*Duc& *7'uzc6a, Spline is the time when young school hoard’s fancies turn to thoughts of selecting new football coaches. Athletic character builders are shifting to and fro, hack and hath, moving around like the prongs of a tuning fork. Jerry l.illie, who rose from the high school nyiks to the college level, i- now returning to the prep arena. l.illie, who once served as \\ illainettc's head coach and later became Oregon s end tutor, now holds an appointment at Mil uunkie High, where he will serve as athletic director and head gridiron mentor. If l.illie s career at Milwaukee is greeted with the success which was typical of his powerful prep elevens of the 1930’s and e.nlv I.MOs, Milwaukic will a sunic the proportion of a first-rate gridiron power. ( Mher coaches have completed the circuit high school to col lege to high school w ithout faltering. Washington State’s Phil Sat hoe coached outstanding team - at three different High schools then became head coach at the Pullman institution. lie was removed from that position before the 1950 campaign o^gnted, so he returned to the high school ranks. Sarboe’s prep eleven was a major contender in Washington circles, and he w as chosen t oach of the 't car by Seattle scribes. He may he hack in the college ranks before many seasons pass. Lillie of the Columbia Valley Lillie entered the coaching picture at St. Helens High, where lie produced three league championships teams and one co-cham pionship squad in five seasons. lie then moved to hastern Oregon for a two-year regime at Lend High School. His second Lava Hear team was undefeated. Lillie s next assignment was the direction of the Grant Gen erals. During his eight seasons at Grant, Lillie’s teams never finished below third place in the strong Portland Inter-scholas tic League. His 1943 squad enjoyed a 19-game winning streak and a state championship. .Most of the other members of the Oregon coaching staff also initiated thi-ir mentoring careers at the prep level, working their way "up through the ranks.” All of them earned their positions at the University of Oregon. Oh, Those Aiken Backs Jim Aiken, for example, produced such a succession of top flight high school elevens that his elevation to institution-of higlier learning athletic circles was almost inevitable. Aiken’s first pigskin production, the 1922 East Washington (i’emisylvania) High School team, was undefeated and untied. Aiken moved to Steubenville, Ohio, for the following season, Steubenville was undefeated and untied. When the next football season rolled around, Aiken was in structing young athletes at Findlay (Ohio) High. He stayed at Findlay for two seasons, compiling a tolerable record which in cluded 18 wins, 2 losses. Next on the list was Scott High of Toledo, Ohio. Aiken ap parently decided to settle down at Toledo, because lie stayed there for six seasons. Although his great Scott elevens did not rmoy the success which greeted denial Jim’s earlier efforts (win ning only 49 while losing 7 and tying 1) they managed to take Ohio’s state championship four times during six Aiken seasons. Aiken completed his tour of the Ohio high schools by signing a contract at McKinley High in Canton. Unfortunately, he ran into difficulties at McKinely, compiling the worst record of his prep-tutoring career. However, his record at McKinley—35 wins, 7 losses, aud 1 tie —convinced the powers-that-havc-been at Akron University that Aiken was a major candidate for the head coaching position at Akron, Oregon Track Coach Bill Bowcrman also enjoyed brilliant success in high school athletics. Bowcrman’s powerful Medford Black Tornado squads won 64 games, lost 8, and tied 3. They won three state championships and completed three undefeated sea sons during Bowerman’s seven grid seasons at the Southern Ore gon school. Status of Track Was Black Bowerman's track-coaching' record at Medford is even more outstanding than his football record, llis Medford cindermen en tered the Hayward Relays eight times and seized first-place hon ors seven times. They also won three stale championships. Don Kirsch, Duck baseball mentor, rdso produced outstand ing high school teams. Kirsch led the Hillsboro Spartans to two district in two years. His baseball teams at Hillsboro provided similar performances. 