Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1951, Page Four, Image 4

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    Bowlers Compete
Opening-ixiund action i". the
.-jiiipu* m-ti i* bowltn#
l» m.f*‘> t»-»• I<»>
m iti«' Sti. lofit Union reerention
.rra Students n«y s it»-r foi Un*
tournament with Stude t Union
it.-, re.,t o: UiKvtor l .e BelJim
uo. .!
Any member of the "t r.tversitji
, dimly may enter tba tournament
B< wltn£ h> ' iet and 5* P-Hi
Antiquarian Bookstore
1254 \\ illunirttc
ltia.k' sv.hi ami ewhanpeil
This i' tor
rot any $1110 purchase
Bin k- -earclu vl f«>r
1 and rep <rtetl on
SI 2.95
No Wires Inside
57 Wc-t 10th. Eugene
r»70 Main. Springinltl
"Where Your Dollar
Goes Farther”
Oregon Diamondmen End
With Half 'n' Half Record
For Pre-season Games
By Phil Johtwon
The Oregon thick-. Mill open tin ir P»M N «'»«» **'%..
1 ha-cball mm-.on \Vrdnr«ta> again't the Idaho \ an US on llm\*
Ouch |>«-n Kir ch -. \V rht>»*t' .*/«■.! their I'flh ui -r, i. t* it
■ i ■ ! the Portland Pilot* i , *•
It. ■ e 1 irhl I - ■ • 1 ‘ Ul <dele at l«» ■ ■' V
Barnette Bearcat* >>n the pm toti* afternoon at >•»'* in
Thr Portland cladt wa* hauiml h> the i**»»r tot hur.-ng
Oregon's lack Pyle and l.-le K- get P> Ir ut rendered • . ton
■ in »e\rn innings, and Roger» held thr l'd.-t- »”tr«. - • -hiring t»*•
tinal t«<> framr. |»re crv!,k* hi ; < •!<-* t t>U» *- .»n- im ate .-age
lVrtiand gait»r«i a quo a » v
in the firnt snnmg but the I*- »•
, knotted the count in th«- name
frame when Joe Tom. whe KnJ
three hit* in lour trip# to thr plate
during thr afternoon, rollnlal a
double anil later * or eel alien
, o:id Baaetnan Paryle Nrl* n » g
t ed.
Tom a ho patll, -.pate*! in every
!Pi< ,-urfltl Or>'<' so'ti" jC thr .*t
I tripled in the »ev enlh to *c«r* Third
, Ha. arr Nick Sthmrr a dh toe f • >
Duck ran Oregon route.! Portland
1 13*3 during their earlier meeting
WMhlM in the pitcher * bo*
contributed to Oregon * 11-* ' • » to
the Bearcat* Friday afternoon
Wrbfoot M'S Kra..*e ittuad free
pan*.*, to ejghl batter* gave up
.•.ghi runs, and t.**»-d t»o home
On Custom Tailered Uniforms
Air Force—Army
• ;
Fine Tailoring
Wherrie—Avon Park
Customed Tailored Clothes
1081 Oak I'hone 5-4771
-- -- -
Iii 1950, customers of the
Kugene municipal!v owned
-I*-* tric system used 172,430,
157 kilowatt-hotm of elec
tricity. The total t«-u yean
i^o was IS. (>4*1,274 kilmvatt
iour> representing an in
. rea-e of more than 550 per
run {MU’h'a hrjufr hr » »» »«•'
In thr »»-%rnlh by JiKi lt»W »
THs- Dttrka roilfv led 10 hi!.* from
||i# offerthg* of Ikatia! M'lft'f
Mlltr tjtenn. hut five Oregon rH»u
and the *fare ri.rOll*»r el pitching
ttrrltvi'M prirtfi4e4 li#< many r ■ *f
;ng opp*u tumiie* M th- HaSern
Oregon 010 TOO ffl%— 0 10 3
UllUmHU 010 OwT MS* II 0 I
hntuv, IUrm iti a»d \ »erill.
vnulh l®); I .Iron <*4 s» meo*.
