Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1951, Page Seven, Image 7

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, tour -I th"
1 nutiu dealt •»
, |„ p,r»<,i< or phone rat.
Icmrrn 2 a***® 4 P-IW*
f'trBt Inaertlno 4*t »
^j. miijMrAf o*'fit ta#rrtJolW(
prr »uri1
-.-p |yiv»!' inMHH’tum in
iwdrfrltlilVc l»«‘ in «■ "ill l'«y
0 ! hoot Addrcaa letter
Itrl SorllinK. Hhttmrock Tritll
^ Eugi »»*•. Oregon. 101
SAl-T bedroom htmw
irour.il* i'-t ">>'*•» north of
„ Jluli uf( River Itoiul. One
» lb'-**' pU*'*-* <x*.m**Ujirally
fonnrctl'ul iar.-ly out of
Knglah‘1 'Mu- mx ul room*,
IJt room Itvtnic room <ftr**-l
*nd *un parlor »«*• panel-1
>!«lrm x oi.i-n .ill kind* <>(
if offi*r’ i'ii Judlng j.antrli s,
fnid dirii-l* and alnrage
r b ;h J1 .mil dnwtl»t«li*
;r»! AdJ.i 'Hi lo the alream
h bound* llm acreage la a
toautlful Ka'd«-n With oak
, PoH Orford Cotar. fruit
nut irae*. guipr*, ,lfrrlr».
obarure •. arietuwr *>f lovely
b* and fl'-wri- Total Acre
i* 3'; acre* I'rlrr J16.7MI
I Hilbert l*re xotl
Mjiy, 4 kin. 4 W)0f 4 filtRI,
flout 1 ft.i :• H IdlnK
plications Due
'Army ROTC
' for advanced Army
will Hr 'ikm Monday
Friday of ; ext v>rrN, it
mnouacrd Thursday Hy U,
sfcn H. <_ .unn.ngham. head of
itliUry oticncr and tactic*
eligible )(■ Army HOT*"
U will be notified in their
I of de'-i | . - taming to the
p Af-|>l ar.t adl appear be
Ifl officer*' interview Inal d
« Apr 16 and 2«.
*: ttudri t- Applying for ad
I training who do not re
form ti» - during normal
(wrod/'nrr ;<-«(■.,rated to nak
ipkcation blank* at the in
ti n w.r.w the military
ft at r. ' nt rptnncc v. 111
<k sometime at the end of
for advanced Air
will be dlulrltnifed
coding to LI Col
profeaaor of air
leal ion.
Ron •
May I.
ami la
I he place
Jw Management
l i kii:xi>siin*
Our Specialty
hi k*;i-;ks
Mih ,\vc. k
Students Plan Vodvil Show
(HMRMKN of th.- Mt i am pits tods it Show to to- hold at h p.m. Saturday. Apr. 14. arc (loft to right)
Ilnl.M*- Howard, coirul . halrman; \nn. f.raham, Ridging and award*; Fat Johnson, programs; Delores
larrtsh, lirlirlt; Rrt Hallentlnr, programing; I ran "I* Nrrl, promotion; («'U Daniels, staging anil
lighting; ISmna Hart, puldicltv Joan thwrl, programing co-chairman. is not pictured. The Show will
tie presented In M< \rthur « ourt in connection with Dirk Pros iew V\ oekend and the World Student Service
Fund dlls r.
Frosh Discuss
Program, Picnic
The thick t*rrview n-m liiy the
annual freahman picnic. mid the
Tug-of-War •* ith !hc • jihnniont
during Junior Wokriid, were dm
iu»»nl al the Wednesday evening
Kmtih Council meeting
The a»*emhiy a t :> h a il i>o held
on Apr 13. will be an attempt on
Urn part of the cla' • of 1 to
acquaint high »■ hcxil n- morn with
college lift Tradition.", lollogr j>< r
aonalitle® and events will all be
explained and introduc'd at this
The etaiot plcnu w II be h< Id May
19. All frenhinen and gue-ta will Ik
Hawk Tells Draft
(C onlutufd frnh t pnti
pond* to 120 on the army General
Classification Text
llnwk emphasized the fact that
th<- draft policy only an execu
tive order and that Ctmgrcf * may
I change it He raid that much
criticism of the deferrraent plan
la expected.
All <oU<, tudi irgi
by Hawk to tak- the deferrment
text even if their grade* now defer
them, Passing the text would tx> a
nfeKU“rd against any unexpected
drop In Gl'A, Hawk suggest, d.
