Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1951, Page Two, Image 2

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    _ u<»uj u-v.u«k r».*» J<««* ik« **•
oT»; ST.SSgjfT?" ?.'V,r?t “N *• *~‘
TV* Uu»* D*tt»
•I O'eftm Katrtnl M HMMl <***• ■»*«•* •* ** f- flumrw, «
rttea l> prr wIhmI yw i •*’ P*r ,rT*1
h!*f l«4 «Im ^ *»•***■!
m-YrHP: tKc oprowjtM *f tKc AM *>* •* i** _ . .
Sr ttMtUC cjur* l’h««twl fdltotfh 4 „
A»tt* HoUIM, F4«t*rr
I mia UMOi. Miniftof f
SU /Mud Flats Turn Grassy Green
The day has passed when xi'iting newspaper columnists
from t tregon State can remark alwnit the -ea of mud •
rounding the Student Union, as one did several months aip*.
The fact that spring has sprung has never been so vividly
pictured as it was the other day when it was discovered that
the "gTass has rit.”
The arrival of the grass around the Student l nion came un
expectedly one morning when students found a '**rt oi mil
dewed green appearance on the former mud tlal
ritcrc were no shouts of joy aiming the slit*
Final Touch dents, p... probably a warm feeling partly
Now Applied accounted for by the good weather, nd
by the fact \hat here at last the final touch--the artist s final
dab of paint to finish a beautiful picture.
It may take a long time for the trees to grow to the si/c por
trayed on the architect s drawings, and it will take several
more weeks for the grass to grow into green carpet.
Nevertheless the past weekend has brought nature > ' n
dedication to the Krb Mem .-rial Union K.M.
Thumbnails-Ridgway, Van Fleet
.\ rugged, tight-lipped, 6 foot lieutenant gener.u ' *m . t.
Monroe, Ya., who hkes to wear a live grenade on ho shoulder
and a 59-year-old army veteran with almost JO sear* oi mili
tary experience step in to till the gaps created ■ • t c bring -s
Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
The big. balding Virginian—Matthew Bunker Ridgway—
has risen in approximately the last 100 days from relative ob
scurity to one of the most responsible positions in the world
as successor to MacArthur. The man to whom he turns over
his 8th army command Lt. Gen. James Alward Van I* Icet. has
a long and highly distinguished military past.
West Point
Kidgway, now bij year* oW, ^raaMloi
from W<-t Feint in 1 '17, two yrar-> after
\ art Hcrt had receive*! Ins diphwta t!iere.
Ridgway then underwent tUoruu^h in
pacitie* in the army; he married 1? year* alter leaving W r t
Point. Hi* experience in the East is not negligible in l‘M_’ • l
he served a* technical advisor to the governor general of the
Philippines. By 1945 he had attained the rank of major general.
Recipient of the distinguished service cm- •. the \ ict«-ry m«-dal,
the Second Nicaraguan Campaign (Navy) medal, and the of
ficer order of the Southern Cross (from Brazil), Kidgwav ha*
climbed up through the rank-. He t'*ok charge of the Km Army
when Lt. Gen. Walton H Walker wa- killed, and iu forced to
convert what developed into a disheartening retreat into an
aggressive Ridgway offensive.
Known as a soldier’s soldier, many wonder how well he will
serve in his new post behind a desk in Tokyo. But he's handled
big jobs before and, moreover, he has a deep-seated military
background, having been born on a military reservation as the
son of an army colonel.
Van Fleet, a native of Coytesville, X. I ,
Mony Honors ha* a chestful of citation-, and a,-.ard t!.at
For Von Fleet reflect the brilliance <>f Im -.armyearner H
holds the distinguished service cro c, the distinguished < r
vice medal, the silver tar, the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star*
Army' commendation ribbon, the district unit citation, the
combat infantryman’s badge, the Legion of ib<n<»r (from
France), the Purple Heart, and many other
The lieutenant general, who now make- hi* home in \u
burndale, Fla., received an honorary LL.D. from the I’nivcr
sity of Florida in 1946. Hi* two daughter.* are both married to
lieutenant colonel* and his son attended \Y<*t P«»int. \ an
Fleet became a major general in 194.' Hi* appointment a~ head
of the 8th army gives that group it third command in !< than
four months.—T.K.
to General Chairman Bobbie Howard, her committees,
and all the amateur entertainer* who took so much time,
idea and effort to put over the all-campus Vodvil Satur
day night.
to poor*)danning which resulted in as much and more
than half-hour waits at ticket window* leading into the
Vodvil. Only two windows were open.
Pro Kotarum*
l,*t»er»Ul Idllof
Mlutlrnll wm to l>c a litlle pul
out iiMit the Ridanatui were In
vilrU to OUR Mlutlrdl Union
I ildultblrdl), areo«nl»M*Uatio»»
(or |hr HuUrUni muM lum hrrn
made hrllrr. »« that the Mu*r«l
iata-reat* Htinhin't b*\ r brm »u
lamlmalrd f»r three bufflMr
Uat» TV rallfr H| bar iouW
hair bm-n uprnral. **l»h ritra Vl|>
umlrr (he adndalalraUtr pa»r*U
IV r hap* (he |*arhing urrmmgr
mrnli rottU ha>» (urea VUrr
At any rate, the adminWlra
lion okryad the lUdaiia# cobVra*
(toft tweaiMMr Rupor hotel* could
H i Klndlr »t Hem* like a ftoOT •»
cuar fur three »h<-l* day* of ui>
adullrralnl BllWry hut Vt »
open «j«r eye*
Ural of *11, the H| «**• out f»
named onh bn *lwl»#t« t oalft
button* fur the ImUdlaf 'aw
from mant *»«ree* . . , alum*.
philanthropist*. and m** he a fra
of these far • pie mere It-> tar lane,
loo Sreuadlf, thl* l» a *tate urt
trnlit The (aipa)er* «*•**)
»upp:-ft* the t
f*aft *r V biff crvrugti (u aJhare
the HI"
Marge Klltotl
n,M* C ritic
Spring Tonic on St,
Of University The,
By D«n !
