The i except i ^*On«ne.^Dkned,*u*MCond cUn mattcr it'the postoffice, Eugene. Oregon. Subscription rates: (S per school year; $2 per term. Opinions expressed on the editorial pare are those of the wrtter end do not pretend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the Umrersity. Initialed editorials ars written by tile associate editors. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor._ __ _ Anita Holmes, Editor Maktel Sc»ocoxh, Business Manager Loftna Larson. Managing Editor Tom King, Ken Metzleh, Jackie Pkitzen, Associate Editors Fran Neel, Advertising Manager News Editor: Gretchen Grondahl Sports Editor: Phil Johnson Wire Editor: A1 Karr Feature Editor: Bob Ford Asst. News Editors: Marjorie Bush, Bill Frye, Larry Hobart. Asst. Managing Editors: Norman Anderson, Phil Bettens, Gene Rose. Promotion: Barbara Williams. Night Editor: Sarah Turnbull. Circulation Manager: Jean Lovell. Zone Managers: Fran Neel, Harriet Vahey, Denise Thinn, Yal Schultz, Sally Thurston, Gretchcn Grcte, Edith Radius. Layout Manager: Keith Reynolds. National Adv. Mgr.: Bonnie Birkeraeier. Gretchen Grefe, Edith Kaditig, Barbar Keelen, Sally Ilazeltine. • NECESSITY, NOT EXTRAVAGANCE A battle of barter is going on between the Oregon legisla ture and the State Board of Higher Education. Building funds for state colleges and universities have been the stakes. The legislature, of course, holds the upper hand with that final vote for funds. This is obvious when you consider that the board first asked the legislature for $11,750,000 for construc tion for the 1951-53 biennium. Last weekend, the board sliced that figure to $6,620,000 and five projects. The original propos al aimed at 16 projects. Surviving the slice are a teaching hospital for the Medical Five Projects Left on List School in Portland, home economics addi tion and remodeling at Oregon State, busi ness administration-social sciences remod eling and addition here at Oregon, journalism remodeling and expansion also at Oregon, and a chemical engineering wing at Oregon State College. Priorities are in that order. So now a sub-committee of the joint ways and means com mittee is considering whether to give a favorable report to this request for more than six million dollars. If the temperament of this legislature is like the last one, the building futux’e is not too bright. The Board of Higher Edu cation presented in its biennial budget two years ago a recom mended building program aggregating in cost $24,500,000. Well, the 1949 legislature appropriated $7,000,000 of state capital outlay funds toward this program. That’s less than a third of the original request. And right now the board is ask ing for more than half of its original request. Sub-Committee To Make Choice Which brings up to the actions this sub committee must take: Approve an appropriation for only the hospital. Approve appropriations for only the first three items on the priority list. That would leave journalism and chemical engi neering for another legislature. Approve the hospital and then let OSC and Oregon choose the single project they prefer, making a total of three projects .instead of five. Approve all five projects. Do nothing, and let adjournment postpone the proposals for two more years. There has been talk of adjournment around April 21 and 28, which leaves less than two weeks for action. In these alternatives, that word “priority” is mighty import ant to both institutions. The buildings will come in the order in which they were listed, unless the board has a complete change of heart. That puts the business and social science addition above the journalism remodeling and addition at Oregon. And it puts these two projects for the Eugene campus in third and fourth places on the list. Barterers Now Near Bottom Both of them are desperately needed. J his five-building budget definitely contains no padding. The barterers for higher edu cation are down to bare necessities at this late date in the ses sion. Oregon and Commerce are fire hazards. The stairwell in Ore gon puts it near the condemnation point and overcrowding in Commerce is an old story to business students. Classrooms de signed to hold 60 are now accomodating between 90 and 100 students. Interior walls of the journalism building were put in “tem porarily” nearly 30 years ago. Money is badly needed to rehabi litate this present building and to add a small wing, replacing that monstrosity, McClure. Journalism is one of the 39 accredited schools of 600 in the country, but it’s near the bottom in physical facilities. Journal ism classes are held in four different buildings on the campus. . So this proposal before the legislature is not extravagance. It’s the bottom of the barter ... we need these building funds. THE DAILY to Bob Funk and Chuck Isaak, new editor and business manager of the Oregana, and to their predecessors, Edi tor Ruth Landry and Business Manager Bob Schooling. .Re: Hash Censorship is Bunk According to Funk - By Bob Funk—"" This "censorship” committee idea is one that we’d rather not have much truck with. In the first place, we reject the idea that anything dire enough goes on at the University of Oregon to need censorship. In the second place, suppose the members of the committee don't catch on to some particularly subtle joke, and let it pass? This would mean, naturally, a Committee on Subtle Obscenities as an auxiliary orga nization to the censorship com mittee. After all this censorship talk, you might think that Oregon’s humor snipe would l»e pulling It self out of the gutter. No so, (mel odramatic means of beginning a sentence, comparable to "Aha!") as exemplified by the WSSF Vod vll. The humor of