Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1951, Page Seven, Image 7

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    fcrUtrrn 2 ■ »»< * T*
lint in-rttiua 4* ■
,ub*«(U.iit Iturf-rtloo*.
( per went.
T $)0 rmvard t,,,‘ ® tlUtn «
,l»n wr.*t w»*rh J-f* 1" <h"
,,, r*-*t room in win* Lon
j of the ►>. KlMit Union m(
Ll Himmrr >il-» available fori
Lb with (nouol*tn**ruiK
Lrnc,. For iiif'>rmatk»» rail j
Byr,i inM IW7 j
[pa unfur!-. af l-"V*-ly im< h
hh rttmc a Fin* location.
L. t*ui Adult* 152.V) II)
p?70 or l-71 HI ltm
i »(a1-K (.omn.gton Harm j
firly <o-l romlltiun. WOO ahilj
h circtrtr r»K*r, W L. W .
Ktursal'! after ti <MJ 107 '
knetr Com|r»nton tame, rcl
[ir»-! nbajuy do« Klujhtly un- j
(r\rt>li«n»l and «hy Oontar t ,
| i>r tt iifx r5 177’j after
I p> rn H tar 1W1
ilitical Science
SALK ORK'IA.N'A for 1620
bd H jO I*j -1 OHWiANA for
51. 1‘iut (I SO l'|*l I’rmitya
iquarian l! - e. 1IM W; 1 -
«Uf Hu) <■ *' ‘C • 107 112
SAl.K Katin a.riding gown,
ID anginal n»i >100 on.
aril f. nil 00. Plume t.lMaj
oup to Meet
»r 7S JXilil a) - ler.tlnts from
•ctfir Sui'.tmMt anti i‘n!tfnr
ill Rather Saturday ami Sun
'or th<- annual meeting of the
it XortiwMt Political Science
principal addi <■«», The
1»*> of the Soviet National
aill l* given by Julian
of the t'im<r*ity of Cali
"‘ho 5•> »n authority on
an poht,. •* government, ami
1 ‘prahti i include Hubert u*
Mook onetuiio lieutenant
Hor-Kederal of the Nether
noA on th faculty of the
fniftitt. a:..;
!* h. Martin, for 2*> year*
at lhr department of political
at the L'nlveraity of With
table d -us-don tif the
t“)int program and rerun
ir Uiem and eastern
*,1! Include t ‘harten Kchlelch
■iivergjty of Oregon; Paul
'bi-riy, Washington State
*• Kline H Swygard, Oregon
college Warren J. Tomlln
,KC I'uget Sound; and
"""It ami Martin.
Visiting Librarian Likes
UO Open Stack System
Tlx Uftlver nil y of (,r. !:„„ U;,n,ry
addition -»wm in...
Tin* wa* thr opinion . *pn , j
try mii in peri m i on n. Id Hob, ,t
II Down*. <Ur«*i ior n t>., i , ,v,,
•Itjr of tlltnoiM library aftrr , t,,
through Uii* wtriKiiiii- ViV'iiii-viii
tJownn Mild !hr building vm
"moat attrartive H. cotnim nUd
upon thr Kinking uni- of („|„i u„
r*<rllml lighting and thr »<., ,,n
rally trratr.i crlllng» Thr yr,„.,I<|
ImprMMon of iiprnnrKr, no tar
nrm brtwrrn I hr trader and
book* Will (ftl*o prmarrt by I >ov, I -
Any Mm I v Hla< i,»
Thr librai in war. alar, |rnpr. ,
by the fact th«i any *ttidrnt or
family mertilx r who v. i#h« to
thr *ta< k« may do ro. Ikrjwru, a., d
that hr had vtatted nrvrrni olhrr
llbiar.ra on thr I’a fn tint
that none wrrr :norr ato < > f,||
(Ivan Oregon* tn making book
avail* bk
In vrry larffr inMHntio’ I>o\>.n
• aid. I hat thrrr are inhrrrnl dll
fl<*tlH<ra in tier of t}]*- ojx-' 'k
ttydfin dtir to thr fa't that many
people In a large * lly 11Ir not mill'
brr* of thr tintverni'y family Is* j ,
critain restrictions n. ,»t t up
(Columbia 1‘ntviti ulty v.« i‘<d (>•.
Dow'ni a* an e* ample of ru<h a
Honor HvMmi (mod
In fhi. ag (town* forthrr . x
plained. atudenta arr not dr
prfulablr and it b*-> ■ ir.r» hard, r to
r•fablitth an oprn -t»< k -yatrni
Tlir aaftir t» tmr in othrr n on
Citlry thr library dim i. • o I
Itoim-rf, at tii<■ y r thr k nor
ayatrm »r« m* to v-rk vrry w'll. h>
f>«.wr* mwi| th* «»|*»; ->n 1Iwt’
although he* devc! pn *-nr- m II?*
library field. mirh «i audio-v; tial
aid*. do not h«vr a rk ■•*■ conn* ft ion
with traditional library material
a receptive attitude ihnuld be to Id
toward »urh improvement*
"I like the bffcwring room at
tnftrphrfr ' Itoiirr raid at the e*Mi
< luainn of th** Km« raid inter View
held in the Strident Union "U :
lft>*d for recreational reading
Iiown* will vialt the University
at \Vn*htr.gtnn in Seattle befor*
hi* return to Chicago.
