Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1951, Image 1

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Jhe second Red Cross blood drive
on the Oregon campus will begin
at 11 a m. Tuesday. Pledge cards
containing appointment times are
being distributed to students by
speakers appearing at living or
Donors may sign up between the
hours of 11 n.rn. and 5 p.m. Tues
day and between It am. and 3 p.m.
Wednesday. Pledge cards will be
collected at living organizations or
they may be turned in to Roger
Nudd. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, or
Gerry Pearson. Kappa Alpha Theta.
Information has reached the
campus that Oregon State is out to
beat Oregon in their blood drive.
which will start sometime in May.
Their slogan is "One Thousand*
Donors. Beat Oregon.” In their
last drive Oregon State wu be- j
low the 300 mark while Oregon j
soared to the top with 496 pints.
In order to reach the largerj
quota set for Oregon in this drive i
it is important that students sign
up and turn in their pledge cards as
soon as possible, chairmen explain-;
The Dane County Red Cross j
Chapter also asks that all students
who have received blood type cards
bring them when they give blood,
so that time will be saved in get
ting the blood ready, for Korea.
Those who have not yet sent
parent release cards to their par
ents are asked to do so immediate- ,
ly. A blank appears in this issue of
the Emerald. These cards are only
necessary for students under 21.
Co-op Board'
To Nominate 3
New Members
Nominations for three members
of the University Co-op Board will 1
be made at the board's annual
meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday in 207 1
Chapman. 1
Business of the Co-op for the ,
past year and plans for the future (
will be discussed.
Positions open are the sopho- :
more position, for one-year term, ■
and two junior positions, for two
year terms. Nominations must be i
made from the floor, and at least ,
two candidates must compete for
each position.
At least 15 Co-op members must
be present at the meeting in order
to transact business. Membership
can be verified by presentation of
Co-op cards.
The board is composed of two
faculty and five student members
—one sophomore, two juniors, and
two seniors. Present student mem
bers are Bob Pearce, senior in busi
ness, president; Barbara Steven
son, senior in English, vice-presi
dent; Bill Marshall, junior in busi
ness, secretary; and Kay Kucken
berg, junior in political science,
and Merle Davis, sophomore in
business, membcra-at-large.
*ii| it. * , m«-i. ' '
Sleeps On
The State Board of Higher Kdu
ation building program wan block
’d Tuesday, at least temporarily.
The joint legislative ways and
neans committee refused all sug
gestions for financing a building
urogram which included requests
riy the State Boards of Higher Edu-l
•ation and Control.
Hater Tuesday the Senate and
House tax committees recommend- ■
wl that a cigarette tax of three
-enta a package la- levied to fin-,
tnce the program, the money to be
placed Into the general fund, and:
that the money for the buildings be
taken out of the general fund.
The recommendation was sent to
the joint ways and means commit
tee, which had previously defeated.
ii motion to defeat the entire pro
gram. and which had ended its
meeting by tabling a motion to
tentatively approve $7.500,000
worth of buildings. (The entire pro-1
gram requested JR.620,000. i
The University medical school
teaching hospital, Business Admin
stration-sociai sciences addition,
ind the remodeling and addition to
.he School of Journalism are in
’luded in the State Board of Higher
Education a part ($6,620,000 re
luestcd) of the complete program.
Jr.-Sr. Ticket
Deadline Today
Today is that last day for junior
ind senior women planning to at
tend the YWCA Junior-Senior
3reakfast to buy their tickets.
Price of the tickets is 98 cents,
md they may be purchased from
iving organization representatives.
. The breakfast will be held at
):15 am. Sunday in the Student
Jnion Ballroom. The theme "Bar
tain Breakfast" has been carried
>ut in posters placed in living or
ganizations and tickets shaped like
irice tags.
"Buys for the Activity Wise"
vill be the topic of Mrs. Hoy Mc
.all, wife of the speech department
lead, and main speaker. Other
ipeakers will be Miss Lois Green
vood, executive director of the
fWCA, and Ann Darby, Y presi
All-Campus Sing
Dates Decided
Eliminations for the All-Cam
pus Sing will bo hold May 1 for
women and May 2 for men, ac
cording to Jeanne Hoffman and
Marilyn Thompson, co-chairmen
for the Junior Weekend event.
Houses are asked to report to
the chairmen one week preced
ing the eliminations the dress
which they will wear for the
Sing. No costumes or decora
tive accessories will be allowed.
Suits or white shirts and slacks
w ill be in order for the men.
Finian's Cast
To Hold Extra
Night Showing
By Bon Smith
There's singing: on the stage and
singing in the box office at the
University Theater.
An extra performance of "Fin
ien's Rainbow,” musical-comedy
directed by Horace VV. Robinson,
has been tentatively set for Tues
day evening. The play was schedul
ed to end this Saturday, but all
Horace Robinson
tickets for this week’s shows have
been sold.
Tickets for the Tuesday pro
duction may be purchased at the
theater box office for one season
ticket stub, or $2 for non-season
ticket holders. The popular musi
cal may beat the attendance record
set in the new theater last season
by "Warrior's Husband."
"Finian's Rainbow” is the first
contemporary musical to be pro
duced by the theater since the
1942 production of "Of Thee I
Sing.” The Pulitzer Prize-winning
musical, produced in connection
with the Junior Weekend activi
ties, was also directed by Robinson.
In addition to his regular direc
torial chores, Robinson designed
the setting for "Finian’s Rainbow."
