Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1951, Page Six, Image 6

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    Campus Group
Goes to U of P
Several T*r. \1 ly >' i'li'Hl' and
faculty members »llend»il a one
v conference •*<' =>>« on UNESCO
Saturday in Portland
Utending wore Claire ConlW.
j,. ,mr in prelaw Tolbert McCai •
, >:y< re in liberal arts **
1' Si'hllech.-r. profe-eot of political
s «n« H W Smith, a-dstant
;> ,(r" »r of history ami Carlisle
fooore. assistant t<> the .lean of the
t ili-jpp <>( Liberal Arc
The conference held al the Uni
vastly of Portland wa* *!*>«'•
#. „|’m the Oivjcon State Com
is eion (ar UNESCO the United
N lion- Educational Social, and
t > 1 rural Organisation.
Fred Hope educational liaison
p- ,Cer for Os Unite.I Stale* Mis
«... n to th. U N »a« [> nnpnl
History Reveals Truman
Not First to Have Trouble
With Military Officials
|t> \tnr|orv IU»»h
rrrkitlpnl Truman hMIl't ,b»»0
the ftml rutted State < rumnumln
in~.hief to have difficulty with he*
military official*. hut t,!r!* !,a*
bt-«-n little precedent for a genera
lit the fie tit interfering With 1» u >
itnirdini to C S Pomeroy, »
date profe*»or of hUdoty
One of the nenrvM parallel - < *
the fir ug of Mu \rth :t - 1
fouiul in the Ovil War when l.m
coin removed t»en. John * rr>
morn when the general rrlooe! an
emancipation proclamation in 1*^1
H»«cvrr In thu <»« general in
competence «a» al« involved
while MacArthut * military tv
1% u-matt. not 4IK tioneet. Pun . »o>
l>olnte«t out
Lincoln 1* the oulnUndin* **'
ample of nn*ul»der*lan4lfig» h*"*
the Preaide-nt and genrii
Pomeroy continued Another well.
I(!t<iwn case under Lincoln *m* lh>*
j Gen. George M-Clr»a« who *«
extremely arrogant to h.» coni’
wander Removal resulted pnn
anly for military incompetence *n
the battle at Antietam in I**
hi<M fYff.
M.vtellan. a Democrat, **• in
• ler a Republican President. a *
atum reverted ta the Mac Arthur
case McClellan Uter ran for Pre
.lent and nearly won the elect
-situation Uke C ivil liar
"In general during the Civil War
there «>» the same national mt .a
lion a* today, with Congr*** try
mg to limit the function of Lincoln
notch a* Congress 1* now trying to
restrict Truman in *.-ndmg troop*
to Kurope." Pom«-r-*y continued.
Will be held in Room 207
Chapman Hall, April 19th
at 4:00 p.m.
N >mi:i3tions fur new menilter* of tin* ' r t
directors will Ik* held
Only Nan Done/ could
j create such loveliness in a
delicate blouse that's sure to
be your favorite. E/er so
flattering with lavish pin
fucking and a dainty lace
yoke. Fashioned from
luxurious imported white
Swiss batiste. Sizes 32 i?
2 Doors Hast oi
Post Office
• SpriiiffficUl
I'ltom- 7-/(M>2
atnm «... Gan tUlmumJ •’ »**»"*•■
V\h<. non iriiwv.*!
ui«t*i Jam*. K l«*tk m '*** *
f„r«. ih» Mean a!i Ww «»>••' •»* • «“
,-t ,«,i volunteer. O-n **•»"'*•*
(nought lw*<»re “ t'warl «*f Inquiry
if».l rcttrc.1
iH.rmif World War I Pr**ulent
\\ , .t,Wit—ft dnl ft- l K»'* *5'"
l. *-.* a!vl \N • .kI #• a. Uv«*
,r. Frame *«r* a . the UU« , <l<!
rafllrt IjK-coilSr *»=• <l»tftll With P* >
ailvn. «t.»g a H'.otv Bt,,vr *’*
Hilly Mi» h»*l » 5 * «.»
a general who *«» court martialed
a,ul retired »V»mftiU>' *®
1*C‘> under the <'uolsdge a ir«■-1y*•■
I ■
stronger air !*•»<•». W»m«l *h<' K*’y'
crnmeM t»r criminal ngtigcme
>luring 3 ser.es •>< »i( v,ll‘ As
a rpori.H he *a> removed
Juhnwn Ur.eUe.1 I flUrNfl
In i u*> when He-fetary “t tv
f, ,-vr t>«ls« J -hft«.i ordered .wok
.topped ixi the rssfi'r t‘fitted
m, •... several naval officers J»**»
|l, !> rsiliciml llw noivr Admiral
flenfirtd • h><-' ot I >v»! -I*?
