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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1951)
UO Students Substitute For Local Disc Jockey Five KWAX staff members have taken over a disc-jockey program. The five, Dick Hardie, Ed Rag azinno, Bob Scott, A1 Hicks, and Bob Peterson, will pinch-hit for Don Porter on his Swing Soiree show while Porter is on vacation. The show is aired over KUGN at 10:45 p.m. Monday through Fri day, and at 9 p.m. Saturday. Atom's Weekend jChairman\Called Monday has been set as the dead line for petitions for general chair man of Mother’s Weekend. Peti tions should be turned in at the ASUO office in the Student Union by 5 p.m. Petition blanks may be obtained in the ASUO offices or at the Of fice of Student Affairs, Emerald Hall. Mother's Weekend will be held over Mother's Day weekend, May 11, 12, and 13. The event takes place each year at the same time as Junior Weekend. Less than 50 per cent of the total state revenue comes from taxes. Program to Feature German Songs Tho Cosmopolitan Club will fea ture German songs by German stu dents at a social meeting at 8 p.m. today at Plymouth House next to the Congregational Church. Refreshments, dancing, and games will also be offered. All mem bers of the Cosmospolltan Club, and their guests may attend. Bowling Movie Slated For SU Next Week "Howling Aces" will bo shown In room 11 In tho Student Union Mon day through Friday at 4:30 and 7 p.m. Tho niovlo Is sponsored by the 8U recreation committee, and no admission will be charged. Who Is the ugliest man on tho Cumpus Union Oil 1950 profits 8% of total sales 32% for Raw Material* 1* Id I960 Union Oil Company took in f217H million from the sale of its products. $68% mflflon went right back out in payment for raw materials. 16% for Wages and Salarios 2m $363*6 million went to oar 7,826 employees in wages, salaries and benefits. (Salaries of company officers constituted about IX* of this.) 171 tor Suppose; n tor ransponanon 3. $37 mflHon went for supplies, rent, tools, utility bills and other costs of doing busi ness. $17 million went for transportation. m for DtpMon and Depredation 4* $27 million went for depletion and de predation—to find new oil to replace the erode used during the year and to replace worn-out and obsolete equipment. AX for Tax** B for total** 5. Federal, state and municipal taxes took $12H million.* CDtis does not include gaso line taxes.) Interest on borrowed money amounted to $2K million. *Hteae taxes amount to 11% more than all divi d««fa paid to our stockholders and equal more than y% ot our total payroll. SVk% for Dividends 6« This left a net profit of %VTbi million (8%). $11M million of this profit was paid out in dividends to our 88,095 preferred and common stockholders. Payments averaged per common stockholder. 2tt% for Expansion 7. The remaining $5% million of profit was set aside to replace and expand our oil fields and facilities in 1951. But huru's the rub: In order to meet the requirements of the present national emer gency, we estimate that we should spend $25 million drilling during 1951. We should spend $20 million on new refining facilities. We need $5 million for a new tanker. And we need about $3 million for pipe lines, stor age facilities, etc. This totals $63 million. Our estimated 1951 reserve for depletion and depreciation w ill amount to $30 million. This, plus our $5% million plowed back from 1950 profits, totals only $35% million. There fore, we’re going to have to earn and retain about $17% million more this year than we did in 1950—assuming there is no increase in dividend requirements. That’s why tax policies that don’t permit corporations to retain earnings earmarked for needed ex pansion can have such far-reaching effects on the productivity and economic growth of the nation. union oil company Off CALIfOANIA INCORPORATID IN CALIFORNIA, OCTOBIR 17, 1890 This series, sponsored by the people of Union Oil Company, is dedicated to a discussion of how and why American busi ness functions. We hope you’ll feel free to send in any sugges tions or criticisms you have to offer. Write: The President, Union Oil Company, Union Oil Bldg., Los Angela 17, Calif. Manufacturers of Hoyal Triton, the amazing pnrple motor oil.