Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1951, Page Three, Image 3

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    Allied Forces Meet
Stiff Resistance
Compiled by A1 Karr
From thi! wires of Associated Press
Canadian and An Iraiian troop have ground out sonic gains in
tin- central sector nf Korea, hut other Allied force- ha\ e run into
lit! enemy resistant-* along the 38th parallel,
'The Keds are dug in about four miles south of the parallel in
both the central and ue-tern sectors. The new enemy re istancc
de\ eh<pcd after the I Vi ping regime rejected < ieneral Mai Arthur's ;
otter to tails peace.
The Mlied ads am c , said to be significant, were made at a I
point (Kapyoug) 12 miles south of the 38th parallel along- tin
highway between Seoul and Chunchon. Describing the tough
going. \l’ Correspondent Toni Bradshaw said: "The C.l’s ford
id ru hiug streams and climbed - limy hills soggy with three days
of rain. (inly the difficulties of the going determined the speed of
their advance.”
The United States Command Believes...
.. .that the Keils ure now callable of launching their biggest offen
sive of the war. United Nations commanders believe the first three
wee Us ol April may be the time for a Chinese drive.
A I* Correspondent Leif Erickson said the rains are slowing the heavy
Allied equipment, anil the Reds are able to send 270,000 fresh troops
Into an offensive whenever they choose.
Jfowever. the war correspondent added that the Eighth Army is now
probably in u iletter position than ever before to withstand a new Red
Erickson also said Allied officers describe as wishful thinking any
, hope that the Korean war may end soon by political settlement merely
because U. N. forces now are near the 38th parallel.
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt...
. . .said it is her personal opinion that United Nations troops should
not have crossed the 38th parallel before anil should not cross it now.
Speaking during hei non radio broadcast Thursday. Mrs. Roosevelt
an American delegate to the U. N. stressed that this opinion is pure
ly personal.
Mrs. Roosevelt also said that U. N. forces should stabilize their posi
tion at the parallel and then demand negotiations with the enemy. She
added that if the Reds refuse to negotiate, then the U. N. should start
a rehabilitation program in South Korea as an example of its intentions.
The Life of the Crime Investigating Committee...
. . .has Ixjen extended by the Senate. The senators voted to extend the
committee through Apr. 30.
The action was taken by unanimous consent at the request of Demo
cratic Senator Lester Hunt of Wyoming. Only about a half-dozen Sena
tors were on the floor when the resolution was approved. The committee
was due to expire Saturday.
One of the persons charged with contempt for refusing to talk before
the Senate Crime Committee Joseph Aiuppa — surrendered to the
United States Marshal in Chicago Thursday. But Aiuppa — alias Joey
O'Brien still refused to talk. He posted $5,000 bond. Aiuppa was in
dicted by a federal grand jury in Cleveland for contempt of Congress
by refusing to answer questions put to him by the Senate probers.
Possible Contempt of Congress Charges...
. . .now face still another recalcitrant witness of the Senate Crime
Investigation. This time the man who refused to unswer questions is
one who has been linked to gambling operations in northern Kentucky
— John Croft.
Croft made his refusals behind closed doors, with Senator Herbert
O’Connor of Maryland sitting as a one-man sub-committee. He was
promptly put under $10,000 bond, which he posted, and was told that
he can appear again tomorrow - along with several other balky wit
nesses. At that time all of the witnesses will be given a chance to talk
ancM-hns will avoid formal action by Congress.
O'Connor said he questioned Croft about gambling clubs close to
the Ohio-Kentucky border about possible relationships with some of
the other figures questioned previously by the committee. He said Croft
refused any information and also would not say whether he has been
engaged in legitimate business.
President Truman also said he does not contemplate any change in
the status of U. S. Ambassador to Mexico William O'Dwyer. The form
er New York Mayor figured in conflicting testimony given before the
Senate Crime hearings in New York last week.
A Nationally Known Gambling Figure. ..
. . .St. Louis Betting Commissioner James Carroll, posted bond Thurs
day for an alleged revenue code violation.
Carroll has been charged under a seldom-enforced provision of the
tax law, requiring a formal report to the Treasury Department on pay
ments to individuals. The government claims that in 194K and 1949
Carroll failed to report about $57,000 that he paid out as commissions
and to winning bettors.
Canoll seemed to be in excellent humor as he appeared with his
bondsman to post the $5,000 required, lie told newsmen that he may
also make a persona! appearance tomorrow in Kansas City, when he is
to be arraigned on tho charge.
Regarding the Senate Probe. ..
.. of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, President Truman
said he has no intention of firing his administrative assistant, Dorn- d
Dawson. Dawson’s name has been linked by Senate investigators to
alleged influence in Reconstruction Finance Corporation Loans.
Evidence About Payments.. .
.^>to United States Congressmen is said to have been stolen from
the office of New Hampshire State Representative Charles Tobey, Jr.
son of the United States Senator.
The younger Tobey collected the information in connection with a
proposal he is making that the state of New Hampshire require full
income statements from its Congressmen.
Tobey says he has suspicions about how the documents were removed
from his office but he refused to elaborate.
11:45 a.ni.—Military Depart
ment, 112 HU
3 p.m.—Rotary Committee,
110 HU
0:20 p.m,—Mixer Dance, Ball
room HU
8 p.m.—A nutria .1 Student*
Goodwill Tour, Ballroom
2:80 p.m,—Movie: “Flewh and
Fantasy,” Ballroom SI'
3 p.m.—American Association
of University Women,
110-114 HU '
AAUW Nursery, Gerlinger
Men’s Lounge
.Spanish mariners were the first
white men to see the Oregon coast
as they sailed their galleons home
to Acapulco, Mexico, from the
Philippine Islands.
Presidents, Council
Leave for Retreat
Sorority house presidents and
Panhellenic executive council mem-1
hers will leave at 4 p.m. today to
i hold a retreat at Dean's Lodge, j
1 Yachats. They will be accompanied
j by Mrs. Golda Wickham, director!
' of women’s affairs.
The group will formulate plans
1 for next year. Informal discussions
' will be held to review pledge train
! ing, scholarship, activities, and to
better r elations between the houses.
I They will return on Sunday. ' ■
The word “derrick”, meaning a;
hoisting apparatus, originated in
! the Elizabethan days, and was
named for a hangman called
I Deric.
Evidence from Swiss lake dwell
ing units indicate that men were
; herding sheep in 8,250 B. C. amd
that the occupation was ancient
f even then.
Need Men to Staff
Duck Preview Booth
Male students are needed to man
the registration booth for higb
school seniors visiting the campus
during Duck Preview, Donna Pas
trouich, registration chairman, said
Men interested may submit peti
tions to Miss Pastrouich at Alpha
Gamma Delta by 5 p.m. Tuesday.
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
Number 15...the long-wattled
“They must think
I don't have enough sense
to get out of the rain!”
- It made L. W. madder than a wet lien when they -
asked him to judge cigarette mildness by taking one puff. one huff, one whiff or
one sniff. Our common sense friend enjoys a good smoke too much ever to
settle on any brand in such a snap-judgment way! For him and for millions
like him, there’s only one convincing way to test cigarette mildness.
It's the Sensible Test. . . the 30-i)ay Camel Mildness Test,
which simply asks you to try Camels as your steady smoke
—on a pack after pack, day after day basis. No snap judgments
needed! After you’ve enjoyed Camels—and only Camels—
for 30 days in your “T-Zone” (T for Throat, T for Taste),
we believe you will know why . . .
Mere People Smoke Camels
than any other cigarette I