Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1951, Page Three, Image 3

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HfvrJr* «m >'«" W
Um**t Wnr
TVm’a «lM*tr In thr
■mrniiKli tl><- »*n,,k
Tahir Hopping
i'r»Krr**H< Mh) Ihiti*
four for a Qunrlrr
Mu»h from V lltaril
Martel In ««•*!«*
I amp***1 HJ'4 lt4|i
( .IliriK 'I'*'***
Jvfrltmlr to lUr Hlu
\rw» \M \linoat I or
\n> thing fxM-»
I no raid on I hr Mr
\ Tunr to Sa> tfoml
ixhibit Work
10 Artists
Oregon artists whoac
htl ajrf*ar '-'•r Art -:!" of
19*4 exhibition opening
■ »: ihr I’ortUml Art
13 »?r student* faculty
ot fot: dudrni* at th«
Alexander Art hipenko.
ItCoffh and Shcnnu
}h:r- t>-~ niimm'BK th<*
le - rr tn>u 40 Off
kr.ir.umt.< In Ihr final
[13 cit:<-; and towns arr re
tiring with *»rlt» by
I K HU <»f
lork* ■>! !l.r 13 L'nivct«lty•
|t-i irtiMl «:<• all doM In
(hr rx< rpllon of (hour by
lp"jf!rr assistant pro
fcf art. whose work i» tn
fctu. a : Marv Ir-wia, form
|t<n now at thr I'm
of Syra- uar, who used
faculty members whim
(r»H tx- shown air Kredern k
instructor in art. David
associate professor of art.
I'lrn B Byan. inatructor In
Iflt* ah . tributed to thr
a" ar<- li><- Daugherty.
Hall llrniy Lewis, Jamm
Donald lUnkin. and Don
.tli , •. ' students in
f lecture and
Dt>i ll- ii ft h.ialry senior
gSchxol Vii inter tore and
Arti and Andrew Vincent,
hn ti. in .ml arta
I ‘-v'til.-d :• ... ill include f,7
) '•••'■ ’ 7 dr a Winn ■> 13
P1-*. and 37 prints
-hemistry Group
M Conference
inn.-rmly chcmidry group
pi the annual 8hiblcy Awnri!
“ flint: of Ih.- Purtflr
| i'f t!.i' Technical Aaaocln
ttif Pulp and Paper In
l'HAI’I’Ii Friday in Long
,1SI‘ n{ thf meeting won to
P'' Yount;, r men in the pulp
ll’iu industry nn opportunity
K<’nI P*P®i ■ baaed upon tlMr
f1*1 Worl< dealing with mum)
|()f t' <'hni( al activity in the
*■ attending from the Uni
"'If A II Kunz. head ol
■etniHlty department; D. K
P8tt. assistant profeamir ol
|.ry' and students Hersche
D°wic, Wayne St
t-Wney Sherman, Charier
J '"'K1 Martin, Dean (Jute
| kttymo,’«l McCoy, and Frank
speaker was H. C
|j . * **•" • w«n fv. t .
, ■ ,,ii'l uf til(. speech deptwt
cl>® UnivcrHitv.
jun'??^V, l° anoth"r In a cock
fi'K1 1 don't know how the
|y’ '*■' wken I drink vodka
I es to any thing."
HazeP, Scottj Comes to Mac Court
Apr. 28 toiGive1!Piano Recital
A »!>«•< Inl nMilKMr.li will !,<• ft-,-,
turr.i at h ji in Aj.r i*H in M<
ArUitu Cotiii, wlii-ii l' .1 .* . i n„z,.|
Hci/H will prnftrnl t> » »-' it«l
Mii»» Hi'ntt In ilinking •» Iran*,
cuntm iitnl Irnir of lh< I'nil.ri
Hlttlxs mi l (*nniul« Mi r rr. iln| i,|
i ... ■■ 1 —- _
Hn/r| Hrutt
t!i<- I'oivrmty will i*- pfrin'ntH by
U»«* Sludrnl t'mon Hoard
llrr uMiai program' comhlni
«»lng Willi I hr il urnu and h«-i
oVktj imag nnlivr rr< ilion*. Much ar
Rainy Night in l» Shr ban r<
corded for Columbia ar.<i Dm a
»n,| ha.« !*•«• n in itcvcral raovica
In private life Un wife of con
Min Attain Clayton f'owell of
.•••■ v York City, Mm* Scott take*
w,-,-ki.|Mj out of her current!
tom «•!!< h month to join hun In
W«i(hmKton Th«-ir infant Hon re
muni, m New York with Dr
1'owell’n mother.
