Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1951, Page Ten, Image 10

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Place your a<l at the Student
Union, main dealt or at the
Shack, In nmun or phone ext.
219, between 2 and 4 p.m.
Kitten: Ftrat insertion 4c a
word; sutMoquent Insertions,
2c per word.
FOR SALE: 1930 Bulck sedan, ex
cellent cond. Phone Hod Harman,
59287. 106
FOR SALE: 1927 Model T-Ford
absolutely A-l shape through
out. Perfect picnic car. $65. See
Don Bach at Slg Ep House after
6. 106
1X)ST: Metal rimmed Bach-I^aumb
dark glasses with prescription.
Reward. Norma Allen Ext. 483.
lOST: $10 reward for a man's
Craton wrist watch left In the
men's rest room in recreation
area of the Student Union at
9:45 p.m. March 10th. Please con
tact the main desk of the Stu
dent Union. Leroy Hewlett. 107
SUMMER JOBS: Mountaineers at
tention: There are some excel
lent jobs available for men with
lent summer jobs available for
men with mountaineering ex
perience. For information call
Bill Byrd 4-6560. 107
FOR SALE: Desk lamps floures
cent. $3.50; Regular, $1.50; Phll
co Radio. $4.00; Folding Iron
$1.00: Mechanical Drawing out
fit. $15. Phone 4-9151. 106
SALE: Many useful bargains at j
868 High St. Baptist Church
Basement Apt. 106
FOUND: Blue-rimmed glasses.:
Found in front of Condon Hall
Please see Champ Hunted 1436
Alder. 4-8434. 106
LOST: Pair of bluc-rimmed glasses j
in blue case Wed. after 3 p.m. I
between Friendly Hall and Jum- i
bo Bar BQ Call Georgic Ober- j
teuffor 54391. 106
S rm. unfum. apt. Lovely kitch.
with eating area. Fine location.
Priv. bath. Adults $52.50. Ph.
4-0270 or 4-7181. 108
FOR SALE: '29 Model A Few
cars left like it. 346 Mill. Spring
field. 7-7406. 107
PERSONAL: K. P. Have portable.
Interested in beach trip Sunday.
Phone 5-8900. 106
Automobile collisions were re
sponsible for 35 per cent of all
traffic deaths in 1950. Collisions
with pedestrians were next in line
with 26.5 per cent, followed by
non - collision traffic accidents,
which killed 24 per cent.
! o D ES
• Pat ia a jiffj
• Will aot harai fiaisb
• fiaaraateod to hold
57 West 10th Eugene
1970 Main, Springfield
“Where Your Dollar
goes farther”
Preview Planners Expect
(Continui;1. from l>iuir one)
what they can expect to find lit
the University in the way of acti
vities anil athletics. Girls will meet
in the Music School Auditorium
and boys In McArthur Court.
Speaking at the boys' assembly
will be Head Conches Jim Aiken,
football; Don Klrsch, baseball; and.
John Warren, basketball. Fresh
man Track Coach George Ras
mussen, will talk In the absence
of Bill Bowerrnan, head coach.
A representative of Skull and
Dagger, sophomore men's service
honorary, will talk on campus acti
vities, and a freshman dorm resi
dent will give his impressions of
deferred living.
Girls will hear from Marilyn
Thompson, vice-president of the
Associated Women Students; Ann
Darby, president of YWCA; Bar
bara Williams, president of Heads
of Houses; and Mrs. Golila Wick
ham, director of women’s affairs.
Representatives will also be pre
sent from the Women's Recrea
tion Association and from Kwama,
sophomore women's service hon
orary, who will speak on activi
ties for girls on the campus.
Other Events...
. . .Include Saturday morning
tours of the Student Union und an
intersquad scrimmage umong foot
bnllers out for spring practice. The
tours, being conducted by Alpha
Phi Omega, national service fra
ternity, will start from Taylor
Lounge beginning at 9 a.m. The
scrimmage is slated for 2 p.m. at
Hayward Field.
Between the two events, students |
will meet ill noon upstairs In I ho
MU for n luncheon where they will
he addressed by Presto nt H. K.
A Dance...
. . is billed In the ballroom of
the Student Union for 10 p.m. fol
lowing the All-Campus Vodvll in
McArthur Court. Theme of the
dunce, "Spring Fever,” will be car
ried out by Itlck Dorr's orchestra.
High school students will be ad
mitted free; college students will
pay 20 cents. Dress Is campus
clothes. Dates for the high school
ers will be arranged by the living
Exchange Dinners. ..
. . .Sunday will terminate week
end activities. All living organi
zations will “exchange" the visit
ors staying at their houses with
other houses for the Sunday meal.
Dress will be suits for men and
short silks for girls. Pairings have
already been announced by Denise
Thum, Sigma Kappa.
Moore Will Teach
At Summer Session
Arthur W. Moore, professor of I
physiology, has been appointed as
one of the visiting faculty members '
who will teach during the summer i
quarter nt Stanford University.
He Is one of 37 new appointees
from some 28 universities, colleges,
foreign embassiea, and schools j
throughout the country.
Strash Leads Icon
Discussion Tonight
V, O. Strash, assistant professor
of Slavic languages, will lead a dis
cussion on Russian Icons at 7:.i0
p in. today In the Brewsing Room
of the Student Colon.
Colored slides of Russian Icons,
which are religious images, will
be shown. Russian church music
will be played.
— AN 1) IK YOU
To maKha jut
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Men’s colorful, Short-Sleeved, all rayon
You really save plenty on these
breezy cool sport shirts! Smartly
tailored of crisp hand washable
rayon, they’re priced LOW! Come
early . . . don't miss this terrific
value. Sizes small-medium-large.
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1 J