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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1951)
IM Officials Needed Officials are lmdly needed for the forth-coming intramural soft hall program. Anyone interested contact Everett Peery in the In- j tramuraI Office, Physical Educa tion Building. Experience is not i a prerequisite but would be help ful. UCLA had a 1951 tennis turnout of 24 prospect:. All but four are from California residences. One is from Minnesota, one from West Vir ginia. one from Canada, and one i from Buenos Aires. Argentina. Football Aide Wanted V a r s i t v Football Manager Stan Goodell announced yester day that he needs an assistant football manager for the spring training session. Interested stu dents sltonld call Goodell at 4-2245. Salem High's entry in Oregon's first high school state hoop tourna ment included two players who later gained All-American laurels. One of them. Slats Gill, is Oregon State's varsity basketball coach. Seating capacity of Oregon’s Hayward field football stadium is 23,500. Small, huh? YOUNG AMERICA’S CANDY A in IE ROLL, the ' wholesome, delicious candy with that rich, cfiocolaty taste. Buy it —wherever candy is sold. Duck Gridders Open Practice■ Oregon spring football officially opened Monday as Coach Jim Aiken I and his stuff greeted over 50 candi dates for varsity berths. After exactly 30 practice ses sions. the Ducks will close the j spring "season" with an intra-squad | skirmish early in May. Aiken's aides include Assistant Coach Gene Harlow and Backtield Coach Johnny McKay. Norm V an Brocklin will tutor the quarter backs during spring term. Only 14 lettermen returned to action Monduy. They Include Dick Patrick, Don Sloan. Chuck Miss feldt, Bay Karnofski. Tommy Ed wards, and Dick Daugherty. Ed Troxel. All-American Junior! college ackfield luminary from j Boise, also turned out for spring football practice. Other transfers! included Mike Sikorra, Jim Kim-; brough, Bill Baes. and Hal VVick I sten. — All-School Meet Features Races Running events of the long-de layed all-school track meet are j scheduled for this week on the PE ' fields, according to Director Bill ! Bowerman. Field events of the campus meet : were run off last term prior to final-week, but inclimate weather ! prevented the outdoor scheduling I of the running events. Set for today at 4 p in. are the ! dash event. 280-yard relay and tiigh hurdles. Distance and other cinder events will be run off Friday. Bow j erman said. The all-campus track meet has no bearing on intramural stand ings. The 1M track dual meet title was won last term by Alpha Tau Omega. This goes on the IM record. The all-campus meet winner will be awarded a trophy, donated by Bowerman, as first-place prize. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE FIRST MEETING OF THE NEW CAMERA CLUB TONIGHT, Wednesday, March 28th 8:00 1\M., 25 \Y. 7th Call 4-8241 for information initiated by the COBURN FILM SHOP of EUGENE Former Ducks LeadAAUQuint To Denver Meet Dale Warberg, Paul Sowers, and Will Urban, Oregon vursity basket ball luminaries, participated in the National AUU Basketball Tourna ment at Denver last week. The former Duck hoop artists led Everybody's Drug of Eugene to UR third round of the tourney before they were dropped by the classy Denver Chevrolet quintet. Sowers and Warberg. members of the 1949 Duck varsity, played for Everybody's throughout the present season and sparked their triumph over the McMinnville Na tional Guard in the state champion ship clash. I rlmn, ade .vuueu Urban, a 1950 Duck performer, anil Keith Wade of Southern Ore gon Normal joined the squad as it left for Denver. Everybody’s took an easy win in the first round at Denver but had a bad scare from Metz Service of Lin coln, Neb , in the second round. For ward Urban scored 10 of his 12 points during the first half and Everybody's led 31-2-1 at the inter mission. Center Wade, held to a single field goal during the first half, broke loose for seven more during the second half to salvage the 56-48 Everybody's victory. Just after the intermission, the Metz quintet rallied to narrow the gap to 34-31. Then Everybody’s bounced back as Wade dropped in two of his field goals, Sowers con tributed a third, and Urbun dunked two free throws. Chevroleth Koll Denver Chevrolet smashed Every body's Drugs 64-35 in the third round of the tournament. Wade gave the Eugene squad their only lead as he sank a free throw for the first score of the tilt. Denver then pulled ahead, but