Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1951, Page Six, Image 6

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    Board toChoose
Publication Men
Top staff members of next year’s
Oregana and Ore-ntcr will bo chos
en tonight by the Student Publi
cations Board after interviews of
the candidates.
Interviews of candidates for edi
tor and business manage,. of the
0 egana and editor of the Ore
nter will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the
Student Union.
Candidates are:
Oregana editor: Bob Funk, jun
ior in English.
Oregana business manager:
Charles Isaak, sophomore in busi
ness; Dolores Parrish, sophomore
it: libetal arts: Bruce Wallace, sen
1 ir in business: and Jane Weber,
junior in general arts and letters.
Ore-nter editor: Bob Ford, fresh
man in pre-journalism.
SU Board Discusses Proposals
To Facilitate Obtaining Help
Installation of a new plan where
by student help for setting up
equipment used in certain Student
Union-sponsored activities can be
readily procured was the main
item of discussion during Wednes
day's meeting of the SU board.
Ralph Hillier. chairman of the
SU Dance committee, appeared be
fore the board and explained that
spring term has been a problem
to his committee because help can
not be obtained for setting up the
ballroom in preparation for the
weekly mixers.
Ho suggested that the hoard ar
range a new plan for getting help
other than the method of volun
tary recruiting being used now.
Three proposals were put before
the group and action on. them will
come at the next board meeting.
The proposals included establish
ment of a point system under
which points would be awarded
students for each activity they per
formed for the SU. Those points
would be the basis of selecting
new members of the board and the
SU Directorate.
A personnel pool, such as that
used by the University of Wash
Will be held in Room 207
Chapman Hall, April 19th
at 4:00 p.m.
Nomination? for new member? of the board of
director? will be held
© iantze i
10.95 - 18.95
840 Willamette - Ph. 5-4344
ington. and outright pay for work
done were also mentioned.
Previously to Hillier's statement.
Jane Wiggen, chairman of the SU
movie committee, told the board
that a similar problem confronts
her concerning setting up of chairs
for Sunday movies.
Apr. 27 was set us the deadline
for petitions for 10 new board mem
bers, with interviews May 11 to
10. Seven schools Architecture
' and Allied Arts. Music, Health and
Physical Education, Liberal Arts.
Education. Law. and Graduate
will each get a new member. Two
faculty and one alumni represent
ative will be the others selected.
May 11 was also set as deadline
i for petitions for tin* SU Director
ate, with preliminary interviews
; slated May 20 to 23. Board and
I Directorate appointments are sub
ject to approval by President H.
K. Newborn.
A motion was also passed that
winners of the challenge trophies,
awarded for placing in SU-spon
sored indoor spoi ls programs, keep
the cups only for the term in which
they were awarded. The other two
: terms they would be shelved in
the SU trophy case.
Possible revisions in the Perpetu
ation Plan i the constitution of the
1 SU board) were also brought to
the attention of board members.
They will meet next week to draw
up the changes.
Memorial Show
Of Paintings Set
A memorial exhibition and sale
of the paintings of Alfred H.
Schroff will be held in the Little
Art Gallery. Apr. 20-30. Schroff
was a member of the University
painting department from 1916
1928. I
' The paintings are marine and
landscape oils and water colors of
the Pacific Coast. Schroff was an
accomplished craftsman in many.
techniques and materials. His best]
known stained glass windows are
in the Christian Science Church
in Boston.
Schroff received medals from
the World’s Columbia Exposition
In 1903 and at the British Exposi
tion in 189o. He won a first prize in
oil in 1923 at the Northwest Exhi
bition in Seattle. He later studied
'in Paris and London and in 1924
1 received a diploma for this work in
fresco at the Fountainbleau School
in Fiance.
i Proceeds from the sale will in-1
, crease the gift for the art student
i loan fund left by Louise Barrows
i Schroff at her death in 1946, in
| memory of her husband.
Prep Seniors
Dance Guests
High school seniors visiting the
; Oregon campus for Duck Preview
i will be the honored guests at the
| mixer to be held from 10 to 12
I Saturday night in the Student T7n
: ion. The seniors will be admitted
; free upon display of their Duck
Preview badges.
