TW Ougon Daily Rmeial* published Monday through Friday daring the —Oct. 30* Dec. 5 through Jan. 3: Mar 6 through 28; May 7; Nov. 22 through 27, and aftar Mav 24 with isuea onNov. 4 ami May 12, by the Associated Students of UOr^H!nT^d«^oudcla» matt.? .t tte poslottcc. Kug.n*. Oregon. S.h«rlpt.on rate*: $5 per school year; $2 per tern* are those ol the writer »nd do not protend to Opinion* expressed on the editorial pnxr are tho*e of the writer Mid do not protend to IMrevnl the apinkm!i of the ASUO 9r ofthe Unieorsity. Initialed editorial* aro written by the associate editors. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor.__ Akita Holmes, Editor Maetel ScaoGGiN, Business Manager Lobma La»soi*. Managing Editor Tom King, Ken Metzlee, Jackie Peitiem, Associate Editors Fran Neel, Advertising Manager News Editor: Gretehen Grondahl Sports Editor: Phil Johnson Wire Editor: A1 Karr Feature Editor: Bob Ford Asst. News Editors: Marjorie Bush, Bill Frye, Larry Hobart. Asst. Managing Editors: Norman Anderson, Phil Bettens, Gene Rose. Night Editor: Sarah Turnbull. Circulation Manager: Jean Lovell. Zone Managers: Abbott Paine. Mamet \a hev, Demse Thutn. Yal Schultz, .Sally Thurston. Gretehen Grefe, Barbara Kcelen, Sally Hazeltine. Layout Manager: Keith Reynolds. National Adv. Mgr.: Bonnie Birkemeier. Gretehen Grefe, • Edith Hading, Barbar Kceien, Sally Hazeltmc. Sour Grapes and Stanford A fifth grade teacher once said there are three classes of peo ple : those who make the world go round; those who know the world’s moving, but don't do anything about it, and those who aren't even aware of any motion. She forgot one class, those who balk at every move, those who do nothing but grumble and gripe and criticize the movers. Of course criticism is important, but a little more construc tive criticism and a little less sour grapes would be welcome. Reactionaries—maybe that’s what they are—those people who decide they don’t nke a plan before they even know what the plan entails. Senator Owen Brewster of Maine afforded a good example of this last week. He was criticizing what President Truman was going to say long before the speech was even made. And a recent example here on the Oregon campus—those critics of the nine-man committee's trip to study deferred liv ing at Stanford last weekend. Some said two or three could have done the job as well as nine. Some complained over the use of student funds to pay ex penses for such a large group to go all the way to Stanford. And others said these travelers were undoubtedly going to spend all their time playing in beautiful California. Expenses were not all paid. The Athletic Department paid gas costs, for two cars and that’s all. Two committee members paid their own bus fares one way. t. Stanford provided most of the housing, but the students paid for one night's housing and most of their meals. Two or three could not have done as thorough jobs as nine. Each of the nine took one phase of the Stanford dormitory and deferred living program, and they worked two full days. Now committee members are meeting daily to write and compile reports. Students on the committee came from fraternities, sororities, men’s and women’s dormitories in an effort to provide impar tial representation of all groups involved in deferred living. And when their report is completed, it will carry more weight coming from ten qualified students than from two. The Censor IsJthefStudent Campus entertainment is again under fire. This time it’s because the master of ceremonies at the all campus Vodvil told stories. And the high school seniors heard the stories. And some Oregon students thought the stories were “disgusting” and they passed their thoughts on to the Office of Student Affairs. The campus entertainment chairman has been very con cerned, but she had done her part with the Vodvil and could not control the off-color which came up. The individual skits were all clean enough for the purest high school senior, in keep ing with the vodvil tradition at Oregon. What happened is inevitable and why worry about it? No matter how powerful the entertainment committee is, it can not predict what a performer is going to say. Public opinion is the strongest weapon against that which we call “smut.” Oregon audiences will decide what they will take and will object if extremes are reached. Extremes were obviously hit earlier this year, and the Of fice of Student Affairs stepped in. But then the problem was thrown back to the entertainment chairman for continuing acts and to campus opinion for impromptu performers. And here the problem should remain. We are confident that Oregon students are capable of censoring their own entertain ment. There may be an occasional slip-up, but how prissy can we be ! ___ THE DAILY 'E' • • • to Mary Alice Baker, new president,, and Frank Cothrell, retiring president, of the University Religious Council, and to their sets of officers which have and will coordi nate religious activities on the campus. USA and AGS—Presidents Explain i By Bill Carey The Associated Greek Stu dents' purpose is creating an or gan through which campus fra ternal organizations might voice their sentiments and feelings. Its main goal is contribuitlng its share toward better student govern ment, thereby making the Uni veisity a finer Institution. The constitution states, "all social fraternities and sororities of the University . . . which'have been duly recognized by the proper authorities and which have been approved by the ma jority vote of the AGS may be come members of the organiza tion by subscribing