Wade deadlocked the score 5-5 by tipping one in a few moments later Denver then tallied seven consecu tive points and later increased the lead to 22-16. Sowers sank n long two-pointer and Urban potted two free throws to cut tlie Denver lead to 22-20 at halftime. Utilizing a devastating fast break, the automobile outfit out scored tlie Eugene club 42-15 during tlie second half. Everybody’s mis sed the basket 23 consecutive times immediately after tlie intermission ended. Senior Men.Order Now For Delivery By Commencement Your University of Oregon Official Ring! Prices 10K Gold Onyx. Synthetic Ruby or Jilne Spirel . Synthetic Tourmaline.. $26.50 28.50 29.50 Sterling' $15.75 17.75 18.75 Order through ALUMNI OFFICE {student Lmon I'll 0-131 i-r.xt. 03/ TO!’ AND SIDES of the new University of Oregon ring are shown above. On the left, the University seal, anil on the right, Heady hail. First set of the official rings w ill he ready in July. Duck Track Team Schedules Relays Oregon's Welifoot track men started this week on serious work* outs alter several'weeks of preparatory conditioning. hirst cinder competition for the I)ucks this year will he oil April 7. a week from Saturday, in the Willamette relays again t ()rcgoti State and several small colleges from around the north* w est. This meet will take the place of the annual Oregon State Ore lids vear. Track Coach uni uowerman evaluated his squad of thla year as being "fairly strong," but he added that the final Judgement must cornu In competition. Candidates Work Out With candidates for the green and yellow thin clad outfits working out this week, a break-down of events shows the following personnel: Mile and two-mile Strong with the return of Jack Hutchins, divi sion champ last year, and Art Back* lund. Hutchins will probably run the mile while Backlund 1h figured to get the nod for the two mile work. Bowerman commented that both men are looking good in early season work. Several others are to be considered for distance work Hus from the 1960 Fresh squad. Put Dignan, and other possibilities. Half and tJuarter-Mllers Half-mile and quarter-mile Walt McClure is back for another year at the two-lap event. Jack Countryman, and A1 Bulller will bo strong contenders in any division -140 race. Others in the middle dis tances include Klvin Reynolds, Jack IjOftls and Bill Briot. Sprints Returning from tin* sprint team of last year are Jack Smith and Mitch Cleary, who finish-* ed third in ND competition. 1'p from the Frosh is fast little Jerry" Mock. low nu rules uennm nuiivau anu Jack Smith give the Webfoots hop>; for points in this event. High hurdles This is probable the weakest event for the Ducks* Several possibilities are working out. but none has experience. Bow-1 erman listed as candidates for the highs Bill Thorsby, Ralph Risley. George Guldager, Tom Swnlm an I Larry Blunt. Smith Again Broad jump Don McClure, up from the Krosh. and the versatile Jack Smith will leap the pit for Oregon. High jump Smith again will be in on this event. The beat prospectj said Bowerman, is big Emery Barns es, but the lanky Jumper is now out for spring football and the may im pede his jumping practice. Guldag er can also be considered for thi. event, Bowerman said. Pole vault Another weak one for Oregon. Ed Robinson and Jim Jolly, though both without too much experience, will take the long stick for the Ducks. No Smith Shot put Hale Paxton returns with experience. Chet Noe and Bob Craig will also heave the metal sphftl e. Discus Bob Anderson and Herb Noe give the Ducks powerful strength in this event. Noe may also spin the platter. Javelin Oregon hu. almost a sure first placer in Chuck MisfeUlt,, who won the ND last year. Another strong contender w ill be Karl Stole. Slelle is a senior, but this year will not lie out for spring football, ns ho has been in the past, Bowerman said he and his stu dent assistant, George Rasamu; sen, w'ill run the frosh and varsity pros pects through an all-squad nr et on Hayward field at 11 n.m. Friday. IM Competition Begins Monday According to Everett Ferry, in tramural spring sports will begin April 2 when softball, tennis and goll' competition begins. Kntry blanks will be sent to all living or ganizations by this weekend, Ferry said. ^ After fall and winter playoffs in eight sports, Minturn leads the point-parade with 07!). The next four organizations are Phi Delta Theta, 637; Alpha Tan Omega, 629; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 587; and Sigma Chi, 505.