Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1951, Page Six, Image 6

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Women Students Issue Revised Constitution
?! C 0
V V. the women students of the l niversity
i 1 trejron. in order to foster the best interests
i omen students oi the rnivers.it> of Ore
> do ordain and establish this constitution.
Article I—Name and purpose
Se'Mon I Name
i he name of this organization shall l*t
"The A sociated Women Students of the
l‘niversit\ of Oregon.”
See. J Purpose
The purpose ut this organization shall ne
1. to promote acquaintance and friendship j
among Its meml»eis; to ftiruish a medium ;
through which the social standards ot the
l noersit> ot Orison ma> he elevated and;
maintained; to inagurate. aid. and promote
projects or activities for the henefit ol its
mem hers ; and 4. to aid and coupe i ate with .ill
oujaui/ations in which tin* .\W S have interest
Article II—Member ship
See. 1 Active members „ . . ,
I be membership of the AW S sh.ill include
all wi»meti members of the student ot
the I'niversitv ot Oregon nml the Associate
hirectot ot Student Allan s in Charge ot
Women for the I’niversitv ot Oregon.
See. Honorary Membership
Standing honorary metnheis shall include
the wile ot the President of the I'niversity ot
JlouiA' /\*un&biQ*Uf
9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
MON., MARCH 19th
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Otcgnu, mul thr President of tl*rr Oregon
Mother's Chill. Other «vflint'll who have Riven
imitt:iiitliiik mm vice to the Cmvei siiy of
I begun mav he granted honorary member
ship fot hie hy .1 nuyority vole o( those
ine-ent at any regular meeting of the AWS
Kxecutive Council.
Article 111—Meeting*
A meeting of .ill of the members shall he
held at least once during the >e:u Jot the
IMtipoM of nominating olfierri*. .Meetings of
lli, . nine membrrshin, othn than the meeting
iuictofore mentioned, shall he called at the
liscietion of the executive council on the
,, .nun. ml at ion 't the President
Annie IV—Associated Women Students’
Sec. 1 Officers
The ofticers of this organization -Imll hr a
President, a \ ice presiilent. a Secretary, a
I'reasiirei. a Sergeant at anus, and a l<e
Mirier. The above named officers shall com
n isr ;he AW S l aliinet.
s,e. Chi.'dihcatioio*
l h jursidcnt and vice inesident hull hr
■ ••uiin.ited from women who are members of
he jo not class, thr secretary and the liras
II ri hall he nominated from women who are
nemhers of the sophomore class, the repot ter
oid 1 e sergeant at aims shall he nommatcfl
11 tin women who arc members of the fresh
sec. .1 Klecthms
At an executive council meeting at the
list i»i the winter term the President shall
ippomt .1 nominating committee which shall
ludiidc all seuioi members of the executive
•ottticil Thr President shall act as chairman
»f said committee
\ meeting of all of the members «.f the
\W S shall hr held wintei term dining which
lomiiiations shall he presented hy the uomm
iing committee and additumal nominations
■nay hr made from the floor of said meeting.
Ivlections shall he held the same day, follow
tig the nominating assembly. Kadi officer
• !■ ill ha*e a majority of the I On haliots, which
-mist he cast to validate an election.
set. 4 Installation and Oath
In.Ualtation of the newly rlecterl officers
.hall he In Id within si* weeks after their
•lection, the time and place of said installation
lo Ik- decided hy the President.
At tin* installation, the newly elected offi
vi's shall take the following oath; "I, (tiamc),
pledge myself to perform the duties of
loifice) t > the 1 *est ot my ability.”
sec. 5 Impeachment
l-\»r failing to faitlifully pet form the duties
• l this constitution or othci g**«.d and sub
(tantial cause, any ofiicers may In- impeached
!»> a three fourth* vote at a hearing of the
AWS Council at which the Axaociatr Direc
tor of Student Affairs 111 Charge of Women
Sf (< Vacancies
The President, with the approval of 10
menilters of the executive council, shall Idl
vacancies in elective offices.
ft the office of President shall lie vacant,
the \ ue prudent shall become president
If thr oltice of tmCh President and Vice
president shall Ik* vacant, then the Kxecutivc
t'oiincil, ui the exercise • »f its sound duo re
turn. dial! fill both offices hy the approval i*f
in of its mrtnlH-rs
S»c. 7 Duties «d Officer*
t'lausr 1 : President. It shall hr the duty of
the President to call and preside over all
meetings of the entire membership 01 the
AW s a.;d t" preside over all meetings of the
AWS Kxecutive council and cabinet; to fill
all vacancies on the AWS Cabinet as pro
The Indian Sign is on them for sure . . . our splashy
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vided iii Nrrlion (t of thin article; to appoint
a social chairman as |»rovi<l«*t| in Article X of
tins Constitution; l" ilurrl cabinet members
to in t as adviser x to i hair men of var mu* com
mittees as required; to repicsrnt all wmiirn
>tndeut * on all committer' when- she is a
inrml). i by virtu** of bring AWS jnrMiU-nt ;
to place an annual rrpoit m th«* inonU of
this oi K-iiu/ation containing a dr*n iptmn of
the, year's activities an«l Miggritioii* loi the
future; to icprrsent thr 01 Kam/ation on all
oi rasiulis including national and regional
roil vent lolls ; to ait as a cooidmatoi oi all
women's »< tivitir* on thr l invnsiti o» Or**
Kdti i a in ini s ; .iii«1, to • ai ry out all othet ilutir i
pertaining to hri offu-r.
