Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1951, Image 1

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    M'MBKK 105
WSSF Collections Top 1950 Mark;
'Ugly Man' Contestants Cut to Six
With a total of $690.22 Wednes
day night, th«- 1951 World Student
Service Fund drive soared ahead
of the entire week* collections
for 1950, Jackie Wilkes, drive
chairman, stated. The 1950 collec
tions final tabulation was $691.
With the announcement of the
drive funds to date came the list
ing of the six Ugly Man finalists:
Jack Beyers, supported by Alpha
I'hi and Sigma Nu; Tom Barry,
Blgrna Kappa and Sigma Phi Ep
silon; Jim Boseutoff. Pi Beta Phi
W>d Phi Delta Theta; Gordon
Howard, Delta Upsilon and Grides;
Bob Peterson, University House
and Pi Kappa Alpha; and Jack
Faust, Alpha Omicron Pi and
Theta Chi, will compete for the
title “Ugliest Man on Campus."
Caricatures of the finalists were
, made Wednesday night anrl will
be pouted In the Co-op throughout
thin week. According to Bob Metz,
Alpha Phi Omega member who in
working with Miss Wilkes on the
contest and WHSK drive, students
may continue contributions in
dividually or by houses to the six
finalists by putting money in the
milk bottles located in the Co-op
or by taking money to the WSSK
office in the Student Union.
The winner will be announced at
the All-Campus Vodvll show Sat
urday night. "The Thing," the
prize to be awarded the winner,
and a present from band leader
Phil Harris, is being moved to the
SU today from the Co-op, where it
has been on display during this
WSSF to Auction Off Beauties,
Kwamas, Professors, Ugly Men
A group of campus beauties, j
mem tiers of Kwama, sophomore
women's service honorary, three
faculty members, and the six Ugly
Man contest finalists will be auc
tioned off to the highest bidders
Sophomores Plan
Picnic, Tug 'War
Plans were made for the sopho
more phase of the Freshman-Soph
omore Tug-O-War which will kick
off the 1951 Junior Weekend at a
class meeting Wednesday.
Dick Duvis, Rocky Gill and Sam
Jaggar volunteered to work with,
class Vice-President Bill Frye in
lining up the sophomores who will j
participate in the tug-o-war.
The annual tradition determines
whether the freshman continue
wearing green ribbons and rooters I
lids throughout the weekend. If
the freshmen win, the ribbons and
lids are discarded in keeping with
tradition. Last year tHe class of
’53 won.
at th<- World Studont Service Fund
auction on Taylor's corner at 4
p.m. Friday.
According to Bill DeLand, auc
tion chairman, the groups purchas
ed will serve at Friday night din
ners and provide some type of en
"This is a good ehanee for the
houses to have something unusual
for their high school Duck Preview
guests," DeLand said.
All funds will go to the WSSF
drive, as will donations from the
Ugly Man contest and the all-cam
pua Vodvil show. Bob Zwald will
be auctioneer.
Included in the campus queen
group will be Lois Peterson, Betty
Co-ed; Pat Foley, Moonlight Girl
of Phi Sigma Kappa; Charlene
Hanset, Dream Girl of Pi Kappa
Alpha; Lynn Hartley, Sweetheart
of Sigma Chi; and Nancy Chamber
lin, last year's Junior Weekend
The faculty members arc E. C.
Bobbins, instructor in economics;
R. A. Littman, assistant professor
of psychology, and E. R. Bingham,
instructor in history.
War Risk Caused
MacArthur Firing
Explains Truman
By the Associated I’rciw
President Truman explained to
the world Wednesday night that he
tiled General Douglas MarArthur
because the Far Eastern command
er's policies carried a "very grave
risk" ot starting World War III.
In a radio and television broad
cast from the White House, Mr.
Truman declared "we are trying to
prevent a world war not to start
He took sharp issue with the
MacArthur school of thought
which advocates the bombing of
Communist bases across the Man
churian border from Korea and
assisting the Nationalists of Chiang
Kai-Shek to open a second front
on the Chinese mainland.
- • ....—.
