Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1951, Image 1

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Concert Set
I lie last C ivir Music Associa
tii'ii concert this .-chon] year
"ill l>e the duo-piano team,
1’icrrc Luboshut/. and his wife,
* <enia Xemenoff, at K p.m.
Tliursday, at McArthur Court.
Admission is by student bode
Their 13-yeur career together
has yielded them an unparalleled
rerord. They are noted among duo
pianists for the many pieces for
tw«<plnnos that they have redis
i covered and arranged.
Always an attraction with such
! t'lg orchestras as the Boston Kym
j phony, th^ Philadelphia Orchestra,
and the New York Philharmonic
j Symphony, the couple also does a
considerable amount of traveling
■in their yearly concert tours. One
year they covered .">6,700 miles
i from Mar. 1 to May 1.
Their soirees or evening parties
tin their New York home after their
concerts are noted for brilliant
musical conversation. Miss Nemon
off is of Russian extraction, but
has the famed Parisian touch about
clothes. Her love for the country
has caused the family to buy a
country place at Camden, Me., call
ed "Twin Keys." Both at their
country place and at their apart
ment. the RuboKhuLzcji have three
pianos two for the duo, and one
for solitary practicing making
a total of six pianos.
WSSF Slogan
Ready for Drive
"We Care Enough to Help" will j
be the slogan for the forthcoming
World Student Service Fund Drive 1
which opens Apr. 9, Jackie Wilkes,1
drive chairman, announced Thurs-1
"The slogan was derived front a|
quote from a foreign student suf
fering from tuberculosis who was
helped by WSSF funds," Miss
Wilkes stated. "It is not only the
money that counts, but that some
one cared enough to help," the stu
dent was heard to remark.
According to Miss Wilkes, stu-!
denfs in Europe and Asia will con- j
tribute more per person to the1
World University Service, the in
ternational counterpart of WSSK,1
than will students in this country.
The World University Service now
boasts a roster of 19 countries,
while in 1945 only two countrjes
were members.
The University's WSSF drive
funds will go to Assam. India, as
voted in a general assembly at the
end of winter term. The quota for
the United States is 1 million dol
The Oregon WSSF drive will
terminate Apr. 14 with the All-j
Campus Vodvil. Proceeds from the
Vodvil and campus and off-campus
student solicitations will be sent
through WSSF to Assam, India, j
where a recent earthquake has
ruined most educational facilities, j
Registration Up $5
After Saturday
Saturday is the last day to
complete registration and pay
fees for spring term without be
ing assessed a penalty fee, Re
gistrar Clifford h. Constance has
beginning Monday, a fine of $5
will be levied against undergrad
uates who register late and $1
against tardy graduate students.
Each day following that, an addi
tional $1 a day will be added.
To Appear Here
turn- ■■.
THREE AUSTRIAN STUDENTS demonstrate a Tyrolean peasant
harp which will be in the musical clanoe-and-yodel show at 8 p.m. Sat
urday in the Student I’nion ballroom under the title ol “Visitors
from Vienna.”
Dynamic Europe Defense
Called for by Educator
B,v Adeline Garbarino
H. Frederick Peters called for
a program of dynamic defense
Thursday in the Student Union
Ballroom, when he spoke on Ger
man rearmament.
"We should not think in terms of
static defense," said the director of
the American Institute at the Uni
versity of Munich. “We should
think in terms of a defense in
depth, a dynamic defense.”
Preventive Defense
In calling for a plan that would
not contain Communism but would
push it back, Peters said he is aim
ing at preventive defense, not pre
ventive war. We have tried to con
tain Communism, Peters continued,
and we have tried to retreat, and
still we have not had peace.
Peters would direct this plan not
only at western Europe but at the
whole continent, disregarding such
lines as the Elbe River in Germany
and the 38th parallel in Korea that
were set up as temporary expedi
German Militarism
The question of whether or not
to rearm Germany came up only
after the start of the Korean War,
said Peters. Until then, he went on,
the major task was to make sure
that German militarism should
never rise again. After the start of
the Korean War, however, the Ger
mans were encouraged to think in
terms of a German army.
“The gap was short," said Peters,
"and not many Germans bridged it
A lot of the German people will
fight with us and for us in a strug
gle against Communism, Peters
said. An army could be drawn from
two main sources, he continued,
both of which are vitally interest
ed in a successful peace so that
they can return home. .
Refugees from Communism and
soldiers still in the serviee would
form an effective military force,
said Peters.
German officials could be divid
(Please turn to page eight)
Students to Use
Viennese Theme
in Saturday Show
The second Austrian students' goodwill tour is due at 8 p.m.
I Saturday m the Student (Jnion ballroom when a program of dane
, mg vodelmg, singing and instrumental music will be presented.
I 1 it led “V jsitors From Vienna,” the troupe will base their pro
.grain around the story of a young girl from Vienna who go- ?