The setting, which has a tree on
stage, was executed by the staff
of Technical Director William E.
Inflation Strikes
Oregon Annual
Inflation has hit the Oregana,
Oregon yearbook.
The price of next year’s book
will be $6.75 instead of the $6 which
was charged for the 1951 Oregana.
This raise in price was decided
by a five to four vote of the Stu
dent Publications Board at its
last meeting. Other prices consid
ered by the board were $6.50 and
$7. _
Reasons given for the, raise were
increased costs in printing and
At the same meeting of the
board, Bob Funk was named editor,
and Chuck Isaac, business man
ager, of the 1952 Oregana.
Red Riot, Cheering
Mark Mac's Return
(Editor's Note: Regardless of your feelings about President Tru
man’s art inn in relieving General Douglas MacArthur of his various
commands in the Pacific and Asia, you hate to agree that the return
of this World War II hero to the Inited States for the first time in It
years is one of the truly top newstorie* of this or any recent year.
The Kmerakl vgarded MacArthur’s arrival in San Francisco with
such great Importance that it sent three of its top newsmen to the
scene, to give you an eyewitness account of the dramatic highlights of
this event.)
SAX JKAXCJSCO (Special to The Emerald)—April 17_
A Communist demonstration ltd to a scuffle on streets of Sao
I ranci'co '1 uesday night minutes before the landing of General
-MacArtliur s plane.
Sr.nit /.-> sign bearers paraded down a major street near the St.
rancis f lotel with <igns saying "Students W;int Education and
I face, "Admit China to the l\X.” and "Peace Xovv—Get Ot.r
1 roops Out of Korea.”
Angry townspeople started pushing the sign bearers back amt
destroying their signs. A serviceman angrily a~ked one of the.
sign bearers, "Do you care if your son i< dead or alive?"
I he reply was "I want to see him alive—but not under Mac
A Homecoming Welcome He’ll Never Forget
l li s was just before San Francisco gave hero-General Doug
las MiccArthur a homecoming welcome he'll never forget.
I hi- excited Golden Gate city hailed a gigantic greeting to
the 71-year-old soldier-statesman who came back to his native
l nited States after an absence of 14 years. Wednesday he wi 1
head a downtown parade and give a "thank you" -peech to the
citizens who last night heralded his arrival.
Mac Arthurs' trim, silver-coated Constellation, rech listened the "&>
taan. ’ shot out of the dark shadows across the bay and brought the g. ; -
nal, his wife, and his 13-year-old son in to the International Airpc t
heiv at fc:29 p.m.
Thousands who had waited all evening were strung out over the field
and had surged down to the gates as the five-star-general—ch ar-eve.f,
grim, and unemotional— stepped firmly forward from the plane. A thun
derclap-welcome broke loose through the throng. The genera] had cor&e
home in a drama that was remindful of the way he had waded ashore
at Leyte Island in the Phillippines with the words, "I have returned."
This time, MacArthur again was equal to the occasion. He told every
one simply and with warmness — ‘'You have no idea how good it is to be
here.” — "It's good to be back."
ming i rumpis urraifsi nrrworks Since V-J Uay
Completion of the 54-hour hop from Tokyo came just six clays after
President Truman initiated a major controversy by relieving Mac Arthur
of all his commands. The arrival prompted a grandiose demonstration
that this tradition rich metropolis has not seen since V-J Day.
A parade of pomp and fireworks mixed with the confused emotion*
of the crowd to record the history-making event. Two public dignitaries
including Gov. Earl Warren, and three top-brass service officials gat ->>
MacArthur their personal hand-clasp.
An Army band swung into the traditional "Ruffles and Flourishes"_
four of them — the most sanctioned by Army protocol. Then it played.
"The General's March" as the honor and color guards tcomposed of
approximately 240 men) stood by. The General inspected the guard,
which is optional, and addressed one soldier during the tour.
The 16-mile jouiney from the airport to his quarters, the St. Francis
Hotel .was lined by upwards of 70,000 onlookers who awaited the arrival
with virtually as much eagerness as the General must have himself.
A Slight Smile on the General's Face
There was a slight smile on his face. Someone shouted to Gov. War
ren, who was riding with Mac Arthur, "Let’s put him up for Governor."
Another said, "They didn't want him over there, but well take him
The General's smile became broader with that comment ar.d he waved
at the crowd.
As the General, Gov. Warren, and Mayor Elmer Robinson entered the
door of the hotel, the crowd surged in behind him. He went immediately
to his suite.
More than 1,000 letters and telegrams as well as gifts from well
wishers all over the nation awaited him.
MacArthur had urged that the. celebration be modified. But -Sfi <
Francisco busted its buttons anyway. While the crowd heralded tin
arrival, it also was awed by the monumental nature of the affak.
Some yelled loudly, thgre were signs reading “MacArthur for Presi
dent," and other stood by, their voices choked up with tears, pinching
their cheeks.
His Face Set and Grim—His Eyes Sparkling
The General followed his wife out of the plane when he arrived.
His face was set and grim — but his eyes were sparkling and evcA
his iron-mask countenance could not suppress that. He shook hand*
steadily and confidently with a nodding glance, first with the notable-;
and then with Army privates and “men in the street" who besieged his
special car and thrust their hands through the windows in order that,
the General might clasp them.
The radiant, ever*smiling Mrs. MacArthur gave roses to a fe\/
admirers who stumbled over one another seeking to obtain a more
intimate glimpse of the official party.
Young Arthur MacArthur was almost as unemotional as his famous*
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