the acts them selves was generally on the level which would have been approved by yoirr mother, little sister of ten, and other female relatives. However, some of the surround ing humor was of a scent compar able to Weyerhauser (it stunk t. No doubt flirty jokes are neces sary if the person telling them has no native humor and must use the shock treatment. And if Saturday night was to be ha-ha-uien’t-I-hravc-rm-tell Ing-a-naughty-Joke night, the naughty jokes eoilld have at least been new. The obvious senility of some of them did not Improve the smell. * • * We have been waiting none too patiently for the grass to start growing nrountl the Student Un ion, and now' a sort of scum has appeared here and there to re store our waning faith In grass seed. Grass means sprinklers, and sprinklers mean those misan thropic gadgets we have that chase you across the quad. There is a particularly tricky one near the corner of 13th and University that looks like it is going to stop at the sidewalk, hut actually has no intention of doing any such thing. Wear old clothes. Alone on the Shelf Easy Reading for Laughs “The Vicious Circle” by Margaret Harriinan. Rinehart & C.V>; S3.00; 310 pp. By David Earle If you are looking for a laugh; if you want something that is easy-reading; if you want a book that you can pick up and read for awhile, then lay down without worrying about what happens next, search no further. Margaret Case Harriman has written it. In a light and frivolous way, Mrs. Harriinan has related the history Of the Algonquin Hotel Bound Tablers. The Bound Table, in full swing in the early twen ties, was composed of such per sonages as Alexander Woollcott, Harold Boss, Heywood Broun, Dorothy Parker, Bobert Bench ley, Franklin P. Adams, George Kaufman, Marc Connelly, and so on, ad infinitum. However is was not the compo sition of the Round Table that is an important as the effect the composite parts had on our cur rent literature, drama, music, and (indirectly) radio. It was this group that encour aged Tallulah Bankhead when she first arrived on Broadway. It was this group that produced the atmosphere for such writings as Dorothy Parker’s "Big Blonde", Edna Ferber’s "Showboat”, Marc Connelly"s "Green Pastures, and Laurence Stallings’ “What Price Glory.” It was probably because of this group and their interchange of ideas, witticisms, quips, and criti cism for one another’s wtorks, that the American theater and literature took an upswing in the late twenties. For this gathering was no idle bunch of gossiping lunchers. They had little use for mediocre work, and no use for imitative writing. They were one another’s greatest critics and noblest friends. Mrs. Harriman, whose father, Frank Case, was the proprietor and later owner of the Algonquin Hotel in New York City, was a small girl when the Roud Table first came into being, and be cause she grew up with its exis tence she was rightfully asked to relate it to us. She is no profound writer, but she does spin an interesting tale. She would probably be among the first to agree that she is not America's greatest writer. The Algonquin, incidentally, in the hostelry where most «f New York’s “established” su-tors and actresses stay ttecausc of Its con venience to the theater district. And Frank Case made it their home. While this book is good, but not great, it is a story that needed to be told. It adds a heretofore-mis sing chapter to our history of the American theater and litera ture. The Second Cup After reading of receptions planned for the return of Gener al MacArthur, a word or two on heroes: » » • Hero-worship exists, has exist ed, and will forever exist, univer sally among mankind. Carlyle. • • • Every hero becomes a bore at last. Emerson. XffffOTW A The Campus Answers Bitter Bon Voyage Kmeruld Kdltors I Her by hint, Wednesday's Mm erald that 0 BTO'» on campus got a trip to California to Investigate certain living and rushing condl tiona at Stanford. While I (lo not want to Inter fere with the vacation planned for these students, I dare say that a lot of time and money could lie saved If some of the Htanford graduates and transfers upon this rumpus (of which there are <|Ulte a few) were Interviewed eoneernlng these matters. The min has booen shining pretty consistently in Oregon lately, so there really isn't much reason to go south these days. If this 9 member committee is really interested in Investigating living conditions elsewhere, why don't they split up and visit 9 different schools in order to get a variety of ideas? A What Is the marvelous attrac tion of Stanford in the spring time? What eun 9 persons do that several could not, other than throw a bigger party? As a member of the student body which Is paying for this trip, I certainly wish the best of luck to our travellers, some o! whom arc making their second trip on student funds this year. Here's hoping they have a good time and learn a lot. Fred Kisser The idol of today pushes the hero of yesterday out of our re collection; and will, in turn, Is supplanted by bis successor of tomorrow. Washington Irving. See the conquering hero <-■ mi ! Sound the trumpets, lx-at the drums! Thomas Morell. • • « No man is a hero to his valet. Mnte de C'ornoel. • * • And regarding the big derision: One man's word is no man's word; we should quietly hear bith sides, (ioethe * * • One cool Judgment is worth a thousand hasty councils. The thing to do is to supply light and not heat. Woodrow Wilson. Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice. Shakespeare It Could Be Oregon “Easy now, Floyd—easy. Hollo Professor Snarf, I thought I’d p in and see how I did in Ihe quiz. Easy, Floyd l” t .* i i ; »