Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1951, Page Four, Image 4

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    11 a.m.—HEAR REV. DON LONIE
Youth Speaker Recently in l'.urope
(Broadcast over RASH)
t>;45 a.m.—-University Class—Fred Beard) lcachet
7:30 p.m. "The Cost of Discipleship"
I Rev. Alexander Mersdort, Associate Pastor
Broadway at High
fytyeAh Bread and Pastry
Coffee $.0? cup-Ice Cream ?.4l> qt.
• Bear Claws and Jelly 1 wist* S.Oc
0 Deluxe Hamburgers and Sandwiches
“Eat them here or take them with you!”
U niversityj J e welry
849 E. 13th
Complete Jewelry
High Schoolers
Seen on 'Quad'
(Special) Hundreds of Oregon
high school seniors began their
1 descent on the campus today to
part ielpt.te in the second annual
Duck. Preview weekend. Well
known prep school personalities
from every corner of the state
i were observed in the Student I n
' ion. the various living organiza
tions, the Side, and Just around
the quad.
A Silverton contingent of Norma
' Honshu\v, tiary Gustufson, and
! (ieorge Johnson were seen over
I Cokes in the Fishbowl. Also there
were Medfordites Astrhl Adams,
Bob Bosworth, and Nancy Cutlng
i Eastern Oregonians Harold
Swarthout and Betty Stewart from
Burns; Gary Meyer and Maurice
Bell from Pendleton: Jane Bolton.
Prineville: George Kern. John Day;
and Betty Bunnell, Bend, were re
marking on the fine weather of
Western Oregon.
Iuixinu Oatney, Cottage C.rovc,
was wearing a red face after she
, found out her reply curd stated
! •fraternity" for a housing prefer
ence. Another Lion on campus is
Bril Hillikrr.
From the Hose City come Shirle
Archibald. C arol Norbcrg, Jim Bar
field, aiul Dick Davenport. They
were as equally impressed with
goings on as sniall-towners I-ayne
Denning, Central Point: Roma
Fisher. Veneta: Sue Mlkkelscn,
Mill City: Rod Inman. Cutler City:
Harry Reeder, Dayton: and I.oisann
Wright, Yoncalla.
Willamette valley residents who
made the trip include Oregon City’s
Mary Gibbons and Bill Bauer; Loris
Larson and Charles Schultz from
Woodburn; Vivian Taylor. Aurora:
and Hex Davis, Milwaukie.
Coastal citizens seen register
ing in the SIT were Ardice Hough
ton, Florence: Lynda Moore, As
toria: Chuck Wlsneiwski, Taft; and
Bill ( boat, North Bend.
Capital City students Dick Fost
i er and Marilyn Blakely were ex
pounding on the merits of Salem
to Jean Piercy, Hillsboro, and Patt
Bailey, Newberg.
Jerry Aiken, Charles Nelson, and
Naomi Brooks all from right
across the street in Eugene—were
comparing notes with Aggieville
deserters Carolyn Colby and Nancy
: Kearden.
cM-eif tyav
cMujJ* School
“I pot trampled by the Duck
Previewists at the S.U."
• SODA FOUNTAIN—Sanwdiches, shakes, sodas
• BILLIARDS, Snooker, too
• PING PONG, seven tables
• BARBER SHOP, complete facilities
• LOUNGE, cool and comfortable
* Make the "S. U." your headquarters
for fun and relaxation
Paper Says N\ac
To Take U.S. Job
Compiled by Phil Bettens
From the wire* of Associated Press
Rumors over On. MacArtluir's next m«»\«• were rife through
out the country today.
Tin' Chicago I tails News reported that it had learned lie would
accept a $100,000 a year job with Remington Rand Inc., a type
writer and business’ firm. The paper saiil it got its information
from a reliable informant close to the corporation. This was con
firmed late Thursdav night by officials of the company.
Other publications were getting into the act. Newsweek, a
weeklv news magazine, took full page advertisements in many
papers Thursilav to print a message from General MacArthur.
According to New>week. Mac \rthur told them that eh had never
received any joint Allied statement on policy in Korea I)iH'er
i uces over poliev matters were responsible for his dismissal.
