Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1951, Page Two, Image 2

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The Oaaeoe Daily Emebalb published Monday through Friday during the college year
(2l30- DecT S through JaiL3; Mar 6 through 28; May 7; Nov. 22 through 27; and
5S?M^243.0JSn-»ei onXvf^ May 12. by S. ApciMed Student. o( the ^va...«y
af Oregon,. Entered aa second clan matter at the poMofica, Eugene, Oregon. Sabacriptsoo
rates: $5 per school year; $2 per term
Opinions expressed on the editorial page »re those of die writer and do not Pretend to
represent the opinions of the ASOO or of the University. Initialed editorials are written by
the associate editors. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor.
Anita HolkiS, Editor
Mabtel ScaocaiN. Business Manager
Loan A Lasso*. Managing Editor
Ton Kino, Ksn Mstilss, Jackie 1'sitzs*, Associate Editola
Fia.H Neel, Advertising Manager
News Editor; Gretchen Grondahl
Sports Editor: Phil Johuson
Wire Editor: A1 Karr
Feature Editor: Bob Ford „
Asst. News Editors: Marjorie Bush* Bui rrye,
Larry Hobart.
Asst. Managing Editors: Norman Anderson,
Phil Bet tens. Gene Rose .
Promotion: Barbara Williams.
Night Editor: Sarah Turnbull.
Circulation Manager: Jean Lovell.
Zone Managers: Fran Neel, Harriet Yahey,
Denise Thom, Val Schultz, Sally Thurston,
Gretchcn Crete, Edith Hading.
Layout Manager: Keith Reynolds.
National Adv. Mgr.: Bonnie Birkcmeier.
Gretcheti Grcte, Edith Kading, llarbar
Keelcn, Sally Hazeltine.
General MacArthur's strategy in the Far East may have
been right. • m
But even the most liberal interpreter oi the constitution
could not say it was right for this 71-year-eld soldier to violate
the commander-in-chief clause. As Senator Morse said on the
campus Monday, under our constitution the military must
never dictate our foreign policy.
And that’s what MacArthur appeared to
General Mac i-,e doing. As far back as last year when his
Made Policy speech for the Veterans of Foreign Wars
was recalled by the White House, the general has publicly
stated his aims in the Far East.
When those aims—use of the Chinese Nationalists to open
a new front against Red China—were completely incompatible
with the policy of the commander-in-chief, the step which was
taken was essential.
Granted, it is unfortunate that our commander-in-chief in
these crucial days is Harry Truman. However, he is certainly
not making such major policy decisions alone, and some men
of a greater mold must be in our State Department.
The Department of State was completely stymied in the Far
East as long as MacArthur was taking steps before the trail
was even blazed. And it is. not amiss to remember the years of
the Communists’ rise in China—our career State Department
officials there were stymied then too because their warnings
were going unheeded in Washington.
That brings up the argument that no one
The For East - knows the Far East better than General
His Textbook MacArthur. His first assignment was as a
young engineer in the Philippines. ’I hen he was an aide to his
father when Lt. Gen. Arthur MacArthur was the first military
governor of the Philippines. And in recent years—kingpin in
the Far East, idol of the Japanese.
True, his tactical genius pulled us through the war in the
Pacific so few years ago. Also true that his removal will be
difficult to overcome in Japan. As a foreign student from Japan
agreed today, communism will now have more of a chance in
this student’s homeland.
But it should also be remembered that General MacArthur
wanted major emphasis on the Far East in the last war. In
stead we concentrated on Europe, and that is obviously the di
rection of today.
It is for the military to carry out foreign policy, not to make
it. Regardless of his stature in Asia and his great experience, he
should have listened to the directions of the President of the
United States, and not decided for himself which way to go.
Some have argued that he should have
No Retirement been eased out less painfully. Retire
Af This Hour ment, maybe. His removal was done in
typical American fashion. Perhaps too frank, perhaps too
straightforward, but definitely definite. After the continual
controversy over MacArthur’s position, anything short of fir
ing would have fooled no one, and would not have saved the
general’s face.
Now General Ridgway who has been receiving so much
publicity in recent months moves into top position. And now
the world has been told that we are going to place major em
phasis on Europe, much to the happiness of France and Eng
land, and that we aren’t going to reach for Chiang’s hand and
move into Red China.
And today America owes much to this man MacArthur for
the service he has given his country. But when a soldier makes
policy and it differs from that of his commander-in-chief, the
soldier no longer holds a favored position.
to all the candidates for the Ugly Man contest‘who were
good enough sports to allow their nomination for this
not-so-flattering title.
Sixth in a Series
New ASUO Constitution
Tliis is the sixth in a series of articles explaining the new
ASUO Constitution which w ill govern the student body next
Today's article will concern election", (article \ I) ami
amendments (article VI1).
Article VI
Candidates for election must petition the ASUO vice-presi
dent no later than midnight of the seventh day prior to the
spring term elections.
