Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1951, Page Five, Image 5

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ri. v'll I" |»layii»K h*r *I’ Northern l»i\i >,n |,a ,-hall
.„jk*tarti»(f it'1' will* Idaho' \ andal cumins to)
,,, \Vrdi»» day and I hui day (<>r llie- division opem-t l.ntU-j
»«mic owl of M"inm' concerning the \ andal diamond po j
mil hut oil' thru record they look like the one t int, m the di. i- j
uliicli (Iregon should yet pa t Idaho ou r the year has
hut huh' m the*way of baseball talent, finishing la t in the
eight lunr
jn the othet hand, the rent of
teams in die loop all look
Lg Washington State un
, Buck Hailey is always pow
and the Cougars are the
lending champions to boot.
\n without such aces as Ted
bpe and Gene Conley they
lid go all the way Up at Sc
L Husky followers are hop
] to continue their 1950-51
Ithwcst sports mastery with J
ucccssful baseball season. *
purple and Gold have a
t of veterans back from last
Ion's second place club, with
liter than average pitching
headed by all Northern
*ion Bill Moen.
Mate climaxed a
■ lire i Vllfereucr
Bill Bowerman
hlai vith a |«J I thnnt|iin^ of Willamrttr I’rr c,V)ii rlopcI
>f Curv alls had die Heaver* ticketed for d< lower end of j
Uniting luit fair pitching and an oflfrnMvc punch which
ini< r! jot *4 ritti'. better than l> per game. gave them ten v ic
i .ut1 i.nt a !<»•>' BigC’e't gun* in die < *range attack have
dtigging tatelier Joint Thoma*. the football -tar; l’ele
lirwl; ;uul m recent ganm ba*kcthaller Danny Jchtndon
ini an<! '!i«»r1>toj» i .me Tan-rlli, all iliv ioon hot oca<o», aj»
on i after a 'low t.’i «♦
Beaver Pitching Adequate
Illir mound. tlir Beavers have not been >li *ivitif' an) thing
rill n ak< batters run f«»r cover, but the chuckling ha.« been
■let outhpau i >■»u White,anothet 1950&11 division
|< ' .1 p-.ti lung < < •’ j■ vhiih ■:!< 1':•'* I
|v <\iH.iih-v | Sr rut, and Vrn \ annio a * *| <1 *nt>
len doit • ,s !*.t of rescue work m !atr innings.
treat Oregon. Don Kirach’s Ducks have been hot and cold
ftJI 'he practice season. After dropping three out of their
four, the Wcbfoots snapped hack to win four out of six,
^ing with a five and five record as they squeezed past Port
Pilots 3-1 on Saturday. Oregon's efforts have been
|hy all the way, especially in the field and on the mound.
Saturday’s well-played and nicely pitched (by Jack
[a,,d I.yle Rogers) game signals the belated turn in the
f01 the Ducks. Let’s hope so.
quality of baseball in the division this season should be
|,Uli •' ' auk to the line weather which ha* prevailed
tlie-r rarlv weeks of spring. Both Oregon and Oregon,
•hived all the wav through ten-game pre-season schedules
® *»ng ( rained -out contest. This i» the kind of work that
f h i i player ^ need hut seldom get except in more southern
>iie 1 he entire college season is played during the time
lru!c ion,al (earns are rounding into final form.
Trackmen Dumped by Huskies
f-'iik declined to smile on Webfoot athletes except at
"hi Saturday, a both track and tennis teams took it on
f ,!ill lhivverinall’s trackmen felt their Northern Div ision
letter a> tlu v went down before W ashington’s Huskies at
l111 the N’orthern Division opener for both schools. 1 he
I*'*ni vva able to vv in onlv tvvo matches as the I lucks drop
r to < ISC, 10-2.
an,l ( hegon State also lifted the curtain on track as
rl,lls Bailed down to the Iasi event before pulling np b\
I"inter Mervin Brock, who smashed a 1/ year record
'he 11K) yard dash in '1.0 seconds. I he speedster alsi
."•ir mark in the 220 as he sped the furlong in 21.0.
Intramural Schedule
f 1 Sljfintt Alplm
n 's (<‘111111111
M,t> Hrlil—Slmim a I pint
Mu rry Kuhn.
!?‘r l l,,1,l—Alpha Tan
ihV' '.‘I11 slK»'“ Hu,»,mi.
tlllml 'l * ***** K!‘I»I'1* INI
Ubuiiphlu „OUN;
lth Kiulil—Mint urn v».
4:M I'pper Field—-Hlgma Oil vv
Tau Kappa Kpsllon.
Nestor <5. Sigma Oil
Mint urn 9, Inmlala Oil 8.
Ctunpltell Oub by forfeit over
I’l Kappa Chi.
