Chaplain Emphasizes Serious Study in Talk H\ \bott Paine You young folks attending col are the cream of the crop in our world today. Mid Kent A l t'., rat Robert P Workman, retired Nivy chaplain in addremtng » y nt dinner meeting of fraternity # >1 mi ton tv presidents Wednesday n ;ht in the Student t’nion -College in a place "here we k'.on 1r»w to ch»ni*e friend* and £. t along with people.' Workman Mated He al-*' emphasised the Importance of »k»ng studies ser !.»1>|> because they are th- founda ti n and basis of college education Speaking on lx-hi If of the Inter aternitv Research and Advls- r> cimn!. which he represent* he a verted: '‘Fraternities and aoron ti.-s make a contribution t«> th« I. of atu tents that the umver 0t y cannot itself make, for they f. rmsh the veiv beginning" of democracy itae’.f The IRAC i» a nntional organisation uniting all focial fraternities, sororities hon or arret* and professional frateroi* t it > A veteran of 36 years In the Knvy Workman served as a chip LET’S GO TO CABLES (DRIVE IN) Jim aboard »»m>« durtntt mo»l wl that A* H fraternity m*». he a need for »c«VM to take fril' trrmtv and soiertty life ***' wttaly. I •Too many fraternity men nftri thrv leave college t.«'k t*“"k *n< *ay. -that was knl *twf« He point ed out. It* our >*»» to live when xv e Ket out of school In a manner that ito our fmtemitiev nn«t sot or it iev credit, he added. Keen lima the growth of fra' i , nittev aud aorontlev he nave the following statwta* Kratemitie* have t .’60.000 member*. votimU' V 660 ooo. women* prv>fe» tonal or ganisation* »7.<»0. men's profe* atonal group* 1.000 amt honor a ne* 160.000 Applications Due For Scholarships Applications for ch .'»!’hit * awarded by Kw«m», ^.phoncre wunirn't wivtrr lioltorary. Will be accepted a’. the of (ter of the direct or of women's affair* to KnieraM Mali until 1- noon Saturday Scholarship* are available l" any freshman a jtvitn who will ert * Ir.jr her nophomore y«-ar at the I'nivennty neat fall Awarding of the *chol;*r*hips will be baaed on need, grade*. rettponMbililie*. am! participation in cam pu< jurlivilie* The nuntb«-r of ucholar ship* to be aw arvlol and the amount of each will depend upon the number of application* turned in. Who t* the ugliest man on the Cair.pua ? FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH — INVITES YOU — ''at 1-10 p m Spring C'ainpfirt-m« Harlow Sun. 11 a.m. "THE ASCENSION" Hruadca>t <»\» r KASH O 45 -I’nivcrdlv l'la» I*r«-«l Heard, ua.1 ■ r 6 JO p.m.—Kellov. >hip Hour 7:30 p.m—"HOW TO MARK A CITY GLAD" l)r. Vance H. Webster. Pastor Bduv at Hi„*h KNOX FAVOAS CHIGNONS . . . Hut then is a particular .style for you that makes “Knox" your hat for on or off the campus wear The prices start at $10.95. Spring colors are gny and ours alone in Hu^cnc /sonnet A/oak FINK HATS 921 Willamette Improving Education at Oregon Subjecf of Student Symposium ■ttlnnfj <■ '"i **< >* * |.„J of rm|nlrr>t«*r«t» *el It) the | ni.n.llt Ih. !*•** ‘“•4rn* u mr.dfrrf with • M »t «htng. ho i sn't adept Mmarlf t«. wHih- thr k,m>«i .uidooi gru h»gerd tl«"” in man> rmpiUrd .••««»» ,h»* Ur doesn't h»>r tlnir to *prnd on •oHiirthlng hi* Jw«n't already know Tjtin -it n problrth !n ***** untversitlr* and u l« tr«HM#l by Itw faculty Thr recently accept■ («4 trVi.*U>fl* M* rtetilum in thr t/«>ilrKr of Liberal Vil» »hrt»nl nitowhoti* Many wtn dent* have fair intelligence but ■» : ts*wv • one. mil of * h ■ practically DontniUr* whsrh Irivrt thrni hrlpiraa in thr t hi vrnnty Writing K should h«)r follow1 ml on lurh a roarer tong *!£.. a >tu4rnl ran t write tmlit hr ran read easily I would hold reservations on thr \»*orl*tr of \rl* degree »• m ommriutrd by thr ( onuulttrr on t urriculwm KrtWoa, and I nultrr It wlft undergo fnrthrr n v t»i..n fn.lrr thr plan ti »dd be 20 hour* of sub-collage work fr. quired mlmas the frtodent j.» * w I spmfV r*amtnat»«r-« wnnh la a c onsoles able •rttow«t of Work below (ullrfr level A frW fflttr dial cutita i for specific dr firirn rir* ar«- fine but • university is an imlilulM for hijfhrf learning and f don l *•* I hr Berroity f->r t»-tr»chit,g high * hoot t nulv I irmpltrm Thr bifgrat boon for «iprlinr *» iitrnti will hr exemption from required onirtw* by inrt I mwM !