Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1951, Image 1

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i \nKKsm oroRKuoN, w cirNr, khii»u, apkii. «. mat
Nt MHMl 101
—See Paac Two
far Away Places' Weekend Theme
I Sports Night Entertainers
NgS.I. VTS, Khl,L\S. . .•* la-ft to right nrr th rt-r- vantlt) tr»« k m« n—Albrrt Hulllrr, Drnnl* Sullivan,
Sflfc r Mnilh—talking over th<-ir rolct In tonight* Hpnrt* Night, H pin. at M< Arthur t nurt. Sullivan
bfct::., out that t> nnU will l»- rr<|iitrrd <qulpnn-nt fur tin rari v—vlnttnl tra« l» 'ln« » wouldn t
»||^r* < on M u ( oiirtS majilr floors.
Iwk Tells
ift Policy
I /FC Meef
|ks;h*->? college enrollment
is expected as a result
^pev.- draft d* f.-n rncr.t polity,
jj®1' °t Men's Affairs Kay
■P't Thursday at a meeting
rfraternlty Councils
said that as the dtuft de
pt tests will not la- given
Jr enrol) college,
1^' who want to etay out of
MV:"; will start to colk
■h'j' t.ts With high at euinula
" point averages will be
!wt without taking the test.
V‘ hnng many of the pre
Ji'i'rts back to ; • hool, Hawk
Bl'W'ritage of students to
« ‘si on scholastics us an-:
WooM he the
i 1 " -liioeo class, :
s of the sophomore class, j
hh' ] < la:, ■
''"‘I* ,jf 1,11 ■ eniors wishing
g lo graduate work.
W stressed the fact that the
rah'n fin deferrments
computed only from the
■• grade of men students,
women students have
" to a higher overall
P'ttdiigence score on the de
f, test, said Hawk, would
J‘: <0 or better for a stu
“■ deferred. This corres
iUuse turn to payt’seven)
ASUO Sports Night Show
Opens at 8 in MacCourt
Sport - Night, "the: biggest !*how mi the campir-. come.** t" Mc
\rthur Court at S p in. tonight, with even acts of ti>p-notch < u
crtaimnrnt. Ticket** \vill lie on -ale at the < 1 **iami ab<> today. .it
)uoths in the* Student I’nion and the <* *> < p. Price.** are SI h,r
.ownspcfoplc, 50 cents for >tu<H*nt*•» *
|*'or thr outdoor port fan.** th< r<* will 1»«* M’veral track r\» nt
•oath Hill How crinan will pre-cut a preview < *t tin Duel* track
cam in such event' as pole:
atilling, shot pulling. high
umping, and sprints ami >h
am r runs.
*l'or those who enjoy boxing.)
here will be loin matches. Jim
LoscutolT will take on Mob
I’cter.'on, Mob Wilcox v\ i! I bat-1
,1c Joe Kaiser, Joe Richards
•vill fight Cliai h - ()yama. ami
lom Stratton’s opponent will
>e Xeil Tardio.
There'll be music, too supplied
>\ the University band. 'I’wo valid
Is-ss Ilian 100 tickets for ^
Spurts Night hail »»•**•> sold »*
5 p.n». Thursday, according t«
.ioanno Fltzmaurlec, ASI'O see
/life acts an animal act and a
nuslcal group will fill out the
Funds from the Htudcrtt-sponsor
>d show will go to the A8UO- to
je used "to provide funds for stu
lent government, to finance Uni
versity student groups and worth
while programs for the Univer
dty,’1 according to ASUO president
Barry Mountain.
Poors will open at ^ :00 p.m. ,
...- - ' '
Dance Title Contest
Won by Kappas
I .u \w.iv I’laexs has been chosen as the tliettie for this
\ < .ir > (unior \\ eeke ml, accord uijj io Me r v 11 a tup ton, junior «-! a - r
president ami gencfrtl chairman of the we ekend c\ ent
I lie winning theme, submitted by the Kappa Alplia Theta jun
ior class, wsis selected from a la rye assortment of nitric ami was
se lerted by the Junior \\ e < kernel chairman and class e,nicer-.
1 he theme- am! orche stra for the prom will be- determined by
ttit* prom committee ami an-,
notinccd at a later Hate.
lolmny 1.link's |taml, from I
iMijjene, ha- linn -cctirnl for
the Terrace Dance, the All
( ampii- Sine, ami the luncheon i
Tu|[-of-W»r Met
The iinmiHl Freahman-Hopho :
more Ttig-of-Wai has hen nrhol
ulcd for Wfdnrwliy, May !», this;
year. If the freshmen stymie! win
this event, they will not be requlr- i
e<t to Wert! their rooter* lids the;
remainder of the week. The com
mittee ha* designated tin- side
walk pant the flag-pole In fiont of i
the Student Union a* "Hello'
Walk." another tradition of the
weekend tht* yeai "Hello Walk
wan formerly between Kenton and j
Vtllurd Hall*
Committee sub-chairmen nn
nmmeed Thursday are an follows
Cleanup Murtel Hagendoorn,
Karbaia Kec-len. Dyhires Hu e
and Do|ore> Trltt.
Queen .Selection and Corona
tin- Joyce Kalhbun. William
Walker, Hnrhara Kubin, Joann)
Forbes. Sally Haaeltln*-. Martha
i«-naughty, Virginia Bond, and
Joan Manning.