In h« r pi"Kram h< n Mm Scott
will Introduce several of hor own
Inventive < onipoHitlonn as well h<
classic* anil boogie-woogie.
Newburn to Speak
At Institute Here
Harry K. K^wburn, University
president, and Floyd y Miller,
Vice-president of the Miller Mer
cantile Co. of Portland will be fea-1
ture/1 -peakcM for the 12th annual
Oregon Retail Distributor*' Insti
tute to be held May 6 and 7 on the
University campus.
Newburn will speak at the Sun-1
day banquet of the ORDI In the
Student Union, while the opening
session will hear a talk on "The.
Kffeeti of the War on Different
Typ< 1 of Retailing," to be preucnt
<‘d by Miller.
Ah president of OltDI. Gene
Van-lenyrid. manager of the R. D
Klfulrora company, Salem, will wel
orr.<- institute members when the
onftience convenes.
Tickets on Sale
For Breakfast
JV-kets go on sale today for the
* mditiona! YWCA Junior-Senior
Breakfast, to be held at 9:15 a m.
Sunday the Student Union Ball
room. Price of the ticket# is UH
"•nt», helping to carry out the
Uk-uu- of "Bargain Breakfast.”
Jicket Half's will he conducted
through representatives in each of
th' women's living organizations.
Wednesday will be the last day to
obtain tickets.
Mrs. Roy McCall, wife of the!
head of the speech department, will
be the featured .speaker. In her
talk, "Buys for the Activity Wise,"
she will tell of wime of the activity
opportunities open to women grad
Bonnie Birkemeier is general
chairman for the event. The other
committee heads are Maiy Ellen
Burrell, tickets; Kathy Davis, in
vitations; Karen Eremeef, decora
tions; Jean Lewis, catering; and
Maggie Pownc and Denis Thum,
The breakfast is being held part
ly in conjunction with National
YWCA Week which begins Sunday.
Float Themes Due
Junior Weekend float themes
are due by 5 p.m. today in 301
Student Union.
In ease of duplications, themes
turned in by this deadline have
priority over any turned in late.
10 a.m. — Cane Co. Horn*- Ex
tension, 110 SC
Noon — YWCA Senior Com
mission, 111 SC
I p.m. — Phi Theta Cpsllon
Sales, 111 SIJ
Dorm-Panheflenie Meeting,
112 SC
1 :S0 Si 7 p.m. — Bowling Movie,
11 SC
7 p.m. — Co-ed Co-op Council,
110 SC
7:30 p.m. — AS CO Exec. Coun
cil, SSI sc
H p.m. — SC Board, 315 SC
Qngm JktA
Assistant managing editor: Phil
Desk staff: Marge Floren, John
Roaney, A1 Karr
Night Editor: Pat Choat
Night Staff: Dick Thompson
Mrs. Wickham to Visit
Mrs. Golda P. Wickham, director
of women's affairs, wnli speak to
high school girls in Olympia, Wash.,
She will talk under the auspice.?
of the American Association of
University Women, the student af
fairs office announced.
..“5" s"w
fAInorrt'**; , \He one *e
I •*
I • L> *» '
>■'3' '
t. •*«<*
g S«
P ine tobacco-and only fine tobacco-can give you the
perfect mildness and rich taste that make a cigarette com
pletely enjoyable. And Lucky Strike means fine tobacco.
So if you're not happy with your present brand (and a
38-city survey shows that millions are not), switch to
Luckies. You'll fiixl that Luckies taste better than any
other cigarette. Be Happy —Go Lucky today!
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SJviord L-n.vcr«.«y
. •„* - Do, Re* w* —
I.S./M FT-Shrike Means