>kr to go to an wtrrmr anti way I think tbrrr should tjr a* many trait* as thrrr »rr («,!>. J rr. cjuired. Tar sophomore honor* *t*i«n Mill rarrupt students from Warn n-i|iii.rmrnli by test, thu* pro tiding for »tu«irnt* who a ant to move ah junior* aw l then they *. <• many things they wish Uw-y had done Sound, adiie wi maid !>e mu H more liotnimi-iiliil in jitwhin^ Knud students ami H<-l{«• r»K (eior ones than lhr« are, If student* ale kept as tgnor ant of sophomore honor • a • they are r,f the present honors system, it wiH have little value There ar* i ouistle >. Student* of well above average who haven’t the foggiest notion what a readings and eon ference course is Ini -rdepurltm ntul Kapjeirt Koi a third auggestton, ad vis - era -Would try to famdian/<- them, selves with other department i Another evil in the advising sys tem is that ntiidenta do not n< ■ • eesarily change adviser* w hen tin y change their majors some tiling which should follow auto matically. \nd last of all, advisers stmulil try In he unbiased—or ul least they should understand that If everyone were Interested In the same thing, the world would he a dull plai e. The'silent war which ex »t« be tween Home departments often keeps a student from even aampl ing different fields in order to make up his own mind about them. Tlit* l« im»I anything that i an lw t>y legislation Ini' only hy irmtr |«wHnr m s . >1* r. it.: »!„„ It-, w ill br N*>l ( rrtlfli atr I rltlUn 4l4i» t Mlwi mr *o mm h r* ->|ib« »»« » ro i !r: al/r ari.i out of work that 1»1 ( rv«A work A I* \r r Urgtre WoilUl |»c flltr if it wrt* »U college work llird I l; by y i !i . Hint the (Ki-wol Imrtoni nyrtriti gr'» lilllr piith from IHr profoc tufa «lri alimlrnU brrr lilllltorr 1" gr( i !> • | .»» \t right I *.. se litrif ':rv»l ha* lw«-n a ir»Uy full |4an i lit it *» .1.*:.; hr*r t k til,» flit a fit that a«H *rt» « rvef 11.r turn thr prrwr.I ]!f imr its* wko ha* ifcessr the »i tk hull T*k« n»r4 t i: iti’it : * l . j>r t «(r f*.H that t tr (•rofrss* f * thfwr of wtoor We <|cj *r •. mrtlt boot* Hw« ih't not hJV--* •! ti»* hu»>l» |«rO£i«51: a thr r«itrioIy T»« of th after J tnt*J ttwfo about it n d thrjf wt -jLJ iltwomtt' a krr.t ft Hi taStirig it Iru.sw thru ’ .J h"t think thrfr a a* c 1; to res* an* a *•••»»*■; t to fs • r! f«! t t are* for JV - point Jo you><- got In Mn* ptro thr elsxtmta l(A( thry rr i rally bet-rf HMhjS if) taking hoi ora work liilrn rr What y «.*> No **;,«* ie going to takr it a* a mr ir gtr s« thir g a bu h J*»»t .»• Volvr * a kft of SOI k CAMPUS CALENDAR >'r«ild > II Mtm—I nlv 'Htctlrf t'»rr M 110 to I 8 ji.m lijlIUllou, Motnnl Hail 8 |i m —I » llll) IHi nr r (lilh, tirrlingrf \«Hf« i> 30 pin Si Mttrf t»illl>r. tla|lrr»>m ■>I Sotimla* It ,0 p mi.-—T rt-lK It* Hlnlr Mrrt ll#llr*«otit Hi Mpm_\lpH» I’M Vl|>*> ■ tiWi JM Hi fi [1 m.-—“IS" f *mgttr ttultuT Hitt.. lh»«l'« l!"! MpHit. 113 st K 30 p III Ili.Onf S.M |rt) II Hill, Ihlll'H Itulllll St Sunil i v : 3 p in.— Vi »man i Ini'. l>rrlliiK rr lllll'l Singers WillGj,, CamPus Cone, Tuesday atSll **■*• TV; ,J ' »foa tv '• ****■ *■■ **4 «i«i •*.» Hi” V .*) ' I ! *« 1 t-)**' k!Q| ’ ■> •i'HnHMd sUs<;S| f«t1 !•> ’) TV CW«I Sr, r,^ -»• ' W* v, jf n, ■■,, ■■.; •<•#*» Ittet Mnuy ■! ‘ * r ***« art . •»* v * R*t»a**4t «*| '"*•* t-i.Vrt.Jr BmmW »*• r>e S +■**I •> • ‘j-w* Miller Plans SearsTj A of &«ll *> • * '• • »>H b* <* '«Kb4] : » lb 'he K I. Ms iter < . •« wa f . a cT-r*'. & ai t Mat) 'A h . * ? h* «$!**; art 0 MAN'D DTPPED Chocolitw & Faip .•airrar SUGAR PLUM For the Best fish and seafood Call 4-2371 NEWMAN'S FISH MARKff i- rr-h. frown and£**» full awl i«foois yj |->t Hroadwar NO FINER FOOD IS SERVED anywhere FOR GOOD FOOD inNK