Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1951, Page Three, Image 3

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I^Movie Prices Cut
I Miracles Occur at UO
. cotti* ■■'■■■ u>' ,hr
‘A. l-i l« 'I*1* ln f,“
,.v, . v >. "r<"
,'v^l frM > * ' v. n i*n t h‘»l
for Ktirt'l >V <1 nror.
probably »">! r.»tur
all Ihii ha|>V ’* >
rf|| |.UV t». •>< * >••• K,UJ'*
. when V" 1 K' - M|' **,,d
\... bin • 1 • •*>
y«ii* t*»y :,ur *»d
April Fool I to |«‘“! »<•'« *£««*•
iv it"- inyK' ! f**n
pvtay y«'i n «tly i,in,ip,l
* tin.**
}‘ool fct* I-li* It***
ji.-r h»i- • i ■ *:»"w
f Ufslr-t lli«r<- nr<- kulr:
nil.Ilr on«-t» I tat l»» tail
„ -hr llflV W ' • '! > ' »”*"•
•»i«k* tlthli'i Hal* ami lh"li
B#ofth< Mm • >■ mi m It. ol
u Ho) a ntfiiijf U* a” i mply
Ui. n rithi*r jfot < aught i
yaurarlf m tl tum«1
l (!)• m- vi i a fivr Jolla]
at’r; all
\ffuH blow »«? when Mmmk
pw»p|< our u«*al
pghtrr than w <- w«-rr am) >
bfit April !■■.)!> pikr of
you'd wind up With vralrr
pi your f»< > Ihioixh Ihe
window juai *a lam you
nut lo * in- Mom »<»h c
April Fool p > ( and K«nr
tr the hik'K''' foot* *>t alt.
gon Biochemist
is Fellowship
? !!..'■ hr-- i ■' tie I l(r
idtra* V 1 •' ' ‘ - *»<• •! .!•*.?>
IMSt hsi-r 'm r-r SW-sirrM ft
r nwrarrh fellowship by
twod utft.. ut health.
*«t t>r I>»-. t W I' linird
the «ch<x>!
W-! ; 1 ■
■ ■ ■ ' ■,;< ■
. '.h> i. -1 i i si I...
U:. > . ■ ...V. »i . . •
» effective in June I*r K
I h" 1 ' ! ■ ft ’ *:■ fee -J
isrtf’, *!■ - - .i ( ■
Mirral y .:<lnr-, for |)r.
>1-')' I>r 1! r ■ took si
tk touriM* if] thr u^«* of
(fin**** • nt I h«*
1 i.ftf :• ut <- . T Ni;< trair
Oak Ridge r. nn
Theta Upsilon
s for Petitions
' 8,1 I ’ ■' iOIl-t f(>l II..MI -
SH 1*1:. I h'-t’i I ’jmltojj jtin
l’n 1 ‘ ' ft V. lifts
l*<*r *’> 1■ 1 * -:f
otw will I*- -lift,- f,t ri ]> in
*“ Ml Huffman. Kappa
f,*“ ,'1 t» I 'onus Bum-,
|mor'' "omen with an
ft!\r iftadi- point tl Vet ftgl
11 • ‘‘Kit-K- to | i-tltion Mrm
ln the hoiioi ary i.s batted
Kifti«lii|, l«-ntlon»l)lp, and
Ilf MTVll .
larship Blanks
died for Frosh
dtotiN for H(h()1|
annually by Kwatn
0,,“ 11 ' '••rvice hoi
. WWftW.- Ut tl„. Of
„ Aff,," s in Knicrnli
,tionK will |)e arreptr*
1 "0on Saturday, Apt
arahipB a tv available
F woman who will be
'Phomore year nt ti
"xl 111,1 Awarding
'7s will be Kuted
^nMbilltio,, and
lncttrnP»u ai tlvltk'H
7'lb01' ,,f '’l'h(iinfS|1
I,,,,,ll"'1 Uu> utnount t
' ' I”’11 the number
ss^ tn ai °««
Speech Students
To Represent UO
At Conference
N.'i'.cy Ann Yules and Will,.1111
Lees, Ufnlrrici odunte < h -ini
dentil, and W A I>ahll« rjf, m <>.
r'nii profrwir of t>|" <• h A il) T‘
pr«»«nl Orr}; in nt the annual <*>•*
ijrrM fit India HiKma KIki nation
al fosrn»i< ;• honorary. lii <"hi<;i|;o,
III, A|ir II It
In-ii |(ijtra an- ' hoiwn from 1 >«-!»