And Joe Martin ( R„ Mass.) said that "there is a possibiltv that
MacArthur will lly hack to the t inted States next week to ad
dress Congress. A resolution inviting the general to appear at a
joint meeting of the House and Senate is now before the llou-o
rules committee for action.
The Truman Administration is Putting the U. S. . . .
. . .ill grave Junker of a terrible new w#r, charged Senator Kenneth
Wherry (R., Neb.i in a radio speech Thursday night.
Wherry lashed out at the president, his "bayonet generals" and the
"radical clique" declaring in a nationwide 1MBS1 broadcast:
“The pygmies can not bring down this giant i MacArthur
tower of strength and deserving idol of the American people
Wherry charged that the "zigzag, inept foreign policy” of the presi
dent and Secretary of State Dean Acheson brought the nation "to the
brink of another world war" a land war with Kussia that Wheiiy
said would bring "wanton destruction” of untold American lives.
Wherry, the Senate’s Republican leader, gave his party's answer to
last night's speech in which the president said he fued MacArthur
for policies that threatened to start World War III.
This statement. Wherry declared, "is resented by every thinking
American familiar with the glorious record of this great statesman,
soldier, patriot.”
And Senator Robert Taft (R., Ohio) Also Spoke Out.
saying preventio nof World War III •'cannot now be accomplished
without an aggressive war against Communist China.
He .said Gen. Mac Arthur spoke up on foreign policy because of a
"justified fear" the United Slates would end the Korean war by ap
Said Taft in a speech to the Yale Engineering Association Thursday
m New York: "If the original sending of American troops to Korea
was to prevent World Warm, then that purpose has been long com
pletely lost from sight.
"It cannot now be accomplished without an aggressive war against
Communist China and a punishment of the aggressor, as the North
Koreans were punished."
That MacArthur Was About to Resign.. .
.. .when Truman fired him is the opinion of a columnist for the
Chicago Sun-Times, Irv Kupctnet. He said he got his information from
"a man in the military program” whose name he could not reveal.
A similar story was broadcast Wednesday night by commentator
Morgan. Beatty, reporting it as a "rumor from high place in the
Congress Is Talking About Impeaching. ..
.. .^resident Truman, and the president in a telephone conversation
with Senator Tobey (R.. N. H.) has invited them to “(Jo right ahead."
The senator said hereceived a phone call from Mr. Truman after
Tobey had otld a Senate banking subcommittee Monday that the Pre
sident could be impeached it he suppressed evidence about Recon
struction Finance Corporation Loans. Mr. Truman has claimed that
he knows of certain Congressmen who have accepted fees in connec
tion with the loans. md
Mr. Truman, during the conversation, said he understood T(W-y
was "going to have me impeached.” Tobey denied this; and then the
president said:
"If you want to have me impeached, you just go right ahead and
I’ll help you."
(Should Truman be impeached a legal process whereby he is
brought to trial before the Senate it will be the first Lime such action
has been taken against a President since 1868 when President Andrew
Johnson was impeached, and found not guilty by the Senate. The House
of Representative has the sole power to impeach government officials;
the Senate is the group that holds the trial. It requires a 2 3 vote of
all Senators present to convict.)
The Biggest Jet Fighter Battle in History...
. . . took place over northeast Korea Thursday. A total of 152 planes
participated in the dogfight.
Seventy-two American jets engaged an estimated 50 Russian-made
A1IG jet fighter planes. Four Russian planes were destroyed and 13 dam
aged, according to Fifth Air Force estimates.
To Draft-or Not to Draft...
. . . college students is the big question on Capitol Hill today next to
the MacArthur affair. The House voted against the present tests set up
to defer college students.
The House also knocked out of the omnibus draft bill a provision that
would have allowed White youths to request assignment to military
units that do not contain Negroes.
The Un-American Activities Committee. ..
. . . —almost forgotten in the present turmoil heard Screen Writer
Richard J. Collins name more than 20 Hollywood figures as one-time
Communist party members. His list included writers Bud Schulberg ;xPd
Ring Lardner Jr., and Producer Robert Rossen.
He also told the committee that he had attended "close to 5,000 hours
of (Communist) meetings.”
The committee also denied that a summons to testify before it auto
matically "black lists” the witness in question.