' to the country and meets, falls in love with, and marries a peas
i ant boy. 1
Hoth teachers and students are represented in this group di
rected by Dr. Oscar F. Block of.-2
>"<• l nivcrsity of Vienna, and
f the affair will he sponsored on
j campus hy Delta Phi Alpha.
1 Derinan honorary. Adviser is
; W illiain A. Roecker, assistant
I professor of C.ermanic lan
1 j'uaffes. (Inly four or five of last
i year troupe arc among those
1 present this year.
To make their native folk songs
! seem more in character, partici
pants not only wear bright peasant
1 costumes but also bring typical
background sets with them,
i Last year’s presentation at Eu
gene High was entitled "Merry
Scenes from Austria” and included
a small orchestra as well.
Tickets, at $1.20 each, are avail-,
able at the Student Union main
desk. No seats will be reserved, but!
tickets may be reserved by calling !
the foreign language department, ;
extension 506.
One of the yodels to be perform- !
ed is the Emperor Johann yodel, 1
said to be very difficult.
SU Mixer Tonight
But Talent Off
The first weekly Student Union
talent contest, scheduled for to
night, has been postponed, al
though the SU mixer will be held
! as planned.
The postponement will give the
participating acts more time to
prepare. Chairman Ralph Hillier
explained. The contest will run as I
announced with the winners of the i
four preliminary rounds competing j
on May 4 for the title of campus j
talent champion. The winner will i
also be presented a trophy some-;
time during Junior Weekend.
All interested students are asked j
to submit an entry blank as soon as!
possible to allow time for schedul-1
ing of the performance. Entry j
blanks are available in all living
organizations or in 301 SU.
The dance tonight will be free,
with several entertaining acts tak
ing the place of the contest, Hillier
Correction. ..
Faculty members and employees!
j of the State Board of Higher Edu- !
i cation who reside in Eugene will be !
! admitted to Student Union func-1
‘ tions at Student prices spring term,
not faculty members and members
of the state board as stated in
Thursday's Emerald.
I/O to Attract
Prep Seniors
Between 600 and 800 high school
seniors are expected on the cam
pus Apr. 14, 15, and 16 for Duck
Preview Weekend, according to an
estimate Dy Aiumni Director Les
A closer approximation cannot
be made until late next week wh- n
reply cards from the high school
students are due in Anderson's of
fice. but the estimate is based -r n
the number attending in past years.
Slightly more than 800 were guests
last year.
Invitations were mailed out ‘o
every high school senior in the
state by the High School-College
Relations committee, a group spe
cially set up by the State Board f
Higher Education. Six other cam
puses throughout the state a.-«
holding similar events concurre't
with Duck Preview.
Living organizations intending
to house- the visiting students arc
requested to submit their prefer
ence lists by 5 p.m. Wednesday.
The lists will be accepted by either
Nancy Kuhnhausen. Alpha Chi
Omega, or Bob H. Jones, Hunter
Hall, the housing co-chairmen.
Miss Kuhnhausen said that each
list may contain 50 names. A draw
ing will be held later to decide
where each student will be house"!.
In addition to the names, living or
ganizations should also state their
capacity and indicate the student-*
who have brothers or sisters in th*.
It's 'Hello Again!'
To Play—'Goodbye'
"Goodbye, My Fancy,” the com
edy love story of a Congresswomaiv
who returns to her alma mater it>
find that the man she had onco
been expelled from school for pro
tecting is now the president of that
Institution, comes back to the
stage of the Arena Theater. 1(4
Villard, at 8 p.m. tonight and at
the same time Saturday.
Directed by Mrs. Ottilie Seybcit
and featuring a cast of theater
veterans, the play has been held
over by popular demand.
Tickets are still available at the
University Theater ticket office.
Reservations will also be accepted'
by phone.
UO Singers fo Appear Apr. 10
me university singers, 4l-voice
choral group, will appear in con
cert Apr. 10 in the School of Music
auditorium upon return from its
tour of 12 western Oregon cities.
Donald Allton, assistant profes
sor of music, will direct the singers,
who will present a varied program
of numbers ranging from the class
ical and sacred literature to the
novelty and contemporary secular
Louise Leding, soprano and a
senior in music, will be soloist for
the evening, accompanied by Geor
gene Shanklin, senior. Incidental
soloists will be Walter Martin,
baritone; Joy Grimstad, soprano;
and Robert Henry, tenor.
A feature of the concert will be
the University Male Quartet, com
posed of Hal Weeks, first tenor;
Robert Henry, second tenor: Gary
Donlon, baritone; and Malcolm
Norton, bass. The quartet will sing
numbers from Broadway musical
comedy hits.
Ann Hopper, senior in music, ia
acepjrupajvst for t&e eingors.
MEMBERS OF THE University Male Quartet are (left to right)
Robert Henrv,Hal Weeks, MaJeolinn Norton; and Gary Donlon.