Students now deferred until the
end of the present school ye ar me
etlgibli to take the test and will
be allowed to remain in school 11
they pas the test.
A wife l.s a person who gets so
' mad she cries on her husband s
! shoulders—-and g. ts the dress she
13 th. & HTTCRSON STi.
Vi Mo me
Student Court
Levies $1 Fine
!'.<*< • ipt* eollectcd by the Student !
Court were increased by the mini of ^
SI Wednesday evening in an un-1
••ventful wsion which saw but one
individual ap|>ear befoie the group
The $1 fine wajs levie<i by the
• ourt for Illegal parking in th<
idea in front of John Straub Dor-i
The court reviewed some 20 cita
tions involving students who have
failed to make an appearance be- j
fore the court to settle their fines.
These students will receive second)
notices requesting them to post)
t il with the Director of Men's)
| Affairs or appear at the next ses
sion of the court.
Failure to appeal' in either place
results in a doubling of the fine or i
eventual leferral to the Office of j
Student Affairs, according to rules '
'of the court.
Th can pus judicial group has a I
V.i. klog of approximately 50 tick-'
• is i-sued during the last of winter
term and over the spring holidays
which will bo handled during the
next ■■ sums of the court.
The Student Court will meet at
7 30 p in Apr. IS in 315 SC.
'Ugly Man' Competition
ft Iiitmmd from futj/f one)
turi of these six will be posted in
the Co-op and from then on. Smith I
emphasized, “it will be up to the
sponsors of these six to pull in as’
many votes (contributions) as;
they can from the candidates al
ready eliminated.”
The finalists will retain the num
ber of votes east for them during
the preliminary race and these will
he added to the contribution votes
. cured from Thursday until the
eont- t ends on next Saturday.
The Ugly Man will he announced
at the All-Campus Vodvil show
next Saturday and will receive his
award The award will be displayed
, .it the Co-op all next week.
KWAX Plans Shows
(Continued from riiyr one)
“An Afternoon at the Opera" an
nounced by Don Doak. junior in
speech. The program will be a com
i plote opera.
"Songs for Sunday." light class
ical music, will be announced by
Bob Peterson, senior in speech.
Winding up the Sunday sched
ule will be “Kditora Notebook,"
featuring policies and politics of
Oregon student government, by
Anita Holmes, Kmcrald editor and
senior in journalism.
Petitions Due Monday
Petitions for committees for thei
YWC 'A - sponsored Junior - Senior j
Breakfast are due at 5 p.m. Mon
day at the YWCA office in Ger
lingrr Hall or to Bonnie Birkemeier
at Pi Beta Phi.
Committees open include pub
licity, promotion, program, cater
ing. tickets, and invitation. The j
bi ei.kfast is scheduled for Apr. 22. |
4 9311
“He’s A Cockeyed Wonder"
“1 he Walls of Malapaga"
“Beau Geste ’
"Lives of a Bengal Lancer"
I lTl SPUlNOFlCtD 7-2/01
"September Affair”
"Raton Pass”
"'u'F'fiiv I 7*340’
"Under the Gun”
"State Penitentiary”
Future Ducks
Like Psychology
Potential University of Oregon
students show a high level of , n
lerent in the fie |»i of psychology,
•/■cording to H. R. Taylor, psyeh
»logy department head.
Taylor has returned to the cam
pus after speaking Wednesday at
he Madras High School career day
Students selected the occupa
tions about which they wished to
tie Informed, and attendance had
■o be limited to juniors ar.d renio. %
raylor said. He talked to them for
2*r> minutes, and answered questions
for the remainder of the hour.
Taylor explained that the psych
ology classes taught at the Uni
versity are mainly for the benefit
jf students in their private lives,
■ather than for the instruction of
'ulure practicing psychologists.
Who is tlie ugliest man on the
lam pus ?
Starts Sunday, April 18
Judy Holliday
Best Actress
; A dawn that >
really comes
1 tf+s comes up
like thunder!
He prefers
blondes —
but he's no
gentleman! J1
He knows
too much
jt?) about the
■ wrong things!
This picture \\ ill
be moved to the
on April 15
for indefinite
MAYFLOWER Starts Today
"A full and forceful film."
j—Bosley Crowther, N. y. Times
^ picture of admirable quality/' ,%•
—Archer Winsten, N. y, P0mJ
r-vf.’is ■