atu.fti -a a-. ret. .Mr t an<J rtmovwl
fr«.m h.» I- .-s.lton. Iluwrtrf this
affair »i> no? th* f*nly ■ i'11* :
>i-i! vai Johnson said a - '®r tin*®
On. at the latest cramp.®* t-r
removal from «aum««l '««* t****
lant SoptrniVr when Via; ‘*c- f»
\ Ar.klM'ii. CVWMMdli)l of thr
Mr War Coll* ® sugg*****1 a 1"*
ventlve war and an • rrmtii »»•
"Them i» no nut m Fad'd
State hurtory Where military men
have prevail®*! over the I'rmdml
Pomeroy slated "Throughout our
htatory it ha* naturally l*e®« *»
Ifumnl that the fommalWr-in
l*hjc' has supreme policy dr- .s >ft
Dwight K:*enh»-wer in tW* |«*»r:t
el out that our trail;'.;- rs :r f ?
civilian supremacy"
Honorary Picks
Sale Chairmen
Chi.r men fur Uv annual pi mg
aic .u. --■ | by J‘1.. 1 hf! 4 t p-‘ •
t(Mb Junior Ao'e.en i artVIre h*'(W>l
ity, have bM-!! anftxuluxi
Onrnl ro-rliairn.m far the
nab' ,s w tU be H- ie [ >r >tf< nir l a t **l
Joa' Mart** Mill*r'athy Vib
wa> appnintwl prnmuium chair
titan Janr Hloruin. po*ter» |>**rt
mt Lr* Hr i b n, flying #(**-«-• h and
Harlara Johrmoti radio to* hair
men of imlntiutM ate Anry Vm
trnl si'*' liailara Mwamsafi of pub
lie tty, Virflitia lr»ii»y tml Judy
McLotlghlln of lee-l It nab-s Joy* c
Ladgdof) and Joan Kupprl
Ann JHfl*' hnodn is hn»l *rf <tc
< omtion* V iii!» lUiiilnll and l*»t
Smith. hull«c Mir*. S|u| H'-uOnond
Rr i -r ami tiarlMrn Hubin ent
ire luma.
Library to Feature
Holy Land Panels
The lloly laFitl a -t*---. of
photographic p a nr I » arranged
through the unrt*sy of Life maga
zinc, will he on •linj.lny foi t wo
Weeks beginning today In the
newspaper leading room on the
ftr*t floor of the t/'nlvermty libr
Dmitri Ke .iiol. Life photograph- !
ei, took the original picturr* which
liav- been reproduced on 20 pa tie 1*
To oblut.i this photogi aphic re
cord, Ken.«e| spent a month in the
Holy l-uud devoting muni of hi*
tune to Milch wi .-lieu in and Ileal
Jerusalem an the Court of the
(JelllileH. lierod'a Date, Mount of
OliVi" Dome on the Hock, and the
Darden of Oelhselnuin Also in
cluded are photogi aphn of Hethle
hem, the Vale of Klah, and Jericho
<'aptlons identify each historical
site. and short passage* fiotn the
Bible lifer to relevant scenes or
ideas whom- connotation* me aimi-f
>ar m mood. j
'Mac' to Address j
Compiled by A! K irr *
Front Ihr Mlnmt a, Uir.l p,rw .1
I it'll lltiU|*i4' M*» Vtlluu will.,
11 ,|l '* .Ul p HI I ‘.it lilt 11O f I Jus*
Vl.t - I -jtil Siii'lut m^lit
M trlltt H«tl*r Kf public itII |rj' r
Mill probably w ill anivr m \V,i*liiiis.‘’
.tit I utitiHo iiiid Iravr lot . •
!rfl»»-*tt pAfatlr tttol rrtrplli.il
I* t l«lj>>.
>1 at \r llnir. w ho w a • ftrnl l.i t r.;
lot jjttlt i|t tliplriitr r**ttttl!Alltirt <
.tir* »ily rontult- In Ibr I nur*l St.!’'
1 5 .iftilt t.tnl llir .tppf.1 ratin' br t
am its* ihtte making ariAtigenit s.
..litret atr lUiiw l.<
ii’ Sroatr I>ctm*cr»ui t,miiri
KrpultlH an l,ra*lrf \V brrry oj N’i
I tjht r 11 bat! Itrett r%p«'f lct| v
\\ .f>hmj;tt»t1 UMll’. I'rulil) it!Sr 1 I’: I ■
Son Francisco's Plan to Stage
H lrrttvrmjmift Hwfo a |*»a ;
r«r»lay m*.a rtrcvIM Hutulxy
Si fmal ffffiKlwjifty the ri«« l rfttrtyl f
)%* t<rw tiNp* I .ihi Wkll t>~ *<-» hi
h ft# to9 A fwl lft#i f*f rj> *fi a*. ■ S ■ •
t inti »n*l •! Ihc *»ty hull * rfr t
|4lft« Will fv*>t at five until illff il4ik Mar
A loi-mal c-cfrtnafiy Will Ik t* » ' \ <■
(-eUi!* ot the Wr-ftnmlay tef «• .* > a
> ph-1 tm r tuff fc**”- . c |/tr t Hfrn \ hr
U** Arthur in Hoftoluhi
KUbuUte for lh« ge serai a
» hfflmki) AfriVAl at I 30 p tt\ 1 W
br -»hUk«-«) c|u#elt> to 1 »
.1" •■pi) j|aMa^
t"h- wom«|faj|
Htur.u, £
;ir,! Vuit
* tTf ...,
•'^h. v,
; u«e Irotn TiAto.
