Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1951, Image 1

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    L Appear at Music School
H< rnlurd \)>nifiioult%4'h
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
rted West Coast Pianist
Give Concert Tuesdey
1 \* st h
»" t<rforin a! N i ••r-<!a>
U the auditorium of tin
■ f Mu»>c He is l*e»MU
*tt<I ti ti • I n er-ilv of
ir. Student t nion Board
iB»/W>Uth ha» brer. ha.led
of tie foremost p.ar.iats re-’
ta the West Coast ard one
tM*t commanding figure*
fa-id anywhere in the coon
t the present tiir.e he in
tg at the College of the Holy
m Oakland, and teaching
*i hj private studios in
ty and San Kranctaco.
January !>, 1&06 in Ham
ennaoy, Abramow-itsch be
i ttudy at an early age in
w Abramow-stiw h made hi*
aa a Concert pianist
1 atid for 10 years eoncer
kmughout •'letmany. while,
unstrung his private studios
E? America .n 1836 he
pnvately in Portland for
before opening studio* in
twciKo and Berkeley He
» member of the mualc 1
* '*“• College of the Holy
*mre September, HM.Y
Abraxnowttach has played
■ &r-*•*>« Weit Coast for the
5 year*.
12,015 Enrolled
In State's Colleges
Incomplete opting term i-n
rnllmtiil figures for (hr- first
Week of i Iftowo ihoM rrl .1 frtfaj
of 12,013 s (nil- ii I s for Ih*- inllrr
Oregon stair »jstern of high' r
•duration. Registration figure*
for I hr I nlvrrollv of Orrgon
art- not available jrt.
H Intrr trrm rnmltnirnt for
thr ststem was 13."76 and fall
trrm 13,117. Thr drop from
Hlntrr to spring trrm. II per
rrnt. Is ihoat normal. Illghrst
prrnar spring trrm rnrollmrnt
was 8,743.
Thr drntal school and thr
rnrdtral school rrportrd small
Increases In both mrdiral and
nursing students. Thr thrrr- col*
Irgrs of rduratlon also showed
slight Increase*.
These first figures showed
the greatest deerrase In stu
dents at the Van port extension
center, LnHersIty of Oregon,
and Oregon Ntate.
New Draft Order Will Defer
Thousands of Colleaians
Uiousm da of college men who
. 1 KtH'lrit or imi „
.>*1 "PtUlUl. .. will be K,vrn
'!>■ ft defe im.-i.l l„ rnillplet, then
'"ll'-ff •’ii.or l‘r. ih.-m Triiniim
»IKIln.l III, ex. i lit IVe order Kill III
<||*V iiuthoti/.ing thin III lion
rile npe, Ini tent Will he K|Vr„ to
,n,,,'r ,hi'» whiimmi men thin «prnU:
iin.l ..untrue! r. iiiniive duii,, j,,,
tin- nationwide exnni nr. May 2ii
June m nod Julie no
< enter III Handle Teata
' 'lifford (‘.uuitnnce I'o regiatrai
told the KmernJd he underntood
tlml the I'lllVel Hlty of OreKon
i ntlfinelwg enter will handle the
tenting h.-ie tHtier 1'nivernlly of
fhtnlii were unavailable f..i com
ItlMtl Sunday.
Aeeordlni: i,, Ma) Cen t,ewu
H Hemhev draft director, the
Weholiuttii ntandlug ueemnury to
permit exemption, and the grade to
be attained on the aptitude tent,
would be determined lat. i How
ever necordtng to the Annoeinled
I'rcMM, mill- ci)ii«li'midpii In Wa-h
iiiKli'ii ' x|if ( t deferment* to be
Kmnted to u„. following
Mott frrwhrniin who enter col
l* K>- next full;
Hophomore* who were xeholn.tl
'iillv in the upper half of their
ft rnhmau t'bixa,
.hmlor* who made the upper two
Now They Can Relax
Oregon'* men Htodent* Mho
prr\|oii*l> Mere not draft-ex
empt a re breathing a little ea«
ler non. Kor their reiutlon*. *ee
the hmemld'* Inquiring Heport
er eolitmn, page H.
thud* ,»f their ,he a Hophomore*,
Henloi* who were m the upper
three fourth* of their t la*x at jun
II, rxhey aid that there Mere
hImuii I million non-veteran *tu
drnt* in eollegc noM He added that
ata,tit mOOOO had diafl deferment*
for the preaent college yriir.
Tin- aptitude tint util generally
mil In- given to hi,gh Mr hoot '■••nloi i
who Intend to gn on to rollege. Iv
i’iil<l, Mini •• muni of them arc unili'i
l hr ill lift uf'f of if*. There it* no
provision In the new order for any
high mi bool graduate who become ■
Hi In fun- he enter" rollege Her
ahey Maid MUflh cartea will tie loft
to the individual draft hoard*.
Ot»l> iH l*er t ent \re III
"I"he United .State* Office of Kit
m atlon Maid only if* per < ent of the
estimated frOfl.OOO high m brad mil"
graduate" thla year would la- pa-t
Conan-art ha* provided In the
preaent draft law. Ilerahey raid, foi
i hr deferment of college student u
‘ in muh nunibi ra »•’ may he nen n
aary lo the mainlalneni e of th
national health, airly, or wtereMt."
PievloiiH to thin order, only pre
medti al majoi ■ and certain -< h rn
mayira had hii'ii ret tain of college
draft deferment*.