Judges Select Finalists
For Junior Weekend;
Court Vote, Apr. 24-26
Law Weekend
Plans Readied
Tt was noisy around the iaw
! school Wednesday, with the stu
dent body preparing for Law School
Weekend by nomination of queen
candidates and law student body
The fun began with the law j
school band's breaking into song,
with a resulting tumult among the !
student body. Student Body Prc- j
sident Jim Hafey quelled the dis- ;
| turbance and nominations for new
student body president were pre
Presidential candidates and their ;
supporting law fraternities are as!
; follows: Ed O'Reilly, Phi Delta Phi; I
Ken Poole, Phi Alpha Delta; and
i Dale Pederson, Delta Theta Phi. '
I Corinne Gunderson was unanimous
ly nominated for the office of sec- j
! rotary-treasurer.
| Much wrangling attended the
selection of seven “law school love
lies for the coveted queenship.
Hafey opened the nominations by
suggesting himself for the crown.
Further nominations followed:
' B u b b 1 e s" Dardano, Davideen
“Cuddles" YDung, Bobbie "The
Legs” Jones, Jack “Jackie" Lively, I
Francis “Frankie" Linklater, Bob
"Roberta" Abrams, and Jamie
The law school promises pictures
| of the candidates as soon as identi
i cal Bikini bathing suits can be ob
Eleven Junior Weekend queen
semi-finalists were selected by a
board of five judges at 9 p.m. Wed
nesday in Gferlinger Hall.
Finalists/ arc Shirley Hillard,'
Alpha Delta Pi; Dotty Polanski,
Chi Omega; Arlene Kennedy, Del
ta Delta Delta; Libby Miller, Del
ta Gamma; Joanne Lewis, Delta
Zota; Mary Preuss, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Doris Philbrick, Carson;
Ann Dqrby, Pi Beta Phi; Diane
Ford, Alpha Gamma Delta; Nancy
Allison. Hendricks; .and Jeanne
Hoffman. Kappa Alpha Theta.
Eleven finalists were chosen be
cause of a tie for tenth place.
Judges for the semi-finalist
round were Clay Baxter, of Baxter
and Henning: Cal Smith, manager
of J. C Penny Co.; Mrs. R. G.
Crakes, and Mrs. J. C. Lillie, Eu
gene: and S. W. Little, dean of
the School of Architecture and
Allied Arts.
Other candidates and their liv
ing organizations were Sue Judd,
Gamma Phi Beta: Kay Kolasa. Sig
ma Kappa; Pat Oldham, Orides;
Lois Sharkey, Rebec; Ann Thomp
son. University House: Lorelei
Miller, Highland House; Evelyn
Marsh, Hendricks: Starly Sparks,
Alpha Phi; Jane Pekramen, Al
pha Chi Omega; and Jean Dewees,
Alpha Xi Delta.
Pictures of the 11 semi-finalist:;
will appear in the Co-op. and vot
mg will be held to select the queen
and court Apr. 24. 25. and 26,
Barbara Clerin and Pat Mullin, co
chairman of the Queen Selection
and Coronation committee, stated.
House Votes Against Draft Deferment on Basis
Of Aptitude Test Only; Hawk Explains Details
The House voted Wednesday
against the idea of deferring col
lege students from the draft .sole
ly on the basis of aptitude tests.
By voice vote, the House adopted
I an amendment to the pending
Draft-Military Training BUI. Under
the amendment, students may take
the tests but they are to be used by
I local draft boards only as addition
al information in determining the
| draft status of the students.
Selective Service had announced
that college students might seek
draft deferment based on their
| scholastic standing or by making
i a scoic of 70 on the aptitude tests.
* * *
Students need not get alarmed
about this news, paid Ray Hawk,.
director of men's affairs, when
contacted about the action of the I
House on the draft bill amend
If such an amendment were also j
passed by the Senate and became ;
law, Hawk said, state draft author
ities would probably instruct their
local boards as to the course of
action in deferments regarding the j
aptitude test scores, which might*
result in some inconsistency.
However, He added, since the.
House evidently did not take any j
action against having good schol-'
astic standing defer college stu- j
dents, the major importance of the ;
draft bill has not been affected.
Furthermore, Hawk said, this is'
merely a House action, anti is fat*
from law. He said that were it to
become so, most students who aie
of good scholastic standing would
still be oeterrea. since most cf
those who would receive 70 or
above would be students of good
At any rate, Hawk stressed, wo
can have no idea at the present ct
what will be decided. He said that
some such action as that taken by
the House was to be expected, a ♦
evidenced by the adverse criticism
the college draft deferment has re
ceived. He again stressed, however,
that students need not fear that
this action will have a dangerous
effect on the present situation.