I'.rUod IOM *S» *w -I «•
Oregon 101 OOO »»*- -» T 1
Hauler and Bf«(»l», f» h,
Roger* (St, *1*4 WmitH
Nestor Victory
Tops IM Slate
.S’rilol (loWlw l H.gt: * till 6T !•
hsjfhtigfi! Krid*y * intramural *»dl
b*H action
In drier Mil t »ro iliarn
ed luambda Clu. 0- 3 l’i Ks|t[>s 1*1*1
forfeited to Crniphril iTuh Ktgma
i’h! Kpailon b!s«!ri) Omega 14 3 •
Merrick » - * *<-r f ‘h l’>. ‘ 3 a ’<1
We»tmirt*trr edged |*| Ks[>i<u AS
|>ha 3-1.
Ne*tor batted | |n the fir*t
• "..t g of the r >■■• teat *1||| K jtni
fTil i» they fo .tid the ffering* of
Ktg hurSer Jim C«t*fer*»u4 to their
liking i iti hrr Jack Hutitliwurth
played an important j«*rl in tbt*
opening splurge which netted the
Vet* tiorTJi crew a total of four
tun* a* hr blast e 1 a long triple to
drive tn two run* NVator pitcher!
riehe llllfiker Khar kled the |i«trrt
w ith three hit* Jim < lalderwood gof
tw<> safe blow* in thrreappearance*
to the plate
Mint urn T»kr» fi«l IrkJ
Mmturn took i4vsnt*|[(! of l«*m
jiorary witilnru of Krrmmrl.
l.Jtttlxla fhl pitdutf to r'Hiftt five
run* tn the first tutting The con
tent «a» nearly evrn i-IUrjlt for the
opening stanza rally.
Merrick uiiir through with a 5 3
victory ov<-r < 'hi l*/»l Kamurl'* Home
Kun in the m-cond Inning for Met
ro k with two turn on nrrmnl to I
»upply lbs needed push Another
bums run t»y <*hi I'm » Tsd Dunbar j
*patkrd a rally In th<* third stanza!
that brought in all three counter*
lor the lo*«-r«.
*lg Kp*. Pound Kail
Sigma Phi Kpailon had a field day ,
ii the ftr»t inning of their content *
Aith Ortega The Hig Kps nearly
mtted around twice tut they spiked
[he plate for twelve rune Fan h
[earn *< ored three apiece during the
eat of the content.
VVeatiiiirmter acored two runs in
he aecond inning and one in the
hud of then game with I*, jKappa j
*tlpha Pile loner* collected then
"tly more m the final frame when
l*1 fu Hhoetnake < aim* ihpnigti
vith a home run.
Don Dewey
I'liil .loluiHon
dim Mendenhall
Husky Trackmen
Outrun Weblog
Backlund Injured
(>rry»»»r* traik
« Saiunlm nitf
*i!v <>t V\ Hu i.
I’lir \\ haul a • t)
ruiiiimt; id llir !«•> milr i.m
Hui hujw a f>*r wiiumi^ l»>.t
trjmli Ui»|« V ill fir Ceil a nli.ii
** " * “ “ ‘ g||gj| i|f«»j
.__ *Hl1__
iLu kUtnil W4> fufrril U«
:;;“l '« \*rv.U
u,t ir• ■*'*«! tmlt |
k ‘lln, Duck,,,
t! r ji(r
Duck Gridders
End Scrimmage
In 42-42 Tie
T* » llljftt «^$ fhw fe
flu» l iti*-* If *u |icd ra< f* *■ ft
f>tf smufr I!**• Whiles a S
t«ffNpji# miD|r«) U»r*‘ gt* a t t
i>|«* !>■ -i i: i.