“Spring Fevec" v/ill be the theme
j of the dance to be held in the SU
Ballroom following the Vodvil
I show. Dick Dorr and his orchestra
will provide music for dancing,
and three acts of entertainment
will be presented during the 11 p.m.
Admission for University stu-'
dents will be 20 cents.
Newburn to Serve
Model U.N. Board
University President H. K. New
burn will serve on the advisory
board for a model United Nations
session at Stanford University
Apr. 2G through 28.
Serving as “president" of the
“general assembly” will be Dr.
Ralph Bunche, Nobel prize-winning
U. N. official. Delegates will be re
presentatives from some 60 Pacific
Coast colleges and universities re
presenting different U. N. coun
Release And Indemnity Agreement For Minor
Permiuion .» given hereuith trol.mtarily to toy *.» (daughter) .
to make a donation of l.lnod the A M K It 11 AN N'A'I ION At
til l) ( KOSS to be tn>e<l in an.' ... ,1 deem, .elvi.aide. an.. that |.m|. „■ . , at
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ctwtwnniy in cinnechon with donation* of Mood. 'U;r muter»ii(ncd paimt and nut.oi a«ir.*
!*«(«.■ || i< \\ \ \ r 1 *»N \|. HI ) (KOSS, not a M > nitr^oiii, ph • m< i.m
‘‘fr Jir,;„ « connected With ..... ot them ...
technicians mu >«•', .«««»»«* amen . 01 rn*i , , v\l i imi i\ v v
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\\ iKUIt'W \\TIOV\l K KI» < KOSS from any and all claim and •*< »».. n*i .'hit
Which »c. ... either of I,., have „r may h.,ve aaa.nrt then, m any nf then,, by
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Mine, .,! the HI.I <e„,.-i 'I’etale.l by the Alnn.ean .a,I K. I ,m . and
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lilo I authot i/c<l her tin.
IN' Wn'NKSS W IIKKKOF. I hereunto *ct ni> hamt ami •<.»! tin*
day of
, ] * In the presente of:
Blood Quota
1000 Pints
On** thousand pints of blood is
ihe goal foi spring term net by Un
campus bloo<l drive committee. It i
will be collected from students,
faculty, and campus personnel.
Winter term the University of
Oregon collected 490 pints for in
stantaneous shipment to the Ko
rean front. An increasing need on
the fighting front, however, has
resulted in this new larger demand
by the Ked Cross.
Pledge cards are now l>elng dis
tributed to students throughout the '
campus. Appointments will be
made on these cards with donors
at different times for the two days
of the drive, Apr. 24 and 25.
Parental release blanks for stu- i
dents under 21 are appearing
daily in the Emerald. Tt is neces
sary that students have the blanks'
filled out and returned as soon as
possible, because of the increased
Winter term over 100 possible]
donors were turned away because
they couldn’t be handled by the
limited facilities and personnel. To
reach the quota this term about 25
per cent of the student body will
be asked to give.
The I.ane County Red Cross
chapter has announced that any
person who has ever had infectious
jaundice will not be accepted. Also
any person who has been inoculat
ed for typhoid or vaccinated with
in the past month is asked not to
sign up.
You’ll rest, in pieces if you over
load your car.
You’ll rest in pieces if you get
the idea that you own the road.
Cordier Steps In
When Mac Goes Out
A qulrlc change In plans vftfv
necessary for the International
Ki'latluns Club Wislnrsday.
(Jultr In keeping with the
world alt tuition, th<- rliili hail ad
vertised Its ttnlnmtay night
meeting topic, “Should Mac
Arthur Be Krniutcd?" However,
President Truman’s Tuesday
night action made this subject
awkward. Addition of a word by
IK< President ( lalre Cordier
again made the topic timely—
“Shottld MaeArthur Have Been
50c 50c
This Advertisement worth 50c
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Home of Nationally Advertised
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Only one coupon per pair of shoes will he redeemed.
This offer is valid until 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 19,
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668 Willamette