding the arrival of Gen. Douglas MacArthur in San Francisco may Is- found on page 7 of today's Emerald. Written by three Emerald re porters actually on the spot the stories include human Interest in formation concerning the visit of the general to the city of the Gold en Gate. Co-op Board Nominations Announced Nomination* for now mrrahrrs of the hoard of directors were made at the annual meeting of C'o-op members Thursday. Those nominated for the sopho more position were James Mar shall. Barbara Keelen. and Carolyn] McLean. Junior position nominees] were Merle Davis, Joan Renner, Gajlerd Smith. Joyce Rathbun, and Gordon Berg. Voting will be held in conjunc tion with ASUO elections May 2. Bob Pearce, president of the board of directors, stated. One person will be elected to the sophomore position to serve one year; two to the junior post for a two-year term. G. L. Henson, store manager, gave brief report to the 20 Co-op members present. "The Co-op is strong financially at the present time," he said. He expressed hope that the 10 per cent rebate to members v. ould be continued as it has been in the past three years. A pamphlet published by the Co-op Board was distributed, ex plaining the work of the board and purpose of the store. Junior Weekend Queen Aspirants JUNIOR WEEKEND QUEEN aspirants Interviewed by the Emerald today are from left to right, Jeanne Hoffman, Libby Miller, Joanne Lewis, and Shirley Hillard, (See story on l*age 6.) Frosh Dorms, Deferred Rushing for Women, Men, Sought by Group I r< simian living units, deferred rushing for hotli moil and wo nu n until tin- bcKinninp of winter term, and an intensified coun s< linjf program arc the key points of Oregon's proposed living in plan. . H I lie 32-page report will lie presented to Interdorinitory Cottn td, lute rfraternity ( ounnl, llcads of f-fouscs, and F>anbe!Ieni ’ tin's afternoon. The program i- offered as a result of investma vvirjui.wu Ity n. J7-Iiirt.il rom* mittee which traveled to Stanford last week. Such a plan would make the freshmen living units a distinct and separate part of the dormitory system. This distinction would, even extend to intramural activi ties. Non-freshmen dorms would form their own league. Fraterni ties would have a separate league. I At the end of each season a play- ! off among the three league win- j ners would determine the cham-i pionship. -I Freshman Fleet Officers The freshmen halls would elect' officers at the beginning of the I school year, and though these i freshmen officers would have little authority during the fall term, they 1 begin to assume some authority | during winter term and by spring the sponsors would be advisory! members of each freshman hall ' The freshman hall officers would form their own council and be gov-1 erning their own activities by the! end of the school year. The report suggests that the present counseling system be modi fied so that one person in each hall (to be called a Resident As sistant! would do all the counsel ing in academic matters. The. Resi dent Assistant would be selected from graduate students and would be the administrative representa tive in each dormitory hall. He would be concerned with disciplin ary matters. Sponsors Keep Order The job of maintaining discipline and order in the halls would be the responsibility of another person, the sponsor. Sponsors would be employed only in the freshmen halls, and the report suggests that there be one sponsor for each floor in the veteran's dormitories, if the vet's dorms are chosen for the freshmen living units. It is point ed out that one sponsor should be responsible for not more than 50 men. Sponsors would be selected by a committee formed for this pur pose. which would include the head sponsor once the committee was functioning. There would be a men's housing committee and a women's housing committee. The housing committees would be largely composed of students. I Ian Proposes Orientation Another aspect of the plan pro poses a much more comprehensive freshmen orientation period at the beginning: of fall term. Part of the orientation is directly related to the counseling program but the committee also suggests that a pre - registration committee be formed which will work closely with the Resident Assistants and sponsors. The pre-registration com mittee would number from 40 to 00 students and would be respon sible for making every new Ore gon student familiar with the cam pus way of life. The committee's report says that "the highest goal of the entire living prograjn is to develop stu dents whose first loyalty is to the University of Oregon, and to dorms, houses, or anything else thereafter." Counseling and in doctrination toward this end would be aided by placing all freshmen together in living groups. A committee spokesman said the plan is not offered as any sort of compromise or carbon copy of the program in force at Stanford, but presented with the hope it will be accepted on its own merits as ap plicable tp. Oregon. .. .. Rides Bring Phi Delts Social Pro Phi Delta Theta was placed on indefinite social probation Thurs day by Director of Men's Affaiis Kay Hawk for violation of Inter fraternity Council rules concern ing senior rides. The fraternity was the third placed under the restriction thin year. Similar action had previouf - ly been taken against Alpha Ta r Omega and Phi Kappa Psi for other violations by thc*ir member :. Hawk said that certain membei a of Phi Delta The-ta had "exercised poor judgment in their indiscrim inate use of liquor during a recer-t senior ride." He pointed out that this was a direct violation of rules diawn up by the IFC winter tern*. The rules, which also include clothing requirements for those being taken on the rides and a stipulation that no fewer than two seniors are to be taken togethe were drawn up by a special com mittee in the IFC after ATO wes put on social probation for the ac - tion of some of its members dur ing a senior ride. The IFC delegated itself power to deal with violators of the rules and Hawk said some further actio - may be taken by it. IFC Elects McLaughlin Dick McLaughlin wssi electevl presideat of the Interfraternity Council at a meeting Thursday night. Other new officers are Norm Peterson, vice president; Fred Baltz. secretary-treasurer; and Bob Christ, graduate advisor. Hay Hawk, director of men's af fairs. explained the circumstances behind his placing the Phi Delta Thetas on social probation. The action was taken following a mis conducted senior ride by members of the house. Hawk urged that the fraternities take steps within their own organi zations to combat this problem c;i misconducted senior rides. "Anything done by one of yovr members on this campus reflect s on the whole group the Univer sity and the fraternity system,'’ Hawk pointed out. IFC President Bill Harber ap pointed a tribunal to consider the Phi Delt case within the council. Representatives from Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu. and Sigma Phi F.psilon were named to the tr ibunal. Tickets'Now on Sale For Scott Program Tickets for the Hazel Scott re cital Apr. 2S are now on sale nt the Appliance Center, 70 10th Ave. W., and the Student Union main desk. They will also he available at the. door. Reserved scat tickets, for sec tions X, Y, Z, and the main floor of McArthur Court, will be <1.40. General admission saets in the bal cony will be $1. Seats for Univer sity students, faculty, and high school students will be in the bleachers. The price for bleacher seats will be 60 -cents.