ylrr* I'* mi** )k (wire Hi 1 ►»*•»'• out; br WIH-. ^RATIONS an ULORING [nblS«25 French Slate Meeting 'fiihle Kraniuliie mill is-n The|e niilci, Krenlr, H,.,f)|U l*iwU Hoorn. 218, 211 215 Ml; 11 <5 tt.m. < h'ml«tr> lb-pt 110 M| Miinlll.- Mrr.- < omm , 111 nr Inl'l l.iim hi-on, 112 Ml' •journalism Hchnul, 113 si 12 noon — Otrl Mrmif l.unc h.on, Itallrnum Ml I :30 p.m. — l*hl H.ta Alumni, 211 Ml i p.m. — Htuate Kledermaus With Eng lish sub-title* will be shown in technicolor along with '.Ski Para dise,' a short on Austrian winter ports The latter film, provided by the Austrian Foreign students, is m English Showings will be at 1 p in and 7 30 p m Admission price is 18 t ents Part of the proceeds will be contributed to the foreign student fund Harber Injured InAutoAcciaent Inter-fraternity Council Presi dent Bill Harber is still undergo ing treatment of injuries suffered «h<- imd five other student.'' were Involved in an auto accident Thursday r.ight llarbrr ts presently in the Uni versity infirmary after having been moved there fnmi Sacred Heart Hospital He was the only one of the i arty who received ser ious hurts The accident occured as the group was returning to the cam pus following their visit to an eat ing place on the north side of Eu gene Their car. being driven by Matt V ran i ran. struck a truck parked on the highway, smashing the right side of the vehicle. Harber suffered a smashed hand j and head and chest cuts. YTanizan. Ed Peterson. Dick McLaughlin. Tim VVrightson. and Bill Carey all escaped with slight cuts and bruises. You'll never find opportunity j knocking around with other knock el s COMING SUNDAY; "Son of the Shiek" | starring Rudolph Valentino A romantic, red blooded drama, teeming with tem pestuous love-mak ing in the pictur esque setting of the Great Sahara. Show iiitfs 2 :50 \ 4:15 1 'rice 50c STUDENT UNION BALLROOM EMERALD ADS BRING RESULTS THAT DRIVE HOME SPRING VACATION REQUIRES PREPARATION ii lir-t for • OH. CHANGE* ^ TVSK-l PS • GKEAHK JOBS 0 BKAKKH AJDUSTED WALDERS ASSOCIATED SERVICE "Let's Get Associated” 11 tit & Hilyard Dial 4-0161 r Youno Ladies • NEW SPORTS CLOTHES KORET-WHITE STAG • FIRST STOCK SWIM SUITS • NEW SPRING COTTONS • SWEATER-LINGERIE CLEAR ANCE I Specials for Spring Shoppe. 527 MAIN' I’li. 7-97-K) SPRINGFIELD An Arrow Shirt Makes A Man Look His Best In The Easter Parade! ft* Before you leave for Easter vacation, he sure to $>et a supply of your favorite Arrow white shirts and Arrow ties . . . at your Arrow dealer now! Shirts S3.95 up Ties SI up f^j) ARROW SHIRTS&TIES ■_ARROW y UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS l '85!7'95l3C