Expert to Probe
An expert on Japanese politico
NohtiUka Ike of Stanford Univer
sity, will be one of the four (■ a
lured Speaker* at the five day in
atitute on nationalism In fti.* •«
the Far Ka*t. and the Untied
States, to be held rent Monday
through Friday on th* University
cam pui'
Ike i* the author of The Be
ginning* of Political I>rinocracy
in Japan.” published in lS.VO, and
reviewed in the *pnng is-ue of the
Pacific Historical Quarterly by
Paul S Dull, associate |>rofe>*or of
political science and history
Problem* of the Far Fast anil
particularly of Japan will be dis
cussed by Ike on Apr 2.’> and -<>.
Why did the moron thrmv the
alarm clock Ollt of the window He
wanted to *oe time fly.
• Picolay
• Pure Silks
• Chambrays
• Ginghams
• Linen Weaves
• Rayons
$8.95 to $19.95
•A'1 " '■kirts and I ill m sp. to match or mi\ . . .
Canute Shoppe
Schroff' Works
To Be Exhibited
A im mortal exh. billon and Fair!
•' I-I.K'. honoring the mcm
"r-v 'h*1 l»t» Alfi.ri h. gchroff,
many year a member of the;
f‘' ,,f :1, I'nivermly'K School!
"I A rchltei 1 in, ;U1,| Allied Art
' i!l tx held A j<r 20.10 in the LiUlr-|
An Cutlery on the cumpua.
1 ! ,<•,(]’: Ill the all- will lie 1 ]He<|
10 me rerun- the gift made to the!
Art Student tyiHn Sard by Schr-1
of! wi'tow 1 >>ijio< Harrows Schr-1
of' upon h<-r death in 1(MA Met i
gift wa.. made m memory of h'*r
Si hr of r v, a an accomplished
•af Unwin in many technique-, in-'
•hiding eKhirig, lithography ar
chltectural design, and Blamed
S- limit received hi* early train-1
m n Ito-ton -rod i later years
h‘ ’ "d in l*anH and l»ndon,
• iving in 1021 a diploma for hur
'A'.rk In fre , o at the Fontaine-!
hleati "hool in France Me also re-'
i t v«| a m<-<tal for work shown at j
'he V. r J . Colombian Kxpostt ton !
in 1903.
Disc Show Airs Requests
KWAX. the “Voice of the |
l'n'k<- 1 ha undiluted a "Friday]
Night Itoquest. (■how of recorded i
eoi-ie Th<- program will l>e heard
■ .vv. Friday at a p m. and will last
two hour and -Vi minute.**.
. t . len- requests for selections!
may he made by telephoning Ext. I
40" or by sending a postcard to
thr Mu>ic Dire* tor of KWAX The
mu.*: will I, elected from the Stu
dio's record library.
College boy’s invitation to a
dance. 'Tome on worm, let's wig-!
.j iii ii.
Job Interview
To Be Held
This Week
■lot) interviews in four -ocation- i
;*l fields will be held this week, it)
announced by the graduate
placement office. Appointments fori
interviews may be made at the'
graduate placement office in Emer-|
aid Hall.
The schedule for the student-,
< mploycr discussion of job oppor- j
tunities is as follows:
I oday E. L. Miller of the per
sonnel department of Sears-Koe
biick Co. will explain the com
rany' college beginner program in
a general meeting, followed by in
dividual interviews.
Wednesday A representative of
the U. 8. Gypsum Co.. E. H. May.
will interview students interested I
m general sales work with the com-!
pany, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Mi-s Margaret White, personnel j
director of the state public wel-1
faie commission, and Gordon Gil
bertson. director of social work for
the Multnomah County public wel
ts; e commission, will talk to stu
dent- who arc not sociology majors
hut are interested in the Oregon
public welfare field. The interviews 1
will be held Wednesday afternoon
in Emerald Hail.
Thursday Miss White will speak ;
to clas.-es of J. K. Parsons, assist-1
ant piofc-.sor of sociology, Thurs
day morning She will conduct in
terviews in the afternoon in Ore
gon Hall for students taking sociol
ogy classes and interested in social
Sociology students may register
for the Thursday interviews at Par
sons' office. 205 Oiegon.
Representatives of the United
States National Bank of Portland
will speak to men and women m
terc red in the bank's senior trainee
program Thursday. The trainee
program consists of on-the-job
training in various departments.
Mrs. Bcrreman: Gloria, can you
tell me the use of cowhide?
A British poll organization ti at
f' < is the public pulse on timely top
ics, rcccnty asked members of t c
middle class; "Given a one-tenth re
duction in income, where would you
make your cuts. ' Replied one d
mal country parson, "Across r .y
throat.” «v| H
Spencet Tracy
Joan Bennett
Elizabeth Taylor
“Father's Little Dividend"
“Hit Parade of 1951"
Judy Holliday
"Born Yesterday"
Paul Hcnried
"So Young So Bad"
Myma Loy
Richard Green
“If This Be Sin"
lTl £P° \Oc:.£L5 7-7701
Jane Howell
Fred Astaire
"Royal Wedding-’
Alexis Smith
Scott Brady
“Under Cover Girl"
Pat O'Brien
"Johnny One-Eye"’
Dan Duryea
"‘The Under World Story”
Drive In Theatre
Esther Williams
Howard Keel
"Pagan Love Song”
“Winter Wonderland”
Keep, the memosuf, dive.
1235 Wll.I.AMKTTK
lMi. 4-9252