SI Kina Phi Kpsllon 15, Omega 8.
Merrick 5, Chi Pul 8.
Westminster 8, PI Kappa Al> j
pha 1.
Topic Announced
For Essay Contest
Individual Freedom and Mobil-;
£,V0nu’l W1“ b" ,h" toP*<: for the!
J h"° B-nru-tt essay con
'*1, nuw °IM'n to all undergradu
I- «*ys on this topic should be I
b-tw.- r, 2,500 and 3,500 word*. I
v.db Mu- deadline for entry May 16
a< cording to H. V Mills, assistant I
(""f.„or of Knglish, who is chair*
'mm of the t.'nivi-i ally Con teat.
, ,' ”h! prize will I*. $35; second. J
>'*" third pnz< of JlO each
v.lll l«- awarded. Essays will be
judged by the committee, which
reserve, the right to withhold
Pr,z'H *n ril *■ no entry warrants!
i■•cognition M.iia Mind.
' ornrniltee member* are p, L j
h'N msorge professor of economics;
K W. Smith, aaaiatant professor
of history; and C. P. Schleicher, j
profi-rmoi of political science. Fori
further information on the contest, I
indent* may contact any commit
tee member or K W. Onthank,
associate director of student af
The essay contest was made pos
sible through the will of Philo
Sherman Bennett in 1905. The Uni
versity was one of 25 colleges and j
universities to receive $400 from a
total bequest of $10,000. Annual
pro* eeds from thia are used as a I
J»IZ' for the best essay on the
general subject of free government.
ECA Intern News
Received at Office
Additional information on the re-1
rent announcement of the Econo-'
mio Cooperation Administration's
Hummer Internship Program, has
hern received by the graduate
placement office.
Included in the information are
the activities of various divisions
in which assignments have been
made. Three departments, the Of
fice of the Controller, the Statis
tics and Reports Division, and the
Far Eastern Program Division, are
listed Details about the program
may is- obtained from the place- i
ment office.
Committee Workers
Needed for Sale
Flying speech committee work
eis are needed for the spring sale
sponsored by Phi Theta Upsilon.
junior women's service honorary,
according to Chairman Donna i
Braden Those interested may con
tact Miss Braden at 5-9090.
at 5-9090.
Women interested in workiug on i
the collection committee for the
spring sale may contact Rosa
mond Fraser or Barbara Rubin
at Carson Hall.
Freshman women with a 2.00
cumulative grade point average are !
eligible to work on the committees, j
Institute Plans Study
Of Norway Schools
The University of Oslo Summer
School for American Students will
hold The Institute for English
Speaking Teachers with its sum
mer school June 23 Aug. 4.
The program was designed for
American and Canadian high school
and college teachers to acquaint
them with the educational system
of Norway and to bring them up
to date on Norwegian progress in
educational psychology.
Courses will be offered in the
hlstoiy and description of the Nor
wegian school system as compared
with the systems of the United
States and Great Britain, the
training and status of teachers in
Norway .teaching methods, educa
tional-psychological research. An
other section on seminars and field
studies on school architecture,
home economics, physical educa
tion, and many other topics will be
open to institute members.
A report in Munich has it that a
thief broke into the chief propa
ganda office in the Soeiet Zone and
made off with the complete results
of next year's elections.
Release And Indemnity Agreement For Minor
J'rrm. -.non i. given Herewith voluntarily t» my son (daughter).
Rhli t ttos to u ,a ;,t r:n "f w""d I th- AMK RICAN NATIONAL
hi . hr- f,,’., r . > m .* \y T.',,,n;r 11 f‘r' ms ;»dvj*;ihlc, and for that purj*o<w? may, at
"m,- ,17k rf/J J.1' V; T'aminaf.w, and jtroeedtire, nece.iary and
< i h I uiatton* of jdood. fhe under,igned parent and minor agree
A vi I HI< \ V- vn‘57* a','1 'unr?fi*or?’ ”• *«"'* *” "f ,h'’ at’"vr namerf individuals and the
1 AN A !J 'f' '1KI> ‘ ROSS ,r *"r and all claim, and demand, what
dlnr of ua, have or ma have again,! them, or any 'jiem, by
"r to such delation of Mood.
Hoover which wr,
e »»v ,ii of any matter rcUr
an> .VTl,e‘"nd,?,'f"'! rK'r'r,,.',m f"naidrrat,on of the premise, doe, hereby covenant with
; ;; .n l'l' V‘ ‘ "S"r‘fc««"»H<"'e who are any way connected with the operation
U,r':n:st^tr'r"' ,al'1 « »"X of then on account of the'donation oi
, V WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto act my hand and *ea! thi.,
. 1*> -In the presence of:
day of
. (SEAL)
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