Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1951, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Placement Office
Tells Job News
E. L. Miller of the Sears Roe
buck Company personnel depart
ment will be on campus todny in
terviewing students interested in
the firm's college beginner train
ing program. The interviews *will
take place in Emerald Hall.
Appointments for interviews
may be made at the graduate
placement office in Emerald Hall.
In addition, the placement office
has announced that Joe Richards
men’s clothing store is looking for
a man to fill a vacancy in retail
selling. Further information may
be obtained at the office.
Applications for interviews for
the B. F. Goodrich Tire and Rub
ber Company are now available
at the office. The interviews will
be held some time in May, but the
applications must be filled out and
returned to the office immediately.
Old Business, New Line
MEDFORD. Apr. 16 ——
Carl Steven McKinney of Prospect
today confessed he stole a tele
phone line—about eight miles of it.
He pleaded guilty to snipping the
copper wire from Forest Service
telephone poles between Butte
Falls and Prospect. State police
said he apparently used pruning
equipment to do the snipping.
McKinney is to be sentenced at
the next session of Federal Court
Honorary to Initiate
22 New Members
Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish honor
ary, will initiate 18 active and 5
honorary members at 4 p.m. Sun
day at the Kappa Kappa Gamma
house in Corvallis.
Initiation ceremonies will be
held in conjunction with Oregon
State College.
Active members to be initiated
are Bonnie Birkemeier, Mary Kay
Dorris, Anne Fendrich, Rita
Hughes, Shirley Kendall, Isas Rey
nolds, Irene Tedisch, and Sarah
Turnbull, all sophomores in liberal
arts; Birte Brix-Kjelgaard, sopho
more in foreign languages'. John
Elliott, Patricia Rice, and Marjorie
Wyatt, juniors in foreign lan
guages; Betty Ann Fraser, junior
in English; Ronald Kovar, junior in
business; Irene Philan, junior in
music; Toinette Rosenberg, senior
in English; Marjorie Tuggle, junior
in art; and William Wallace, senior
in foreign languages.
To bo initiated as honorary mem
bers are Gustavo Correa, assistant
professor of romance languages;
James Devine and George Albert j
White, instructors in romance lan- j
guages; and Eva Gall and James
McKegney, graduate assistants in
romance languages.
Night Editor: Rusty Holcomb
Night SLaff: Beverly Paulson,
Barbara Silva, Howard Lindbeck
Walter C. Martin
To Give Recital
Walter C. Martin, baritone, will
present a solo recital at 8 p.m.
Thursday at tfc School of Music
Auditorium. There will be no ad
mission charge.
Martin, a junior in music, sang
one oi the leading roles in the Uni
versity production of Von Flotow's
opera "Martha,” presented here
lsist year.
Martin will present a varied
program with numbers by Caccini,
Legrenzi, Leveridge, and Mendels
sohn in the first group, a number
by Brahms in the second; works
by Nednikoff. Bachelet, and Thom
as in the third, and by Britten,
Diamond, and Bridge in the final
ATO Heard Tonight
On 'Duck Quacks'
| Alpha Tau Omega fraternity
will be featured on the "Duck
Quacks” program at 7:15 p.m. to
day over KEKG.
The program features a different
University living organization each
Tuesday. The ATO's will present
songs and feports by the president,
Dick Lee, and social chairmen,
John Talbot and Art Engstrom.
Sponsor of the program is Keith
Fennell’s Campus Department
Foreign Group Plans
'Little Pine' Picnic
Foreign students at the Univer
sity of Oregon will hold h picnic
from 12:30 p.ni. to r> p in. Saturday
at "Little Pine," a farm on the
Hayden Bridge Road.
Open to all foreign students, the
picnic Is being sponsored by the
International Affairs Committee of
the YWCA. Everyone interested In
going should meet at the YWCA
at 12:30 p.m. with a sack lunch.
Transportation will be provided.
Mr. W. William Puustlnen, own
er of "Little Pine," once lived in
Finland. He would especially like
any student from Finland to come
to the picnic.
YMCA to Spotlight
Speaker, Elections
"What I Believe" will be the
topic discussed by Harold Molcu
knmjV touch!HR follow In psychol -
ogy, ut 8 p.m. Wednesday nt it
mooting of the YMCA.
Kleetiona of offlcerH will bo hold.
Those nominated are Dave llobiiH
and Jack Thornton, president;
Wayne Carothors and Toby Me
Carroll, vice-president; Dick Hamp
ton, secretary; and Bob Briggs
and Koscoe Wright, treasurer.
Ballots may be picked up today
and Wednesday In the Y office.
318 in the Student Union, with the
results of the elections being an
nounced Wednesday evening.
Will be held in Room 207
Chapman Hall, April 19th
at 4:00 p.m.
Nominations for new members of the hoard of
directors will be held
(r£r fv/r# /r &r/v<? /
THOUSANDS of students oil over the country are making
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smokes milder than any other cigarette.
THEY KNOW TOO ... Chesterfield gives them more for
their money... Chesterfield leaves no unpleasant after-tasteI
That’s right, More-for-Your-Money...
Mildness no unpleasant after-taste
gives the famous Chesterfield
to los Angeles City College Students.
Copyright 1951, liqctrr % Myiu Topacco Cot