Clause J Vice president. It shall be thr
i duty of tin* Vice piesident I" prruidr ovri nil
meeting*, am! t*» otherwise iiwaimc the iolc of
Pi rodent shouhl thr Pi rodent hr ahsrnt. ot
hIioiiM thr office of President hr vacant ; to
art as .id visri on parliamentary rules; t-<
manage all elections; to hr in charge * * f thr
( oustituttoil and all amendment* thereof; t -
orgamre und preside over thr A W S 1 oil(|rrs-.,
to hr responsible for tlif AWS I'hohu ship
awarded during *prmg inni; and. to iiity
out all other duties pn tilniiti to her office.
Clause A: Secretary It shall la tl»e dut
of the secretary to keep records of all viler!
mus «.f AW S C onn. il and . alnnrt , to ( 'indue t
all necessary c«irre»pondeiicc; to keep a cal
rudai of activities ; to oigunue and supervisr
thr AWS Activity Hoard; to have rhai*r ot
all manuM-Tipt*. papri. iecord», and sinulai
property of thr oi gam/ution ; and to i atr>
.nit all oihrr duties pluming to her office.
Clause 4 Treasurer It shall he the dut'
of thr tiruoirri t*> act as juiaitcial advisrt of
i;i li committer apjmintrd liy tin- president .
to Ih- chairman of the fman. < *oiuinitter ; t >
In rp the rueciitivc coil mil mforifird at all
time of thr financial condition of thr 014.110
ration, to |Hty all lulls through thr adviser;
to see that permanent records of financial
transactions a.e kept; and to carry out all
other duties pertaining to her office
( luiist Sergeant at ■arms It shall he tin
duty of the srrg ra lit at Alins t . krrp older at
all meetings, to procure a place meeting
and to notify inrmlm of the inertings, *0 he
111 charge of the AWS ofltie; to ke.
scrap'M»ok ; and to cairy out all other dulir*
pertaining to her office
Clause ft. Keportei It shall he the duty of
the rei*«»rler to see that proper publicity is
given all matters concerning thr AWS; t»
have general supervision of all notices and
publication , and to carry out all other dulirs
pertaining to her office.
See. X Meetings and Duties of the Associ
ated W omen Student Cabinet
The \ssociated Women Student Cabinet
shall hold a regular meeting .nice each week.
I br time of said inerting shall Iwr determined
l»> thr . abinrt.
1 hr President may, from time to time, call
• iich sjM-eial inertings of the cabinet a» she
may derm necessary and proper
ft shall hr the dull of the cabinet to d»'
< ilss atul comdinate the liutir* of the ic»t*e.
tive members thereof; to formulate the plan
.»fid jMillctri of thr lt**d W omen Stlglmi
of thr l niversity of Otrgoii; to Appoint all
committee chairmen for AWS sponsored
• vents; In s#*-k the advice and aid of the
Kareninr Council upon all mi|>mi»i>i mat
ter*. and at such other times as the cabinet
• hall deem necessary and prof»er , and t<»
tarry on all functions and routine business
■ «f thr Associated Women Students of the
( niversity of Oregon
Article V—Eaecutivc Council
See I Name
There shall Ik* an executive council f,(
this organisation to he known t\- the l.urn
five Council of the A- »« laird Women Stu
dents of the I 'niversity of Oregon.
Sec. I \lrm'wi*hlp
Said executive council shall con i t of the
member* of the cabinet and the following
nresiiiriits of Mm 14 r flour'd, Phi ThetA
ip‘ilon. Kw mil. YWCA. W*AA. Orides, the
heads of houses of the I'm versify of Oregon.
AWS Congress. AWS Activities Board, and
to coordinate the a.tivitirs of lie various u»
gtni/uiiiMH represented thrfnrn; and to aid
and advise the cabinet in for itMiUting its
j plan* and polirte*.
See. 1
Said executive council shall have the jw.wer
to impeach im officer of thr AWS tnvTrr
j Article 4, sec 5. and shall have the Cower
t-> approve the president's appointee* to fill
vacu 111. 1 • •* in elective offices itud/t Aiticle 4.
section it. rind thr president’s apjwuuter for
> ampits social chairman under Article M.
See *
'I heir shall be more than nine meniber*
jnrs-iit at a meeting where impeachment i*
involved or where approval of a picsuleut
appointee i* to Ik* made.
Article VI—AWS Cong re**
See. I Name
I here shall l»e a Congress of this organi/a*
tiun to be known as thr AW S Congies*
See. 2 Mmibrrship
Said AWS Congress shall cnn*i*t of one
jc present a rive from each women'* living
organisation and Glides.
Sec 1 Meetings
Regular meetings of the AWS Cui.TMt*
-ha.I br held twice a mouth at thr tune ®hd
pine designated by thr president of thr AW S
| otigrco* of by a majority vote of thr mem
See. 4 Officer*
I he officers of thin organisation shall be a
president and a secretary-treasurer.
(Phase turn to paf/e seven)
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