Isr I(ifwil4 ►»«*UI HnlufitU)
i**-- ■*'. J^aa.a.v.g ti) j*
14rftwin h| l(»i thlftlMlin » I * ‘ f<*<
%¥.*' i-. HiUrtik'ti h) ' ra‘
o»a^ Tt«4 t«f ihr citiM" »
*fff« ?h<- MghighU r !'U- tftr
t» rifle! I'a a * £ Ji a ? *
r • *m Vc’cf 4ft rf-4 W If H t f<?. a r *
#rv4 a thif4 Im
*h ?I ) l f A af <• ? (ttfii'. 1/ 3 *i £ f 3
\n4rf« >n llrcU
A J !<■ »h • * «*«| £
#|}MP»k| «fr I ftjfcftft i<-.r awft A * *'*<e • & i * r-)
•cofttvg rwn* of 3-0, 22 fcful > a; t*
IU Tufft N<^t It off. «v -•
.-a tttlftft > Am) IU I.Jft
|tt ua 1I** ot lUrf hit# I**ur h
Naim C-Jrrctt «... -a* rf
U A Ihr^A Ihf e« f»4es4-9 f"? I* ' <*«
Tuo a«ai u» Ctompt»*!t. a t iH«
Ih.fj |*> K#r* ilwHUtfr
So tpfilif l»AA»r
H I I'fU A3 ■-•!?•-*•? nr*I Jva ?:.a i
fj|rr4 j43 ) *f4-4 l« ‘*rrr
CV«rtl iiii's Aifc*** <$•■** ti- * |4»«
Hi UlM tel# frgutat §J4 iftl fa *••** 4 *• *
^ r-A * |jm*« A . S«r ••• f If* r % *., o (
■J - *t}ft rtl If-. pft*j*At 4ti‘‘ft H»f -l
Frosh Edge OCE
9-7 in Extra Innings
fil Hal '/.grrlil 3 fr »h —»
!<«(! [ram (ili»)«* rj !*'■ »ur » In Ihf
12th liming |» |j(rak a !»«• »•’<! *r!l
ft 7 oV.ft th>e [»r»g*'9 (’oltr|r at K. !••
ittmn Wulvn it* a Saturday tilt
M nmorth
The tnirkUnfi mwi Oregon
Htalr a HodIu Frulay at Rogenr
and thr Htatr Penitentiary Pant
Saturday at HalrWi
TV »inning OW aotr* • ante in
Iht !up at the 12th *»n v. *Sba to * > '>
fieldn Marty Manhm*»»n an<l Mu
|rf (Jeltr Di< it Hlrafna »
r*J Hankmaon aith a oHa f p tt.i.g.f
and Vine* T*4»l added another i>*
producing ainglc
loghthander Lewta #u>pped th*'
Wuive* in th*tr final turn a! hat «»
plrwrvr IV lead
Fa»t halier 11.II H«ttlcf allow*. I
three run* in hi# four-inning wound
atint for the friwth
D-ft Fielder Won Phillip* “■'»
tinned to verlld a big bal for the
Duckling* a* he rhacked In with
five for aeven, including a double
and a ti ij.l<
I ro.b 210 112 000 OOl—« I ! ’’
IM F. WIO SOt OOO 000—1 H !
Hot tier. It. Ian.), (3). I e« i»,
(N), and Hedgepeth; Funk. IV. 1.
rr (10) and Kohln.oit, Ma.ter.
Portland} Beavers
Split With Solons
PORTLAND </P> Sacramento
took the aevrii-innlng #econd gam.
H I [..day to .pill a Pacific Pou t
League doubleheuder With the
Portland Beaver* Portland won the
openei 7-t and remained atop the
The victory w«* tin* fii*t the Sen
ator* have won in the eight time*
they have met 111. league leading
|j« »vri> lIda )*vuiwn»
,,a WltM It* w
- ***
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'• I r "Sll
»*.j( K*ft 8W1» tftj CM
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. x W*« IfcOuf*.
%iO filtlkM
’ " ‘
- f f. '<■<■> 3 liri»> ft*■
.« (he brotd }n»? *7
fee! 6 tr.chrt
Netters Win I'
But Lose to OSC
r<t<- UnlvertUT^
, ".cult) Ansur.
rkn I but Ultnpmfl
,{>., fomprt'tt0"^1
)r. eon »ut* Colkr ‘
io-2 victory 'w*' !l*
l.V *t ^ ,,
•, BUM*?
:;,v Thorr.ton of j* *
. ,1 .|. to tbcnun'^ ^
Tom M.cdoo*1 ^
umph 1"hu * *4, .j), yrf
hi■ two otW ,
combtn*! ■•*' jpi
oniton H» *°n V*Jb,««t!*
Ulutrr. ecooomtt*
i», A " _j
. Gre*n'
",!l> Cii'lJ
.~ .
il tJ^rr b) .. M
Uoorge u>
rry BWjjj!#
, and W#rv , tiSf
»»•« . , in a
final P®"1
l ip*vch