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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1951)
WSSF Solicitors to Hear Drive Procedure Today World fltudent Service Fund house nn<J religious grout* solicitors will mwl at -1 :30 p.m. today in 101 Condon, .Solicitations Chairman .Mary Alice Baker announced. According to Mian Baker, a WHSK film will be shown and solicitation procedure explained. "With the WSSK drive beginning Apr. It, it is very important that every house representative attend or send an alternate,” Miss Baker emphasized. House Hepreseiitallves House representatives announc ed by Miss Baker include Janet Rycl, Alpha Chi Omega; Mary Kllen Burrell, Alpha Delta Pi; Billie Hamden, Alpha Gamma Delta; Mina Sloan, Alpha Omlcron Pi; Betty Derrah, Alpha Phi; Edith Hading, Alpha XI Delta; Evelyn Clay, Ann Judson; Joan Avery, Carson 2; Marcia Kagleson, Carson 3; Donna Hart, Carson 4; Pat Bishop, Chi Omega. Norma Hultgren, Delta Delta Delta; Pinky Walters, Delta Gam ma; Sandra Scott, Delta Zcta; Valerie Weinman, Gamma Phi Beta; Kathleen Fraser, Hend q|fks; Gwen Ramsey, Highland; Diane Beklns, Kappa Alpha Theta. Sally Stone, KappH Kappa Gam ma; Sally Hayden, Orides; Barbara < Booth, FI Beta Phi; Dorothy Dann, Itebee; Jackie Wilkes, Sigma Kap pa; J-ortia Murakawa, University House; Beverly Gustone, Zeta Tati Alpha. Jim Goldrainer, Alpha Hall; Paul Lasker, Alpha Tan Omega; Hog Dockstader, Beta Theta PI; Bill Vlbrans, Campbell Club; Doug Clayton, Cherney Hall; John Chan ey, Chi Psi; Delvin Miles, Gamma Hall; Abbott Paine, Delta Tau Delta; Hod Smith, Delta Upsilon; Gordpn Links, Hunter Hall; Craig Dudley, Kappa Sigma; Bill Laugh ton, Lambda Chi Alpha; Dick Nu bauoe, MeChesney Hall; Ben Sch midt, Minium. Bob Burge, Phi Kappa Sigma; Cyriia Hunt, Philadelphia; Neil Chase, Phi Sigma Kappa; Don Hibbard, Pi Kappa Alpha; Fred Decker, PI Kappa Phi; Armond Smith, Phi Gamma Delta; Bob Wilkins, Phi Kappa Psl; Kd Dick, Sederstrom; Pat Dignan, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Don Olds, Sigma Alpha Mu. Jim Owens, Sigma Chi; Hay Morgan, Sigma Hall; Earl Averill, Sigma Nu; Bart Cross, Sigma Phi Epsilon; Tom Neketln, Sherry Ross Hall; Paul Erickson, Tau Kappa Epsilon; Jack Faust, Theta Chi; Morrin Sahr, Yeoman; Walt Pro bert, Zeta Hall. 'Visitors from Vienna' to Give Music, Dance Concert in SU “Visitors from Vienna," a group of 32 Austrian students, will give its second Kugene concert of music and dances from Austria in their native costumes at 8 p.m. Satur day in the Student Union Ball room. Sponsored by Delta Phi Alpha, German honorary, this goodwill tour is visiting Eugene for the cecoiul consecutive year. Last year their program took place in Eu gene High School, Tickets, $1.20 including tax, arc available at the Student Union in formation desk. There are no re served Brats, but one can reserve tickets by culling the foreign lang uage department, Ext. 506, W. A. Roecker, adviser, reports. The«e students and teachers on leave from various Austrian schools and universities ring, dance, play many instruments, and present an other specialty of their land, yodel ing. Dr. Oscar F. Block of the Uni versity of Vienna, will direct them. Ann Darby Announces YWCA Cabinet Members Appointive members of the 195t 52 YWCA cabinet have been an nounced by Ann Darby, president. Chairmen include: religion and worship, Janie Simpson; public af fairs, Kay Kuckenberg; interna tional affairs, Marian Briner; service, Janls Evans: nursery, Carolyn McLean | membership, Jackie Wilkes; house and social, Grctchen Grondahl; promotion. Sue Lichty; publicity, Kathleen Fraser; and conference, Myra Wood. —Those appointed as junior ad visers include Sharon Anderson, Mary Alice Baker, Joan Carto zaln, Janis Evans, Anne Graham, Mimi Jones, Pat Johnson, Dolores Parrish, Joyce Rathbun, Carolyn Silva, Harriet Vahey, and Marri anne VVeiby. Elected officers in addition to Miss Darby are Karla Van Loan, vice-president; JoAnne Hewitt, second vice-president; Lillian Schott, secretary: Virginia Kellogg, treasurer; Bonnie Birkemeier, up per-class commission chairman; and Ancy Vincent and Cathy Tribe, sophomore commission chairman and vice-chairman, respectively. Members of the new and old cabinet, accompanies! by Miss Lois Greenwood, Y executive secretary, will hold their annual retreat at Yachats this Friday and Saturday to make plans for the coming year. T Schoolers To Attend Salem Newspaper Talk A group of students and faculty members from the School of Journ alism will travel to Salem today to attend the centennial forum of The Oregon Statesman, Salem news paper. The theme of the forum is “Newspapers of Today and Tomor row.’’ Wallace A. Sprague, managing editor of “Parade.” New York City, is chairman of the panel. Speakers are Lawrence Davies, head of the New York Times Bu reau, San Francisco; Richard L. Neuberger, journalist, and state senator from Portland; and Dor othy O. Johansen, professor of his tory at Reed College at Portland. The'forum will be at 8 p.m. at Waller Hall on the Willamette Uni versity campus. Music Faculty To Attend Meet Six members of the School of Music faculty will attend the music educators' national conference Thursday through Saturday at Missoula, Mont. Delegates are R. E. Nye, asso ciate professor of music education; E. A. Cykler, associate professor of music; Robert Vagner, associate professor of music; Milton Dieter ich, assistant professor of music; George Boughton, assistant pro fessor of violin; and W. C. Woods, instructor in piano. Nye will be chairman of a panel on “Music in the Elementary School—What is its Future?’’ A New York man was given two years in prison for breaking into a pool room. One miscue, and he’s behind the eight ball. It’s human to make mistakes, the trouble is some people are just too human. YMCA, YWCA Slate Summer UO Activities A number of Hummer camps, leadership training schools, and European work-study seminars sponsored by the YMCA and YWCA are available for interested students this summer. Th- annual Pacific Northwest student summer conference at Sea beck, Wash, is scheduled for June 10 through 17. A student citizenship seminar will be held in Washington, D. C. June 23 through Aug. 31. The St. Louis summer ser vice project is scheduled for June 13 through Aug. 1 ]. and a leader ship training school for officers and cabinet members of "Y” or ganizations are being held in Chi cago, New York, and Berkeley, Cal., during the summer. The College Summer Service group will convene in New York June 23 to Aug. 14 and four groups will be traveling in Europe for the work-study seminars from July 3 to Aug. 28. Students, in addition to holding meetings and conferences for these various conferences, will be able to hold jobs and gain college credit for some of the sessions. Further information is available at the YMCA or YWCA. The flowers they refer to that bloom in the spring must be water lilies. (7 CLASSIFIED Pla<«- your ad at the Student Uninn, main desk or at the Shack, In person or phone ext. 21!), bctvM-en 2 and 4 p.m. , Monday-Friday. I Hate*: First insertion 4c a word; subsequent insertions, 2c per word. Two Trailer spaces, private bath room, for rent; one block from campus. Call 5-7182. 98 FOR SALK; By owner this week., $8,'}00 F.H.A. or G.I. terms; 2 bedrooms; garage, living room, kitchen-dining space, bathroom, basement, automatic forced air oil heat, large lot, 9.9 N, Jeffer son. Mrs. Sheekler 5-3645 or 5-1511 (Ext. 256). 95 Emerald Seeks Staff Workers A pplications arc being accepted for beat reporters, special assign ment writers, and rewrite workers ! on the Emerald, according to News l Editor Gretchen Grondahl. Specific beats now open include • the University Theater, Oregon I and Commerce Halls, Politics, and | Inquiring Reporter. Persons interested in doing such work this term may contact Miss Grondahl between 2 and 5 p.m. any day at the Emerald Shack. Re porting experience is desirable but not required. Jane Powell, Fred Astaire “Royal Wedding’’ Loretta Young “Cause For Alarm” Back by popular demand ! ! “Grapes of Wrath” and “Tobacco Road” LANE c3, Marta Toren “Deported” Jeff Chandler “Johnny Holiday” .MW'S Myma Loy “If This Be Sin” Paul Hrnrird-Katherine McLeod “So Young, So Bad” VARSITy « Spade Cooley “Everybody's Dancing” Robert Stockwell “Belle of Old Mexico” The Erb Memorial Student Union Spring Term Hours Building Closes: Sunday thru Thursday 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday 1 p.m. Opens Monday thru Saturday 7:30 a.m. Sunday 10 a.m. Cafeteria Service, Noon Hours: Monday thru Friday, 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Cafeteria Service, Evening Hours: Sunday thru Friday 5:30 p.m.-6:45 p.m. (No Cafeteria service Saturday or Sunday noon. However hot sandwiches may be obtained at the Soda Bar at these times.) Soda Bar: Monday thru Thursday 7:30 a.m.-10:45 p.m. Friday and Saturday 8:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-10:45 p.m. Main Desk: Monday thru Thursday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 12 noon to 10 p.m. Recreation Area Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.