In "Kittiaft'a lltifiUm (he 1
vrtCily theater liu lliuhil * j,t
ilarltun unkj irly l*. «|
i«rm laatr* the htUfi 'u*
• »J comedy. Ml tilth telle* U|,.n
»nirlre>|ur •rut sma< h in lhr >a
humor fur it* laugh* g*U a 1<. )
bta.»h (Nudutlioft by U»r tnUr( r
ltm)iMni I'uibedy KIM) mr ■
nrrt)>U)«l inirvrkKitlr In vr
one ■ aatlefactw* ii»J thr r t,fr
|>lay, diinici) by ttnracr w
maofi M rotUclMhg a-J
rhythm teat
Mu.i, , by I): t Harborf and
» fr»| Ha id i . imlu.b'. Ihrir *..•
H"M tfr thing* t» lito. , a M
ra.“ ~fMd lirill Moon and If
thi* l*n'l lair " and other <1
tlgblful Btrbdlr* Ileal. l»ol bring
Ini e OTi|t, nrirf madr IKf hit
jnaradr Hol err fltir tune* In Ih
• <•«! r 11 of f hr {day
l*cf formal ’ r a atr a. - 1
for every r- t M l». a ».<-« »•
enri* r | j |rr*.» arc at .11 in i!
lot r a*‘h j*e forma rue T?.
tj- aiftrav |;-.*.-:»grf Vilf J-* I ’ ■»
f*rc*»mmr1»’i». htiMrrvet, lha* a"
-la % Sw«|| ---
Look Under Headlines
And You Will Find Sex
--—»wi*t» Mofm A n cio r vo r-- —
Thi# u a oft oft to
your hat*. kiddie* *e*
Yep Thft» U; l a I ft tfer
world »bo haan l «»ft!ad l« have
jsuch * column lhi*/»n in hi*
aft') Ufft tin l a writer worth hi*
sail who hasn't schemed way* lo
write one
But therr'* a purpose to thi*
rulumn. brlirir It or n»t He t Ha*
been alighted here the laal tew
month* AM the good work ac
<omp4j»bed by Hhakewpewre, Hlwl
ten, heat*. Htetnbeefc, Brumfield
and the re*t In advancing tht*
moil noble of man'* aim* ka»
lee# ulminl destroyed •>) » flock
of petty politician*, publicity
houml*. and minor criminal*
Just what in htttory baa re
mained with us that »<• quote amt
listen to again and again’' Itomnj
.1: J ,! el I»4V:d • "fsperf e; 1
t.artnen. the sonnet* of Uimteth
Barrrtl Browning, lb# petry tif
Bobbie Burn* (And then there'll
God * Utile Acre »
Isook Into your life Figure
carefully all those things that
have made a profound influence
upon it That’a right U hasn't
been th.- packing of the Hupreme
Court, the Italian tnvaalon of
Ethiopia, or the balking of the
noth Congreaa It all began when
you harked aero** the room aa a
mix-year-old and saw that little
cutie in the pink drea* with the
golden pigtail*.
There waa that unforgettable
night of the high school prom, the
lazy day* at the beach, basking
on the hot aand under a warm
sun. Or the evening* on the front
porch casual conversation*, or
portentlOU* silence that had more
importance than anything el*e in
the world at the moment and for
a long time afterward*
Ho you see, we're all getting ex
cited over the wrong thing* these
day*. We've spent a quarter of
the last week up In arms ale.til
IHigout Iking. W'e alternately
cuss and praise Letter W rilin'
Harry. We wear ourselves out
trying to keep up with llie latest
lit *1t pollen,
Harry may come a* >1 H*i:>
may c» • f »»*l wiUm* • t*» c *-■ •'
and *tu And •*» shall *11 #U.rf
momentary dlslrae t.urs l'.» «->l
their proper perspective t' ey :l
lake the r^JfiWc »«*l to that t * <■
hnf.««w| iMUlalM way of hfe
manner of liVin* *-c* alternate ,
known as lo»r. spring fever ro
mans <- and a host of »yn -
Ma>br we ..loot and we don’t
l|e«k quite so tduntly of that li’
tie three-letter word, hot ■' •
t He ?e all the time Here l I Is ”
one time «f the year when it he
cnittrt most prominent And *■ at
do We do ’ Use It tinder the Mi *
nem of a headline Give it :«
chance It s won out over Iwller
people t han you and me
'5 i"ik# tfv,-.,,
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<■ '*.k> btucfti
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r'i Ttirtah JIM!
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Sell the- * till I Ift’l
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-Nrreatoly' i* **’
SrT RH.-Up «*l1
< huru* »< to ft*
- »f * 84
p . : e.f ttMM
> . .• • lUrf-tot **
• It Could Be Uregon ■■
••Cuii’t you type >our
lecture note*
. 1 l