Dull and Schleicher Okay MacArthur's Ouster
(Editor's Note: Tha Emerald
here presents exclusive Inter
views with two University pro
fessors noted for their work In
political science, who present
their views of President Tru
man's firing of Gen. Mac.Arthur.)
By Phil Bettens
Our prestige in Asia has fallen,
but pro-American sentiment in
Europe is high following Gen.
Douglas MacArthur's dismissal
Tuesday night by President Tru
man. That’s the opinion of Paul S.
Dull, associate professor of politi
cal science and history.
“For years, MacArthur has main
tained that ‘if we lose Asia, we
lose the world',” Dull said. "This
isn't true. We can win or lose
against Russia in Europe, and it
must be held.” He pointed out that
Russians would like very much to
get us involved in a bleeding war
^ with China.
Truman Had Authority
Dull pointed out that President
Truman acted under his constitu
tional authority in dismissing Mac
'The constitution is quite speci
fic as to who issues orders,” he
stated. “The President is the. com
mander-in-chief of the armed
“Even if MacArthur were right
on his policy iileas, he whs com
pletely wrong in trying to carry
them out on his own," Dull said.
"He’s too much influenced by Asia
—has been surrounded by it too
The effect of his removal will I
be "terrific" in Japan. Dull feels.
"The Japanese built him up as
a dominant figure, whom they
blindly obeyed," he said. "But now,
they will be disillusioned; they will
misinterpret the event. His leav
ing will cause despair there and
may make Communism's job a lit
tle easier."
Question Posed
But, as Dull sees it, there was
a choice to be made: should we
throw our strength to Japan , or
to Europe ?
"Our primary concern and our
children’s primary concern in days
to come is going to be Asia; but
not as a military threat for another
10 or 20 years,” he said. "We can
still settle Europe first, and then
turn to Asia."
He added that he strongly fav
ored MacArthur’s coming to the
United States and engaging in a
debate on policy.
"He had a terrific military job
in Korea," Dull said. “He had to
try and preserve American lives
and equipment; under these condl
tions, lie couldn't wage a success
ful campaign."
But, he explained, Korea is the
secondary front in the world mili
tary situation, and MacArthur's
role was to do as he was told.
"He should have lesigned,” Dull
said, "and come back home to push j
his point of view; there are many I
people who would have supported I
“It is unfortunate that this
whole thing; ever came up," he
commented. "We need harmony
now; we're in one of the most
critical periods of our history."
Personally. Dull feels that the
MacArthur affair is going to cause
a tremendous debate from now on.
And Dull has his own plans for
coping with this great controversy.
"I’m going fishing this week
end.” he said. "I’m not going to
look at a newspaper or turn on the 1
radio until I get back Monday."
• • •
General MacArthur's removal
from his command in Asia is "more
dramatic than significant,” ac
cording to Charles P. Schleicher,
professor of political science.
"Many believe that he has built
up an 'Emperor' complex among
the Japanese," he said. “His re
moval should shock Japan, and
may have an unsettling effect.
"But if he has become a ‘second
Emperor’ in their eyes, an intoler-!
able situation exists, and it is well
to bring it out in the open," he
Schelicher pointed out there are.
three points to consider in evaluat
ing- MacArthur’s dismissal:
1. The general international re
sponse. MacArthur not only an
American general, but also 'com
mander of the United Nations
troops in Korea and the representa
tive of the Allied powers in Japan.
"All the Allies—with the pos
sible exception of Australia—have
favored his removal," Schleicher
2. The political significance. This
event will show Europe that we in
tend to concentrate our efforts
in Europe, rather than follow "the
McCarthy-MacArthur line of an
all-out Eastern conflict."
3. Relations between the mili
tary and civilian branches of gov
ernments. Schleicher pointed out
that it is "pretty evident" that
MacArthur has disregarded or dis
obeyed orders in the past—"Ho
has not been a. good soldier."
tiring Will Cause Debate
Schleicher feels that Truman's ■
action in firing MacArthur will
cause considerable debate here at
"But," he declared, "when th«
polls are taken, I believe that at
least two-thirds of those who ex
press an opinion will back up Tru«
man's action." i
(Phase turn to page three), 3