Dr. Horn to Discuss Playwright
In Lecture-forum Series Talk
i ‘hi Wtophri Fry Kngland's lead
ing drama let. w lit be ih< subject
of the •spring term's first in the
Lecture-Forum Scries, at V .'to pm
VV.4ncf.4ay m th<- tttudrnt Union
Browsing FUnom
Speaker for the first In turf will
be l>r It I* Horn, professor of
Knglish wbn» talk t* entitled
"Christopher Fi y Th> Itrunum of
Comely and I'.wiry Discussion
leaflet will be F J. Hunter, In
al rurtor in speech
Knglish mtloi haw piorlainicd
Fry as their cpunlry a lop drama
tist* following the death of (imrg.
Bernard Shaw Fry w rote "Vemi*
Oheervid" and 'The I July's Not
for Burning " The latlpr t« euriTiil
ly playing on Broadway.
The spring term series will deal
with current trends and problems,
a* related to great books In the
fields of literature, biology, chem
istry. anthropology, sociology, his
tory. political science, and archi
tecture. It m sponsored by'the t’m
verslty of Oregon library and the
library's association of patrons and
friend# It t# open to member* of
the iiiai.tiuiion, faculty, and iiu
The iM-rieu, remainder of which
will be held every Wednesday in
the Hniwuini; Kimm, include# the
(ollowing lecture#
Apr. II "The New You amt
Hi redlty," by Anieran Rrhetnfeld
Dr It It liuesitk, professor of
mology. Wturer.
Apr. 17: "Tito and Goliath," by
Hamilton Fish Armstrong I>r.
Ivan (I. Nagy, askotunt profeksor
of political aeienro, lecturer.
Apr. 2ft: "The New Nation a
lliatorv of the U. S. during the
("onfederation, 17R1-17S9," by Mi r
ill! Jensen Dr. K. S. Pomeroy, as
sociate professor of history, lectur
May 2: "Finding# and Outcome#
of Regional Conference# of Ameri
can Institute of Architects." Dean
S. \V. Little, dean of the School of
Architecture and Allied Arts, lec
May 0: "Killer# of the Dream,"
< PUatt turn to taqe sa cn)
n i i •
_ ill
l‘i«rrc LubutdiuU and Ocnla JS’eiuenoff
Sports Night
Set for Friday
In Mac Court
The first annual University oi
Oregon Sports Night will i>e held
m McArthur Court on Friday
ASt'O President Bariy Mountai 1
announced Sunday.
"The event Is design'd *.o pre
sent to the University family an*'
townspeople a preview of student
talent In the physical education de
partment and the University as •
whole," he said. "It i<* a studen*
sponsored program, which will pro
vide funds for student government
to finance University studen'
groups and worthwhile program
for the University."
Dirk Daugherty, graduate assist
ant in physical education, is gen
era! chairman for the night. Th"
entertainment will include boxing,
a trampoline act, tumbling, and
iother student acts.
Tickets for the Sports Night
will be :»0 cents for students ai d
ft for townspeople, Mountain said.
They will be on sale starting Tues
day morning at booths in the Co-op
and Student Union.
Mountain also appointed com
mittees from the executive couiu 1
to handle sales among living oi -
ganizat ions, honoraries, and in
downtown Eugene.
WSSF Group Hopes
To Pin All Students
Every off campus student xxilt
be pinned. At least everyone will
be pinned on the World Student
Service Fund city map. according
| to Marion Rrincr. WSSF off-cam
pus solicitation chairman.
On Apr. 9. 10, 11 members of
the campus religious organizations
will conduct a door-to-door < nnva- s
Solicitors to Meet
tiladvs lauthi'r, World s(u
| ilcnt Ncrxloe l-'uiiil secretary, xxill
meet xxtth solicitors for tho
| WSSF drive at noon today in tho
| Student 1'nion, according to
j Jackie Wilkes, drive chairman.
i for WSSF funds to all off-campus
students. The procedure, stated
Miss Rrlnor, xvill be based on a.
huge city map posted in the WSSF
office with a pin designating each
(l'lease turn to page seven)
lo-Pfano Stars to Play
ursday in Mac Court
« Lubo»huiz ami hU wife,
N’ranenoff, celebrated duo
1 will be presented in con
1 “ Pm. Thursday at Mr -
°'urt b>’ the Civic Music
rt‘' "The Peerless
,h* music critic for the
•Phia Inquirer, the team has
|yther for 13 years in pub
t4ls- lx,th had good records
,u' an,) °uly the far t that
playing together
tlem on their career to
Ev<;n while not on tour,
4 tire f'v‘‘ to six hours a
U,nK ready for the next
>h the two n,.v,.r KjV(>
/ny more' th' y still enjoy
8 *'0W every once in a
,n both thr ir Country and
: have two pianos
1 crie room for duo-prac
lice arul others In separate rooms
for solo practice.
The Kusstan-Kreneh combination
Philadelphia Inquirer, the team
•■(1 .States, living alternately at
Camden, Me, nn<! in New York
City when not on tour. Their little
black cocker apaniel, Mia* k Key,
accompanies them wherever they
l,ubo«hntz is famous not only for
his solo virtuoso playing anti his
well-known concert on rapport
with his wife, but also for the fact
that he has resurrected a great
deal of little-known piano duet
mu ale. On this tour Luboahulz'
example of this ia the arrangement
of Johann Strauss' "The Hat." front
the recent Metropolitan Opera suc
cess, “Die Kledermaus."
Miss Nemenoff is noted for her
quieter, country-loving personality
and also for her keen Parisien sense
of how to dress well. Imagination
In detail simplicity in basic design
is the secret of fashion and style,
according to Miss Nenieno/f.