"sing' < olltlllll teen omen
All-Campti•> Sing Berntee Curt
i’ll, Aileen Hctschait. Jean Bur
ge-; Mike l..«lly. Nanc y Gloeg< ,
anct Bobbie Howard
Junior Prom: Bonnie Hu kemeter. .
Barbara Metcalf, JoAnnc Hewitt
and Kathlee n Stryker.
Kloat Parade: I»u Ann Chase
John Otto, Joan Jacobs, Nancy
Promotion: Virginia Kellogg.
Marcia Kaglesoii, Denise Thom.
Fiances Haum. Donna Paxtrouleh.
Cathy Swtck. and Fran Neel.
Publicity: Dolores Brice, Sally
Hayden. Charlotte Alexander. Tom
Shepherd, Kdith Wading. Hob Ford.
Jim Hnycox, Susan Drummond.
Pat Choat, Pat Hunter, and Judy
Council Petitions Due
Petition* f<>r the vacant position
of senior class representative on
the ASUO Kxecutive Council will
la' accepted until 5 p.m. Monday.
Petitions may be turned in to the
ASUO office.
Petitioners for the student body
Job will he interviewed at 7:30
p.m. Monday.
'Ug/y Man' Competition
Benefits Go to WSSF
Sandwich hkiis, Kmerald nds,
iuid campus posters were asking
this week, "Who is the campus
ugly man?"
The campus ugly man contest,
as revealed by World Student Rer
vieo Fund Drive Chairman .Jackie
Wilkes and Alpha Phi Omega Con
test Chairman Hod Smith, is a
form of personality contest, the
benefits from which will go to the
WSSF drive.
A DO, which is sponsoring the
contest for the WSSF drive, stip
ulated In its meeting Monday that
‘‘although the nature of the con
test is to find the ugliest man on
campus, the main objective is to
use campus personalities as n
method of promoting the WSSF
drive. Contestants should consid
er the theme of the contest in a
lighter vein than a serious elimin
The procedure of the contest,
Smith announced, wi\l begin yilb
each women « living organination
selecting its candidate for the
ugliest man on campus. The con
tributions from the women's liv
ing organization as well as the
contributions from the house in
which the candidate lives will bo
considered as votes for that "po
tential ugly man." Ugly man jw>
tentials will be listed in Monday's
Voting will take place in the
Co-op where money should be turn
ed each day by 4 :.10 p.m. all next
week. Milk bottles will be used for
money deposits, with one milk
bottle for each Ugly Man contest
ant. Money may also be turned in
to the WSSF office in the SU be
fore 4:30 p.m. every day. Tabula
tions will be made at 4:45 p.m.
The six contestants drawing the
most contributions will be named
in Thursday's Emerald. Cariea
. H'kaszlurn to fuacseven) . .
Dance to Follow
Sports Activities
"It Might as Well tie Spring” it
the theme for a dance to be held
in the Student Union ballroom to
night following 8porta Night arti
vl tie* in McArthur Court. The
•lance IN scheduled from 10 p.m.
until midnight.
At the ame time he announc'd
the theme. Ralph MiJIlrr SC Dance
committee chairman, said that the
oft-proponed talen eont< *t hau
been postponed indefinitely Origin -
ally it uas ret up on n five-week
H<-hedu)e with entertainment plan
ned a’. ■ a h mixer and tin ta ut of
all acta presented dining thi-i pet
lod to he given award" Junior
Wef kend
Hillirr “aid the lark of contest
ants wan responsible for the miu
penmon of the plan He also pont
<<1 out that attendance at the lant
mixer v.*A no |XKir that hia com
mittee has decided to hold their
Kriday-mghi dam <-■, in U.<- Ki.-b
entertainers who ■ • d up to
participate in the contest will pei
form on a non-con.p< tative ha- i
at future dancer, including the one
KWAX Plans
New Shows
For Tonight
"The Voice of the Ducks," KM
station KWAX on the funpue,
started on its spin of regular piu
Itrama Thursday night. At 8ft. I
megacycles, seven new program >
will lx- presented tonight from the
studio in Villard.
"Guest Star" will he transcribed
music by Ella Login .vocalist: Ia> t
Bring and his orchestra; and D. I
Sharbutt, vocalist and master of
"Table Hopping" will be a pro
gram springing from tape record
id interviews in the Student Ur
ion Tuesday morning by George
Douglas, junior in speech.
The activities of campus rel'
gimis organizations and national
religious news will bo reported cn
"Religious News."
This week's "Campus Interview '
will feature Louis Armstrong, band
leader and trumpeter, interviewed
by George Douglas. The prograi »
was tape recorded when Armstrong
appeared at the Eugene armory
last week.
“Dixiography" will he selections
of Dixieland music handled by
disc-jockey Dave Strauss, junioi
in speech.
Of special interest to philosophy
students will he "Cnstell Speaks, '
l a half hour lecture by Dr, Alburey
Casti 11. head of the philosophy de
The "Friday Night Request" will
he the "Music You Want" select
ed, at student request, from thm
KWAX music library. Selections
may be made by. postcard or by
telephoning during the show. The
station number is Ext. 407.
Sunday "The Voice of the Duck- '
will bo heard from 3 p.m. until V
p.ru. The broadcast will begin with
(F!t\isc turn to fa<jc sctai)