Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1951, Page Seven, Image 7

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I’laoo your u<] ut tin:' .Student
Union, main dealt or at thn
Shack, In nornon or phono oxt.
310, between 2 and 4 p.m.
Itatiw: Unit Inacrtlon 4c a
word; MUbiio4|iiont Inacrtlon*,
2c per word.
Room or Room & Hoard. 234 E.
11th, Hi. 5-11643. M
Room for male Htudent, $4 week.
Kitchen privileges. 713 E. 13th
Ph. 5-7728. 93
Typing at home. Dictation if de
sired. Experienced, reasonable.
2274 Onyx, Phone 51208. 93
Sewing of all kinds. 388 East 11th.
Phone 5-0420. 93
ALTERATIONS: Dressmaking, Al
terations, Drapes. 391 West 8th.
Phone 5-4519. 93
SEWING: Sewing and alterations.
Reasonable. Phone 5-1342. 93
SEWING of all kinds. 388 East
11th. Phone 5-0420. 93
EOK SALE: New Canadian ski
boots, size 8. Phone 3-1235 even
ings. 93
FOiTsaLE: 1938 Plymouth.
2 door Sedan. Sealed beams, new
battery. Good condition $150.00.
Call 5-0875. 93
i-OK SALE: Cndcrwood typewrit
er slightly used. Phone Ext. 443,
Norman Uenke.
FOR SALE: 1948 Willys Jeepater.
Call Mary Hall 4-3244.
in ’51?
1 Round Trip <00 A
via Stoamship *Ov *
2 Choice of ovor 100
Studonl Class, Travel
Study and Conducted
^ *581,
Write for folders, sitting your
requirements end interests.
University Travel Company,
official bonded agents for
all lints, has randarad
afficiant traval sarvica on a
business basis since 1926.
Harvard Sq., Cambridge. Mass.
•‘The Magnificent Yankee’
with Louis Cal hem and
Ann Harding
with Van Heflin and
Yvonne De Carlo
“I'll Get By”
“The Breaking Point”
with John Garfield and
Patricia Neal
“Halls of Montezuma”
with Richard Widmark
“Belle Starr”
“The Fighting Lady”
W " r ’> iliOF I f | P I
AWS Issues Constitution
(Continued from pane ii.r)
The Vice pi evident .if AWN elnill act in an
advisory capacity.
Sec. S Iii«tir-«t
!• dlall hr ! |jr dut\ of tilt* I1U lithe it of tin
AUS ( "iilft'i' i«> itj>it-int Mini to cxpie
tin- opinions r.f tlifii living <>rK;ini/atifin«, to
inform said living 01 gani/ationi of .ill AHA
actions and derision* ;unl to »anv out ..I!
duties delegated to them hr thr A W N cahiuc t.
Article VII—Activity Board
See 1 Nairn
Ihrrr 'hall hr an activity ImimmI of tin
organization to he hiioMn as the A\VS
Activity Hoard.
Sre 2 .Membership
Saul AWN Activity Hoard shall eon*i*t
'of the activity chairman from each women’s
I hvintf organiration and (hides.
Nee. t Meetings
I Kegular meetings of thr AWS Aitivif)
I Hoard shall l>r held twice a mouth at tin
time and place designated by a majotily \«;t'
of thr mrmher*,
j Sec. 4 Duties
It shall l«e the duty of the meinhers of the
| AWS Activity Hoard to represent their
I living organization, bringing all prohni
amf suggestion* concerning activttir- to the
hoard meeting*, to stimulate interest in ;«<
tivitie* at the f'nivrrsity ot Oregon, and to
«arry out all duties delegated to them hy the
AW S • ahinrt.
Article VIII—Carnpu* Social Chairman
Sec 1 Name
Ihrrr shall hr a campus social chairman
ior the I’mvrrsity of Oregon.
^ec. 2 Qualifications ami Appointment
llir campus social «hair man shall 1m- a
Senior girl appointed hy thr President of
AWS with the majority approval of the
Sec. A Duties
It shall he thr duty of the campus social
'hanman to call and preside over all .ne«t
mgs of thr social chairmen of living otgain/a
tions; to ap(*«mt all c ommittee chan men a*
thr group shall derm necessary ; to announce
what dress shall hr in order for all I ni
\ rr sit y *pon*<4refl event*; anil to he a
mrmhrr of thr AW S Council.
Article IX—Amendment*
fire. I
Amendments i< thin constitution hall l>»
submitted in writing to the executive i-Mninl
for approval or rejection. If anproved, the
proposed amendment t all he printed at l< a~f
iwi" in the Oicgon I >aih hmerald. aftet
whic h it alia 11 I/' voted on at a ‘pf'ial election
'ii at any regular or special mas- meeting
t.il air. i eg it la r or special / lotion i. Tin
Ait-frafiati ballot -hall be u-ed. Of the J4Mi
ha Hot * which must he ca-t m order to yah
date an election, two third* of this said
number hall he affirmative in order that the
ante ndjneiit do pa ■
Article X — Ratification
In accordanc e v* ,tli the ptovisioit for am
euclnic ni f Article 9, eel ion l) appearing in
the old < on-titntn>n for the Associated
Women Students of tin I 'niver-ity of Orcjtcrti,
thi» constitution ‘hall take effect, and -hall
thereafter !*• the supreme law of the Associ
ated Women Student* < f the f'tiivtr-ity of
Oregon upon Mtlmiissicju of tin* ronsfitufi«*n,
in w tiling to the executive council for its
approval; and upon approval, the printing of
this u>nst|tntion in (),< Oregon I)aily Ktner
a Id at lea-t enter; and after printing. the -ub
misccioti of this constitution at an flection of
the A -oruMeci Women Student* at which
time a special election -hall he held and JOO
ballots, nominal!) ealle*I .\u-tralian ballots,
must he c ast in artJer to validate the- election,
two thirds of the n '.el number of ballot, cat
favoring tlie adoption of this constitution.
the • amptiH social chairman of the Inivcr
sity of (Jregui.
S< c . .1 I hitic - t
It -hall h»- the elnty of the executive council {
Shideler to Speak
Fred Shideler, Ivad of the journ
alism department at Oregon State
College, will diacim.s the coverage
of agricultural news in the advanc
ed reporting class at 11 a.m. Thurs
day. 105 Journalism.
* . - - -* *
Sophs, juniors and seniors
KNOW how delicious, choco
laty and wholesome is the
4 TOOTSIE ROLL. We’ve been
f advertising it in this paper for (
! over a year.
i Get acquainted frosh, to this
mouth- waterihg chewy candy
Obtained on y.nir campus, in alt
stores where good candy is sold.
You’ll love *
Only 3 weeks till Easter...
Here's our best-selling 4-way suit
that’s a hit because it expands your
wardrobe, costs so little. Jacket, two
skirts, reversible vest in rayon gab-'
'ardine with rayon crepe linings, hand-:
made details. New shades. Miss’ sizes.]
What's a wise investment for Spring?
Wards all-wool suede, gabardine or
fleece toppers that go everywhere,
look smart, are priced low. Rayon
linings, careful tailoring, colorful new
shades—see them now! Miss’ sizes.
Trim crease-resistant rayon gabardine
with the emphasis on tailoring and
dean cut lines. A basic casual you'll
live in all summer long. Navy, beige,
cqua, shrimp, gold or lilac. Sizes 9-15.