'And then there’s the old expert, “Honest John" Warren. Coaching at Astoria High, Warren led the Fighting Fishermen to four state basketball crowns and three state football titles in seven years. The record? Basketball, 306 wins, 36 losses. Foot ball, 50 wins, 14 losses. Allowable. Just Made to Order Susan McLonergan to Appear In Person of Dancer Jane Bowen By .11 m I lay cox Jane Bowen has been dancing professionally since she was 11. Ho the "Finian’s Rainbow” role of Husan McLonergan, a little mute girl who can only talk by dancing, is cut out for her. Ironically, a broken foot that took Jane from a promising career with the San Francisco Ballet Company, brought her to Oregon.' Surprisingly enough, she calls it i a blessing in disguise. She always wanted to go to col lege, but it didn’t look as if the $4 Million Bill For UO Hospital A bill appropriating 4 million dollars for the construction Of a teaching hospital at the Univer sity of Oregon Medical School at Portland was Introduced in the State House of Representatives Monday. Two million dollars are already on hand for the construc tion, figured to cost 6 million dol lars in all. Legislative leaders had earlier indicated that they planned to leave the building program uncon sidered. The bill, sponsored by 15 members of the House from dis tricts throughout the state, fol lows protest by House members to that indication. The proposed 350-bed teaching hospital has top priority in the state board of higher education’s building program. One of the rea sons for the new hospital is the federal mobilization demand for a 15 to 20 per cent increase in the number of new doctors in the training program. Sig Eps Convene Here Saturday Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity members from Montana, Wash ington, and Oregon will congre gate on the University campus Saturday when the Oregon Beta chapter plays host to a one-day joint district convention. Representatives of Sig Ep chap ters at the Montana State Univer sity, University of Washington, Washington State College, and Oregon State College will meet at the Oregon chapter house to discuss problems relating to the fraternity. William W. Hindman Jr., Grand Secretary of the national frater nity. will be present at the session accompanied by Matt McBride, national field secretary. U. G. Dubach, former dean of men at Oregon State College and now a member of the faculty at Lewis and Clark College in Port land, will be one of the principal speakers. chance would ever come. Ballet! work took up all her time, even cutting out the social life that high school is supposed to offer. And while it was a wonderful career, one she may go back to, she knew that with it a Jot would be missing from her life. But the chance she hoped for came in a cruel way. After eight years of minor work, Jane was suddenly singled out to become a star. The lead in the ballet “Les Sylphides” dropped out and the role was offered to her. Maybe right then she thought that all the work and all she had missed had been for a purpose. Then a few weeks later, in a very routine and ordin ary class, she fell and broke her right foot. This summer Jane plans to go back to the American Ballet School in New York perhaps to take up where she left off. . .but she’s not sure. It means going back to the hard grind, one in which few get to the top and the average pro fessional life is ended at 35. And added to this, she still has two years of college to go. She thinks education is essential to her profession. As she puts it, “A dancer, now more than ever! must understand her audience! Just recently have the ballets and the light operas begun to shift to popular themes and come into their own." This nimble-footed lass stands just 5 4 , has brown hair, brown eyes, and a captivating smile. She firmly refuses to single out a special guy, remarking only in an elusive manner that “foreign stu dents are nice." 1^ Civil Service Man To Interview Today Ralph Underwood, a representa tive of the Oregon State Civil Ser vice Commission, will be at Emer ald Hall today to interview stu dents interested in opportunities v/ith the Oregon state government. He will furnish general informa tion on the various state govern ment departments. Students major ing in political science, economics, business administration, and social science should be especially inter ested, according to the graduate placement office, which arranged for the interviews. 18 tli Year 65*80 Day BicycleTeara fro* $465 74 Day Freneh Stady Tear $775 56 Cay Motor Toara - froaa $109$ Inclading Roaad Trip Steaaubip froaa New York or Moatreal. 33 Day Adveatare Tear • $295 47 Day Stady Tear $295 “Aarerica’a Foreaiost Orgaaizatiei for Edaeatioaal Travel.” SITk 545 5tb Aveaae, New York, R. Y. BOWLERS Open Bowling Now Available 10 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday 11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday $.25 a line before 6 p.m. $.30 a line after 6 p.m. ERB MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION Bowling Alley STOP IN Jdetr'l Qa tytiltin... TODAY AND SEE THE FINEST SELECTION OF THIS EQUIPMENT • TROUT • BASS 3' lies • Line Dressing- • Leaders Plugs • Casting Rods • Shake • Nylon Lines speare Reels. • SALT WATER Heavy Duty Rods • Leaders and Lines JOE GORDON’S HARDWARE 771 Willamette Ph. 5.3353