to its consti tution and by-laws.” Each mem ber has two official representa tives, and one vote per house. The three elective officers of AGS are the president, the vice president, and the secretary treasurer. They serve as chair men of the three permanent standing committees—the pulley, nntmaHnn tktwl Hip finnnf’P rtllTl Behind the Initials Typical was the recent question by a freshman, ‘what the devil tin those USA, AGS initials stand for?" Bemuse elections are May 2, only two weeks uway, that question should be answered immediately. And hero the Kmerald presents the an swers as given by those who should know, presidents of AGS and USA. Bill Carey tells the whys and whats of his political party, the Associated Greek Students, and Ernie Baldini gives an account of the coal ition, United Students Asso ciation. Both parties are accepting petitions for nominations un til Friday of this week. Uy Erida lluldinl “The United Students’ Associ • atlon is founded for the purpose of promulgating active Htudent government based on maximum .student participation. Rueh par ticlputlon is not to be divided on , social or class lines ut uny time for any reoaon, but on the prln-l ciple that every Individual mem ber shall act aa his own reprc-( sentatlve In the Association." The above, from the preamble of the USA Constitution, is the purpose of the party. At Oregon a barrier between; Creeks and Independents has shown Itself time and again. A coalition party can help eliminate that barrier. The USA is composed "ofi Creeks, off campus, co-op, and independent students. Its purpo . is to have overall represents lion, so that all views and inter ests may be represented. Pi tlone on the steering com mitt J are open to anyone Interested m and capable of furthering stude t inlttees, respectively. Every member of AOS In represented on at least one of the**- committees, thus encouraging a more active participation on the part of the representatives. Due to the reorganization of ACS and the ndopt tion of a new constitution this year it has taken a big stride forward in trying to attain the goals of all the students at the University of Oregon in promoting good, effective student government. government. i USA candidate* will lx- chosen democratically In ; un open assembly Apr. 23. I urge you to ulw-ml, ’ t« voice your opinion* and nominate your candi dates. There are no restrictions on membership In t'SA, except that USA members are pursuing a< nv> student government based on maximum student partic ipation, and cannot, therefore, la- active mem bers of another political party on the campus. mm • The Word I Stanford Showed Us Hospitality j I While Oregon Handed Out Gripes From Stan Turnbull As a member of the much-kick ed-about committee that investi gated dormitory and other condi tions at Stanford, thia writer would like to add a personal touch to the editor's thoughtful editorial over to the left. The committee, which received only transportation and spent plenty of their own money and time, went to Stanford because it’s a school that’s had the "liv ing-in” plan for a long time, that’s worked out a pretty happy solution, that’s comparable to Oregon in size of student body— a combination hard to find else where on the coast. The two things that most im pressed this group at Stanford were the hospitality and friendli ness of the students and the place that student government occu pies there—and one of the things that is the most galling about the criticism the group got for their trouble is that it reflects an atti tude here at Oregon that works against both friendliness and stu dent government. It's hard to understand the thought processes of an Emerald columnist who suggests that "it would appear that Oregon is big enough to work out a program of its own without aping another university.” In other words, shut your eyes—don’t learn anything from anybody else who’s work ed out similar problems to your own. This is hard to take. Why not, suggests a letter-to the-editor-writer, contact Stan ford grads and transfers on this The Second Cup Some have said about life: Ofttimes the test of courage becomes rather to live than to die. Alfierl—Orestes. # * * Every man’s life is a fairy-tale written by God’s fingers. Ilans Christian Andersen * * * Life is a jig saw puzzle with most of the pieces missing. Anon ymous. campus? Well, at Stanford the committee talked to the student body president, AWS president, IFC president, head counsellor for the freshman men's dorm and other students and faculty in qualified positions. Such a group would be impossible to round up here. Another interesting thing was that the committee talked most ly to students rather than facul ty—this is because at Stanford student government is a real thing, and the students have a big say in how they’re to be gov erned. Also, the group thus ob tained student opinion rather than the "official" opinion but the interesting thing was that the opinion* of these two groups, unlike here, were so similar. Bo there it is. The committee will present its report soon a re port on which this group, repre senting a good cross-section of independent and fraternity men and women, reached complete agreement. Possibly with a little mure thinking and a little less Irres ponsible griping, students here will someday cooperate to the I point where they can take ttic pride in their University that Stanford students do in theirs s • This s Oregon FLO REN J All, spring! The season wher. a Prof, often finds himself delivering a nian-to-nian talk instead of an afternoon lecture.