Hifmii rtho (ha [il<-in throughout
thr rutin try 'Hir ruifgri , Will be
i-unducI«-d similarly t*. a nnl' itu.- r
itl legislative i«£iy. hi cording to
lJahlberg l>i»h|I^Tg in rrj,-.anal vi<«
pn-«id«nt <<f Hi* hnnoro/y for the
Western states
To Attend Convention
!»r. r Ward Macy, hrail of th
m o'mftllrii nfi<J hi
I toy i Tfowhtidjjr prof t >?■-- r < 5
wtll rrpr< nt*nl ibr
#Uy of Oregon ni thr sixth annual
ruttff l rtint tif Uir T nltotiftl K4tit a
lion A aifco« intion. The (uofcrrjicf
will be hckl in Chicago Apr 2 4
Kwama Petitions
Now Being Taken
IVhllon- for mernbenrhip |n
-.v .in.H, uophurnore wonn-n'x aer
vi<. honorary llow .
by I’n idrnt Delon* |<4r.
riKh aI Ur- Alpha Xi I>|U houae.
!h-- v ff, |M-li' onlDK If Wed
nesday. Apr 25.
M-iiifn-iRinp ,* primarily
i'*“'ri !'*» * '■ (ration rn rompln aiti
v i'i. f .,I<| holandilp A minimum
"I 2 ,i'' iJ1ul0tlvr r;J'A la rnpur
•'f Ihnty new member will be
■'1 ; lb' ''ini, il Mortar Board
Ball on May 2*5.
Students to Perform
On KOAC Program
i'll-.’.' I.,,. Miner
" prar.o, ;■:.<( KhzribeOi Waddell,
lJ" *■ '* i I * pr-i-rit I-, 3 if, "Carn
tr,l> B<-< ital KOAf’ radio pro*
l,;a 'ro:,. i.', to >* (*, pm lhli
<V. I.''
Mo Malrr, j inlor in murrlc, will
tw »' (ompani<-d by In-ne I'hllan.
ii,- i >onioi n : in, Her program
.' ill <or, l of bran/.' "Alia Metiwn
' ro ;,<•( Si hrr <-r/rn ’ S< h irnann a
' f-: di-r Herrlichwte van Allen,"
bran'/’, .'tilb Kir berriedftchu*
1/ert "W»<i (ft Sylvia." 8chu
" f*', • "Die ljt\ r-lilorr. Franz a
\ I> n hlrnden Sommer Mor
K'-,; ai d Wolfe » "The Janitor*
Boy "
Mi-,- Waddell, junior in muaic
al*o. will play "Mad with the
b : xen Harr" and MinatrH • ' by
In-: • y. Ktude in D-flat it'n aoa
piroi" by Diazt, and “Rhap-ody In
G-minor" by Brahms.
Pi Phis Have
A Hot Time
Thi n- wax It hot time in the
lleta rhi hoiWF I'rlday morning
tnil afternoon, and It had nofh
1,1 K *o do with the activities of
the retdderittt.
\ fire wan discovered at 11
a.m. in the trash rhote running
from the third floor to the
ground. One of the girls upon
1 iMplInK Home trash glan eed
down the ehute and remarked
ealmly, "There's a fire down
there." \fter momentary srurry
*«K and railing of the fire de
partment, (tie fire was ilippme
etlly extinguished with the aid
"f fire extinguishers and waste
baskrtx full of water. The wom
en laurelled the |jre department
rail arid returned to lunch. They
were rudely Interrupted later ax
the house filled with smoke
from the fire which blazed up
I lie Ktigene fire department
arrived with wnaminj sirens
and three fire trucks to finally
put out the fire after chopping
a 3-foot hole through the pantry.
Damage was confined to some
srori tied paint, a few splintered
tronrds and noses blighted by
tbe smell of smoke.
Who Is the ugliest man or. the
Campus ?
Multnomah County is the only
county in Oregon width has more
than one judge in its district court.
• The Emerald Needs C opy Desk
J Jim.—Duck Pre\ ieiv Lunrb
<on Comm., 110 SC
7:30 p.m.—AS CO Eiw. Cotm
Hl, 337 SC
Will Tell of Propaganda
"Propaganda th<- Third Wea
pon" will be the title of a talk to
be given by Charles T. Duncan,
professor of journalism, before the
Eugene Kiwanis Club at 12 noon
today in the Os burn Hotel.
Duncan will explain what pro
paganda is and how it works. He
studied and taught in the subject
area of war propaganda at the
University of Minnesota before
coming to Oregon last fall.
Who is the ugliest man on the
| ' , rnen. to°'
tKe ;% gr«t "•**.
LUtk^shel(. !<*- TucKe*
Yes, v,rC* no^nd,
Fine tobacco —and only fine tobacco —can
give you the perfect mildness and rich taste
that make a cigarette completely enjoyable.
And Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. So if
you're not happy with your present brand
(and a 38-city survey shows that millions are
not), switch to Luckies. You'll find that
Luckies taste better than any other ciga
rette. Be Happy —Go Lucky today!
LS /M FT - lucky Strike
Means Fine Tobacco
ft *,;!*»** Ufc’ 'J'p.Txo lBj'