Elected positions include president, vice-president, and nine
representatives who will serve on the Senate. The counting of
ballots will follow the preferential voting system, with the can
didates receiving the highest and second highest number of
first choices capturing the presidency and vice-presidency,
Election of class officers will follow the same procedure.
Each class will have a president, vice-president, and two rep
The constitution provides that ASUO elections be held be
tween the first and eighth week of spring term. Freshman elec
tions are scheduled during the winter between the first and
fifth week.
Article VII
Proposals for amending the constitution may be made two
ways. A petition may be signed by 2<X) members of the student
body or a two-thirds vote may be made by all the members of
the Senate.
Adoption of the proposal comes when two thirds of the bal
lots cast at a general election concur; however, at least one
third of the total number of qualified voters must vote.
A proposed amendment must be given publicity for three
consecutive days in the Daily Kmcrald, with the general elec
tion being held one week following the date of the last publi
— ———— In A .. ..
Lives There a Man Who
WilljMake a Comment?
t*1. Norm Anderson'—^—*"*— —■
These are the days of "no com
A good proportion of freshmen,
sophomore and junior women are
making no comments about the
three women’s honoraries; erst
while politicians are making no
comments about whether they
will run or not. To talk to some
people you’d think the ASUO of
fices and K wain a, Phi Theta Up
silon, and Mortar Board never
Talk to a sophomore and ask
her if she thinks she’ll get tapped
for Phi Theta. When she says.
“Phi Theta! My goodness, I
haven’t even thought about it,”
you can be sure that she’s been
staying up nights with a slide
rule and pencil figuring out her
chances of getting in.
Every freshman woman on
campus is scanning the male list
for a possible date to the Mortar
Board Ball “just in case” she
gets called across the stage for
But you won’t find one who
will say: “Get into Kwama. Lis*
ten pal, I’ve got it cinched.”
Poential politicians are present
ly exhibiting great disdain at
such a filthy thing as politics and
offices, but only because they
haven’t yet learned who the I
powers-that-be will spotlight.
Again, you won’t find one j
who'll say: “Run for office.
You’re darn right I will and I’ll
get the nomination too.”
Speaking of politics, oldtimers
around the campus undoubtedly
experienced, a momentary twitch
the other day when Alpha Xi
“bolted” the USA. It follows,
however, in the pattern set last
year, when the party exchanged
a house for a house, Delta Zeta '
for ATO. This year they exchang
ed Alpha Xi for the Sammies and
all is even once again.
We can all be assured that
ir' ***••••••»••*■"* ’ * • • »
NUmc member* of our ntudent
body will have a good eompre
henaion of *»clal lire a* it exist*
at Stanford. Whether or not the
11-man committee going south
will learn anything about dormi
tory living in open to question.
Perhaps they'll pick up some
good ideas, but it would appear
that Oregon is big enough to
work out a program of its own
without aping another universi
ty. And three or four could have
served as well, probably better,
than 11.
■ Answers
Rotarians or Students?
Kmernld Editor:
The Rotarlans meeting on the
campus whh a very fine gesture
on the part of the Univttiaily ad
ministration. We enjoyed seeing
them, but it crystallized many
objections to the policies concern
ing "Williams Castle."
In the opinion of many Inde
pendent students, the usurpation
of the students’ building to en
tertain an organization that has
absolutely no connect Ion with the
students or the I'nlverslty was a
This jioint wan further driven
home by the fart that students
were not welcome to attend a
speech delivered by Wayne Morse
which was kivrru In a building
supposedly owned by the stu
dents. It wems that the entire
policy and policy-making func
tion concerning "Williams’ Cas
tle" should be reoriented.
The “castle" Ivan apparently
been operated on a policy that
allows Htudent organizations to
use rooms not wapted by outside
organizations. This can only la:
excused on the grounds that out
side organizations offer u chance
for a profit, but is that the pur
pose* of (he building? Students
for the last 30 years have been
donating SO a term; Oregon Dads,
Oregon Mothers, and others have
helped furnish the building We
do not feel that the funds were
raised to be used for a profit
Students have always been told
that the long awaited “Mtndent”
Union would ho for them. Its en
tire purpose was to be to furnish
students a plaee for their activi
ties and a place to aid in estab
lishing collegiate fellowship. How
does the entertainment of Kotar
ians fit these objectives?
We would, at least, like to see
the students consulted as to whe
ther or not non-Unlvcrsity func
tions should be permitted in the
"Student" Union. Is the “Stu
dent" Union going into competi
tion with local business men for
conventions or is the "Student”
Union going to be for the stu
dents? It cannot do both.
Yeomen (off-campus
nlcn’s organigation)
It Could Be Oregon
“They’re ready but I think they’rt wise to our early-mOrnlng duck
hunt—They wanna know it we’re tailin’ guns.’’
} 1 i • I ! i > C I .'it j ■ i il' ■! I i i i . I'