* t drfwmi Utij
Ml I; r*W "t,
- «£
( \n/,t) jE,i.
>* • •' .
»■ ,tl Xi * \ ufiClj,
■ ■•■t »i itt-L's#
-Marti, o«j*t; w
■ « a t* »»»•{< |
«'»* •' *t* fn
• * S *«t a .... i!*t-'"
’ I---: <-r ttebtmesm
fi.t tom* Use* *« !
a I * t(- .•-<■ 4ssS*»J 5«Vsl
• ! ! ' r < IftS# >*» , (Ojt |
I *<1 !*»; a
V <• I'M »« it v
A Coll for Declaration of War . .
»•** «1wm| Hutvlnjr by . liar.'* I' Ca.a iK’KM t.;a>*
all fbrnuM at lft» l‘di|n| J(«|' = K (a* > MMUl V
IlgUrum t« K»f«n
• s.» t»o«*b»»w*l a« !**»• fwfth '*ter- T *»> Ifc* M»W|HW
Crfnmututl « Iliu (Hit »!*■ ft: a «. *■ *Uip of IM
t.n Uxr can*! I j
« »itt tl«l t»rt «f«- :/y *fty c .fttf ' • f » * fl
lie 3*i«| Kc nil! Uitmlufr a i *'■ at ri 11 r ^r.stc -#&} id
<1. Inmtlan ■< «r*r I
I ir,(m4 la malir *i« h * »«•*. '.uf. - s« ' ! >«l • >»«*«* *»*l
nhrtr in daft » MOM. »■* #** r' 1
i min hi* pUn in * f.**t *•■! j* !-1 lelnl* *rtlt S'! *nB
Itnibn i|!.!*»nn.« «*«•-* tto*. Hy#*13- i
nidtkat uw !* rl * ’“I
United Nations Forces Stabbed ..
r >r*at4 fat U»nil*»! *•> ? *s-1 ' 1 h- rM'
u«p«I * v*.»l (Mill at »m-.h<- la 1*1* »<-*. th<- - ** h
K*’t«•:»!> bii!Urf(»nl
Although CotnmuBUt *rtili*»> »t«i t ,rt*» >
liar* |*>rUcut*rly *n tb<- VVr.t «Ji<- I p :gMh A»»J
■ let*. t*>| * (forttl IrMwAibg at li«»l tr '*■'• c
llt.Mw b**«l K**tran I**! f *:<l
AIM lhf*-r »*>- drive an Itir ha’ *'• I * ■ •**!
i<.»n of «*h*>m«r». IT miles north ' 5h* -*'>h
IrmifMI IwB'l the hill* Ut!*'»*•! nllb r! rmr ,r*i! " U"
Nalinm wlill*ry ^
1! S four* *Iuj » ■ t "*•
lahh * »l (hi IS-mil*' I«*«k Hnat I •>« »* ! <,!‘ *
f»y<-4 4i»|n(iIm total h«*n- th** K*<1» ' ' •' ,r> *'
attempt ir- oinnlt bams* la*t VAV-t* ■ >•'• •
'It Doesn't Make Any Difference. . . (Tr
.. k.i.n.M* In* Hir if A'IT Ai Si i tir I*'* ' 1
! <'.!( t
The First Mojor Test ■ .
uf voter reaction to the t • ■
hmd v t.-, Nh Pm i) "i ' , mgiitt—i
The teh-vtaed h<-arliiK* <«f 11 '
the nation Uni mouth, ifwwi-l :b»co*e ^
tackrtx in Mi'lru|Kililait NVw J, lh' > ^
overtl bitter parly twllle.* f«>*
inmin.p&l offlcea. . entim 60-nsrrt!
No mtlewkle are !‘l ,!“kr " nomtn»!lon ln
bly ami half of the 21 net aim* >"r ul’ m,o0t
f Irani election held »ft»i the ''IW" I’’" voi«i tW&f
W hether the tel«Vi»e.| heutltlK ’ .,jD1r flttlf111 ^ (Kt
present offh e-holder* la partlculatly ^ jcr«y'* 11 ^'
i him * in Bergen and Hudaon, two <> * i
neinaa the Hinlvm Hive, from Ne« ' •*'k ' .,y
ba.il.on* of i totewlde P* §» ^ ^
I loth rouitUea are baition* «>» . t) w fit*
\km» ... the cagulai .....ha couJd i,*“J bllc*n* ** „M
»l future Bargen U reltod upon b> tlet of ** ]
♦lute to off 11 normal deinoctatn I