Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1951, Page Five, Image 5

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    A Year at the
University in Review
(Kdltors Not®: Thin article wan
written for high school seniors
visiting here thin weekend to give
them ail Idea of what college life is
like at the University of Oregon.)
A University Freshman
You, the potential ducks of the
University, will soon be testing
your wings on the campus . . . come
next fall.
There will be times when you
will be cramming for finals, work
ing on a committee for some special
event, and when you will be attend
ing a much looked forward to event,
such as the Junior Prom.
Social and academic aspects of
college life are In rich abundance
on the University campus. The
freshman who takes advantage of
both of these aspects will be a hap
pier and better rounded individual.
You will never stop marveling at
the wonder of the new Student
Union, almost a small city within
Itself. Here will lx; found the heart
of student government. The third
4fc*or committee rooms arc always
teaming with excitement, prepar
ing for an event such as Junior
Weekend. The offices of the ASUO
President Barry Mountain and the
Program Director Olga Yevtlch are
ulso located on the third floor.
A pleasant evening can be spent
at the new University Theater, ad
jacent to Villard Hall, which has
been tlie scene for such productions
as "Born Yesterday" during the
IIIK OLD MILLKAC'E, north of the campus, once used to be the scene of the Junior Weekend
Sporadic dry spells in recent years cancelled this out, but Webfoots still take easily to canoes
warm afternoons of spring term.
canoe fete,
during the
siiy library, Carson Hall, which is
the ultra-modern women’s dormi
tory, and the new science building,
located on University street north
U.NIVKKNITY THEATER productions are frequent attractions during
the school year and drama enthuHiastN are seldom without their favorite
fonn of entertainment. Pictured here In a scene from “Right You Are,”
which played winter term.
>past school year. The building is
one of the country’s most modern
and well equipped theaters, con
taining three experimental stages
and complete equipment besides tho
nihln stage.
The new uddition to the Univer
of 13th street, arc a few of the new
developments which make life at
Oregon attractive.
Such faces as those of Harry K.
Newburn, University president;
Golda Wickam, director of Wom
en's Affairs; Dick Williams, direc
A FRESHMAN GAL who thought traditions were just a myth found out
differently when Order of the “O” men caught her in violation of a Home
coming regulation and gave her a well-deserved dunking in a convenient
tor of the Student Union; and Don
ald DuShane, director of Student
Affairs, will be friendly and famil
iar faces to the confused freshman.
They have the answers to your
questions. Whenever in need of help,
steer yourself in the direction of
Emerald Hall or drop in on yodr
advisor. There will be someone
ready and willing to answer your
questions and "smooth your feath
The freshman duck who is in
terested in activities can petition
to work on committees, work on
such publications as the Oregana
and Emerald, or even take a swim
in the pool of campus politics.
Hayward Field, home of the foot
ball and track events, and Howe
Field, Oregon’s baseball diamond
south of Mac Court, draw the at
tention of students during the sport
The Millrace, running north of
the campus, is sometimes full of
water and sometimes not. Canoeing
is a popular pastime during the
time when there is a gush of water
in the campus stream.
The tennis courts behind John
Straub, the men’s dormitory, are
the scene of much activity spring
term, a pleasant relief from 'hitting
the books.”
The campus abounds with tra
ditions. The Oregon seal is a bronze
replica of the official University
seal, and is located in a spot in front
of the SU. You’re supposed to walk
on it. It is scrubbed twice annually
by the freshmen.
The large bronze victory bell is
guarded by Order of the O members.
It is rung whenever Oregon makes
a touchdown and it tolls out the
number of points,. at the end of
The two major events of the year
are Homecoming in the fall, and
Weekend theme, “Melody Magic,”
saw the Delta Tau Delta fraternity
take first place honors with their
crepe-paper masterpiece, ‘‘The
Good Ship Lollipop.” The color of
the parade and the suspense and
beauty of the queen coronation are
two of the week’s highligths.
The freshmen-sophomore tug-o
war is an annual event in connec
tion with Junior Weekend. Frosh
are normally required to wear root
er’s lids during Junior Weekend,
but if they can win the tug-o-war
by pulling the sophomores into the
Millrace, they do not have to wear
them the rest of the year.
Homecoming is the time when
the alumni come back, and this year
the theme, “New Union and Re
union,” was especially effective.
The selection of a Homecoming
queen, the noise parade, and the
football game are the high points of
the annual event.
Oregon is the center of liberal
arts for the State System of Higher
Education. You can specialize in
any field of endeavor and still have
a liberal education. Under the Col
lege of Liberal Arts are the depart
ments of anthropology, biology,
chemistry, economics, English, for
eign languages, geology and geog
raphy, history, home economics,
mathematics, philosophy, political
science, physics, religion, sociology,
and speech and drama.
The professional schools are
Architecture and Allied Arts,
Health and Physical Education,
Law, Medicine, Music, Education,
and Journalism.
JUNIOR WEEKEND QUEENS and their princesses read about “1,001
Nights,” a weekend theme of a year gone by. Co-queens have come up
Only once in history of the event. Votes cast by students showed a tie
between two of the candidates.
Junior Weekend, just a month from
now. Many things go to make up
Junior Weekend, such as the Junior
Prom, All-campus Sing, and the
float parade. Last year’s Junior
This should give you, the poten
tial Oregon duck, an idea of what
the University will have to offer.
Start testing your wings now.
There’s a long flight ahead!
AN OLD TRADITION is the annual sophomore-freshman tug-o-war held annually during Junion Week
end. When the mlllrace Is dry, the event is held in a man-made water hole, but wherever it is, the spirit is just
as great.