CLASSIFIED Hwe your ad at the Student Union, main desk or at Min ClliacU, In person or phono nxt. 219, between 2 and 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Itatas: First Insertion 4c a word; subsequent Insertions, 2c per word. Two Trailer spaces, private bath room, for rent; one block from campus. Call 5-7182. P8 LOST: Grey gab. overcoat at Crys tal Hrn. Eugene Hotel night of March 10, betwetm 10 & 12. Kind er please call 0-9809 & exchange. _ 99 FOR SALE: Plymouth coupe 1933 engine good, body not ho good. Call Jack 4-8071. 96 FOR RENT: Room for one man student to live at Christian Houac. Comfortable, attractive quarters. too Christian House Marks Birthday Christian House is celebrating its second birthday this weekend. _^Friday evening it is sponsoring an old-fashioned basket social at 6 pm. at the First Christian Church. Women bring dgcorated boxes or baskets containing food for two, for which men bid competitively. Proceeds are to be divided between the Foreign Student Fund and a conference fund. A talent show will be the enter tainment of the evening, with Mary Peterson in charge. Albert Hoydar and Bob Peterson will handle con tinuity. Students taking part include Ef fle Yoik, Hiroya Katayama. Wah Chun, Jack Adams, Carol Thomas, Winona Fishback, Pat Powell. Jim Corpett, Arlene Hendricks, Beth Philpott, Roger Cone, Mary K. Sad ler, Dick Merriman, Mary Lou Rob erta, and Cliloe Simon. Auctioneer for the evening is Dick Friedline. The party is open to all. The worship period at 5:30 p.m. Sunday will be led by George Good, with Mrs. Genevieve Turmpseod as speaker. Mary Alice Baker will preside. The birthday cake will be presented by the Board of Direct ors, Dr. Victor P. Morris, chairman. The board will also be guests for the anniversary service. Five Stars Play In SU Movie “Flesh and Fantasy,” film to be shown in the Student Union Ball room Sunday, stars Charles Boyer, Barbara Stanwyck, Betty Field, Edward G. Robinson, and Robert '•eCumrnings. The story of the movie is pre sented in three stories of mystic ism and the supernatural, supple mented with Robert Benchley's inusings on the subject. The first episode is about an ugly, embittered little dressmaker who finds true beauty through the aid of a mysterious little old man. The second episode concerns a palmist who reads murder in a man's hand and howr it affects the man's life and fate. The final epi sode shows the power and reality of dreams in the life of a famous tightrope-walker. The showings will be at 2:30 and 4 :30 p.m. Admission is 30 cents. A short and a WSSF newsreel will supplement the feature. The movie committee of the Stu dent Union Board sponsor the movies for all members of the Uni versity family. Education Honorary Will Hear Chisholm Miss Thelma Chisholm, Seattle, national vice-president of Pi Lamb da Theta, women's education hon orary, will speak to the University chapter of the group at a meeting at 7 p.m. tonight in the graduate lounge of the education building. A business meeting will follow. The Bird to Fly the Coop in June As SU Progress Brushes it off By Phil Beltons IIk real name is The Falcon. But hardly anyone ( alia it that. To thousands of University of Oregon ytudents paat and pre aent the tiny restaurant across Onyx Kt. from John Straub dorm is known ua "The Bird.” "Many of the students cal! this their ‘aecond home,’ ” said Clara BuerstMte, preaent owner of The Bird. And to many who meet there to talk, have a Knack, play cardw, or even to study The Bird is Just that a nice, cozy place, with a big fireplace at one end of the main room. Built in 1933 And the little restaurant has an Interesting history, too. The Falcon was designed and built in 1933 by two brothers, Fred and Richard Guske, who were then students at the University. They operated the restaurant for about 14 years, including the time they were in college. “They used the proceeds from The Falcon to pay their way through school," said Mrs. Guske, wife of Richard. There's an apartment upstairs, over tiie restaurant., and a little shop now occupied by a clean ing establishment on one aide. Only recently, the University purchased the property on which The Bird stands. The whole area behind the new Student Union is to become a mall and parking lot. Intimate Atmosphere "Our business hasn't been hurt appreciably by the Student Union,” Mrs. Buerstattc said. "The people who frequent The Bird seem to pre fer its intimate atmosphere.” "It'll be too bad to sec it go,” Mrs. Ouske also commented. "There are a lot of wonderful memories connected with The Bird for many, many Oregon alumni and stu dents.” With huge earth-moving ma chines nibbling at the back door of the little place starting work on the new mall the days of The Bird are numbered. And when it closes, another old Oregon tradi tion will have passed on. But until then, well."See you at The Bird.” Want a Summer with ECA? Agency Accepting Applications Applications arc now being ac cepted by the Economic Coopera tion Administration for a limited number of student internship posi tions available in the agency's Washington office during ing summer. Graduate and undergraduate stu dents will find these summer work assignments in such fields as pub lic administration, international re lations. political science, economics, Journalism, social sciences, and others. Only students who will definite ly continue their academic work after the internship will be eligible to apply, both undo graduates and graduates who have Been accepted for further study in the fall. Salary rates range from $2,650 to $3,100 a year. The assignments arc to begin on or before July 1, and continue approximately two months. Information as to where appli cations are available, and other re-! quirements for the positions is available at the graduate place ment office, Rmerald Hall. Service Group Initiates 4 Men Alpha Phi Omega, national ser vice honorary, initiated four new members Thursday night and dis cussed plans for participation in the special events program of the World Student Service Fund drive. The *tfew members are James Lancaster, Don Pair, Jim Watkins, and Ernest McCook. They success fully completed their period of pledge membership, which included attendance at werkly pledge meet ings and participation In service projects. In addition to the WSSF activi ties, the members discussed plans for the presentation of the Alpha Phi Omega scholarship, which will be awarded this spring. Also on the agenda were discus sion of plans for Alpha Phi Omega assistance to the Eugene Council in connection with the latter’s sum mer camp and formulation of plans for Saturday's swimming meet for Explorer Scouts, sponsored by Al pha Phi Omega. UO Men to Talk At Reed College Three University faculty mem bers will be participants in panel discussions at Reed College in Port land this weekend. Frederick Combellack, associate professor of classical languages; Quirlnus Breen, professor of his tory and social science; and Bert ram Jessup, associate professor of philosophy, will take part in dis cussions as part of a conference on humanities being held Friday and Saturday on the college cam pus. Combellack will discuss biogra phical and literary criticism; Breen will participate in a discussion of “Historical Objectivity;" and Jess up will discuss "The Changing Meaning of a Work of Art." Several other University faculty members are expected to attend the conference. Red Cross Job Positions Open All applications for lied Cross positions in its armed forces and ! veterans programs arc due by Sun day the graduate placement office 1 has announced. Applications should | be in that office before that date1 or post marked by that time. The jobs open include field direc tors and social and recreational workers. Physical education and health majors are preferred for the positions. A representative for the Red Cross will be on campus to in-! terview applicants in Mav. __ A/1 us/c Group Picks Nine New Members Mu Phi Epsilon, national wom en's music fraternity, pledged nine new members at the end of winter! term. These pledges are Dorothy Ped- i erson, Jean Spicer, Shirley Foster, and Virginia Rabick. freshmen in | music; Yvonne Reed, freshman in ! liberal arts; Mary Lou Watts, sop homore in music; Lois Maier and Joan Cavey, juniors in music; and Mary Harrison, graduate student in music. Seven Students Rate Lawyers'Honor Roll Seven law students arc listed on the Law School honor roll for win ter term, according' to announce ment made this week. Honor roll standing requires the carrying of a full study load and a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 for work done in the law school. The list in rank order includes Alfred T. Goodwin and Walter Probert, third year students; Ken neth A. Poole, Lester D. Pederson, Robert W. Hill, and William E. Love, second year students; and William E. Duhaime, first year stu dent. Moore fo Study U.S. Population K. H. Moore. head of the sociol ogy department, will study the de cree of social participation of the older population of the country, during a year's sabbatical leave which will begin Sunday. During his absence J. V. Berre m»n, associate professor of social ly. will be acting department head. Moore's studies, a continuation of work which he has been doing during the past six years, will take him to the Middle West, East,. South, and hack to the West. The survey will be concentrated on that part of the population which has been retired from two to seven years and is in good health. Areas around the University of Michigan and Cornell University will be the site for the first of the studies. Moore will then move to the South and West. He will also observe social and recreational facilities in Cleveland, Ohio, Phila delphia, Pa., and St. Petersburg, Kla. Moore, who has been at Oregon since 1935, is the author of num ni-ous articles on the subject of the aged. Institute to Offer Personnel Work Training Program An internship training program will bo offered at the Western Per sonnel Institute for the year 1951 52 to a select group of graduate students interested in various as pects of personnel work, according to the graduate placement office. Selection of students for the pro gram will be based on a bread aca demic background with emphasis on the student's qualifications for the field of educational personnel. An interested program of field work and academic study is to be offered by the Institute, combining the facilities of the Claremont Graduate School with 24 western colleges and universities. Further information as to where applications for the program can be obtained and answers to other questions may be found at the placement office in Emerald hall. The Swiss Confederation dates back to 1291 when a group of mountaineers and peasants from three cantons met in a mountain meadow and formed a league. Ortqcm Daihf jfg&EMERALD NIGHT STAFF Night Editor: Sarah Turnbull Night Staff: Sue Riddlesbarg( r, Jim Haycox The Railway Mail Service per forms all distribution of mails in transit, supervises and directs the distribution of mails and has jurisdiction over the transporta tion of the mails by all agencies. LET'S GO TO CABLES (DRIVE IN) : 4-931! KEILIG Jane Pow ell, Fred Astaire “Royal Wedding’’ Loretta Young “Cause For Alarm’’ MAYFLOWER ITI a A'.UtR OlAl HCZ2 Bette Davis Anne Baxter “All About Eve” 4 0431 LANE George Montgomery “Iroquo's Trail” Gene Autry “Mule Train” i KENZJf JlV »” ft-: f.GFitt J 7-7701 Myma Loy “If This Be Sin” Paul Henried-Katherine McLeod “So Young, So Bad” l7iVFII>TfflP MaBiaaBlAtliiy “North of The Great Divide’’ “Federal Agent At Large” MOVIE COMING SUNDAY "Flesh and Fantasy" starring Charles Rover. Barbara Stanwyck, Bettv Field, lid ward (r. Robinson and Robert Cummings Sunday: Two showings at 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. Prfce — 30c also Short on India and a Cartoon STUDENT UNION BALLROOM (Sponsored by S.I . Movie Committee for students and University families.) SWEATER TIME Bonnie Briar Cardigan Cashmere ALL NEW COLORS Close out of Blouses $6.95 values $2.00 The West gate Shoppe Campus location